the final installment...
In 98, No Funny Business jived, waltzed and bootscooted its way through six decades of closetdom in a sellout season of finger-poking fun.
In 99, Lots More Funny Business served up prime chunks of lesbian and gay lives to packed houses in a mixed grill of music and comedy.
Now for 2000, the final installment - Life is a Funny Business. The big boss god Zeus and his entourage of gods-in-training, goddesses and godettes, hit the streets to see what Sydney, notorious Olympic and Millennium City, is all about.
And what a sight they see! Queens on King St, Dykes in Leichhardt, Bi's on Bondi. The gods ask themselves, 'Surely with all this waxing, plucking and buffing going on the Olympics have returned to their origins and everyone will compete naked!' So, what can the gods do but change sex at will and make sport cavorting at Mardi Gras. Unable to resist this luscious possibility, Centaurs chase scene queens, the Fates follow fashion victims, and mere mortals are mobbed by Muses in this capricious, all-singing all-dancing romp.
But will anyone notice? Will anyone care? It's a long way from Athens to Olympic Sydney but when it comes down to it, the gods may get their ecstasy, but they're still only tourists.
Life is a Funny Business is directed by Gill Falson and written by Donna Abela, Sue Bonaretti and Gina Schien with lyrics by Colleen Cook, musical direction from Andrew Davidson, Choreography by Danelle Denny, Set Design by Tom Bannerman, Lighting Design by Tony Youlden and performed by an absolutely gorgeous all star cast of 16.
Contact Christopher Wynton at More Publicity on Telepone: [+61] 02 9908 4644 or 0419 999 607 Email: