Annandale Short Historical Walks
Paperbacks and eBooks

by Marghanita da Cruz

About the Series | Newsfeed | 1890s Annandale | Federation Annandale | Annandale's Great War | 1920s | 1930s | 1940s | 50s | '60s Annandale | '70s Annandale

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'70s Annandale: A Short Walk

by Marghanita da Cruz

Cover Illustration by Santiago Diaz

Blog: '70s Annandale

1970s and 1870s Annandale

19 people came on the guided walk of 70s Annandale as part of the Hunter Baillie Church Open Day on 19 May 2024. They shared their stories and connection with Annandale! These stories are important, for history to inform the present and shape our future. So, often we have been here before!

Johnston St August 1979 Tribune negatives including uranium protest prank, Annandale and Newtown demonstrations, New South Wales, August 1979 Copyright status:: In copyright Copyright holder:: SEARCH Foundation Creative Commons license: Reproduction and rights for the images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 BY International Licence. Under this licence you are free to copy, distribute, remix and build upon this content as long as you acknowledge the State Library of New South Wales and the SEARCH Foundation Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy SEARCH Foundation More Photos at
Sale of Annandale Estate, Petersham. Collections of SLNSW, Z/SP/L5
Collections of State Library of New South Wales. Z/SP/P12