Elected a Leichhardt Ward Councillor on 9 September 2017 (Leichhardt Ward renamed Gulgadya Ward in December 2018)
Marghanita da Cruz wants to build a community with good footpaths to public transport, community centres and green spaces. Facilities to help us lead active lives. An environment in which we look after our waterways, and harness energy from the sun and wind.
Contact | Bio | Map of the Leichhardt Ward | Donate | Check Enrollment
What has Marghanita been doing? Blog - 2019 onwards | NewsFeed 2017-8 |December 2018 | November 2018 | October 2018 | September 2018 |August 2018 | July 2018 | June 2018 | May 2018 | Spotlight on the approval of Westconnex M4-M5 Link | April 2018 | March 2018| February 2018| Annandale to Lilyfield, 4 Feb 2018 | January 2018 | November-December 2017 | September-October 2017 | Solar our Community | Election Diary | Campaign Log: June | 1-10 July | 11-31 July | August | September
Raised Pedestrian Crossing Markings -
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1 - St David's Church 150th Anniversary Sign and Flags
SMH: WestConnex final stage gains approval despite lack of junction design
Extracts: Approval - Heritage - Dilapidation
WestConnex M4-M5 Link Documents (Planning NSW)
emerging and unrepresented artists
painting drawing sculpture assemblage mixed media
Aaron Anderson, Freya Jobbins, Jacqueline Rose, Susanna Strati, Charles Walker view exhibition
Good to meet Freya Jobbins and see her amazing heads and masks made from dolls
April 24 Issue: Page 1 and Page 4 ((City Edition)). Also page 4 of West Edition.
Westconnex M4-M5 Truck Route
Rozelle air Quality monitoring station under construction 16 April 2018
Air Pollution, Rozelle Air Quality Monitoring Station and Haberfield School
Norton Street to the Women's Shed for their birthday party. 445 to Dulwich Hill and 444 back to Norton Street Leichhardt
Motion: (Da Cruz/Porteous)
THAT Council update the existing banner and re-hang it on Norton Street (or if not available, another prominent location) to promote the 2018 Heritage Festival Open Day at the Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil
Source April 10 minutes: https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/Open/2018/04/C_10042018_MIN.htm#PDF2_ReportName_56450
THAT Council update the existing banner and re-hang it on Norton Street (or if not available, another prominent location) to promote the 2018 Heritage Festival Open Day at the Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church.
The Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church hosts an annual Heritage Festival Open Day. This year's event will take place on Sunday 22nd April from Noon to 4pm. The afternoon includes free organ recitals on the recently restored Hill and Son Organ at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm by Ralph Lane OAM; Devonshire Teas in the 1886 Hall, a Sausage Sizzle in the gardens, exhibitions of Annandale History & Church Memorabilia and Talks on Church History.
The restoration of the organ began in 1997 with matching grants from the Heritage Council of NSW. Over 20 years, $85,000 has been raised by the church by hosting thirteen seasons (over 39 concerts) of Spring Festivals of Music with patron Roger Woodward and selling Music CDs. The State Heritage Register Statement of Significance[3] of the Church and Hall states
Memorial Church is one of the last and certainly one of the finest examples of 'archaeological' Gothic in New South Wales. It shows none of the influence of later Victorian modifications of Gothic evident in the Church Hall (1886). The interior is unremarkable and the variety in the styles of the arches is confusing. The tower and spire are probably the best in Sydney and have dominated the 'planned' suburb of Annandale for many years. It is associated with the architects Cyril and Arthur Blacket and is one of the last major churches in the State built entirely by private philanthropy. (National Trust and Heritage Office files) Date significance updated: 21 Feb 07" -,Ralph Lane with assistant Organ Restorer and Bellows
The Heritage Council of NSW[4] says “Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, School Hall: Simplified Gothic polychrome moulded brick with dressed sandstone mullions in the windows and open timbered roof. Original proportions were 50 feet long, 22 feet wide and 28 feet high. Belfry and bell at the centre of the roof (since removed). Additions at the western end (1911, and in modern times). Suggestion of the influence of John Horbury Hunt in the design. (Heritage Office files)”
"The 1890 William Hill & Son Organ is one of only six Hill & Son organs in NSW to have survived in original condition and is particularly distinguished because of its unique case." - The Heritage Council of NSW
Church's Heritage Committee plea:
The Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church Annandale is blessed with a dedicated congregation; the congregation however, is not as large as it used to be and is ageing. In order for the work of the church, both temporal and spiritual, to be effective, the church’s band of supporters needs to grow, and for this, outreach is needed. The National Trust Heritage Day is one such form of outreach, attracting people from all faiths (or none), and all backgrounds. A complete restoration is estimated to cost $4 million, which is beyond our current means. Heritage Day will publicise the need for this restoration to continue. Although there is money available for heritage expenditure, this has come solely from donors who have pledged their money for stone, glass or organ repairs; not for paid advertising. Therefore, the Council fee of $2,400 is a prohibitive one and we request that Inner West Council waives this.
The heritage significance of the church is without dispute. Although the Presbyterian population of Australia was never more than 10% the achievements of this mostly Scottish group were remarkable. Dr H G Woffenden states, “as a complete unified example of hard decorated Gothic based on English work of the ‘forties the Hunter Baillie was unique in the colony…this rare specimen… proved to be the last elaborately detailed stone church in NSW”. The spire alone is remarkable, being the tallest in the state. The organ was made by Hill and Son of London, cost 4,000 pounds, and is one of the best Hill and Son organs in Sydney. Norton Street banner advertising will announce the chance to hear this recently-restored instrument to music lovers.
The 3 recitals have been programmed by Ralph Lane OAM to demonstrate versatility of the instrument as follows:
1pm —(German repertoire) Buxtehude, Merkel, Rheinberger, J.S. Bach
2pm —(French repertoire) Franck, Guilmant, Vierne
3pm — (Mixed‘European’ repertoire) S.S. Wesley (English), Jongen (Belgian), Pärt(Estonian), Gade (Danish)
Resource Implications:
Staff have indicated that it would cost $100 to update the banner. Fee to book the location is $598.50 (including GST).
(http://www.leichhardt.nsw.gov.au/About-Council/Bookings/Banners#Feereductions viewed 29 March 2018
After managing to miss the 438 and 370, headed for Norton Street and caught the M10 to UTS.
After a hot walk along Lee, Regent then Cleveland Streets I joined Dawn Walker, MP and Louise Steer - Greens Councillor, Stanmore Ward, Inner West Council for a Metropolitan Land Council cultural tour of Redfern. [More about Metropolitan Land Council Tours: http://metrolalc.org.au/services-resources/site-tours/]
The tour finished at Redfern Park, where Paul Keating's words are engraved in a paver.
Uncle Jimmy explained to us that the Japanese believe it is important to hear the words and so, he read Paul Keating's word's to us on the spot that they were uttered in 1992.
Paul Keating's words on the Plaque:
It was we who did the dispossessing. We took the traditional lands and smashed the traditional way of life.
We brought the diseases. The alcohol. We committed the murders.
We took the children from their mothers. We practised discrimination and exclusion.
It was our ignorance and our prejudice. And our failure to imagine these things being done to us.
With some noble exceptions, we failed to make the most basic human response and enter into their hearts and minds.
We failed to ask — how would I feel if this were done to me?” - The plaque was one of the final wishes of Aboriginal activist Solomon Bellear who was the MC on December 10 in 1992 when Mr Keating delivered the Redfern address ... https://nit.com.au/plaque-will-enshrine-echoes-redfern/
Walking along Flood Street, I discovered the @floodstmarket and joined a footpath conversation about the dangerous speeding at the roundabout at Lord's Road.
Also noted and reported the damaged pedestrian crossing sign at the Flood Street/Lord's Road Leichhardt roundabout.
After the Kegworth Fair, I headed down Upward Street to check out the Kolotex site development including the path through the site connecting Upward Street to George Street, Leichhardt.
Kerb blisters could be better designed to support street trees and reduce runnoff.
A very nice breakfast at Kegworth School Fair to the music of the junior school band and the senior choir. Breakfast was the first falafel sale of the day.
Joined parents and kids on the straw bales for the official opening by Jamie Parker and the acknowldgement of country by one of the students.
On Sunday morning on the way to the Autumn Fair, I checked out the repairs to the footpath and lawn planted outside Kegworth School. The works also included the removal of the disused driveway that was endangering children and the installation of safety banners safety banners.
This work follows my onsite meeting (in the pouring rain) with council's traffic engineers, safety officer and the principal of the school on 20th October 2017 at the instigation of Christine M and her son who attends Kegworth.
I haven't forgotton the request for the pedestrian crossing at Tebbut Street.
Nice cool walk from Annandale to Kegworth School Fair on Sunday morning. Ripe olives, bouganvillia and old salt glazed drain pipe along the way.
Repaired by 27 April in two stages.
A pleasant interlude on your way home or out for an evening promenade on Norton or Marion Street in the heart of Leichhardt. Really need more modern lighting on the town hall.
There is potential to improve the quality of the water entering the river using plants through naturalisation of creeks and the construction of wetlands.
And also reducing the quantity of runoff through Water Sensitive Design in our streets and parks.
Two constructed wetlands in Annandale have become habitat for Turtles as well as removing excess nutrients...White's Creek Wetlands
Easter in Annandale is a busy day. There were services at St Brendan's Catholic Church, The Hunter Baillie Presbyterian Church and St Aidan's Anglican Church.
Local MP Jamie Parker cut the ribbon on the new Village Church Green at St Aidan's. Long time locals joined the congregation for the occasion.