Elected a Leichhardt Ward Councillor on 9 September 2017 (Leichhardt Ward renamed Gulgadya Ward in December 2018)
Marghanita da Cruz wants to build a community with good footpaths to public transport, community centres and green spaces. Facilities to help us lead active lives. An environment in which we look after our waterways, and harness energy from the sun and wind.
Contact | Bio | Map of the Leichhardt Ward | Donate | Check Enrollment
What has Marghanita been doing? Blog - 2019 onwards | NewsFeed 2017-8 |December 2018 | November 2018 | October 2018 | September 2018 |August 2018 | July 2018 | June 2018 | May 2018 | Spotlight on the approval of Westconnex M4-M5 Link | April 2018 | March 2018| February 2018| Annandale to Lilyfield, 4 Feb 2018 | January 2018 | November-December 2017 | September-October 2017 | Solar our Community | Election Diary | Campaign Log: June | 1-10 July | 11-31 July | August | September
These magnificent figs in Westmoreland Street Glebe (in the City of Sydney) gave me impetus for my amendments to last night's motion on the Reort on Community Consultation on the Tree DCP Discussion Paper.
My amendments were for:
The City of Sydney has a Significant Tree Register as does Blacktown, Bankstown, Ryde and Randwick.
"The City of Sydney Significant Tree Register has a total of 2,674 trees from 157 properties" - Saving Our Trees: We need a Significant Tree Register https://savingourtrees.wordpress.com/2018/09/12/we-need-a-significant-tree-register/
The Greater Sydney Commission has set a target of 40%: "Every 10 per cent increase in tree canopy cover can reduce land surface temperatures by 1.13 degrees Celsius" -https://www.greater.sydney/metropolis-of-three-cities/sustainability/city-its-landscape/urban-tree-canopy-cover-increased
Tree canopy in the Ashfield LGA decreased from 2009-2016 to less than 20%. Further public space in the LGA makes up only making up 30 per cent of land in the Inner West so private space plays a key part in providing tree canopy. A grants scheme could provide funding to residents to help maintain trees..... Discussion Paper, Tree DCP Amendment https://www.yoursayinnerwest.com.au/tree-dcp-amendment
Council adopted the Staff recommendation to pursue a Power Purchasing Agreement rather than build a Solar Farm in the country. More details of Council's path to Carbon Neutrality in November...3. Climate & Renewables Strategy
An example of our wonderful heritage salt glazed storm water pipes still in service under layers of bitumen and concrete.
The haste at the last council meeting to adopt the Victoria Road Marrickville DCP without an updated contributions plan came back to bite:
"4) Local Infrastructure Contribution Plans
Developer contributions and/or funds collected under Voluntary Planning Agreements can be set aside for flood mitigation works. This would require preparation of site specific Developer Contribution Plans, developed in partnership with Council’s Strategic Planning group.
Consideration would be given by Council’s Strategic Planning Group staff, to the potential inclusion of water related Infrastructure provisions within the new comprehensive Inner West Developer Contribution Plan(s) which are under early development.
One such example is the proposed redevelopment of Victoria Road Marrickville, for which a site specific Developer Contributions Plan is currently being prepared and Council is pursuing the potential inclusion of drainage upgrade works."... 8. Flood Risk Management Plans - Cost of Flood Mitigation Measures, IWC Flood Catchments, Summary of Recommended Flood Mitigation Options from completed Flood Risk Management Plans
Electric and Gearless
folding bikes, Electric Cargo Bikes and Unicycles were a big hit!
Facebook Post:Congratulations to new Deputy Mayor Victor Macri.
In the end I did not have the numbers with the 5 Labor Councillors, 2 Libs and Macri on one side and the 5 Greens and Pauline Lockie supporting my nomination.
On Local Democracy, disappointed that "Local Democracy" will take the form of hand picked members of closed committees. My amendment to have Councillors Chair the advisory committees as was the case on Leichhardt and Asfield Councils was not accepted.
On the Vic Road Marrickville DCP - Labor, Libs and Macri again rejected the chance to defer adoption of the DCP until the "Contributions Plan" was completed in a couple of months.
"Contributions Plans are prepared and allow the State and Local Government to levy a contribution towards the infrastructure needed.
Local Infrastructure contributions (S7.11 and S7.12) cover expensive things like Local roads; Traffic management; Drainage; Open space; Community facilities:Libraries,Community centres and Plan administration...." https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/policy-and-legislation/infrastructure/infrastructure-funding/development-contributions
This was ironic, given the concern that Developer had not been required to fund a Bus Stop and Pedestrian Crossing in Victoria Street Marrickville.
The Marrickville Road East Masterplan was adopted. This will see the transformation of the streetscape and provide a focussed area for a Creative Hub - while minimising the impacts on the Sydenham Industrial Area.
Marrickville Road East could well become Sydney's version of New Orleans' Frenchman Street - Norton Street, Leichhardt has potential. Anyone looking for Jazz can find it in Annandale at Johnston Street Jazz on Thursday nights and Vinery Foods on Sunday afternoons. And there are classical and folk offerings too check out Live Music Inner West
Clr Hesse (Greens) foreshadowed motion to retain the planning controls on the Sydenham Industrial Area (except for the Marrickville Road East Area) but to review this in the forthcoming LEP Update Process.
The five Labor Councillors voted against the foreshadowed motion voting instead to put pressure on the numerous small businesses who have found an rare Industrial Haven in Sydenham, where their employees can catch a train to work and there is relatively easy access to the Airport and Port Botany.
Clr Steer (Greens) motion will see council take the lead in reducing waste by starting on the journey to eliminate SINGLE USE PLASTIC straws, cups, bottles, plastic bags, cuttlery from our events.
Caught up with the locals at Ferris Lane, for a photo shoot to celebrate Council's resolution to commence closure of the lane, to find funding for the tap and to enter into a license agreement. Central News: From pavement to paradise, 12 Sep 2018
Then walked over to Stanmore Railway Station and caught the train to Rhodes, changing at Strathfield and an accidental break in the journey at Concord West.
Ignition of the 2018 Fringe Festival, Oxford Street, Darlinghurst. 1 September 2018
A so called non "single use" plastic bag can still end up in the drain! This one did in Annandale, 1 Sep 2018