Elected a Leichhardt Ward Councillor on 9 September 2017 (Leichhardt Ward renamed Gulgadya Ward in December 2018)
Marghanita da Cruz wants to build a community with good footpaths to public transport, community centres and green spaces. Facilities to help us lead active lives. An environment in which we look after our waterways, and harness energy from the sun and wind.
Contact | Bio | Map of the Leichhardt Ward | Donate | Check Enrollment
What has Marghanita been doing? Blog - 2019 onwards | NewsFeed 2017-8 |December 2018 | November 2018 | October 2018 | September 2018 |August 2018 | July 2018 | June 2018 | May 2018 | Spotlight on the approval of Westconnex M4-M5 Link | April 2018 | March 2018| February 2018| Annandale to Lilyfield, 4 Feb 2018 | January 2018 | November-December 2017 | September-October 2017 | Solar our Community | Election Diary | Campaign Log: June | 1-10 July | 11-31 July | August | September
Minutes at :https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/Open/2018/08/C_28082018_MIN_WEB.htm
Webcast at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWIjm7t-N0I
More Information at https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/art---events/events-and-festivals/footprints-ecofestival
Wonderfully diverse collection of works in different media by all ages and a wide interpretation of the theme "Around about" - challenging to award prizes - be a judge for the people's prize! - Marghanita da Cruz (one of the Judges for Heart of Annandale 2018 Competition)
Opening Night: Sat 18 August 6.30-9.30pm
Closing Celebration: Sat 25 August at 3-8PM
more information
Attended the Cook's River Congress was held at Strathfield Town Hall at 5pm on Wednesday 23 August 2018. Earlier in the day attended presentation by the CEO of the Urban Water CRC of which Marrickville Council was a partner.
Useful insights into the need to rethink the management and use of Urban Water
Swimming Pools are one of Council's most expensive Assets to operate and maintain. The State Heritage Listed Balmain Harbour Pool needs maintenance. Innundation of the shore structures including the change rooms, due to rising sea levels caused by climate change.
"Balmain Council acquired land at White Horse Point for public baths in 1880" ..Heritage Listing: Local Environmental Plan, Number:I237 Date:23 Dec 13
Puzzling why there isn't a direct path from Darley Road to the Leichhard North platform. There are traffic lights installed adjacent to the Dan Murphy Shed but pedestrians are then expected to either walk up the hill to City West Link and then backtrack to the platform or down to Charles Street and back up to the Platform - terrible that cars and trucks are given priority like this!
Thanks to Rob for bringing this to my attention and coming to speak at tonight's meeting.
I hope Lucille McKenna will accept an amendment to include access through the Dan Murphy site to the Light Rail Platform in her
Notice of Motion to write to Transport NSW and RMS about traffic lights at Hawthorne Light Rail Stop Facebook Post 21 August 2018
C0818(2) Item 3 Revised Public Access to Information held by Council Policy
Motion: (Da Cruz/Steer)
1. Council receives and notes the revised Inner West Council Agency Information Guide (Attachment 1) and place the revised Public Access to Information held by Council Policy (Attachment 2) on public exhibition for 4 weeks;
2. Quarterly reports be provided on the requests for information and whether the information could have been made publically available and not required a request; and
3. Council include a link to the Charter for Public Participation – a guide to assist agencies and promote citizen engagement, alongside the draft policy when it is publicly exhibited.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil
Absent: Cr Passas
Amendment (Porteous/Stamolis)
THAT the first GIPA for each resident be provided for no charge within a 12 month period.
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Raciti and York
Absent: Cr Passas
Minutes at https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/Open/2018/08/C_21082018_MIN_EXTRA_WEB.htm
Watch Webcast at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ1JNuI-wAM
Item No: C0818(1) Item 24
Subject: Notice of Motion: condolence motion Vale Liz Butterworth
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
That Council write a letter of condolence to the family of Liz Butterworth.
Liz Butterworth was a committed and tireless worker for our community for many years. Liz was one of the founding members of No WestConnex Annandale. She was strongly focused on informing the community about the impacts of WestConnex and the need for real investment in public transport in Sydney. She embraced the cause of stopping WestConnex with great dedication and passion and organised public meetings, pop up protests, information leaflets, newspapers and very successful rallies and marches.
Liz worked closely with many of the Councillors of the former Councils of Leichhardt, Marrickville and Ashfield and with many local community groups as an advocate for her community and against the terrible impacts of the WestConnex tollway.
Liz was also a gifted and highly respected local English teacher who loved her work and students.
Even when she was not feeling well, Liz kept organising and working hard for her community.
Liz worked so hard and did so much. She gave generously of her time and energy to the No WestConnex Public Transport campaign. She was a real local hero and she will be greatly missed.by many.
Carried over from July Agenda. Item No: C0718 Item 22 Subject: Notice of Motion: Principles of Co-operation Agreement with 'Metro' Motion: THAT the General Manager write to the CEO of the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council with a view to commencing negotiations towards the signing a Principles of Co-operation Agreement between Inner West Council and The Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council ('Metro')..C0718-22
Wonderfully diverse collection of works in different media by all ages and a wide interpretation of the theme "Around about" - challenging to award prizes - be a judge for the people's prize! - Marghanita da Cruz (one of the Judges for Heart of Annandale 2018 Competition)
Opening Night: Sat 18 August 18:30–21:30
Closing Celebration: Sat 25 August at 15:00–20:00
more information
The Eastern Region Local Government Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Forum (ERLGATSIF) was formed by 6 councils 20 years ago. Following Council Amalgamations in 2016, the member councils are now Waverly, Inner West Council, City of Sydney, Bayside and Wollahra. Clr Marghanita da Cruz represents Inner West Council on the forum.
At the conclusion of the meeting I recorded this short video of Waverley Clr Dominic Wykanak , the Chair of the Forum about the adoption of the terms of reference for the next two years. Video: Councillor Dominic Wy Kanak, Chair of ERLGATSIF
Amendment (Da Cruz/Hesse)
The inclusion of and protection of the Rail heritage at the Lewisham West Light rail station.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Crs Passas and Raciti
As the Amendment was carried it was incorporated into the Primary Motion.
Amendment to C0818(1) Item 34 was accepted without a vote: "Writing to the Department of Planning & Environment asking when the Westconnex M4 East Project the Operational Noise and Vibration Review (ONVR) will be made public."
Minutes of Meeting, 14 August 2014 and Agenda
Example of Poor Public Domain, Westconnex M4 East Portal at Parramatta Road, Ashfield and Air Quality Monitoring Station, Ramsay Street (at Northcote St) Haberfield
Facebook: Clr Marghanita da Cruz, Leichhardt Ward, Inner West Council - Greens "$17billion dollar project and no footpath on Chandos Street at the M4 East Exit on Parramatta Road Ashfield!"
Highlighting the proposed destruction of Buruwan Park.
Inner West Courier, 14 August 2018: Park Loss prompts Flash Mob
Heading into the Lantern Walk across the Pyrmont Bridge after jumping of the Tram at Pyrmont Bay.
The Lantern Walk for Public Transport
Good Turn up of well informed and effective people dealing with Westconnex.