Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 13:02:54 +1000
Dear all,
The Bays Precinct Task Force has been meeting since February. At last useful information is emerging from the main agencies (Ports, Maritime, Transport) and their priorities for future use of the bays are becoming clearer- as are the points of consensus and disagreement between the agencies and the views of the community.
The agency positions pose major challenges to the community principles and priorities laid out in the Bays Precinct CRG Report in 2010.
We think this is an important point in the TF process for members of the community to discuss developments and tactics more directly – so we have decided to hold a community meeting on Thursday 3rd May.
We will:
· Update the community on recent TF developments (Jane Marceau will also continue to issue email updates after each TF meeting)
· Identify emerging matters of concern re agency priorities and positions
· discuss community needs/priorities for the Bays Precinct including the future of Rozelle and Blackwattle Bays and the old Glebe Island Bridge
· discuss TACTICS - re the formal Task Force Community Consultation process beginning at end of May and how we can ensure our perspective is reflected in the Report to the Minister (due end of July)
This meeting is mainly for the Glebe/Pyrmont/Ultimo community. The Mayor of Leichhardt is holding community briefings and Jane Marceau – as community representative on the Task Force- will participate in those so as to avoid the need for two meetings for the Balmain/Rozelle/Annandale community.
If you want to do some homework there is a lot of information on the Bays Precinct Website:
Hope to see you on Thursday,
Jane Marceau and Lesley Lynch (Community Representative and alternative BP Task Force )
VENUE: THE WENTWORTH PARK BOARD ROOM. (enter Wentworth Park from Wattle Street)
TIME 6 -7:30PM.
Please distribute this invitation widely to your members and network. © Ramin Communications 2012. Last modified 29 Nov 2013.