UTSpeaks: Our Priceless Harbour. Sydney Harbour is world famous, but is its true value and richness invisible to most of us, especially those who will never brave its depths?more
The Bays Precinct Task Force has been meeting since February [2012]....Bays Precinct Taskforce
Photograph of "Members fo the South Australian Parliamentary standing committee on Public Works, who investigated the bulk handling of wheat yesterday at Glebe Island silos." - 1932 'INSPECTION OF BULK HANDLING OF WHEAT.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 19 April, p. 12, viewed 16 April, 2012, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16856937
"Located on the harbour two kilometres from the CBD, Bays Precinct is a key part of the Sydney Harbour foreshore. It is bounded by the suburbs of Balmain, Rozelle, Lilyfield and Annandale to the north and west, and by Glebe, Ultimo and Pyrmont in the south and east. 80-hectare site includes: Glebe Island, White Bay, White Bay Power Station, Rozelle Bay, Rozelle Rail Yards, Blackwattle Bay, Sydney Fish Market....more at www.shfa.nsw.gov.au
Members of the South Australian Parliamentary standing committee on Public Works, investigating Glebe Island silos. Photograph SMH 19 April 1932
YESTERDAY afternoon a party of gentlemen, amongst whom were the Minister for Works, Captain Martindale, R E., and Captain Ward, R.E., proceeded to Pyrmont, to witness the driving of the first pile of the bridge that will connect that suburb with Glebe Island. The bridge will cross Johnston's Bay a few feet to the north of where the steam-punts are now running." - 1860 'COMMENCEMENT OF THE GLEBE ISLAND BRIDGE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 11 October, p. 4, viewed 26 June, 2012, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13047021
Annandale to Circulary Quay via Rozelle Bay, Black Wattle Bay, Fish Markets, Darling Harbour.. more including historical photographs
The draft Plan of Management for Sydney Harbour National Park will be on exhibition until 30 April 2011.
"Precinct 11: Goat Island Page 209 of 315
Goat Island Reference Group Vision For Goat Island to be a special place of beauty and unique experience, revived and enjoyed by the public as part of the natural and cultural domain and a focal point of one of Sydney's most valuable community assets the network of national parks, reserves and visual landscapes. Through retention, conservation and promotion of its outstanding natural, Aboriginal and European cultural heritage, Goat Island would become recognised as a place of national significance, featuring its pre-European shoreline and vegetation, and convict-constructed stone buildings." more
Rozelle Bay and City, overlooking 300 Johnston Street, Annandale
Public confidence in the planning of our harbour foreshores has been damaged by the Barangaroo and cruise terminal proposals.
While it was not the purpose of the Barangaroo review to focus on the design of the Barangaroo development, the report did highlight critical shortcomings with the design. As such, the outrageous 'hotel in the water', supposedly the central feature of the Barangaroo development, is now recommended for removal.
Once the hotel is removed from the water, any assumption that the remaining development (a huge office block) is worthy of such prominence on our harbour foreshores is clearly something that should be opened up to public scrutiny. It is perplexing that the last major development on these foreshores will be an office block, possibly the biggest in Sydney!The review also confirms that the process relating to the relocation of the cruise terminal to White Bay 'has not been adequate'. It refers to the impacts and disadvantages of the cruise terminal and function centre at White Bay while making no references to any benefits. The function centre was always widely condemned and the report has recommended that this should be 'abandoned'.
Of all the locations proposed for a cruise ship terminal, White Bay is the only location that is directly adjacent to a high density residential environment and will maximise impacts on residents.
The cruise terminal will require a service road along the entire White Bay foreshore, maximising waste of our foreshores. At Barangaroo, the service road - Hickson Road - runs behind the terminal, harbour foreshores are not wasted.
The review states that the deep water berth at Barangaroo should be retained. What better way to ensure this than to retain the cruise terminal at Barangaroo? It will be too late once it is developed.
The cruise industry wants the terminal to stay at Barangaroo, right in the heart of a tourist precinct, where it has been for many years. It is the obvious location in order to achieve best industry performance.
It is patently obvious that the cruise ship terminal should stay at Barangaroo!
NSW Government must revoke the proposal to relocate the cruise ship terminal to the high density Balmain Peninsula and recognise that this move will destroy options to provide vital community amenity, public foreshore access and much-needed open space on the White Bay foreshore, which the review supports.
"In 2007, the then Premier of NSW committed to a new masterplan for White Bay. This process has never commenced. It is essential that inner-city harbour foreshores are accorded the best planning practice. NSW State Government must commit to a new masterplan for White Bay (and the Bays Precinct) and defer any proposals until these planning process are completed. Barangaroo Review" - Cr John Stamolis Email 18 August 2011 00:11
www.ramin.com.au/eco-sydney/bays-precinct-sydney-harbour-national-park.shtml © Ramin Communications 2010. Last modified 29 Nov 2013.