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6pm, 6 March 2013, Annandale Town Hall (back hall).
Speakers - Gary West (Chair) - Opening Statement; Leichhardt Council - Represented by Councillor Linda Kelly (Deputy Mayor; Frank Hogewind, David Lawrence, David Springett, Jonathon and Rika Bolton, Daniel Kogoy - source - Public Meeting Schedule (Flyer) - Determination of Concept Plan Application (MP10_0116) Gosford Quarries, 300 Johnston Street Annandale. Commission: Garry West (chair) and Garry Payne AM.
Contact: Stephanie Calderaro
Phone: 02 9383 2112
Fax: 02 9299 9835
13 February 2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
Notice of Planning Assessment Commission Meeting
Concept Plan for residential development at 300 Johnston Street, Annandale
I refer to your submission to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure (the Department) on the above project. The Department has completed its assessment of the Concept Plan for residential development at 300 Johnston Street, Annandale. The concept plan has been referred to the Planning Assessment Commission (the Commission) for determination, under the terms of the Minister’s delegation.
For this project, the Commission comprises:
Mr Garry West (chair); and
Mr Garry Payne AM.
The Department’s Assessment Report (including recommendation) is now available on the Commission’s website (reference: D199/13 – Concept Plan for residential development at 300 Johnston Street Annandale). Other documents associated with the application are available on the Department’s website via (reference: MP10_0116).
Due to the level of public interest in the application, the Commission will be meeting to hear submitters’ views on the Assessment Report and recommendation. The Commission meeting is scheduled to commence at 6pm on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 at the Annandale Town Hall (Back Hall), 79 Johnston Street, Annandale. The meeting is open to the public to observe the proceedings.
The Commission meeting is the last opportunity for interested parties to comment on the Department’s recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions before a decision is made on the application. If you wish to speak at the Commission meeting, please call me on (02) 9383 2112 before 1pm, Monday, 4 March 2013 to register to speak.
If you have any questions on the Commission process, please call me or email
Yours sincerely
Stephanie Calderaro
NSW Planning Assessment Commission
Please note that any information provided to the Commission may be published on the Commission’s website, unless it contains a clear statement that you do not want it to be made public. For documents provided by individuals, personal contact details, other than names, will be removed from the document before it is published, however personal information is sometimes provided to relevant government departments. Before writing to the Commission, please read the Commission’s Privacy Statement which is available at or by calling 02 9383 2100.
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 09:56:23 +1100
From: "pac pac"
To: "Ian Cranwell"
Cc: "stephanie calderaro"
Subject: Re: D199/13 Concept Plan for residential development at 300 Johnston Street Annandale
Hi Ian,
Yes, we are in the process of arranging a meeting, It will be in early March if we can confirm the venue. We will write to all submitters advising them about the meeting when details are confirmed. If you have other questions, please give me or Stephanie a call on (02) 9383 2100.
>>> Ian Cranwell
The PAC has recently been referred this DA:
Determination D199/13 Concept Plan for residential development at 300 Johnston Street Annandale Referral Received 05/02/2013
The Annandale Precinct Committee made a submission in opposition to this proposal.
I note the PAC's policy is to hold a public meeting as part of its deliberations if more than 25 submissions are received, as is the case here. Will you please confirm that a public meeting will be held, and if possible when this is likely to be.
Ian Cranwell
Sec. Annandale Precinct Committee
"In 2011 the NSW Government repealed Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and announced that it will stop accepting any new projects in the Part 3A assessment system. This system has been replaced by the State significant development and infrastructure assessment systems which commenced on 1 October 2011."...more
David Wilson of LMC responded today to precinct enquiries about the application for residential apartments at 300 Johnston St (currently Gosford Quarries). Council advises:
the revised DA is on exhibition (by the Department of Planning) until 25th October for submissions.
Council has made a submission opposing the development. The amendments to the proposal do not address the majority of Council's concerns.
The submission will go to the next general meeting of council (Tuesday 23rd October, next week).
Council's submission will be on the web in the council papers.
Interested residents are encouraged to attend the council meeting.
Remnant fencing from John Young's propert Kentville
MP10_0116 Residential Development - 300 Johnson Street - Ananandale
Concept plan application for the proposed construction of a residential development at 300 Johnson Street, Annandale (Gosford Quarries Site) Project is currently on public exhibition and opportunity for public submissions is available to 26/08/2011 ...more
Appendix 11 - BASIX_Part 1.pdf ((68.63 KB) viewed 26 August 2011)
The proposed 300 Johnston St, Annandale development has met the mandatory BASIX
energy target of 40%. For details of the requirements necessary to achieve this target,
please refer to the BASIX Certificate No. 361042M_02.
Below is the summary of the requirements:
* All dwellings must install 4-star gas-instantaneous hot-water system
* Ventilation or common areas:
>>> Carpark: Ventilation (supply & exhaust) with a CO monoxide monitor &
VSD fan
* Ventilation for dwellings:
>>> Kitchen, Bathroom & Laundry Exhaust: Individual fan, ducted to roof or
façade, with manual on/off switch.
* Heating & Cooling system to both living bedrooms: 3-star Heating & Cooling
(new rating)2 1-phase air-conditioner.
* Common area Lighting:
>>> Carpark: Compact fluorescent lighting with time clocks motion sensors
* At least 80% of light fittings (including the main light fitting) in all laundries,
bedrooms, living areas, corridors and bathrooms to use Fluorescent or LED
lights with dedicated fittings3.
* All dwellings must install:
>>> Gas cooktop and electric oven.
>>> Well-ventilated fridge space.
>>> Private outdoor clothes drying line
Email: 25/08/11 18:45
Dear residents,
Please see below a request from a resident with details on the Gosford Quarries DA asking interested Annandale residents to send in a submission on this DA if interested.
The deadline for submission is tomorrow. If you'd like to make a submission it would be a good idea to also cc the Planning Minister, Brad Hazzard
Subject: Gosford Quarries DA for 26 Townhouses - Deadline for Submissions is Friday 26 August 2011
Dear Daniel
Good to meet you the other night.
I was wondering whether you might be in a position to advise any Annandale residents on your email list of their ability to lodge a simple online submissions re the Gosford Quarries site?
I have written to a couple of neighbours along the following lines:
A short submission can be sent using the online DoP form at the bottom of the page located at:
In the case of residents wanting to object, they could include a note that their submission is by way of an Objection, such as:
I write to object to DA MP10_0116 because the land / subject site should not be rezoned from Port & Employment uses as it is unsuited to residential development due to the unacceptable / unmanageable traffic, parking, heritage and visual impacts of the proposal.
Any personal comments to individualise a submission may assist (such as enjoyment / importance of historic / panoramic view from Bayview / Buruwan and so on).
Please feel free to forward this email to any neighbours or concerned locals.
Thanks and regards
Subject: 300 Johnston St DA Precinct Committee response
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 09:35:22 +1000
For Distribution:
I am the Chairperson of the Annandale Precinct Committee. Our monthly meetings are attended by up to 80 residents and we are in email contact with over 100 residents of Annandale.
We are totally opposed to the DA for 300 Johnston St Annandale for the following reasons -
1) History -this site borders the historic Kentville Estate which was subdivided to form Bayview Ave, Kentville Ave & Weynton St in 1909. The estate has low scale cottages on the border with Rozelle Bay. This development is completely out of character in this environment. Also the iron fence is a left over from the origainal estate & is heritage listed as a result, as are the trees in the street. We are totally opposed to sections of the fence being removed for access.
Trees in Bayview Crescent: We have concerns about the impact this development could have on the the long term viability of the trees, should their root systems be compromised by the proposed deep excavation directly adjacent to the tree root system.
2) Loss of views from Bayview Crescent. The street is a very significant one with its iconic views across Rozelle Bay, a working harbour area & the city. The development, with its present height of some 1.5 metres above the iron fence would totally destroy this. In the Environment Assessment the only aspect taken into account was the views from the porches of the residents of the street & this is simply not good enough. The street is & its views are a community asset & to destroy this is totally unacceptable - it is part of the harbour walk enjoyed by people from outside the area & on New Years Eve people steam down there to watch & enjoy the fireworks.
When an application was made many years ago to Leichhardt Council for the construction of the current buildings, Council in its wisdom, restricted the height so that the views from Bayview Ave for all residents & the community at large was not compromised. The same should apply to any further plans for this site.
3) Exit from the site for cars. The only way in & out of the site, a left hand turn into Johnston St with such a busy intersection with The Crescent is totally inadequate, particularly at peak hours. Also a resident who wishes to proceed south along Johnston St or along The Crescent in the direction of Glebe would need to take a very roundabout route using the City West Link or White Bay to get there - most would try to force their way across Johnston St instead.
4) Parking - the plan is for one parking space for each of the 26 units which is simply inadequate as it is well known that more would be required for the number of residents living on the site. Visitor parking is not provided which makes the the situation worse. The streets around the site are already under extreme pressure in relation to parking because of commuters using the Rozelle Bay Light Rail Station & this development, if permitted, would exacerbate this already dire situation.
4) Residential Amenity. This is a very difficult site for the proposed development because it is encumbered by the high bank to the north which carries the light rail line & at the rear the sandstone rock face. It is planned to lower the level of the site to accommodate parking & what is left is a narrow gulley. This means that the only way to address this problem is the extreme height which destroy the views from Bayview Crescent. It also means that the first level which contains the bedrooms will be devoid of sunlight which is totally unacceptable.
5) The Light Rail - a major factor which inpinges on residential amenity of the site for residential development. The trams pass every 10 minutes & are noisy because the wheels, designed for light rail (trams) are incompatible with the heavy rail line the system on which runs.
In conclusion we are totally opposed to this application. It is too large with 26 units, too high and has too much impact. I am of the opinion that because of the narrow nature of the site, the high bank which carries the noisy light rail & the rock face at the rear it is inapproprate for residential develoment of this type.
We are also strongly of the opinion that this development should be taken out of the decision mechanism of PAC & returned to Leichhardt Council for determination as it is a farce to think this is a matter of regional significance. It is very much one of local significance & one for the local council which has been democratically elected to make decisions in the interest of its constituents.
David Springett
(Thanks to David Lawrence)
In a scene reminiscent of 300 at Thermopylae, about 50 residents turned up to the meeting. Mayor Rochelle Porteus addressed the meeting, Councillors Howinson, Plate and Kogoy were also present along with staff from the Council, who briefed the meeting on the process for assessment under Part 3A (Major Infrastructure and Other Projects) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.. Jamie Parker, the local MP was also present.
In 2003, students from the bauhaus visited Sydney. The Bauhaus Kolleg III Serve City project, looked at the ICT based industrial opportunities of the nearby Railway yards.
flyer from meeting - aug 15, 2011
Don Fox Planning Consultants have submitted a draft proposal for
on the Gosford Quarries site at 300 Johnston St.
The height of these houses will obliterate the beautiful vista that Annandale residents enjoy accross the bay and the city. You will not be able to see the view from street level!!!
It is an overdevelopment; it will triples the amount of houses on Bayview Cres. The development will cut the heritage iron fence in to at least 3 sections. As well it will contribute additional traffic and worsen parking problems. As residents of Annandale we are OPPOSED to this development.
To oppose this development we need to make our voices heard.
Please submit your objections by sending a letter to the department of planning and infrastructure.
Fax to (02)9228 6455
Posted to: Major Projects Assessments, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, GPO Box 39, SYDNEY NSW 2001
Or emailed to plan
Sent as email attachment Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 13:46:06
Dear Annandale Precinct Committee,
Leichhardt Council has received notification fro the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure of a development application (DA) to construct twenty-six (26) town houses at 300 Johnston Street, Annandale, also known as the "Gosford Quarry" site.
The State Government and not Leichhardt Council are the consent authority for this development however, at the request of local residents we will hold a Public Meeting on Monday 15th August to ensure the community is fully informed about this proposal.
Public meeting
Proposal to develop 26 townhouses at
300 Johnston Street, Annandale (Gosford Quarry)
6:00pm, Monday 15 August 2011, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
The reason the State Government is the consent authority for this site is because the site is zoned for 'Ports and Employment Uses' under Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No. 26 - City West which means the proposal will be assessed by the NSW Minister for Planning and Infrastructure under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
The Environmental Assessment for the proposal is currently on public exhibition and Council is preparing a comprehensive submission. Residents and local businesses are also encouraged to make their own submissions.
When: 6:00pm - 7:30pm, Monday 15 August 2011
Where: Annandale Neighbourhood Centre - Back Hall, 79 Johnston Street, Annandale
More information: More information on the proposal can be found in the 'Major Projects Register' on the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure's website - A hardcopy of the proposal is also available at Leichhardt Council's Citizens Service Centre, 7-15 Wetherill Street, Leichhardt.
Submissions: Submissions on the proposal can be made directly to NSW Planning at:
For more information on the public meeting please contact David Parsell, Team Leader Strategic Planning on 9367 9174 or
Kind regards
Rochelle Porteous
Mayor of Leichhardt
Gosford Quarries drop-in session 6-8pm Tuesday 1 March 2011 more
The NSW Department of Planning has received a proposal for the construction of up to 26 townhouses at 300 Johnston Street, Annandale, also known as the "Gosford Quarry" site.
Following the preparation of the Environmental Assessment by the proponent it will be placed on public exhibition at which time Council and the community will again have the opportunity to provide submissions...more last updated 7 March 2013.