Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

Public Transport Trip Planner

Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Anecdotal History

Aboriginal Australia | 1770-1823 | 1823-1876 | 1876-1889 | 1890-1900 | 1900-1915 | 1916-1930 | 1931-1938 | 1939-1945 | 1945-1955 | 1956-1969 | 1970-1998 | 1998-2007 | 2008-2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | What's on | Blog | Instagram | Places | People | Events |

January - June 2013

Time of Marrai'gang - Bana'murrai'yung (wet becoming cooler) April - June

...History July-December 2013

Kirkin o the Tartan

10am Sunday 30 June 2013
 Kirkin o the Tartan 10am 30 June 2013 Wear your Tartan Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church
Wear your Tartan

4 Winners from Annandale Public School

Annandale Public School took out four of the twelve prizes in the Reconciliation week Primary Schools Art Competion - 2013 Pauline McLeod Award. The theme for 2013 was "Let's Talk Recognition". The competition is sponsored by the Eastern Region Local Government Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Forum. The Forum is a coalition of City of Botany Bay, City of Sydney, Leichhardt, Randwick City, Waverly and Woollahra councils.

Five year 6 students produced a word cloud collage for a third prize, a year 2 won a second prize for jigsaw "Recognise the Pieces", a year 6 student's "sorry" won a second prize, and a third prize went to year 3/4 student.

Source: Exhibition Children's Section at Leichhardt Library 21 June 2013.

See also Pauline McLeod Reconciliation Awards Report to LATSIC 13 June 2013

Burnt out Combi

burnt out combi in middle of road with fireman

Combi fire along Parramatta Rd brings Annandale to a standstill - Daily Telegraph, June 16, 2013 4:32PM

Kombi fire blocks key road - SMH, June 16, 2013 - 5:05PM

Upgraded Playground Opening

Arguimbau Street Playground Opening: 15 Jun 2013 11:30 AM

playground playground playground

part of a mapcommunity consultation workshop in warehouse New Open Space along Johnston's Creek

South Annandale Neighbourhood Park - Consultation Session 2
15 June 2013, 1pm ..more

Connection to Camperdown.

community consultation workshop in warehouse community consultation workshop in warehouse community consultation workshop in warehouse community consultation workshop in warehouse

Why Annandale fight's to keep their three bakeries...

June 14, 2013:Katia Abouthrouche, whose husband manages the Annandale IGA store, said their bread came from Germany and would stay in their freezer until it was needed.
''It's freshly baked in the morning,'' Katia Abouthrouche said.
''The people love it fresh.''
Read more:

No Woolworths Here: three bakeries, three newsagents and three pharmacists...

31 May 2013 18.31 AEST: Rock and roll venue The Annandale has been purchased by Oscars Hotel, headed by Bill Gravanis...

Roger Woodward in Annandale

3pm Sunday, 26 May, 2013
at the Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church
cnr of Johnston and Collins Streets
Roger Woodward will be performing works by Chopin, Bach, Debussy and Beethoven
More at

Leichhardt Council PAMP (Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan) Update and Review

Give Leichhardt Council a better understanding of your requirements, hot spots and pathways to link your favourite places. Please complete the survey by Thursday 16 May 2013:

Magpie in traffic islandMagpie in Curb Blister. Their song can be heard as the sun rises and sets.

Zadok Ben-David

The Other Side of Midnight: sculptures & installation

Exhibition dates: Extended to 1 June 2013
Exhibition Opening: Wednesday 3rd April 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Annandale Galleries

Christopher Ireland photographs

A selection from Ireland's Riverside
at Ester's Table Cafe

Parks along Johnston's Creek.

There are three parks along the Western side of Johnston's creek between the Crescent and Taylor Street. Spindler's Park extends from the Crescent to the Aqueduct, Hogan Park from the Aqueduct to the path/old tramline (at the bridge across the canal) and Smith Park, from the path to the block of land at 77 Taylor Street.

Annandale Parkland at 77 Taylor Street advertised for Auction.

77 Taylor Street, Auction Thu, 30th May 2013, 10:30 AM (viewed 15 May 2013). When viewed 27 May 2013 returned: "Search Results: Currently there are no property that match your search criteria. Please return to the listings page if you wish to widen your search."

"Dear Residents
Thank you for notifying Council of the proposed sale of this site. Without this, we may not have known until too late.
We retrieved the 1982 conditions of consent to the townhouses at 148 Wigram Road which did indeed provide for dedication to Council of the land at Taylor Street for public open space. the 1982 conditions of consent to the townhouses at 148 Wigram Road which did indeed provide for dedication to Council of the land at Taylor Street for public open space. It appears it was physically handed over and incorporated into the park but the title transfer was not done." Email from Manager Property and Commercial Services,Leichhardt Council

"Land and Housing's solicitor has confirmed in writing that the property has been withdrawn from sale." - Email from Manager Property and Commercial Services, Leichhardt Council Tue, 21 May 2013 06:12:02 +0000

Harold Park and Johnston Creek Parklands Master Plan

Phase 3 Consultation on Johnston's Creek Parklands Master Plan: Friday 19th April – Friday 17th May 2013. City of Sydney invite you to have your say at: display board

Annandale Precinct Committee

man and two women Jamie Parker, Member for Balmain will speak and answer questions on local issues.
A great chance to hear developments and put your views.

7pm - 8:30pm Monday 6th May
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre (Annandale Town Hall)
79 Johnston St Annandale

info: Ian Cranwell 0419 483 588

Second Hand Saturday - Get Involved!!!

9.00AM - 2.00PM Saturday 4 May 2013
Leichhardt, Annandale
Registration by Monday 22 April.
More information and registration at

Report on Master Plan for Johnstons Creek Parklands is ready for discussion at the next CoS Environment Committee meeting on Monday 18 March 2013 at 2pm. It seeks Council endorsement to put the draft Master Plan on public exhibition. This will be the third and final phase of consultation. The business papers are now live on the City’s website. They include phase 1 and 2 consultation reports, a report on the draft Master Plan, a location plan plus the draft Master Plan itself. These can be viewed online at Committee meetings begin at 2pm in the Council Chamber, Sydney Town Hall. Guidelines for community members wishing to speak at committee meetings can be found here: Source: Email Kristin Gabriel, 16:01 12 March 2013.

A Local Environment Plan has been legislated, for the Brownfield Harold Park site, by the State Government and the City of Sydney is preparing a management plan for the parklands more

The City of Sydney planning documents for the Precinct 1 & 2 buildings can be downloaded at: These documents will be considered by the Central Sydney Planning Committee at their meeting this Tuesday, 18 September 2012.

LEICHHARDT MUNICIPAL COUNCIL - NOTICE OF MOTION - SUBJECT: ITEM G5 - THE JOHNSTON CREEK PARKLANDS DATE: 19 NOVEMBER 2012 Crs Kogoy/McKenzie...That Leichhardt Council make a submission on the future of the Johnstons Creek Parklands to the City of Sydney on behalf of the local community...more

Sydney Super Yacht Marina, Rozelle Bay (DA 088-05-08 MOD 2)

On public exhibition and opportunity for public submissions
Assessment Type Part4Mod
Project Type Tourism & Recreation > Marinas
Exhibition Start:20/11/2012 End:05/12/2012...more


Bays Precinct

Located two kilometres from the CBD, The Bays Precinct is a key part of the Sydney Harbour foreshore; and bounded by the suburbs of Balmain, Rozelle, Lilyfield, Annandale, Glebe and Pyrmont. Rozelle Bay and its foreshore straddle the City of Sydney and Leichhardt Council LGAs. The Sydney Foreshore Authority and Maritime a Division of NSW Roads and Maritime Services...more

ROZELLE BAY – LOTS 20, 21 & 22 (foreshore between Johnston Street and City West Link) ...more

Annandale Heritage FestivalAnnandale Heritage Festival 2013
Sunday 21 April 2013

"Be Inspired" at the Hunter Baillie Church by Displays, Organ Recitals, Guided Walk and Afternoon Tea.... more

Until 1911, Annandale's 156 Gas Lights were not lit for 5 nights every Lunar Month....more

Change of Guard at Cafe on Johnston

18 April 2013: Robbie and Lee hand over Cafe on Johnston...more

Time of Burran - Gadalung Marool (hot and dry) January - March ..

Annandale Creative Arts Centre lights up for Earth Hour

7:30pm Saturday, March 23, 2013
81 Johnson Street, Annandale.

live music, site-specific dance and community art projects

Entry is by donation and all money raised will go towards TEAR's partnership with Organic Farming Cooperatives in India, supporting those most affected by the impact of climate change.

The community is invited along to join the global stand against climate change. More at

pears on a tree

Johnston Street Master Plan

LEICHHARDT MUNICIPAL COUNCIL: MOTIONS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN SUBJECT: ITEM G7 - JOHNSTON STREET MASTERPLAN Cr Kelly/ Breen :-Johnston Street is one of Council's iconic streets and is a Classified State Road and as such falls under the responsibity of the Roads and Martime Services. Over the years there have been many community groups that have been frustrated with the lack of support that Council has been getting in resolving a number of key community issues relating to Johnston Street...more

Carbon Footprint of Daily Traffic through Annandale

In 2005, an average of over 120,000 vehicles travelled through Annandale each day...more

flooding on urban streets Puddles on Johnston Street

Urban Sensitive Water Design to reduce Flooding and Storm Water Runnoff..more

Leichhardt Council Climate Change Action Plan

Leichhardt Council has developed a Draft Climate Change Plan to provide a framework for Leichhardt Council to respond to the challenges of climate change so that our action is targeted, effective and delivers best value. The Leichhardt Climate Change Plan will be on public exhibition for feedback from 31 January – 1 March 2013.

Draft Local Environment Plan
On Exhibition for Public Comment until 28 February 2013.

The Draft Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2012 (Draft Leichhardt LEP 2012) is based on a standard format used by all Councils in NSW and is made up of two parts: 1. Written document & 2. Maps illustrating land zoning and development standards....more

A10.3 - Annandale Suburb Profile - 1,288 KB

Review of Leichhardt Municipality Heritage Conservation Areas January 2004

Arguimbau Street Playground

Arguimbau Street Playground Upgrade Notification 12 Dec 2012..will commence in the new year (early 2013).more

Footpath ramps at Johnston/Booth Street intersection (DWS 1693167)

Kerb Ramps are listed in LMC current Concrete Footpath Maintenance Program. This work will be carried out as soon as work schedules permit. - (Email Infrastructure Inspector 29 Nov 2012 08:56)

Planing Assessment Commission Public Meeting re:300 Johnston Street

Due to the level of public interest in the application, the Commission will be meeting to hear submitters’ views on the Assessment Report and recommendation. The Commission meeting is scheduled to commence at 6pm on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 at the Annandale Town Hall (Back Hall), 79 Johnston Street, Annandale...more

pipe band playing on lawn outside churchInvitation to Inner West's Landmark Sandstone Church's 124th Anniversary Service

3pm 24 February 2013
Sandstone Church, with tall steeple
Corner of Collins and Johnston Streets, Annandale

"The Minister, Session and Congregation of Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church at Annandale are pleased to invite you and your friends and family to attend the Anniversary Service of the Church which will take place on Sunday 24 February next at 3pm."

"At the service an offertory collection will be taken for the restoration appeal fund of the Church."

"The guest preacher on this occasion will be the Minister of Scots Church at Sydney, Rev Dr Iain Barclay MBE, MStJ, TD, MA, BD, MTh, MPhil, PhD, FRSA. The Song Company, Australia's pre-eminent a cappella vocal ensemble, will be taking part in the service.

After the service afternoon tea will be provided in the grounds where old friendships can be renewed and new friendships begun." (Source: invitation 23 Jan 2013)

For more information visit or contact Rev Peter R. Dunstan 9810 7869

stage against backdrop of harbour, bridge and city lightsSydney Shakespeare Festival 2013
Annandale Foreshore

Much Ado About Nothing
As You Like It
8pm Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun
17 Jan – 24 Feb 2013
More Information at

sunflowers in front garden

Time of Burran - Gadalung Marool (hot and dry) January - March ..

In the tradition of the Travelling Troupe's Annandale becomes the stage...

stage and audience on bay foreshoreSydney Shakespeare Festival 2013

Annandale Foreshore
Much Ado About Nothing
As You Like It
8pm Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun
17 Jan – 24 Feb 2013

"As You Like It" 20 Jan 2013: The cast and props arrived, the audience came prepared for the rain, the light drizzle cleared and the actors spoke their lines..."All the World is a stage"..stage and audience on bay foreshore foreshore

Annandale Foreshore/Harold Park Parklands Masterplan

Community Consultation on Phase 2, Strategies open until 14 January 2013...more

Ripple Effect: Boomalli Founding Members

25th Anniversary Exhibition "Ripple Effect: Boomalli Founding Members" runs to January 20, Flood St Leichhardt

"..moving to 191 Parramatta Road, Annandale in 1997 and on to their current home in Leichhardt early in 2003"...more

Lemonia opens at 4-6 Booth Street

With the new round-about at the intersection of Wigram and Booth Street in operation, Lemonia gets the go ahead.
Inner West brothers Gary...story-4-8-booth-street-2010-development-application.shtml#7jan2013