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Paperback and eBook (for iTunes, iPad, iPhone,
nook or
Lulu) takes you on a self guided walk through Annandale of the 1890s...more
Paperback available at Annandale Village Newsagent, Johnston Street.
Annandale's Electricity Pioneers | Depression & Politics | Artists, Sculptors & Musicians | Queen Victoria Maternity Hospital
John Young, who had been an Alderman and Mayor on Leichhardt Council, subsequently lead a secession movement which resulted in the creation of the Borough of Annandale. More about John Young at The Abbey.
In 1894, at least two thirds of the electors in the 360 acres known as the East Ward of Leichhardt between Johnston's Creek and White's Creek, from Parramatta Road to Rozelle Bay* voted to secede... Annandale Borough 1894-1949.
"Annandale Separationists.
A further public meeting was held on Wednesday evening at the Australian Contingent Hotel, North Annandale, to consider the proposals, that Annandale should be separated from the Leichhardt municipality, of which borough it forms the east ward. The meeting was under the auspices of the Annandale Separation Association, and
was presided over by Alderman Pritchard, amongst those present being Alderman Ferris, Alderman
M. Williamson (Drummoyne), Messrs. W. J. Winton, Wiley, Brown, John Bain, F. Young, Richard Hooke, N. Preston, Glover, Wells, Lobb, O'Brien, Finlay, Manier, E. J. Aiken, &c. The meeting throughout was of a most unanimous character. Alderman Pritchard explained that until recently he had been strenuously opposed to the division of municipalities and the creation of small boroughs, but in the case of Annandale circumstances had rendered it absolutely necessary that they should
separate from Leichhardt to enable them to secure a fair return for the revenue which was collected in that district. The aldermen representing the other three wards in the Leichhardt Council would not work with the Annandale representatives, if they would
there would be no occasion for separation, but under existing circumstances the people of Annandale had no alternative. Mr. W. J. Winton (president of the Separation Association) submitted a report showing that the petition for separation had been signed by about 500 persons ; some 160 more signatures were re-
quired, and these would doubtless be easily obtained. Only a dozen had refused to sign, and those had property in the other wards. The expenses were being gradually subscribed. On the motion of Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Francis Young, the report was adopted. Alderman Williamson (Drummoyne) spoke at considerable length on the advantages that must accrue from separation. Alderman Ferris quoted statistics to show that no matter where money was spent in making streets the cost was equally divided amongst the four wards, West ward had 5½ miles of metalled streets, east ward 2½, north ward 1½, and middle ward 2¾ miles. To the cost of those east ward had contributed £586 more than it should have done, and west ward £1463 less than it should have done. East ward had since 1888 also paid £814 more for lighting than they were fairly entitled to pay, and this was how they were made to appear indebted. Annandale would never receive fair play or advance one iota until separation was an accomplished fact. Messrs. Bain, O'Brien, and E. I. Aiken also spoke in favor of the movement, and a number of signatures to the
petition were received." - 1892 'Annandale Separationists.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 1 September, p. 3. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,
The first Annandale Borough Elections were held in 1894
The Primitive Methodist School Hall in Trafalgar Street, appears to have been the Northern neighbour of 108 Trafalgar Street (with attick window). The site, 110 Trafalgar Street, is now the site of a larger building, constructed as a Masonic Hall, but now the home of Annandale Galleries. The house at 112 Trafalgar Street with a Chiminey in the middle of the roof, is also recognisable in the 1894 photograph of elections taking place - most likely at the School Hall. The original church fronting onto Johnston's Lane, still remains at the rear of 110 Trafalgar Street.
Borough of Annandale (1894 - 1897) / Municipality of Annandale (1897 - 1948)
In 1883, The Primitive Methodist Churches were being erected at Annandale, Field of Mars, and Granville and Mr. J. W. Leadley was "pledged as a minister on probation". - 1883 'Primitive Methodist Church.', The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), 13 February, p. 3, viewed 19 November, 2012,
George Wells Smailes arrived in Sydney, in November 1883. He undertook much of his training in the Forest Lodge, Annandale and Leichhardt Primitive Methodist circuit. In August 1888, he and Rev. J. W. Leadley laid the foundation stones for the Annandale Methodist School. In October 1888 and February 1889, Smailes preached at the Forest Lodge and Annandale church anniversary meetings, where numbers were down reportedly due to the ‘depression in trade’. His 1893 Annandale lecture was entitled "Social distress, its cause and cure". After serving in the pacific, in World War 1, Smailes returned to New Zealand where in 1917, he ran the Anzac Recorder for the New Zealand Returned Soldiers Association. - SMAILES, George Wells (1862-1934) viewed 19 Nov 2012
In the absence of Mr. Alderman Chapman, M.L.A., Mr Wells took the chair at the Annual Meeting of the Primitive Primitive Methodist Church. The secretary (Mr. G. F. Crozier) reported an increase in membership, which was reflected in the meeting. The Sunday night congregation had improved, the Sabbath school was in a specially healthy condition and there had been a special focus on "tract distiibuting and house-to-house visitation with fair results". Mr. E. Crozier and the Revs. J. W. Leadley mid G. W. Smailes delivered Addresses. A Bazaar was planned to raise funds to reseat the church and improve the interior. - 1888 'THE BRIGADE BOYS.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 10 February, p. 5, viewed 19 November, 2012,
Primitive Methodism had its origins in the Potteries(Staffordshire), "All Day of Prayer" or "Camp Meetings". The Ranters or Primitive Methodists were founded in 1811 when the 'Camp Meeting Methodists' founded by Bourne and the 'Clowesites' led by William Clowes combined. The movement was influenced by Clowes' experince as a potter and Bourne's as a wheelwright..., viewed 19 nov 2012
Clowes maternal grandfather was Aaron Wedgwood. At 10 Clowes was apprenticed to his uncle Joseph Wedgwood... (viewed 19 November 2012)
Read about Goodman's Buildings here.
The Premier contradicts the statement respecting his acceptance of a seat in the Upper House or permanently filling the office of Minister for Land. Who will probably sit for the Bogan if elected for that constituency next Monday, and for which Sir Henry Parkes is also nominated. - The Brisbane Courier Thursday 8 November 1877
The fortnightly meeting of the above league was held on Monday evening in the Primitive Methodist School Hall..." - The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 19 May 1892 Page 7
The Thistle Club will give a concert and social at the Protestant Hall on Monday night in aid of the Widow and Orphan fund, and in celebration of Halloween. The auld Scottish customs of Halloween will be revived, and there will be ballad singing, piping, and dancing.
Mr Wiegand will give a recital upon the organ of the Hunter-Baille Memorial Church, Annandale, on Mondav, when Mendelssohn's sonata in F minor, an improvisation upon scottish melodies, and other pieces will be given. The Misses Marion and Clara Llewellyn will sing on the occasion. 1892 'AMUSEMENTS.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 29 October, p. 5, viewed 2 March, 2012,
"The Trades and Labor Council of NSW (TLC) resolved in November 1890 to establish Labour Electoral Leagues (LELs) 'in every electorate where practicable throughout the colony'.5 In the 1891
elections, 35 members of the newly formed LEL (later to be known as the Labor Party)
entered the NSW Parliament although they split almost immediately over the protection-free
trade issue" - The History of the Master Builders Association of NSW: The First Hundred Years (Elder, John) Chapter 4
Annandale Labour League...The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 8 March 1894 page 6
A public meeting in connection with the Cammara Labour League was held in tha Primitive Methodist school hall, Trafalgar Street, Annandale, on Monday night, for the purpose of organising the labour forces of that portion of the Cammara electorate for the federal elections....The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 31 October 1900 page 8
Annandale Labour League...The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 8 March 1894 page 6
Sir Henry Parkes delivered, at the School Hall Trafalgar Street, Annandale, last evening, an address on the federation of the Australian colonies and the fiscal policy of tho future. Tho chair waa occuppied by Alderman John Young (the Mayor). There were also amongst the gentlemen, on tho platform Messrs Molesworth, W. Pritchard, Mahony. E. Dowling.
Sir Henry Parkes (who was received with much enthusiasm) said that he had come there to bring undr their notice the grandes subject that they could ever engage the attention of the Australian people (Applause). And he wished to perform his part quite free from any political bias or political passion....the six colonies, with Tasmania, possessed a population of nearly four millions. That population was equal to the population of several of the monarchies of Europe, and was larger than the population Canada posessed when she founded the Dominion....He urged the colonies ought to become federated for purposed of defence, and to guard against invation by countless hordes of inferior races....The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 29 June 1894 Page 3
The facade of the Annandale Methodist (now Uniting) Church (built 1890) features a parrot, koala, gumnuts and a kookaburra eating a snake. This was recycled from Bull's warehouse, on the corner of Pitt St and Martin Place, which had been gutted by fire. - Annandale Uniting Church - Local Heritage at a Glance (PDF)
"the ruins of the [fire ravaged head office of the City Bank and Henry Bull Warehouse] became a quarry for all enterprising builders but particularly for the Annandale Methodists who bought the remains of Bulls premises and arranged for the demolition contractor - a Mr Newlands to transport the fire blackened stones to Johnston Street where, it is said, he erected them without charge. (ref: Church Records Miss Ridge Source: page 184 Architecture in New South Wales, 1840 to 1900
Well attended Anniversary services were celebrated in the morning by the Rev. Dr. T. Roseby, in the evening by the Rev Rainsford Bavin. An afternoon service entitled "Loved unto Death" was rendered by the choir conducted by Mr. 0, Manderson, with Mrs. Foggon at the organ. Mr. Waitera did the reading. The annual tea meeting was followed by a public meeting. Alderman W. Wells (Mayor of Annandale) presided, and appropriate addresses were delivered bv the fiov. John Penman and the Rev. M. Reavley. - 1900 'ANNANDALE PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 14 September, p. 4, viewed 19 November, 2012,
Wife of Alderman Allen Arthur Taylor (Lady Mayoress of Annandale 1897-1902 of Sydney 1905-06, 1909-12). 1909 Photograph of her presented in Commemoration of her efforts for the enlargement of the nurses home, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. City of Sydney Archives.
Mr Frank Grimley, hon treasurer of the Hospital Saturday Fund, addressed the meeting and gave a short history of the rise of similar movements in England, and the establishment of the association in Sydney...initiated for the purpose of assisting ...large hospitals to keep open at a time when commercial depression threatened its close....It was unanimously decided on the motion of Alderman RF Curies That the Mayoress of Annandale (Mrs Allen Taylor) be appointed hon. Sec for the Annanale sub-committee and delegate to the board. -1898 'HOSPITAL SATURDAY FUND.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 8 December, p. 8, viewed 7 November, 2011,
The Council Chambers in Johnston St, were built and opened in 1899, for the Annandale Borough, which had seceded from Leichhardt, in 1894. - Allen Taylor, was Mayor of Annandale from 1897 to 1902 and later went onto become Lord Mayor of Sydney. The building is now the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre.
Adele and Allen were married in Annandale, in 1886 as Mr and Mrs Bate. "Marriages. BATE — ELLIOT. — June 19, at Annandale, by the Rev. P. F. Mackenzie, Allen Arthur, third son of the late John Bate, of Wagga Wagga, to Adela Mary, only daughter of the late Robert Elliot, of Penrith." 1886 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 20 July, p. 1, viewed 10 December, 2013,
Though later they were living with Adela's mother and Allen's "father-in-law" Robert Forster at 3 Collins Street...more.
On Saturday afternoon a large and representative gathering assembled in the spacious manse grounds attached to the Hunter-Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, Johnston Street, Annandale, on tho occasion of a garden party to formally welcome the Reverand B. Moorhead Legate as the colleague and successor of the Rev. P. Falconer Mackenzie to the pastorate of the church. The afternoon was a delightful one for such a purpose, and there was a generous response to the invitations that had been issued. The grounds afford a pleasant means for social intercourse...the Mayor and Mayoress of Annandale (Alderman aud Mrs. Allen Taylor). - The Sydney Morning Herald Monday 17 October 1898 (page 9)
3 Collins Street, which was constructed then sold by "Balmain Builder" John Lauder to Jane Miller was also probably Builder Designed....3 Collins Street
The Whites Creek and Johnstons Creek Sewer Aqueducts were built in 1895. They were the first reinforced concrete structure to be built in Australia - A brief History of Concrete in Australia (PDF). See Early Photograph of the Aqueduct and St Brendan's.
White’s Creek Sewer Aqueduct Reinforced Concrete & Monier Pipe Construction Co. Ltd Date or place 1896-1910
Construction fo Johnston's Creek Aqueduct (Courtesy City of Sydney Archives).
Early Photograph of White's Creek Sewer Aqueducts. Built by Carter Gummow & Co., 1896. The Engineering design ws by W. J. Baltzer. Heritage Listing at Sydney Water.
Tenders are being invited by the Minister for Public Works" for the construction of a main sewer to drain an area comprising the northern portion of Marrickville, the municipality of Petersham as far west as Crystal street, the municipality of Leichhardt west-ward to the Balmain road and as far north as Piper Street, a small portion of the Glebe adjoining the Parramatta road and the Orphan School Creek and the north-west corner of tho municipality of Camperdown. The work will be a continuation of the sewer in construction by Messrs Carter, Gummow, and Co , from tho main western outfall at Arncliffe to Emily-street, Marrickville Commencing at the head of that contract the new sewer will run under the Stanmore road near Merchant-street, and will proceed thence under Cavendish and Cambridge streets, Trafalgar, Crescent, and the suburban railway, whicn will be tunnelled under a short distance on the Sydney side of the Stanmore railway station The locality of Percival-road, Annandale Estate will then be traversed, and crossing under the Parramatta-road, Albion, Ferris and Mayes streets, the sewer will terminate at Collins street in Annandale. With inlets to this main sewer will be constructed three branches or submains. The routes taken by these are as follows -1 Leaving the main sewer near the Parramatta-road and running under that thoroughfare to near the Missendon-road, whence it is deflected towards the Old Parramatta-road, which the sewer follows to its termination near the Orphan School Creek. 2 A sewer discharging into branch No. 1, and running along Nelson-street as far as Booth street. 3.Leaving the main sewer near the suburban railway line this branch drain will traverse the boundary of the Annandale Estate...£30,000 - The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 19 January 1895 page 5
"Yesterday morning a deputation, introduced by Mr Mahony, M L A waited upon the Minister for Works to protest against a proposed sale of land at Rozelle Bay ..."The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 20 August 1897
A concert on behalf of the building fund of St Aidan's Church of England, Annandale, took place on Tuesday evening, in the Primitive Methodist School Hall, Trafalgar Street. The hall was packed A dialogue, " Brutus and Cassius,... The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 2 June 1892 Page of 4
Alderman The East Ward of Leichhardt 1879 – 1885
Partner of John Young in North Annandale Building and Investment Company and lived in Annandale Cottage on the Johnston Estate and then at Clivendon more
In 1891, Auctioneer William Pritchard was nominated for election to the Leichhardt Council by Narcissus George Arguimbau, commander R.N, Joseph F. Broad, Warehouseman and others. 1891 'Advertising.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 5 February, p. 3, viewed 11 June, 2013,
In 1897, Artist and Naval officer Narcissus George Arguimbau was living at Clivenden and his 5th daughter married in St Aiden's, Annandale. Dictionary of Australian Artists Online. H.M.S.Iris, 1857 / Narcissus George Arguimbau . See also South Pacific Ocean. Murua or Woodlark Island. Guasopa Harbour / from sketch surveys by N.G. Arguimban, Master H.M.S. Iris 1858 and Lieut. E. Reeves, H.M.S. Royalist, 1895, engraved by Davies & Company.
Mariage Church, Newtown, by the Rev. Dr. Corlette, D.D., All Saints' Cathedral, Goulburn, assisted by the Rev. A. E. Bellingham, B.A , Charles Louis Tange, B.A., solicitor, son of the late A. Tange, Consul for Denmark, Delmar, Ash- field, to Kate Frances, daughter of Commander Arguimbau, Royal Navy, Cliveden, Annandale...1889 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 5 November, p. 1, viewed 26 October, 2012,
Photo of Reliance, Johnston Street Annandale, the home of Alfred Vandyke, around 1887 / Charles Bayliss
Last evening a lantern lecture-the first of a series on "Church History" - was delivered by tho Primate in St. Aidan'a Anglican Church, Annandale. The lecture opened with a description of tho rise aud progress of Christianity. A large number of views of the exterior and interior of churches erected in different periods were shown bv means of a limelight lantern, manipulated by the Rev, F. W, Reeve, incumbent of the parish. The lecture throughout was interesting aud instructive. - The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 9 January 1895 page 7
According to Annals from AIDAN's in Annandale (p24), Reverand Reeve along attended "a Federal Banquet held in the hall on 1 July 1899 to celebrate the triumph of Federalism". The book notes that Edmond Barton, Joseph Cook and BR Wise were at this banquet. However, the previous year, the Parish Council had refused to invite a Politician to open a Sale of Works.
Photograph of Sir Henry Parkes and members of his Ministry, and their wives, at Balmain
Henry Parkes, Premier of NSW 1872 - 1892 and "Father of Federation" lived at "Kenilworth" in Annandale, from 1891 until his death in 1896. In financial difficulties, John Young stepped in and offered him Kennilworth.
Sir Henry Parkes delivered, at the School Hall Trafalgar Street, Annandale, last evening, an address on the federation of the Australian colonies and the fiscal policy of tho future. Tho chair waa occuppied by Alderman John Young (the Mayor). There were also amongst the gentlemen, on tho platform Messrs Molesworth, W. Pritchard, Mahony. E. Dowling.
Sir Henry Parkes (who was received with much enthusiasm) said that he had come there to bring undr their notice the grandes subject that they could ever engage the attention of the Australian people (Applause). And he wished to perform his part quite free from any political bias or political passion....the six colonies, with Tasmania, possessed a population of nearly four millions. That population was equal to the population of several of the monarchies of Europe, and was larger than the population Canada posessed when she founded the Dominion....He urged the colonies ought to become federated for purposed of defence, and to guard against invation by countless hordes of inferior races....The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 29 June 1894 Page 3
...The funeral cortege left Kenilworth, Kir Henry Parkes's late residence at Annandale, the hearse being followed Iby two carriages laden with flowers, and then the mourning carriages..." - The Brisbane Courier Thursday 30 April 1896
Photograph of Funeral Cortege, Johnston Street (probably Parkes' Cortege)
"FEDERATION ENABLING BILL IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. THE NEW SOUTH WALES CAMPAIGN.(By Telegraph from Our Correspondent) SYDNEY, Speaking at Annandale to-night, the Minister for Mines said the battle so far as federation went was not yet quite won." - The Brisbane Courier Thursday 29 June 1899
Henry Parkes is credited with introducing Camphor Laurel's to Australia, in the hope of creating an industry from their oil - unfortunately that industry did not eventuate and the legacy is the introduction of a weed species.
According to Chris, who called into 2BL brekky on 30/9/05, Mark Twain was a guest at Kenilworth during his visit to Sydney - which he documented in Following the Equator - A Journey Around the World. 'Kenilworth' is one of the Gothic houses in Johnston St, now popularly known as the witches houses.
"...I send forth these pages to tell their simple story of how, in
spite of bitter poverty, much hardship, and utter
want of education, Henry Parkes fought his way
to everlasting fame.
Leichhardt, 11th July, 1896...-An emigrant's home letters (1896, Parkes, Henry, Sir; Parkes, Annie T),
Annandale Police Station (photo NSW Records)
Permission was given to E.Webster to ply an additional omnibus between annandale and the Circular quay, subject to permission being obtained from the Government to stand there- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) Thursday 28 November 1895 page 6
The large choir of the Hunter-Baillie Memorial Church, Annandale, assembled at a little after 12 o'clock on Christmas morning, on tho lawn in front of the manse, and serenaded the Rev. P. F. and Mrs. Mackenzie. Each member of tho choir carried a coloured Chinese lantern, and carols were effectively rendered under tho direction of Mr. G. T. Cross. Mr. Mackenzie in a few appropriate remarks thanked the choir, who then entered the manse and sang " Auld Lang Syne " over a glass of wine. The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 28 December 1895 Page 10
On Thursday afternoon a bazaar was opened in the Annandale Primitive Methodist School Hall, proceeds in aid of the funds of the church. Rev. J. W. Leadley" ... The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 26 April 1890 Page 9
1892 Sands Directory (3/11 Local History, Leichhardt Library) shows at Trafalgar Street, between Albion and Collins: 58 Simons George, Piano Tuner; and betweem Collins and Booth: 78..; 80 Emery Edward, Saddler; 82 Leadley Rev JW (Primitive Methodist); 86 Lovell Johnn, electrical engineer; 108 Nicolson Jon, Prim Methodist Chapel Rev GW Leadley.
The Colonnade 101-2 Johnston Street
A complimentary welcome home social was tendered on Wednesday night at the Colonnade Hall, Annandale, to Alderman Allen and Mrs Taylor and son, Master Foster Taylor, who have just returned from a trip to Europe - 1902 'WELCOME TO ALDERMAN AND MRS. TAYLOR.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), 18 October, p. 9, viewed 12 April, 2011,
"The half-yearly yearly meeting of the Rose of Annandale Lodge, U.A.O.D.,was held on Tuesday evening last at the lodge room, Colonnade Hall, Johnston-street, Annandale.." - 1900 'U.A.O.D.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 9 August, p. 4, viewed 22 May, 2014,
"The members of the Rose of Annandale (UAOD) Cricket Club held their first annual smoke concert at the North Annandale Hotel, Johnstone-street..." 1898 'CRICKET.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 3 August, p. 2, viewed 22 May, 2014,
The Rose of Annandale Lodge...
"Octavius Beale began the manufacture of sewing machines and pianos at Trafalgar Street, Annandale, in 1893. His sewing machines bore the motto 'Advance Australia', but high duty on machine parts forced Beale to abandon their production in favour of pianos. - A social history of Leichhardt and the former municipalities of Annandale, Balmain and Glebe. More about Beale Pianos
The Annandale Post Office, was opened by February 1896, as there was discussion in the Annandale Borough Minutes regarding guttering of the footpath.
The Josephites (Mary Mackillop's Order)
FIRST-CLASS detached HOUSE, 7 rooms, hall, bath and dressing room, cedar fittings, finished in superior style, every modern convenience, balcony (front and side), marble verandah and steps, land 33 x 178 ; £950 ; stables, &c., back entrance. A. GREEN, Trafalgar-street, near Collins-street, Annandale - The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 2 March 1894 page 7
NORTH ANNANDALE -For SALE, a handsome Detached Villa RESIDENCE, contains drawing and dining rooms, four bedrooms, servan't room, bathroom, kitchen, laundry, pantry , and every convenience of first-class family residence. This property is situated on the highest point of the Annandale Estage, has perfect drainage, every convenience for stabling if required. The ground has afrontage of 33ft to Albion-Street between Johnston and Annandale Streets, by 140 fr deept o a lane at rear. Cash or t. Apply on Prmises, or Owen Ridge 25 Annandale Street. 1891 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 18 April, p. 12, viewed 22 January, 2014,
"The Building Society movement grew quickly in Australia but many Societies collapsed in the 1888 depression combined and the ongoing post-depression distrust left a gap, which was filled by the "alternative" Starr-Bowkett Society. The Leichhardt, Petersham and Annandale Starr-Bowkett Society, registered in 1898 heralded the growth of surburban Building Societies" - The Alternative Building Society- Starr-Bowkett Societies
Garden party in Towneley, Burnley (c.1900)
The Model township - North Annandale - Wide Streets, planted with Trees - no back lanes, the best of drainage - reserves for recreation - Plan of north Annandale/ W. Pritchard, auctioneer, 281 George Street.(1890)
North Annandale, splendid building sites [cartographic material] / for auction sale on the ground, Saturday 18th April 1896 by Richardson & Wrench Ltd., at 3 o'clock"
"After 1893, recovery in the building industry and the survival of many architectural practices dependend to a great extent on domestic architecture, not wholly at a stand still. There was little support for speculative building of any kind, least of all for cheap terrace housing, no longer apopular form for suburban dwellings. Those with capital built sem detatched houses and ocaasionally short terraces. The work designed for the most part by builders rather than architects, was interesting because it carried the varied and exotic styles of the Boom period. 17 Trafalgar, 1 & 3 Piper Street and Edwinville at 39 Trafalgar street attribtued to GA Mansfield were examples - (page 229 Architecture in NSW 1840-1900).
See also:Annandale a Discovery in Progress
This page last updated: 16 April 2020.