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Bird Species Sighted in Annandale

Common Name (A-C)Sightings, Field Notes & Photographs
Red-whiskered Bulbul frequent visitor, introduced species1
Grey Butcher Birdoccasional visitort1
Grey Butcher Bird (juvenile)

Pied Butcher Bird (Juvenile) Photo Marghanita da Cruz, western end of Wisdom Street, 30 May 2013Grey Butcher Bird (Juvenile) Photo Marghanita da Cruz, western end of Wisdom Street, 30 May 2013

Grey Butcher BirdGrey Butcher Bird - photograph Marghanita da CruzIn an Annandale Backyard
20 December 2008
Photograph Marghanita da Cruz
Cicada Bird Coracina tenuirostrisMale seen 8am 31 January 2012, Black midsize bird, small beak, grey in tailfeathers visible as it flew between Treetops, in Backyards Collins Street(east), Annandale. Images: Coracina tenuirostris par John Gould, Cicadabird By Greg Miles
Cockatiel Photographed by Susanne Martain
Photographed by Susanne Martain at North End of Spindler Park (bordered by the Crescent, Johnston's Creek and Nelson Lane) on 11 May 2002 at 9.49am.

The Cockatiel is almost certainly an escaped cage bird. Escapees are very common - wild birds rarely reach Sydney's western fringe. - Andrew Taylor

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) frequent visitor1
Photograph of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos in Canberra - photo MarghanitaSulphur Crested Cockatoos in Canberra
about 7am, 18 Jan 2016
Yellow tailed black Cockatoo Seen around the suburb in 2005, perhaps moved east because of the drought.
Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo- Photo Susanne Martain
Photographed by Susanne Martain in reintroduced local provenance vegetation along nelson lane to the Crescent (Spindlers Park) 19 September 2005 at 3.41pm
Little Corella
large white bird Flock of Correllas, Collins St Annandale, 15 Feb 2018
Little pied Cormorantoccasional visitor1
Little black Cormorantfrequent visitor to the mouth of Johnston's Creek1
Cormorant swimming on Rozelle BayPhotographed by Marghanita da Cruz on Rozelle Bay 1pm 28 October 2006
Channel-billed Cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae)

Currawong and Cuckoo reunite, 20 December 2016

channel billed cuckoo Currawong on Chimney with pots

The Cuckoo returns to Annandale to reunite with its foster Currawong mother. Wonder if the Currawong will be a foster grandmother?

19 September 2016

A Cuckoo was photographed in the Box Tree outside 5 Collins St Annandale on 19 September 2016.

channel billed cuckoo channel billed cuckoo and magpie

18 Jan 2016

large bird in tree large bird in treeJuvenile Cuckoo and Noisy Miner in Gum Tree, 9 Collins St AnnandalePhotograph Marghanita da Cruz about 7am 18 Jan 2016
Juvenile Cuckoo and Currawong are back (26 Dec 2015)

Currawong looking for food for fostered Cuckoo, which can be heard calling
Currawong looking for food for fostered Cuckoo
Currawong and Cuckoo Playlist

However, the family returned and the raucaus calls got louder and attracted the attention of neighbours and passersby. The bird was now larger than its foster parents but seemed reticent or incapable of feeding itself. Though it did start to take longer flights and its size attracted further attention.

large bird in tree large bird in tree

Juvenile Channel Billed Cuckoo

Box Tree outside 5 Collins St
4 Dec 2015 large bird in tree stick nest in tree

This juvenile cuckoo was making a racket in a street box tree in December 2015. A currawong in the vicinity was constantly under attack from noisy miners. Investigation revealed that the currawong was feeding a juvenile cuckoo. A stick nest was also in the tree.

After being fed, the Cuckoo got very quiet, preened itself and waited expectantly.

Videos: Juvenile Cuckoo seeking attention;
Juvenile Cuckoo brought food by Currowong; and
Juvenile Cuckoo apparently finally abandoned by Currawong.

Channel Billed Cuckoo Photograph Susanne Martain
Photographed by Susanne Martain in a Fig Tree Nelson Lane Annandale at 4.55pm on 7 Jan 2002

Pied currawong raising a Channel Billed Cuckoo chick outside 5 Collins Street, Annandale (Sydney) NSW.

The Chanel Billed Cuckoos arrive in Sydney around October and start their flight back to the Mollocos (Indonesia) in January. (Ref: Michael Morcombe's Field Guide to Australian Birds)

Pied Currawong (Strepera fuliginosa) occasional visitor1
Currowong - Photo Marghanita
Pied Currowong - Photo Marghanita

Pied Currawong sitting on Recycling Bin
Annandale 3 February 2009
Photograph Marghanita da Cruz

1The terms "resident", "occasional" , "frequent visitor" refer to the original Survey Site and Period. This list builds on information gathered in a Survey for the Birds Australia National Atlas and Cumberland Atlas (which contributes to the National Atlas but records more information). The Survey was of the 2 hectare site which included the Federal Park Wetlands, and was bounded by Johnston Creek Canal, the Crescent, and [light rail] overpass on Rozelle Bay. The site was surveyed for 20 minutes each survey period, originally every season, but then every month over a few years before 2006.