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WestCONnex: $17billion White Elephant 50s Motorway proposed for 21 Century Sydney

Casting Light on Westconnex Acquisition of Buruwan Park

mapPlans for destruction of Buruwan Park to widen the Crescent
Photoshoot, Buruwan Park
4.15-4.45pm Saturday 11 August 2018
Buruwan Park (at Rozelle Bay Light Rail Stop), Railway Parade, Annandale cyclist in park

Meet at Buruwan Park for a photo shoot then catch the Light Rail into the City for the Fix Public Transport Rally and Lantern Procession at Sydney Town Hall at 5.30pm.

Lantern Making Workshops
at Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre
on Saturday and Sunday 4/5 August, 1-3pm.
More at

Greens secure a Parliamentary Inquiry into the impact of the WestConnex Project

mapJohnston Street, Annandale Truck Route (bigger map) drawing with text: west disconnex communityDouble B Trucks heading for Annandale anti-westconnex poster>Tunnel or Dive Site Annandale ( (formerly Camperdown)bigger map)

Terms of reference
1.That the Public Accountability Committee inquire into and report on the impact of the WestConnex project, including:
(a)the adequacy of the business case for the WestConnex project, including the cost-benefits ratio
(b)the cost of WestConnex project, including the size and reasons for overruns
(c)consideration of the governance and structure of the WestConnex project including the relationship between Sydney Motorway Corporation, Roads and Maritime Services, the Treasury and its shareholding Ministers
(d)the compulsory acquisition of property for the project
(e)the recommendations of the Audit Office of New South Wales and the Australian National Audit Office in regards to WestConnex
(f)the extent to which the project is meeting the original goals of the project as articulated in 2012
(g)the relationship between WestConnex and other toll road projects including the Sydney Gateway, Western Harbour Tunnel, F6 and Beaches Link
(h)the circumstances by which WestConnex and the Sydney Gateway were declared to be separate projects in 2017
(i)the cost of the project against its current valuation as determined through the sale of the Sydney Motorway Corporation and whether it represents a good investment for NSW taxpayers
(j)any other related matter.
2.That the committee report by 1 December 2018.

More information including making submissions at

Westconnex M4-M5 Link Tender awarded

WestConnex M4-M5 Link,Community update June - July 2018: "M4-M5 Link work starts this year The NSW Minister for Planning approved the M4-M5 Link project in April 2018. The M4-M5 Link will be built in two stages:
1 Work will start later this year on the M4-M5 Link tunnels connecting the New M4 tunnels in Haberfield with the New M5 tunnels in St Peters. A Motorway Operations Complex at Campbell Road, St Peters will also be constructed.
2 Procurement is underway for the Rozelle Interchange and Iron Cove Link tunnels, which will connect the M4-M5 Link to other sections of the road network. Early work will start later this year, with major work scheduled to start in 2019.
Property owners will be notified if they are within 50 metres of the tunnel alignment and offered a property condition survey before and after construction. This ensures a clear record of property conditions before construction starts. Any damage attributed to the project will be repaired at no cost to the property owner. "...mapmore

Wednesday, 13 June 2018: The NSW Government has today announced the successful tenderer for construction of the mainline tunnel of the M4-M5 Link as the LSB Joint Venture, comprising Lendlease Engineering, Samsung C&T Corporation and Bouygues Construction.
Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities Paul Fletcher said today’s announcement is a major milestone for WestConnex. ...more

28 June 2018: "An 'innovative' approach to the delivery of the WestConnex M4-M5 Link tunnels has reduced community impacts and decreased the number of required construction sites.
The seven sites to be used for M4-M5 Link tunnels construction are:
1. Northcote Street, Haberfield (existing New M4 site)
2. Parramatta Road, Haberfield (Muirs)
3. Parramatta Road, Ashfield (Muirs)
4. Wattle Street, Haberfield (existing New M4 site)
5. Pyrmont Bridge Road, Camperdown/Annandale
6. Campbell Road, St Peters (existing New M5 site) 2
7. White Bay"...more

Enjoy Buruwan Park while you can! - Part of Rozelle Interchange Plans...

park with trees park with trees park with trees park with trees

Buruwan Park is a small grassed area with large trees at the Rozelle Bay Light Rail Stop which provides a pedestrian and cycle link between Railway Parade and the Crescent.

Westconnex has been given approval to destroy the park to widen the Crescent as part of the Rozelle Interchange.

The RMS is currently evaluating will again try to find tenderers for the Rozelle Interchange.

table of truck movements Notes:1.Use of Johnson Street and James Craig Road by construction vehicles was not proposed in the EIS. 2.Heavy vehicles / hour on Johnston Street are one-way, as trucks would travel in the southbound direction only.

table of truck movements See indicative spoil route through Annandale Westconnex-M4-M5Link-proposed-truck-route-feb2018.jpg. Source: From Appendix A of Westconnex M4-M5 Link Proponent's response to Submissions and Preferred Infrastructure Report, viewed 19 Feb 2018

"The White Bay civil site would be used 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, use of the site overnight by heavy vehicles would be limited. It is anticipated that the peak hours of operations for heavy vehicle movements would be at the commencement of the day and evening shifts during tunnelling excavation works (anticipated to be between 5.00 am to 9.00 am and 5.00 pm to 9.00 pm)." - p5 M4-M5 RtS_Part D Preferred Infrastructure Report, M4-M5 Link Submissions and preferred infrastructure report

Table D2-6 indicates that there will be:

"The facility would provide a truck marshalling area that would primarily service the main line tunnel sites, including Parramatta Road West civil and tunnel site (C1b), Darley Road civil and tunnel site (C4) and Pyrmont Bridge Road tunnel site (C9), where space for truck queuing on-site is limited." p4, M4-M5 RtS_Part D Preferred Infrastructure Report

"Pyrmont Bridge Road tunnel site (C9) Access from White Bay civil site to James Craig Road then The Crescent, Johnston Street and eastbound along Parramatta Road. Egress is via Pyrmont Bridge Road and Parramatta Road (westbound).The spoil haulage route as presented in the EIS for this site would be used." p20 M4-M5 RtS_Part D Preferred Infrastructure Report

Lantern Parade
22 July at 17:00–20:30

Gas Masked people and Map Lanterns have traditionally served as a warning, while also bringing light. Illuminate your neighbours about the tunnel route and the dangers of WestCONnex.

Groups will start at either end of the route and converge at the central point in Camperdown Oval for a free sausage sizzle and entertainment...more

Spagetti Tunnels & Ventilation Stacks - Westconnex M4-M5 Link

STOP WESTCONNEXmap showing design of M4-M5 link

On 12 May a new proposal to riddle the Inner west with Spagetti Tunnels and Ventilation Stacks - design for M4-M5 Link

STOP WESTCONNEX Exhaust Stack at Haberfield dispersing traffic fumes from 6 lanes of underground traffic.

Public Transport Survey

The Greens have established a series of surveys for people to have their say about New South Wales transport and help us in our work uncovering problems with the system and attending to people’s needs.

Do Survey at:

Design "Information" Sessions

Westconnex M4-M5 Design Community Information Sessions

cracked wall Cracks from Westconnex Construction - Dilapidation Reports Essential truck and tunneling machine Tunnelling involves removing shale and sandstone by truck on surface roads - Pyrmont Bridge Road, Mallet Street, Parramatta Road

What's on in Annandale (23 May 2017)

Previous Route through Annandale for M4-M5 link

On Wednesday 9 November 2016, the M4-M5 link was rerouted to pass under Annandale, from Booth Street at Alfred Street, crossing Johnston Street at Collins St and Parramatta Road at Johnston's Creek. Source:

"M4-M5 Link: The SEARs define comprehensive environmental assessment requirements to be addressed by the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This is being prepared and will be exhibited in early 2017."...more

Westconnex's new route under Annandale

On Wednesday 9 November 2016, the M4-M5 link was rerouted to pass under Annandale, from Booth Street at Alfred Street, crossing Johnston Street at Collins St and Parramatta Road at Johnston's Creek.


Snapshot 12 November 2016, 10.10am from
Test Drilling Start Dates
1. Johnston St (15/11/16)
2. John St near Hill St(5/12/16)
3. White's Creek Lane (4/1/17)

"Facts about the Camperdown/Annandale mid-tunnel construction site
A tunnelling construction site is needed to build the underground tunnel between Rozelle and St Peters for the M4-M5 Link.
"We recently confirmed a site on Parramatta Road in Camperdown/Annandale is required for this purpose"...more

Damning Audit into Approval and Administration of Commonwealth Funding for the WestConnex Project

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

...The upfront payment and approach to agreeing and adjusting milestones for later payments did not adequately protect the Australian Government’s financial interests. Additionally, the provision of the concessional loan did not achieve the Australian Government’s objective of bringing Stage 2 of the project forward by approximately two years.
7. The WestConnex project had not proceeded fully through the established processes to assess the merits of nationally significant infrastructure investments prior to Australian Government funding being committed. This situation was identified in departmental advice to decision makers prior to decisions being taken.
8. Funds have been paid in advance of project needs. Advice provided prior to the first payment (of $500 million in June 2014) identified that a payment of that magnitude was not yet required. The ANAO estimates that as of November 2016, the total cost of amounts provided in excess of project needs since June 2014 has been approximately $20 million.
9. The May 2014 decision to make the $500 million advance payment led to the project being approved without there being any documented analysis and advice to Ministers that the statutory criteria for giving such approvals had been met. Advice seeking the necessary approval for later payments (of $250 million in June 2015, $450 million in June 2016 and $300 million in November 2016) addressed those criteria. But those three milestone payments were designed and administered in a way that did not adequately protect the Australian Government’s financial interests. This was because, in order not to delay payments, milestones were agreed to after the respective event had already occurred or amended shortly before the payment was due to be made where NSW had not met the milestone.
10. Departmental advice to Ministers focused on the benefits of providing a concessional loan to the WestConnex project. The key benefits identified were the:
lower net financial impact on the presentation of the Federal Budget of a loan compared with further grant funding (due to the differences in the accounting treatment of loans and grants, and because a loan would earn interest income and be later repaid);
increased construction activities between 2015‒16 and 2016‒17 from accelerating the second stage; and
potential to reinvigorate the private sector lending market in relation to demand risk toll roads.
11. But the advice to Ministers did not adequately identify or quantify the costs and risks associated with providing a concessional loan. Key issues that detract from the loan providing value for money include:
there is evidence that the loan was not needed to accelerate the second stage of WestConnex and, in any event, the project has not been accelerated to the extent projected by DIRD (by up to two years); and
the interest rate on the loan was set well below comparable market rates with no margin included to cover the Australian Government’s loan administration costs or risks....more

The objective of this audit is to assess whether appropriate steps were taken to protect the Commonwealth's interests and obtain value for money in respect to the $3.5 billion in Commonwealth funding committed to the NSW Government for the WestConnex project...more

Road with cars at night sign says Johnston Street Annandale, Leichhardt, Parramatta

Westconnex Won't Work Public Transport Will Westconnex Won't Work Public Transport Will, Bignell Lane Annandale (was Camperdown) 14 Mar 2017

Westconnex Drilling for Tunnel Midpoint & Protest Pyrmont Bridge Road/Mallet St Annandale

"Ground survey and utilities investigations will be carried out in Annandale/Camperdown on the southern side of Pyrmont Bridge Road, between Gordon Street and Mallett Street, and in Bignell Lane from 14 March to 17 March 2017, weather permitting."

Protest 7.30-8.30am 14-17 Mar

Join residents' protest at new #westCONnex test drill site Tues Mar 14, 7:30am cnr Mallet St & Pyrmont Bridge Rd, #Camperdown

— Peter Boyle (@peter_b1953) March 12, 2017

Tunnel Midpoint Annandale (formerly Camperdown)

"WestConnex would like to correct some misinformation about the potential Camperdown mid-tunnel construction site:
.The midpoint tunnel site at Camperdown will require part of the 'triangle area' bordered by Parramatta Road, Pyrmont Bridge Road and Mallet Street in Camperdown [ACTUALLY ANNANDALE since 1995]
.Construction traffic will not use Booth Street
.Parramatta Road will be our key traffic route. Traffic will enter the site via Parramatta Road and exit near the corner of Parramatta Road and Pyrmont Bridge Road
.Surface construction hours will be standard construction hours (consistent with Stage 1 and Stage 2 of WestConnex) which are 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays"...more

What's on in Annandale (4 March 2017)

Auditor Slams Westconnex Project

Sign the open letter to Mike Baird, Duncan Gay and Rob Stokes on WestCONnex

"The recent removal of the WestCONnex Camperdown interchange means that the traffic, air quality, noise and financial projections for the New M5 are now wrong. Yet the Baird government has announced plans to charge ahead with starting tunnelling works at the St Peters Interchange - even though no one now knows what the impact of this part of the tollway or the interchange itself will be.." Sign the Open Letter

2 people in fluoro vests fencing in laneway between parkland 6 people and a dog objecting to WestCONnex calling for expenditure on Public Transport instead WestCONnex drilling Rig White's Creek Lane, 9 Jan 2017

White's Creek Drilling from 4 Jan

"19 December 2016 Geotechnical investigations – Annandale
Work is underway on WestConnex, which involves widening and extending the M4 motorway, duplicating the M5 motorway and joining the M4 and M5 to create a free-flowing motorway network.
Planning continues for the proposed M4-M5 Link – the third stage of the WestConnex project linking the M4 at Haberfield to the M5 at St Peters via underground tunnels. For more information, visit
Geotechnical investigations will be undertaken in White's Creek Lane, Annandale, from Wednesday 4 January 2017.
The work at this location is expected to take up to three weeks to complete, weather permitting. " - 161219_N58_Geotechnical%20investigations%20notification_Annandale.pdf

geotechnical investigations

"These investigations involve the collection of soil and rock samples using a small drilling rig.
The samples are analysed to help us understand the ground conditions in the area, including the water table, and help inform the project design, method of construction and the Environmental Impact Statement." - 161222_Geotechnical%20investigations%20postcard.pdf

Lantern Procession, 22nd July 2017

Bland St, Haberfield to Camperdown Park


people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets

Pioneer Park, Leichhardt

people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets

Moore St, Leichhardt

people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets


people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets

Parramatta Road

people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets

Camperdown Park

people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets people with lanterns on streets