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January to June 2012 | What's on in Annandale
"Bicentennial Park, 2A Chapman Road, Annandale, 2038..A nice, grassy park with a largely family attendance for New Year's Eve..."more
24 December: Organ Recital of seasonal music at 11.00 pm
Watchnight for Christmas service at 11.30 pm; 25 December at 10.00 am
Christmas Day Family
Thurs Jan 24, 9am-4pm – Oasis Summer Intensive Full day workshop for children in different dance styles...
Christmas Eve 9pm Christmas Day 9.30am...
29 Oct 2012: The Leichhardt Native Revegetation And Biodiversity Management Plan is currently on exhibition for public comment. Submissions on the draft plan are invited until 5pm on 11 December 2012. ..more
The initial review period will be commenced from 5 November 2012 through to 3 December 2012...more
Trees and other plants help cool the environment..more
JIM DINE - Master Draughtsman & SAM FRANCIS - Master Colourist
>MASTER VISIONS:featuring Chuck Close • Richard Diebenkorn • Helen Frankenthaler • David Hockney • Jasper Johns • Roy Lichtenstein • Frank Stella • Donald Sultan • Andy Warhol
Exhibition opening Wednesday 7 November 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Exhibitions dates 6 November - 15 December 2012
More at
Sat Nov 17, 7pm - The Grapevine: Dreams/Wishes/Secrets.
Sun's Nov 18 & 25, 10am-4pm – Fairytale Writing Workshop with Mette Jakobsen.
Wed Nov 21, 8:15-8:45am - Sacred Space with Rev. Graeme Tutt.
Sat & Sun Dec 1 & 2, 3pm - Oasis End of Year Concert "We Love Our World".
Sat Dec 9, 2-5pm - Intro to Printmaking Workshop with Jessica Hodgkinson.
Thurs Jan 24, 9am-4pm – Oasis Summer Intensive Full day workshop for children in different dance styles...
"8th August, 2012: The Annandale Hotel has been a mainstay of the Sydney live music scene since the 1980s providing some of Australia’s greatest rock talent with the opportunity to hone their live act. When the Rule brothers took over 12 years ago the place was a basket case, previous owners had pulled the plug on live music.." - A short history of The Annandale Hotel
The Spindler's Park bicycle and pedestrian path and playground upgrade official opening sausage sizzle that will be held at Spindler's Park playground December 8, 2012 at 11:30 am. All Welcome.
"new active LED Lighting will be installed along the section between McMahon Bridge (adjacent to the end of Taylor Street) [Former Tram Line Bridge] continuning north through Hogan, Smith ad Spinkdlers Park to the underpass at The Crescent. The upgrade works are scheduled to commence in August 2012 and be completed by November 2012. The estimated cost of work is $530,000." - LMC NOTIFICATION posted at works 27 September 2012
Council report into LED Lighting for Johnston Creek paths, says active lighting good for nightlife...more
At 3 March, 289 Submissions were available at
Submission from Marghanita da Cruz (1 March 2012)
Stage 4 Policy Options Release (The Green Paper will be published by the end of April 2012.)
Stage 5 Draft Legislation -A 'white paper' and draft legislation will be released for exhibition before a bill is submitted to the NSW Parliament.
More at
Draft Development Guidelines – Scope and Timeline - 233 and 233A Johnston Street, Annandale...more
The panel considered four types of recognition; symbolic recognition, democratic recognition, financial recognition and recognition through federal cooperation...more
10.30am - 1.30pm Saturday 17 Nov 2012
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre (back hall)
Join Leichhardt Council and Lisa McArthur-Edwards a sculptor who uses waste and natural materials in her works. See how other products eg waste fabric, waste paper and native grasses and plants can be incorporated into your artworks....more
10-3pm Saturday 10th November, cnr Johnston and Collins Street and St Brendan's Church Grounds.
Photographs of water on streets at about 15.30, after storm 9 November 2012. These are potential sites for more sensitive urban water design, to buffer water to allow absorbtion and access by existing and additional trees.
1st Monday of each month
7-8.30pm Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Agenda 5th November 2012 Agenda includes: Meet the Gadigal Councillors, Consultation on Parklands on Annandale Foreshore, and at 8pm Glebe Island Expo...more
6 October - 3 November 2012
Leichhardt Library
Sale and Bumpout 10am Saturday 3 November 2012
Eco-Annandale 2012 is the fifth Ecologically Sustainable Annandale Exhibition. The theme of the 2012 Exhibition is Energy.
Catalog available at
9 Oct - 3 Nov 2012
Opening: Wednesday 10 October 6:30-9:00pm
Time of Ngoonungi - Murrai'yunggory (cool, getting warmer) September - October..
Opening of Eco-Annandale 2012 and Launch of Federation Annandale: A Short Walk
11-1pm Saturday 13 October 2012 (RSVP preferred)
29 August - 6 October 2012
Two candidates were nominated for Mayor, Rochelle Porteus (Greens) and Darcy Byrne (Labor) - Darcy Byrne was elected, by a show of 8 hands (4 Lab & 4 Lib Councillors) to Rochelle Porteus's 4 votes
The three Gadigal (Annandale/Leichhardt) Councillors Daniel Kogoy (Greens), Vera Hannaford (Liberal) and Deputy Mayor Linda Kelly (Labor) were candidates for the position of Deputy Mayor. Following a three way tie - a name was then drawn out of the hat, to eliminate one of the candidates. Daniel Kogoy's name was drawn out of the hat, eliminating him from the contest. In a second round of voting Vera Hannaford (Liberal) got 4 votes and Linda Kelly (Labor) got 7 votes. Michele Mackenzie abstained.
Result: Mayor Darcy Byrne (Wangal/Rozelle-Lilyfield Ward, Labor), Deputy Mayor Linda Kelly (Gadigal/Annandale-Leichhardt Ward: Labor)
Canberrans James Batchelor, sister Emma, Chloe Chignell and Amber McCartney prepare for their In Wonderland a Dance and Film installation performance. James, Chloe and Amber are currently studying at the Victorian College of the Arts. They will do two performances.
at 7.30pm 15 and 22nd September 2012
at the Creative Arts Centre (Old Church, next to Annandale Neighbourhood Centre)
81 Johnston Street, Annandale as part of Platform Shorts at the Sydney Fringe Festival.
Platform Shorts won the award for BEST DANCE PERFORMANCE at 2012 SYDNEY FRINGE FESTIVAL...Photographs of Performances (in 1921 Victory Hall, 1890s Church and in the Church Grounds)
2-8pm Saturday 15 September 2012
With an Adventures in Wonderland theme, the fete will feature Mad Hatters Tea Party, the inaugural
Sydney Cupcake Competition, prizes for best costumes and also local
celebrities including Craig Recaussel, Robbie Buck and Ian Moss. There will
be amusement rides, food and live entertainment for the whole family....more
The boundary between the Sydney City Council and Leichhardt Municipality runs through Annandale. Elections for these councils will be run on 8 September 2012. Annandale will elect 3 ward councillors to the Leichhardt Council. The city council has 10 councillors and no wards.
GNS 2,3322,568 (43.36%)
ALP 1,4811,659 (28.01%)
LP 1,5891,695 (28.62%)...more
Group B GNS 4,5994,747 (9.65%)
Group C ASP 1,5321,616 (3.29%)
Group D ALP 5,5745,852 (11.90%)
Group E CMI 22,07723,143 (47.07%)
Group F LP 8,4128,684 (17.66%)
Group G LS 3,7953,977 (8.09%)...more
Time of Burrugin - Tugarah Tuli (cold, frosty, short days) June to late
In 2011, Annandale's Population was 4,125 Males + 4,544 Female = 8,669 People
Average motor vehicles per dwelling 1.2..
Morning Tea with the Mayor, 29 August 2012...more
Whites Creek Valley Park
11am-3pm Sunday 26 August 2012
Live Music & Children's Entertainment * Recycled Fashion Parade * Markets * Cycle-in (Pedal Powered) Cinema * Eco-Workshops * Bush Tucker Talk * Music * Recycled Art Workshop * Community Garden Tours * Tree Planting * Wildlife Exhibition and check out new Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery
and much more
invite you to attend their
FASHION PARADE at their Church Hall,
cnr Johnston and Collins Sts Annandale.
10.30am 25th August 2012
followed by a light lunch.
Donation $5.00.
Presented by Stafford Fashions
RSVP 17 August 2012
Telephone: 9xxxx or Email: "XXX" (copy and paste email address, between inverted commas into your email, remove spaces)
Emptying the catcher of the Sawdust Vacuum Cleaner at Crescent Timber Yards, Chapman Road, Annandale Photo Marghanita da Cruz 22 August 2012
obscure gallery invites you to an exhibition of recent painting and not so recent works on paper by
on saturday 18 and sunday 19 august 2012
11am to 6pm at 209 nelson street annandale
or by appointment
phone (02)9660 9307
Email: tonyedwards @ exemail . com . au (drop spaces
drinks 3 pm saturday
after the storm oil on cavas 50 cm x 65 cm
12-2pm Sat 18 Aug 2012
Taylor Stret, Annandale
Free sausage sizzle and give away, see Taylor street's ecological sustainability features, composting and worm farming workshop, mini beasts from Whites Creek Wetlands, Bicycle maintenance and safety check, kids facepainting. RSVP Email: or Tel: 9367-9053
Tattooist * Balloonist * Magician * Zoo Mobile * Kindyfarm * Facepainting * Heritage Display
10am - 2pm Saturday 11th August 2012
79 Johnston Street
Enquiries Ph. 9660 2828
Leichhardt Council Working with the Community
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre (79 Johnston Street)
7-9pm Monday 6 August 2012...more
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre Refurbishment works
Building refurbishment works including replacement of flooring and repainting,
replacement of floor coverings on stairs and window sashes and internal and
external painting the rear hall have commenced and are due to be completed by
20 April. Other energy efficient measures including ceiling fans have been
installed in the lower level meeting rooms and offices.
As part of these works, 15 fluorescent light fittings have been changed from T8 tubes to LED fittings as a trial... Leichhardt Council to report on Centre becoming an Energy Efficient Lighting demonstration site....more
(corner of Collins and Johnston Streets)
10am Sunday, 1 July 2011
"Please join us for morning tea in the Church Hall
at the conclusion of the service"