Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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Transport Indicators for Leichhardt LGA

Source Bureau of Transport Statistics file))


Persons 54,000
No. of households 25,000
Average household size 2.2

Total travel

Trips av. weekday 244,000
Trips av. weekend day 257,000
Trips per person - weekday 4.5
Trips per person - weekend 4.7
Trips per household - weekday 9.7
Trips per household - weekend 10.3

Purpose3 of travel (trips)

Commute 42,000
Work related business 25,000
Education/child care 16,000
Shopping 45,000
Personal business 14,000
Social/recreation 68,000
Serve passenger 21,000
Other 12,000

Mode4 of travel (trips)

Vehicle driver 80,000
Vehicle passenger 30,000
Train 6,000
Bus 31,000
Walk only 91,000
Other modes 17,000

Purpose3 of travel (distance)

Commute 336,000
Work related business 201,000
Education/childcare 84,000
Shopping 118,000
Personal business 43,000
Social/recreation 252,000
Serve passenger 87,000
Other 24,000

Mode4 of travel (distance)

Vehicle driver 593,000
Vehicle passenger 159,000
Train 52,000
Bus 141,000
Walk only 61,000
Walk linked5 52,000
Other modes 87,000

Purpose3 of travel (trips %)

Commute 17%
Work related business 10%
Education/childcare 7%
Shopping 19%
Personal business 6%
Social/recreation 28%
Serve passenger 9%
Other 5%

Mode4 of travel (trips %)

Vehicle driver 31%
Vehicle passenger 12%
Train 2%
Bus 12%
Walk only 36%
Other modes 7%

Purpose3 of travel (distance %)

Commute 29%
Work related business 18%
Education/childcare 7%
Shopping 10%
Personal business 4%
Social/recreation 22%
Serve passenger 8%
Other 2%

Mode4 of travel (distance %)

Vehicle driver 52%
Vehicle passenger 14%
Train 5%
Bus 12%
Walk only 5%
Walk linked5 5%
Other modes 8%
Private vehicles 31,000
Vehicles per household 1.3
Distance (kms)
Total travel (kms) 1,145,000
Total travel per person (kms) 21.0
Av. trip length (kms) 4.7
Vehicle travel (VKT) (kms) 593,000
VKT per person (kms) 10.9
Travel time (mins)
Av. work trip duration 32
Av. non-work trip duration 16
Av. Trip duration - all purposes 19
Daily travel time per capita 87

Source: 2010/11 five-year pooled Household Travel Survey (HTS) dataset. The geography is based on the 2006 Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC).

Notes: 1 Unless otherwise stated, estimates are for an average weekday. Estimates are rounded to the nearest thousand, but averages and percentages are computed based on unrounded numbers.

2 Population estimates are based on HTS estimates of those in occupied private dwellings.

3 Estimates of trip purpose are based on linked trip. Trips to return home have been reallocated to the previous 'priority' purpose.

4 Estimates of trip mode are based on unlinked trips except for walk trips.

5 'Walk linked' is a walk trip to change mode to other forms of transport.

Annandale Profile

A Balanced Population

pie chart

4,125 Males + 4,544 Female = 8,669 People
Median age 36
2144 Families Average 1.6children/family
All private dwellings 4,149
Average people per household 2.2
Median weekly household income $2,086
Median monthly mortgage repayments $2,947
Median weekly rent $450
Average motor vehicles per dwelling 1.2
Source: (2011 Data)

Number of Vehicles

Number of motor vehicles registered at each dwelling
1 motor vehicle 1789
2 motor vehicles 945
3 or more vehicles 176
Number of motor vehicles not stated 75

pie chart

Marital Status

People aged 15 years and over Sourc:

Registered marital statusAnnandale (NSW)%New South Wales%Australia%
Never married3,42547.21,870,20333.55,962,76934.3



EducationAnnandale (NSW)%New South Wales%Australia%
Primary - Government33614.0372,07517.41,181,78718.2
Primary - Catholic1124.7115,7275.4359,0625.5
Primary - Other Non Government883.761,5442.9214,3593.3
Secondary - Government1084.5271,18112.7774,07411.9
Secondary - Catholic813.4109,4095.1307,1424.7
Secondary - Other Non Government1064.471,3413.3254,8283.9
Technical or further education institution1656.9168,0047.9473,6067.3
University or tertiary institution68028.3303,07014.2932,52414.3
Not Stated49420.5486,53922.81,511,69423.2
Total2,407--2,136,114--6,503,580-- last updated 3 July 2012.