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Office Hours: Mon:closed; Tues-Thu:10am-4pm; Fri:11am-5pm
Telephone: (02)96602828
Please call relevant number listed for activities below.
Support Groups | Activities | Hall and Meeting Room Hire | Justice of the Peace | Craft Group | Over 30 years of Activity.
Day/Location | Meeting Room | Upstairs Hall | Back Hall |
Monday |
Annandale Precinct Meeting1st Monday of month6.30pm to 8.30pm Annandale Residents Group6.45-9pm, (3rd Monday of Month)Breastfeeding Assoc10am-12pm 2nd Monday of the month except April, June, JulyHoly Ph 97988996 |
Community Drawing Group9am-1pmBronwyn Ph. 93679379 Yoga-Feldenkrais6.15pm to 7.30pmPh.9660-5514 School Terms |
Annandale WHOOSH AFTER SCHOOL CAREMon-Fri 2.30pm-6pm during School TermsAlcoholics Anonymous8pm-9.30pm |
Tuesday |
Life Force Carers Support5.45pm-7.45pmSchool Terms Phone 9389-3834 Meditation Sanctuary7.30-9pm Ph 95686522 |
Meditation Sanctuary7.30pm-9pm Upstairs HallPh 95686522 Yoga - Feldenkrais9.30-10.45amPh.9660-5514 School Terms |
Annandale Playgroup9.30am to S.H.A.R.E. Seniors Tai Chi11:45am-12.45pmTai Chi class for people over 50.Phone 95334422 WHOOSH AFTER SCHOOL CAREMon-Fri 2.30pm-6pm during School Terms |
Wednesday |
FeldenKrais1-2pmAdrienne: 0422698247 |
Yoga6.30pm to 7.45pm |
WHOOSH AFTER SCHOOL CAREMon-Fri 2.30pm-6pm during School Terms |
Thursday |
Life Force Support5.45pm-7.45pm School TermsPh 9389-3834 |
Painting Classes9.30am-1.30pm(School Terms)Fort Celia 0404-875-046 Yoga-Feldenkrais6.15pm-7.30pm (school terms) Phone 96605514 |
WHOOSH AFTER SCHOOL CAREMon-Fri 2.30pm-6pm during School TermsNarcotics Anonymous8pm-9.30pm |
Friday |
Gentle Exercises for Seniors9am-10amAni Ph. 9660-2828 Annandale Craft Group11am-2pmPh 9660-2828 |
Painting Classes9.30am to 1.30pmSchool Terms Ph. Celia 0404-875-046 Soul Motion Dance7.30-9.30pm(1st and 3rd Fri of the month) Julie 0418-407-984 |
Annandale Playgroup9.30am to WHOOSH AFTER SCHOOL CAREMon-Fri 2.30pm-6pm during School Terms |
Saturday |
Labor Party Meeting3rd Sat of month10am-12noon Marijuana Anonymous1.45pm-4pm |
Pre-Natal Yoga9.30am-10.30am Keren Sharon 0425-287-235Loaded Dog Folk Club8pm-11pm, usually 4th Saturdays February to NovemberPh.(02)93584886 Email: |
Bluegrass Music1st Sat of month6-7.30pm Workshop (meeting room) 8-11pm Concert(Back hall) Ph 02-9456-1090 |
Sunday |
Meditiation11am-1pm 28 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May 2016 |
Cumberland Society(minature war games) 2nd Sun of month 9am to 5pm Grant. Ph 0405-327-634 | |
Facility HireRooms in Annandale Community Centre are available to hire for a wide variety of activities, events, meetings and programs. For bookings and associated fees and charges, please contact the Annandale Community Centre on 9660-2828 or Leichhardt Council 9367-9222 | Justice of the PeaceA Justice of the Peace (JP) Service available Tuesday-Thursday 2pm-4pm. Or only by appointment on 9660-2828. Support Groups
Absolute Beginners Guitar LessonsMon-Thurs evenings and Sat afternoon. School Terms. By appointment Ph. David 0412-360-275Aunties and Uncles8.30am to 4pm Tuesday & Wednesday. Ph. 9660 2354 | |
Annandale Community Centre offers a number of programs for community members. Please contact the centre for futher information on Craft Group, Gentle Exercise for Seniors, Community Drawing Group and Seniors Tai Chi. Please contact the centre for further information. Occassional Childcare is provided by Leichhardt Council Ph 9367-9222 The Annandale Community Centre was a community facility of the Leichhardt Municipal Council. Last updated 4 January 2017. |