Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998
While Cyclists interests are being pushed, pedestrians and public transport users are being squeezed out.
Nelson St Bus Stop, with weed infested wall - no shelter, no seat and pedestrian crossing up the hill and across the street.
Shortly after the round about was constructed at the intersection of Nelson and Booth Streets, a Proposal to amalgamate Nelson and Taylor St Bus Stops on Booth St. (south side -bus travelling towards Leichhardt) was submitted to the Local Traffic Committee - Agenda Item 2.1 Bus Zone relocation - Booth St, Annandale - February 2005.
Pedestrian Crossing, Bins and Seat left behind, when Nelson and Trafalgar St Bus Stops were amalgamated.
The committee discussed the issue and recommended the Taylor St "Bus Zone" be relocated 53.5m up the hill, adjacent to the Australia Post Zone and noted the JC Decaux bus shelter relocation required a separate DA. They also recommended the Bus Zone at the shops be replaced with a parking/loading zone. - Minutes February 2005
Taylor St Bus Shelter and Rubbish Bins, 53.5metres below, Bus Stop.
The Bus Stops have been amalgamated. However, the pedestrian crossing and street furniture (rubbish bins and seat) remains on the other side of Nelson St. The bus shelter also remains at 53.5 metres away at Taylor St.
The current Bus stop across Nelson St, from the shops and the pedestrian crossing, 53.5metres uphill from the Taylor St bus shelter has no shelter or seating. It is used by elderly residents, who need to get to Market Town, Leichhardt, to do their Shopping, Anecdotally, the relocation of the Taylor Street Bus Shelter wasn't approved because the noxious weed infested wall adjoining the new bus stop, 53.5metres away has heritage value.
Pedestrians getting onto the Bus
Pedestrians at the busy Johnston Street bus stop have to negotiate, the Bus Shelter and electricity pole to get to the bus stop.
Pedestrians at the Bus Stop cannot see the oncoming bus, without stepping into the street. Passengers alighting from the bus also have to negotiate the Bus Shelter, Electricity Pole.
Another Bus Shelter not at the Bus Stop.
There are two bus services that use this Bus Stop. When elderly passengers hale the bus from the Bus Shelter, bus drivers maystop at the Shelter rather than the bus stop. If this happens and a second bus pulls up, it obstructs the pedestrian crossing at the intersection, requiring pedestrians to step into the traffic on Johnston St. These pedestrians are often carers with young children but also include wheel chair bound local residents.
Bus Shelter obstructs pedestrian's view of the oncoming bus and access to bus stop.
The JC Decaux Street Furniture Contract was subject of item 29A JC DECAUX SCROLLING PANELS at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 April 2009
After 19 months of Lobbying, about pedestrian safety at the Roberts Rd Bus Stop, the Council voted to have the advertising panel removed due to sign distance issues on a designated bicycle route. The report, also mentioned the loss of advertising revenue from the relocation of the bus stop from Taylor St. However, as shown above the Shelter with advertising has not been removed.
Council voted against allowing JC Decaux to install Scrolling Panels.
Under their contract with council, JC Decaux install and maintain:
Leichhardt Council also receives revenue ($1,281,495 since 1997) and access to advertising space.