Discover your sense of balance in a one day workshop presented by The Australian Feldenkrais Guild.
Learn to Move and Balance with more freedom and confidence.
WHERE: Saturday December 14 from 10am to 2pm
WHERE Harold Park Tramsheds Community Centre
COST $65
More Information and Registration
Saturday 16 November, 7:00pm.
2040, by award-winning director Damon Gameau (That Sugar Film). This film looks at what our planet could like by 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us.
Sunday 17 November, 7:00pm.
The Final Quarter. This highly acclaimed documentary holds a mirror up to Australia, using archival footage to look at the controversial treatment of AFL star, Adam Goodes.
More information:
Date: August 4 and 11
Time: 1-4 pm
Brief Description: Walking with Joy - a Workshop based on Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement which will help you walk with more ease, joy and mindfulness
Come along and find out how moving the Feldenkrais way can help with stress
Where: Harold Park Tramsheds
When: Saturday/Sunday 3/4 Nov 3, 12-5:30pm
Are your shoulders hunched and rounded?
Is sitting up straight becoming a chore, creating
pain and stiffness?
Come and learn how to release the stress and
tension you're holding in your shoulders
Stress, whether acute or chronic, can impact your
breath and consequently your health.
Explore the benefits of connecting breath to
movement, mood and health
Momentary excitement walking down new stairs - but Public Park still not open!!
Extension of the licensed hours of Shop 7 from 10-10 7 days. To
10am-midnight M-S.
More at:
New grass goes in - hopefully there will also be a few trees....
FLAG Harold Park (FLAG) is an independent residents' action group representing three local communities: Forest Lodge, Annandale and Glebe....
"We have received feedback from Council which partially answers our queries below. You can download the letter here:
We asked Council:..
Have your say at:
Email 22/05/14 22:08 "All,
To provided an update to the FLAG group, as you may know City of Sydney approved the Tramsheds DA at the council meeting held in early April. The Councillors, with the exception of Irene Doutney (the Greens Councillor) voted to approve the retail development plans for the historic Tramsheds building. Irene Doutney said she couldn't support the plans in their final form because of the impact on those using the Johnstons Creek path. ..."more
SHEDS (D/2013/883)
The Development Assessment Sub-Committee decided that consideration of this matter
be deferred to the meeting of Council on 7 April 2014.
At the meeting of Council, it was moved by Councillor Mant, seconded by Councillor
Kok –
It is resolved that consent be granted to Development Application No. D/2013/883,
subject to the conditions as detailed in the subject report to the Planning and
Development Committee on 1 April 2014, amended as follows (with additions shown in
bold italics and deletions in strikethrough):.." - 12th page of Document (page 550 of Minutes)
"The motion was carried on the following show of hands –
Ayes (8) The Lord Mayor, Councillors Forster, Green, Kemmis, Kok, Mandla, Mant
and Vithoulkas
Noes (1) Councillor Doutney.
Motion carried.
The motion, as adopted by Council, is as follows:
It is resolved that consent be granted to Development Application No. D/2013/883,
subject to the following conditions:.." - 14th page of Document (page 552 of Minutes)
COMMUNITY RALLY: 5pm Sunday 6 April 2014, Chapman Road Bridge, Federal Park, The Crescent, Annandale
The revised proposed retail development at Harold Park includes 145 (exceeding 125 limit) car spaces and an upgrade of roads and bridges through Annandale foreshore parkland to acces them. This traffic, along with that generated by the large residential development at Harold Park will add to the congestion on the Crescent and impact public transport along the route, which also needs to be increased to meet the obvious increase there will be in demand from the residents of the new development.
At their April 7 meeting, the Sydney City Council may refuse the DA or approve it with ineffective conditions of consent (see alternative motion here). The Council meeting to consider the DA is open and the public can attend. It is item "9.9 Development Application: 10 Maxwell Road Forest Lodge – Tram Sheds on the Agenda", but items which have drawn a large public attendance are brought forward.
Express your concern with the proposal by turning up at the Meeting:
5pm Monday 7 April 2014
Council Chamber, Sydney Town Hall, George Street Sydney
Agenda and Papers (including Report of the Planning and Development Committee - 1 April 2014)
Amended plans for the adaptive reuse, and alterations to, the heritage listed Rozelle Tram Depot. The amendments include:
1. Relocation of internal car park from Level 1 to Level 2 and new ramp.
2. Relocation of supermarket from Level 2 to Level 1 including reduction in gross floor area of supermarket from 2700sqm to 2345sqm.
3. Reconfiguration of internal retail tenancies.
4. Increase in bicycle parking spaces from 50 to 84 and increase in vehicle parking from 142 to 145 spaces.
5. Additional fire exit to Maxwell Road.
The City of Sydney has received the above Development Application. As part of the assessment process, we are notifying surrounding neighbours and property owners to seek their views on the proposal.
The application is on public exhibition until 15 March 2014. (If the period finishes on a weekend, the period is extended to the next working day). During this time, you are welcome to make a submission on the proposal. You can view the full application at any of the following locations (although privacy restrictions exist for internal areas of residential buildings):
1. Online at the City's website, under Development - Development Applications - On Exhibition. The website contains all relevant details of the proposal, including plans, which can be downloaded if required. A submission can be made directly from the website.
2. In person at the following locations:
CBD Level 3, Town Hall House, 456 Kent St, Sydney. Mon to Fri 8am - 6pm.
GLEBE Customer Service Centre, 186 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe. Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm.
If you would like to speak directly to a Council planning officer about this development application, you can contact Vanessa Aziz on Ph: 9265 9333 or email:
"Application Number D/2013/883, Location:
10 Maxwell Road FOREST LODGE NSW 2037
Description:(Harold Park Tram Sheds) Amended plans for the adaptive reuse, and alterations to, the heritage listed Rozelle Tram Depot. The amendments include: 1. Relocation of internal car park from Level 1 to Level 2 and new ramp. 2. Relocation of supermarket from Level 2 to Level 1 including reduction in gross floor area of supermarket from 2700sqm to 2345sqm. 3. Reconfiguration of internal retail tenancies. 4. Increase in bicycle parking spaces from 50 to 84 and increase in vehicle parking from 142 to 145 spaces. 5. Additional fire exit to Maxwell Road. Important Note: Previous submissions to this application will still be taken into consideration. Exhibition Closes:17/03/2014"...more
The Lord Mayor will open the event and you can view the design plans, speak with the project team and provide your feedback.
The developed design will be on public exhibition from 3 – 23 March 2014.
Where: Southern Hall, Glebe Town Hall, 160 St Johns Road, Glebe
When: Monday 3rd March, 5.30pm – 7.30pm.
Plans also available at Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Application withdrawn 3 Dec 2013 more
(a) The hours of operation are restricted to be between 7.00am and
9.30pm Monday to Sunday to vehicles servicing the site.
(b) The private Link Road is not to be used by vehicles servicing the site.
All service vehicles are to enter and exit the Tram Sheds site via the
Johnstons Creek Bridge road link. [Ed:Through Federal Park]
(c) The restriction on hours is to be included in the updated Car Park Plan
of Management.
A maximum of 125 off-street car parking spaces must be provided, including
a minimum of:
(a) 6 accessible parking spaces,
(b) 2 car share spaces,
(c) 2 spaces dedicated to motorcycle parking.
(a) The proposed upgrade works to the intersection of The Crescent and
Chapman Road as shown in correspondence from GTA Consultants
(letter dated 30 September 2013) is supported in principle subject to
the following being provided and approved by the NSW Roads and
Maritime Services and the Director City Planning, Development and
(i) Detailed design drawings consisting of a road design plan,
illustrating road design dimensions (e.g. lane widths, median
widths, swept paths etc.), including appropriate provisions for
pedestrians and cyclists. The plan shall be to scale.
(ii) The removal of any on-street parking spaces required as a result
of the proposed intersection upgrade will require community
consultation with affected residents and/or businesses and shall
be undertaken by the applicant to the satisfaction of the NSW
Roads and Maritime Services.
(iii) The upgraded facility provided prior to the issue of an Occupation
(b) All costs associated with the upgrade of the intersection are to be
borne by the developer.....
2 July 2014
(a) Subject to the receipt of permission of the affected landowner,
dilapidation report/s, including a photographic survey of the bridge over
Johnston’s Creek, approaches and adjoining stormwater channel are to
be prepared by an appropriately qualified structural engineer prior to
commencement of excavation works. A copy of the dilapidation report/s
together with the accompanying photographs must be given to the
above property/asset owners, and a copy lodged with the accredited
certifier/Certifying Authority and the Council prior to works
A report on the application will be submitted to the Planning Development and Transport Committee meeting on 3 December 2013 for determination. This meeting is to be held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall commencing at 5.00p.m and is open for public attendance.
Copies of the Planning Development and Transport Committee agenda are available to the public from Council's One Stop Shop on Level 2 of Town Hall House the Thursday prior to the Tuesday meeting and on Councils website at
Should you wish to address the Committee meeting on this matter, it will be necessary for you to register your name by phoning the City's Secretariat on 9265 9310 by no later than 12.00 noon on the Tuesday of the Committee meeting. Each person will be limited to 3 minutes. The chair may limit the number of speakers to 3 for each agenda item so you may need to liaise with other objectors and nominate a spokesperson
Should you require any further information regarding the application please contact Vanessa Aziz on ph. 92467758, or by email at (Source Email from CoS 26 Nov 2013)
Proposed names are “Cullen Close”, “Scotsman Street”, “Grattan Close” and the extension of existing Ross Street as “Ross Street”....more
Due to Harold Park development this bus stop [Northern side of Minogue crescent just before Wigram Road]will be temporarily closed ...more
Proposed names are “Cullen Close”, “Scotsman Street”, “Grattan Close” and the extension of existing Ross Street as “Ross Street”....more
Project team discussing refined Master Plan and seeking endorsement at Environment Committee meeting on Monday 19 August 2013 at 2pm. Team will then seek Council endorsement of the refined Master Plan.
The business papers are now live on the City's website. They include phase 1, 2 and 3 consultation reports, a summary from phase 3 of community comments and responses from the project team, the amended Master Plan, a location plan and a number of precedent images. These can be viewed online at (scroll down to Item 8).
Committee meetings begin at 2pm in the Council Chamber, Sydney Town Hall. Guidelines for community members wishing to speak at committee meetings can be found here:
Rozelle Tram Depot, Dated: possibly March 1929, Digital ID: 17420_a014_a0140001131
Source: flickr from State Records NSW Collection
The application was deferred from the 3 December 2013 Development Transport and Planning Committee meeting. At the request of the applicant, consideration of Development Application No. D/2013/883 was deferred to allow for the redesign of the following elements: 1. Car parking and bicycle configuration within the Tram Sheds. 2. Reconfiguration of the retail layout, circulation and access to the Community Space. The application may need to be re-advertised and/or re-notified if the amendments are likely to result in additional or different impacts. This notification will occur once the applicant formally submits amended plans. It is anticipated that this could occur in the beginning of 2014. (email 13/12/13 10:09)
City of Sydney (D/2013/883): Adaptive re-use, and alterations to, the heritage listed Rozelle Tram Depot for community, retail and commercial uses including a supermarket, restauraunts (unlicenced) and gym serviced by 146 car parking spaces and 65 bicycle spaces. Proposed hours of operation are 6.00am to 12 midnight, seven days a week. Associated works inlcude a pedestrian link to Maxwell Road, a signalised intersection at Nelson St and the Crescent, works to the Johnsons Creek Bridge as well as associated landscaping and heritage interpretation works....more
6.30-7.30pm Monday 19 August 2013
Glebe Town Hall, 160 St Johns Road
RSVP for catering purposes: Telephon: 96607586 Email:
76 Internal car space in northern part of Tram Shed & Trolley Bays;
70 external car spaces(4 Accessible, 3 car share, 2 service) at Western side of Sheds;
Location of 12 motorcycle and 50 bicycle not identified
Link from Maxwell Road and Jubilee Park Light Rail Station. No mention of access from Harold Park residences or impact on pedestrian access to Jubilee Park Station from Annandale and Forest Lodge.
3.4 Supermarket & 3.5 TenanciesCommunity Space
Johnston's Creek was a natural waterway, which flowed into Johnston's Bay, Port Jackson at the Crescent Annandale...more
Reports on Precinct 1 & 2 buildings have been finalised and will be considered by the Central Sydney Planning Committee on 18 Sept 2012...more
Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Harold Park) 2011 Current version for 16 December 2011 to date (accessed 26 June 2012 at 21:52)...more
Harold Park, was the third European name given area. The first name was Lillie Bridge, then Epping...more
The Harold Park Paceway comprised an 800m track, a 3000 seat grandstand and administration and parking facilities. The former Rozelle Tram Depot includes a heritage listed Federation warehouse with saw-tooth roofed tram sheds, a large cast iron water tank and Federation period
No adverse flooding outside the development site is permitted....NOTICE OF DETERMINATION – APPROVAL D/2011/1299 (viewed 7 July 2012)
Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Harold Park) 2011 Current version for 16 December 2011 to date (accessed 26 June 2012 at 21:52)...more
In 1923, a large number of Annandale residents met at the Council Chambers on Johnston Street. The Mayor (Alderman E. Hogan) presided over the meeting whose objective was to securing certain land in the municipality for dedication as a public park and recreation ground. The resolution to secure the land was moved by Senator J. Grant. In seconding the motion, Mr. W. J. Lincoln said that the "building of the Rozelle railway had robbed them of the only recreation ground they had." The motion was supported by Aldermen Packer and Ridge, Mr. A. Sinclair, M.L.C., and Mr. Carrington. Messrs. W. J. Lincoln and P. S. Tooker were elected president and hon. secretary respectively of the citizens' committee which was formed to arrange a deputation to the Minister for Lands. Source: 1923 'PARK FOR ANNANDALE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 20 November, p. 8, viewed 11 September, 2013,
Harold Park, was the third European name given area. The first name was Lillie Bridge after the English Running Grounds. However the stench, subsequently associated with Lillie bridge, led to its second name, Epping. This 1907 Plan of the third sub-division of the Toxteth Estate shows the "Epping Recreational Ground" and Tramline.
As the surburb of Epping developed, confusion arose between the suburb and the race course. So, the name was changed to Harold Park reportedly in honour of "Harold, the sire of Childe Harold, Vancleve and Tuxedo, whose blood runs in the veins of so many modern trotters and pacers." - 1929 'TROTTING NOTES.', The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950), 3 April, p. 4 Edition: HOME (FINAL) EDITION, viewed 26 June, 2012,
"In numbers of places the gutters overflowed across the footpaths, the water-tables proving inadequate to carry the stormwater Tho reclaimed land around the head of Rozelle Bay, and across to White-street, on the eastern side of Leichhardt Hill, was in parts inundated to a depth of from 1ft to 18in. The large stormwater drainage channels running across tho reclaimed land also overflowed, and at about 11 o'clock the low-lying lands in the vicinity were covered by one largo sheet of water. The outlet into Rozelle Bay was retarded "by the raised tramline which crosses it, and the flood had not quite abated by the afternoon. Further around towards tho city the low-lying ground near tho Forest Lodge Racecourse was also covered with water, and the whole of tho surface of both Blackwattle and Rozelle Bays was much discoloured by the inrush of the stormwaters from tho surrounding localities." - 1902 'THE STORM AT LEICHHARDT.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 13 October, p. 8, viewed 2 July, 2012,
Resumptions for Forest Lodge-Balmain Tramway - 1891 'GOVERNMENT GAZETTE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 25 March, p. 11, viewed 2 July, 2012,
"The Lillie Bridge pony races still continue to draw well, and the postponed meeting on Saturday night was no exception to the rule...." - 1892 'SPORTS AND PASTIMES.', Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1853 - 1872), 5 November, p. 14, viewed 26 June, 2012,
A new running ground to be opened at Forest Lodge, near the tram terminus. The ground will be known as the Lillie Bridge Electric Light Athletic Ground. £10,000 is being spent toattract the public and pedestrians - 1889 'PEDESTRIANISM.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 25 June, p. 5, viewed 26 June, 2012,
Construction of goods railway line from Flemington to Glebe Island to begin -1911 'A New Goods Line.', Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), 28 February, p. 5, viewed 26 June, 2012,
Railway goods waggons were run over the new railway deviation from Rozelle Bay to Darling Island on Tuesday for the first time. This signalises the completion of the greater part of the deviation, •Which is regarded as a feat of en gineering skill. 1922 'NEWS IN BREIF.', The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), 27 January, p. 3, viewed 2 December, 2013,
Tender for tramway from Lillie Bridge to Balmain, via Booth Street, over stormwater channel - 1907 'GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 30 April, p. 9, viewed 26 June, 2012,
The 8.21 Balmain to Sydney Tram, was nearly derailed, for a second time, by iron rails placed across the lines, on the ascent after Lillie Bridge,..1896 'Attempt to Derail a Tram.', Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 - 1904), 22 July, p. 2, viewed 26 June, 2012,
"THE almost sudden death of Sir George Wigram Allen will cause a shock to the community that cannot fail to be widely felt. The sad event took place at his residence, Toxteth Park, Glebe, on Thursday...Then in 1853 he was appointed solicitor to the Sydney University, and in 1859 and was first Mayor of the Glebe, one of the earliest suburban municipalities of the colony, which was mainly founded through his instrumentality..."-1885 'Death of Sir George Wigram Allen.', Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1853 - 1872), 1 August, p. 16, viewed 26 June, 2012,
Strathmore Estate (opposite the Toxteth Estate) city residence of Sir G. Wigram Allen was subdivided. See 1894 Real Estate Plan
Between Rozelle Bay and Blackwattle Bay was once a boggy area of mangroves and rocky creek beds. Mud flats lay between White's Creek, Johnston's Creek and Blackwattle
The Harold Park Paceway comprised an 800m track, a 3000 seat grandstand and administration and parking facilities. The former Rozelle Tram Depot includes a heritage listed Federation warehouse with saw-tooth roofed tram sheds, a large cast iron water tank and Federation period
No. 1 Section: 1st prize, Rozelle Depot; 1920 'RAILWAY GARDENS.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 6 December, p. 6, viewed 2 December, 2013,
This page last updated 31 December 2019.