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Exploring (2011-) | 73 Parramatta Road (2010) |Auto Electrician Nelson Street Corner | Annandale Bridge | History of the Road | Footpath (2013)
"Between 1789 and 1791, .. a track was formed between Sydney and Parramatta, although most communication was by river. Though frowned upon by government since the track enabled convicts to evade scrutiny of their movements, it became the basis for the Parramatta Road." (viewed 29 Dec 2011)
"Parramatta Road was one of the earliest colonial transport routes in Australia. It linked the two original European settlements at Sydney Cove and Parramatta. Early development took place along this corridor and it is not surprising that there are many heritage items in the area today. Parramatta Road is therefore an important road for NSW and is also host to a rich and diverse urban heritage, which contributes to the local character of the areas it (viewed 29 Dec 2011)
"the city boundary stone at the corner of Cleveland-street and Darlington Road.SMH 3 May 1929
"the Boundary Stone Inn, Cnr Bourke and Cleveland" NSW Bowls to 1900
"The boundary stone set by Governor Bourke in 1833 was formerly at Bay Street, and now stands on the corner of Glebe Point Road."...Politicians, Publicans and Sinners Glebe Walk
"Early farms, such as Grose Farm, Annandale Estate and Petersham Estate made use of Parramatta Road, but its importance has always been as a communication corridor." - (viewed 29 December 2011)
"dues authorised and imposed by the Act of the Governor and Council... arising and to be collected at the Sydney Toll Gate, near Annandale Bridge, an the road from Sydney to Parramatta..."The Sydney Herald Wednesday 3 March 1841
"Alderman allen proposed, and Mr Lt Johnston of Annandale seconded, the nomination of Mr Thomas burdekin as a fit and proper person to be a member of the Sydney District Council"- thought to be in "The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) Wednesday 8 May 1844" (NLA)
"Corporation Song: Australia the Wide and the Free" - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) Thursday 22 December 1842
Tender to lease the Annandale Toll Gate: The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) Tuesday 20 September 1842
"The Sydney turnpike [Painting of The gothic-style Sydney turnpike.] sat at the apex of Pitt and George Streets, just to the south of Christ Church. Tolls were charged for the maintenance of the roads...The expansion of Sydney was marked by the relocation of the Sydney turnpike (on the Parramatta Road) to 100 yards (91 metres) short of the Annandale boundary, Johnston's Creek, around 1842. " -
In 1855, Stanley Jevons described Parramatta Road "The road is one continuous line from here to Church Hill—viz., along the Parramatta Road, Parramatta Street, and George Street, and a more disagreeable road it is impossible to conceive—dusty or muddy, straight, and going through the hills by cuttings. It is crowded in the daytime with herds of cattle and sheep, bullock teams, drags going up the country, mail coaches, omnibuses, diggers on horseback, etc.; in fact, it is something like what the roads must have been in England before the time of the railways.” - 8th May 1855 Letter, William Stanley Jevons, Letters and Journal of W. Stanley Jevons, edited by his Wife (Harriet A. Jevons) (London: Macmillan and Co., 1886). 2, Chapter: CHAPTER III.: 1854–1859.Accessed from on 2013-12-24 from Annangrove Cottage
"SYDNEY ROAD TRUST.-Tenders will be received until noon of SATURDAY, the 30th instant, by the Commissioners of the Sydney Road Trust, from persons willing to contract for the supply of five hundred tons of Blue Metal, to be delivered on the Parramatta Road, between Annandale and the City Boundary Stone, at such places as the Commissioners may, from time to time, appoint. The metal to be broken to pass through a two inch ring. By order of the board, WALTER HEAVEN, Secretary. Sydney Road Trust. 20th January, 1858" (1858 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 29 January, p. 6, viewed 19 November, 2012,
"Anyone who might think that due justice could be done in one column only of a newspaer, to the beauties, advantages, and popularity of the Annandale Estate..Mr Ross's glasswork..Camperdown public park...Mr Fowler's pottery and brick works..camperdown lockup...bridge..huge mishapen boulders and stones...creek almost dry...the trams here pass...Nelson Street.first house.. Messrs Brodie & Co builders..steam joinery works of Messrs David Brodie and Co..Mr Hill's Paragon Blacking Factory, the named hillside..Mrs Simmons wholesale confectioner then Johnston Street.....emblossomed with trees ..."1884 'Annandale.', Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser (NSW : 1884 - 1907), 1 November, p. 2, viewed 16 April, 2015,
It was reported to the Leichhardt Council meeting that the Camperdown Council and the Sydney Freehold Land Company offered £100 each towards the cementing of White's Creek. Shop keepers wanted the council to contribute to the watering of Parramatta-road which residents had also petitioned about. Alderman Young presented a petition for a bridge over White's Creek at Piper-street. Alderman M'Credie pre sented a petition for lamps in Alfred Street. Alderman Smith moved a motion to allocate £450 to purchase cement to support an unemployment program to concrete Johnston and White's Creeks. A motion was also put to compell Petersham Council to construct silt pits to ensure only clean water entered the creeks. 60ft of railings was to be installed at the culvert in Catherine Street, near Mr. Curley's property and the east side of Catherine-street between Hill-street and the culvert, be cut down at a cost of £5. A lamp was to be erected in Parramatta Road between Balmain Road and Norton Street, and that the Commissioner for Railways be requested to have a large lamp erected on the north-east corner of Parramatta Road and Norton Street. Source:1887 'LEICHHARDT.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 10 August, p. 3. , viewed 20 Sep 2016,
Anyone who might think that due justice could be done in one colun only of a newspaper, the beauties, advantages and popularity of the Annandale Estate in
the well-known suburb of Leichhardt, would make an egregious mistake. The name, Annandale, must be well known by this time to every person who knows
Sydney and its subrubs; for scarecely a Saturday, at least, comes and goes, that does not find a land sale going on some where on the estate in question. It was a
calm summer afternoon, when the warmth was agreeably tempered by a light breeze, and by an occasional pattering of large drops of rain, just enough to "lay the
dust", that we set out to walk over a portion of the estate; to see how it was progressiong. Past the Newtown Court House in course of erection in Australia
Street, past Mr Rozz's Glass-works and the Camperdown public park, admirably fenced in, by neat, palings, past Mr Fowler's pottery and brick works, we turn the
corner into the Parramatta Road, and we find ourselves near, but not in, the Camperdown lock-up, and then come to the bridge crossing the creek, where there are
huge misshapen, boulders and stones, the creek being now almost dry. There was once a time, when looking over that bridge
and when the creek was full and swollen, we thought it a running brook such as Tennyson might have sung of:-
"For men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever, The trams her pass frequently along the Parramatta Road, taking up and setting down passengers, bringing Leichhardt into speedy communication with Sydney, and
increasing the value of property on and near the Annandale Estate. We arrive at Nelson Street with not many houses in it yet, but which will be a fine street some
day. It runs parallel with Trafalgar and Johnston Streets. The first house in the Parramatta Road, past Nelson Streeet is neat with a verandah, and standing back,
and completely embosomed in trees, which hide, it from the casual passer-by. It reminded us vividly of Slopperton Cottage, near Devises in Wiltshire, in the old
country, as last we saw it, where the famous Tom Moore, the IRish poet, lived and died.
This cottage in the Parramatta Road, just past Nelson Street is a fitting one for a retired poet. Going on we catch sight of the factory of Messrs Brodie & Co.
builders and of the Ananndale steam joinery works of Messrs, David Brodie Cos. Standing here and looking back, we catch a view of St Stephen's Church, Newtown, St Andrews and St John's Colleges and just a little bit of the Prince Alfred Hostpital. Almost nesxt door to the Annandale steam joinery works we see a rather scarce local industry, namely, Mr Hill's Paragon Blacking Facotry, the depot being in George St, Sydney. All about this part may ce seen the auction bills of
Mr W Pritchard, late Mayor of Leichhardt and dating from his well-known office, 289 George St, Sydney. We come next to Trafalgar St, which is
wide, Well-formed, containing many tasteful and pleasant villas. Passing the house named Hillside, and the establishment of Mr Simmons, wholesale confectioner, we turn up Johnston Street..
Here we pass into Parramatta Road once more. We suspect at least with
approximate accuracy, that Johnston Street is the aristocratic quarter, the "West End" as Londoners would say of Annandale. But other portions of Annandale wil require notice here after." - 1884 'Annandale.', Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser (NSW : 1884 - 1907), 1 November, p. 2. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,
The introduction of sandstone kerbing along this route represents an early period of the formalisation of the Parramatta Road...The use of sandstone kerbing represents an early attempt at formalising NSW road structure. It is associated with a period of the road's expansion and improvement around the end of the 19th and early 20th century.
The kerbing retains much of its original fabric and structure....Catherine St to Young St: All sandstone kerbing, with recent plastic and concrete drain additions.
*Young St to Nelson St: Combination of original sandstone kerbing and later concrete kerbing. (Approximately 70 per cent sandstone)...Sandstone Kerb - Parramatta Road (Roads and Maritime Services (replacing Roads and Traffic Authority) Heritage and Conservation Register viewed 20 Feb 2012
University of Sydney with trams on Parramatta Road, Camperdown, Sydney, ca. 1900 [picture]
Auction 6 March 1909: business sites close to Johnston St. tram section "west of Percival street along Parramatta road"..
Municipality of Annandale
Council Chambers
Annandale 16th January 1908
Dear Sir,
re Woodblocking Parramatta Road
In reply to your letter of the 15th Instant addressed to his worship the Mayor. I have the honour to state that the following representations will be made to the Minister on the 21st instant.
1. That the road in question is the main approach to the Metropolis for vehicular traffic for the whole state.
2.That the most effective method of putting the section eferred to (ie being in such a thickly populated area) in good order, with a view to securing the abolition of the horible dust nuisance, the best advantages for vehicular traffic and the (???) facilities for cleansing is wood blocking.
3. The work of putting this portion of the road in proper order by woodblocking is justly, one which should be declared a National Work under sec 128 part xii. of the local government act 1906 as the road is really a national thoroughfare and original cost of the work to any municipality would be too great a financial strain under the provisision of the Local Government act 1906 and manifestly unfair to the other portions of such municipality.
4.That the councils will be prepared to accept all responsibility for future maintenance which willl be a heavy item and as much as they might reasonably be expected to undertake.
Yours faithfully
Town Clerk
Stamped Town Clerk's office 25 nov 1908 Received
Municipality of Annandale
24 November 1908
By directive, I have the honour to inform you that the Hon the Minister for Public Services will receive a deputation from the Glebe, Camperdown, Petersham and Annandale Councils on Thursday the 10th Decmber 1908 at 11.15 am on the subject of woodblocking Parramatta Road from the Glebe to Taverners Hill and to invite the attendance and assistance of the City Coucil as the rad is now one of the main approaches to the City and the council wil most probably be more deeply interested in it in the near future.
The deputation will urge that the woodblocking in question be declared a nationa work in acordance with part xvii of the Local Government Act 1906, the councils interested accepting the responsibility of the maintenance of the road upon the completion of the works.
I have the honor to be Sir,
your obedient Servant
???Hinsby...Town Clerk - Title: Annandale Municipal Council - T/C. [Correspondence regarding deputation from Glebe, Camperdown, Perersham and Annandale council regarding woodblocking Parramatta Road from the Glebe to Taverner's Hill.]City of Sydney Archives
At Annandale was the residence of Mr. Robert Johnstone, son of Lieutenant-Colonel George Johnstone, New Sonth Wales Corps; there was an avenue of Norfolk pines leading from the gateway to the house, and was in 1832 considered one of the most complete farms in the neighbourhood of Sydney. - 1904 'OUR ROADS.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 14 May, p. 9, viewed 11 October, 2011,
The condition of Parrnmatta-road in places is such as to reflect the utmost discredit upon those responsible for its upkeep. ..Travellers muffle their faces and glare helplessly through the dust, but lo avoid inhaling large quantities of it is a physical impossibility. More clothing is spoiled on this road than on any in the State, partly because more people use it than any other.
From the Broadway to Petersham there aro few good sections of road, the Camperdown, Annandale, and Glebe portion being particularly bad. Cyclists fall in the mud theree by the score, and, as the road does not get much sun near the University cutting, it takes a long time to dry. About Leichhardt the division between the municipalities of Petersham and Leichhardt is shown hy a gutter in tho middle of tho road. The Petersham side of Taverner's Hill is a place on which drivers of vehicles of all kinds have to exercise the greatest possible care, especially at night,..1910 'CITY'S WESTERN ROAD.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 12 May, p. 4, viewed 4 January, 2012,
Photograph of Failure of Woodblocking in Parramatta Road
See: Westgate Shopping
The license from the Contingent Hotel was transferred to the Annandale Hotel in 1930 *
picture and 1970s showing zebra crossing parramatta road
1930s Sam Hood Photograph of the Annandale Hotel (19 Parramatta Road) website:
There was a plane on a truck in front of Goodman's Buildings..more
The shop keepers gave a young unemployed couple a reception and gifts as they walked along parramatta Road. The couple were married at the Albert Palais.
Reads more about Westgate and the wedding here
Tram to City approaching Johnston Street, 1952 (Photograph)
2004 Photograph during peak hour - taken from Bridge Road intersection looking towards Johnston Street: RMS Photo
See Annandale Bridge
Last week I was in a taxi travelling down Parramatta Rd and was shocked to see the building was gone.... December 27, 2011
December 27, 2011: From here I could see the backs of the rundown shops and the Annandale Hotel... Vanessa Berry World(Blog)
Description: Section 96 modification of D/2002/668 which approved part demolition and alterations and additions to the existing building to form a mixed use development. Modification consists of changes to the building facade, bicycle link and conditions of consent. Submitted: 22/12/2011 Status: Refused
Sent: Wednesday, 23 November 2011 5:33:08 PM
Subject: D/2002/668 - 1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale
... Council has resolved that the extent of demolition works carried out at the site is in breach of Development Consent D/2002/668 and has consequently invalidated this approval...
M / 2011 / 62 - s96 Modification of Development Consent
Description: Amended plans: Alterations and additions to approved mixed residential/commercial development, plus modification sought to various conditions of consent.
Submitted: 20/04/ viewed 19 February 2012
M / 2011 / 62 - s96 Modification of Development Consent
Description: Amended plans: Alterations and additions to approved mixed residential/commercial development, plus modification sought to various conditions of consent.
Submitted: 20/04/ viewed 19 February 2012
The Sydney Morning Herald, April 15, 2015 - 9:10AM
"Leichhardt council has won a landmark victory against a property developer who illegally demolished a heritage-listed shopfront in Annandale."...more
Judgement: Leichhardt Council v Geitonia Pty Ltd (No 6) [2015] NSWLEC 51
Leichhardt Council: Media Release
The building can be made out just, to the right of the Annandale Hotel (19 Parramatta Road), in this 1930s Sam Hood photograph
Parramatta Road in 2016....more