Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

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Johnston Street

Parramatta Road to Booth Street

Possibly looking north along Johnston Street from Parramatta Road circa 1880. The photograph shows young trees and gas lights.

Goodman Buildings & Empire Hotel

The start of Johnston Street at Parramatta Road is framed by Goodman Buildings on the western side and the Empire hotel on the eastern side. Johnston Street is also the start of the Westgate Shopping strip and Goodman's buildings continue along the northern side of along the northern side of Parramatta Road.

1908 Postcard looking down Johnston Street, from Parramatta Road - with Hunter Baillie Steeple in the distance. There are Norfolk pines lining the road and a two-horse cart in the centre of picture. In the foreground on the left is Goodman buildings and on the right the Empire hotel with lace balconies.

Goodman's Buildings
Annandale Food and Drink12 Johnston St Annandale, in the 1940s, this was LJ Osborne's 1940s Butcher's Shop now John Coffey's Electric Bike shop

Goodman's Buildings at 105-119 Parramatta Road & 2-12 Johnston St are Heritage Act - State Heritage Register Item 00672

Shoe Merchant Walter Goodman built the individual buildings over a period of 20 years, with his architect Joseph Sherrin. Ref: Annandale Association Register of Buildings: Corner of Parramatta Road & Johnston Street, Annandale,, viewed 11 Sep 2017.

Zech Brothers, Goodman’s buildings, Johnston Street, Annandale, 1907: photograph.

Walter Goodman stood in the 1907 borough elections. - 1907 'ANNANDALE ELECTION.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 25 February, p. 8. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

c1980s Photograph of Goodman's building, Annandale: Johnston St and Parramatta Rd

At the Glebe Police Court yesterday, before Mr. Isaacs, S.M., Walter Goodman was proceeded against by Fred Austin Davis, inspector under the Early Closing Act, for a breach of that Act. The information stated that defendant was the proprietor of a cooked provision shop at No. 2 Johnstone-street, Annandale, and that he did not arrange for or allow to his assistant, Caleb Henry Elley, the half-holiday required by the 9th section of the Act.
Caleb Henry Elley said that he was a shop assistant, and was employed by Goodman. He did not have the half-holiday during the week in question. He first went to Goodman in answer to an advertisement for a manager for his business, and he afterwards entered into an agreement with him. He was still manager, and was the only person employed in the shop.
Isabelle Theresa Golding, lady inspector under the Act, said she visited Goodman's Shop on June 15, and had a conversation with Goodman and Elley. Goodman said that the shop, was not his, but he financed it. For the defendant it was argued that if Elley first went into Goodman's employ as manager of the shop, he was still the manager, and not a shop assistant. It was contended that, as manager, he could come and go out of the shop as he pleased; and, therefore, he did not come under the meaning of the words shop assistant according to the Early Closing Act. Mr. Isaacs concurred, and dismissed the in- formation." 1903 'EARLY CLOSING ACT.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 26 June, p. 8. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

Shopkeepers Protest Against Change. DEPUTATION TO MINISTER.
The protest of a number of shopkeepers in Petersham, Annandale and Leichhardt against Saturday being made the universal weekly half-holiday found expression through a deputation that waited this morning on Mr RB O'Conor, Minister for Labour and Industry. The deputation was introduced by Mr J Cohen MLA and amongst those present were Aldermen Treadgold (Leichhardt). Evans (Petersham), Messrs, Frank Smith, Croker, Watson, Palmer, Durriedld, Rowe, M'Kensie, King, Algood, Bowden, Guy and Goodman.
Mr Cohen, In introducing the deputation, I said it had been appointed by a large meeting of shopkeepers of the district to oppose any alteration in the Early Closing Act" 1905 'WEEKLY HALF-HOLIDAY.', The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), 6 November, p. 5. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

In 1906, a fire started in the premises of Angelo Casamento, at No 6 Johnston Street in the Goodman Buildings. The fire spread to adjoining buildings, which were still under construction and the adjoining premises of Otto Zech, a hairdresser at No. 4 Johnston Street. The fire was put out by the Metropolitan Fire Brigade. 1906 'FIRE AT ANNANDALE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 27 November, p. 8, viewed 8 January, 2013,

A fire that did considerable damage broke out in premises at 6 Johnston-street, Annandale, about 6 o'clock this morning. The building, which was of weatherboard, was occupied by Angelo Casamento. The flames spread very rapidly. The Metropolitan Fire Brigade was called out, and got three hydrants at work, but before the flames could be extinguished the fruit vendor's premises were almost completely burnt out.
The high wind caused the fire to spread, and the adjoining buildings were severely damaged. A sitting-room and bedroom on the first floor of No. 4 Johnston-street, occupied by Otto Zech, a hairdresser and tobacconist, and the contents, suffered considerable damage by the fire and water, while the large plateglass window of the front shop was broken, in addition to which three buildings in course of erection on the other side of Casamento's shop were all more or less burnt. The buildings were owned by Mr. Walter Goodman, of Johnston-street." -1906 'Fire at Annandale.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 26 November, p. 4. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

"Goodman, the little Annandale millionaire, has been bumping the local council, with the result that the council and the lawyers have collected a little of Goodman's money. Old age and obstinacy often go together." 1911 'GAIETY CLUB.', Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), 24 December, p. 7. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

"Ordinance 70"
An Important Décision.At'thc Globe Police Court; before Mr Wilkinson, D.S.M., Archibald Campbell, inspector of thc Annandale municipality, proceeded against Walter Goodman for erecting a building without thc plans and specifications or being approved by the Council. At a previous court a similar charge against the same defendant had been dismissed on a technical point. The evidence disclosed that Mr Goodman was having a motor enrage erected; at the rear of buildings-at the corner of Johnston-street and Parramatta Road. The original plans and specifications had been submitted to the Council by the builder and 'contractor in-thc first' instance and later on by Messrs Sheerin and Hennessy, architects. - These plans made no provision for: thc erection of a garage. For thc Council it was contended the building had been proceeded with contrary to ordinance 70, which made the, acceptance: of the plans and specifications by the. Council av Condition precedent to the erection of any structure.
Evidence for the Annandale Council was given by Inspector Campbell, who deposed that Mr. Goodman had 'informed him lie was building the garage : to stable a motor for the use of his wife and daughter ; Mr JG Hinsby (Council Clerk, Annandale, who deposed that plans and specifications for a motor garàge at the, rear of Mr Goodman's premisces had never been submitted to the Council for, approval and Mr. J. Sheerin (Sheerin and Hennessy).
For the defendant, Mr Carroll contended that thc ordinance dealt with the person who is erecting the building. The ordinance recognised thc person who lodges the plans and specifications. In his case they were lodged by the builder; Ordinance 70, Mr. Carroll claimed, was ultra vires as far as the municipality was concerned, so much as the ordinance was not made at thc time the municipality acquired the power's of section 19, sub-section 40, of the Local Government Act, and that it attempted to regulate the proposition of any lot which may be utilised by the building or buildings being erected thereon.
Mr. Wilkinson overruled all the objections, and held that the case had been proved. Mr Carroll asked that, as the magistrate had decided to Convict, he would inflict a nominal penalty. Mr, Wilkinson said he could not see his way clear to inflict a small penalty, and fined defendant £20, with £2 12s costs; in default, two months' imprisonment." 1911 '"Ordinance 70"', Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), 23 November, p. 7. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

"The necessity for insuring buildings in course of erection was witnessed yesterday, when shortly after 6am two our of four large shops, which are being erected at Annandale for Mr Walter Goodman under the supervision of Messrs Sheerin and Hennessy architects, with Messrs Wheelwrlght and Anderson, as contractors, were destroyed by fire. The buildings were nearing completion" - 1906 'GENERAL NOTES.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 27 November, p. 11. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

5 years later, Otto Zech would be awarded damages against the Sydney Morning Herald for libel in reporting that a nick from his contaminated clipper caused the death of Charles Vader, the manager of the Beale Piano factory. The evidence of local doctor E. T. Jones was that though Vader did have a car buncle on his neck, there were no signs of a scratch and that Vader health was precarious due to diabetes and Bright's disease. (1911 'DAMAGES AGAINST NEWSPAPER.', Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1950), 12 December, p. 4, viewed 11 December, 2012,

"WALTER GOODMAN SENIOR, will leave his late residence, 4 Johnston-street, Annandale, TOMORROW (FRIDAY), after service commencing at 9.45 a.m., for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood. By road. WOOD COFFILL LIMITED, Motor Funeral Directors." 1933 'Family Notices', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 9 November, p. 9. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

Mr. Walter Goodman, who died at Annandale last Wednesday, aged 86 years, was a widely known business man in the western suburbs. He came to Sydney from England in 1885, and set up in the boot and shoe business at Leichhardt. Later, he purchased land at the corner of Parramatta-road and Johnston-street, Annandale, and built a block of 15 shops, known as Goodman Buildings. He is survived by Mrs. Goodman and two children. The funeral took place on Friday at the Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood. Canon Rook officiated." - 1933 'MR. WALTER GOODMAN.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 13 November, p. 8. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

"Big Estate The New South Wales estate of the late Walter Goodman, of Annandale, retired boot and shoe merchant, who died on November 8, 1933, aged 84, has been sworn, for probate, at £88,573, which, subject to certain bequests, he left for the benefit of his widow, Mildred Maud Goodman, and children." -1933 'Big Estate', The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), 11 December, p. 6. (FINAL EXTRA), viewed 07 Nov 2016,

Large Brown art deco hotel on major road with carsEmpire Hotel

1890 Elevation.

William James Rofe to Charles Smith, Rofe's- Family Hotel, Annandale

A complimentary banquet was tendered to Alderman Reginald Cohen on Thursday evening at Rofe's Hotel, Annandale, by his late committee and supporters. The chair was occupied by Mr. C. Murray, having on his right the guest, Alderman Cohen, and on the left Mr. W. F. Schey, M.L.A. The vice-chair was filled by Mr. R. F. Cur'ties. Amongst those present were:— Aldermen Rainford. Morgan, Treadgold, and Colebrook, Messrs. Weymark, J.P., J. Cowan, W. G. Davidson, P. Skulander, Wearne, Davis, Ramsay, M'Glll, M'Dougall, Brown, Newland, Goodman, Smith Major Lyons and over 50 other gentelmen.
The toast "The Queen" was proposed by the chairman and duly honoured. The toast of the evening "Our Guest, Alderman Cohen," was handled by Ald. R. F. Curties in a most complimentary- manner, and was warmly supported by Mr. W. F. Schey, M.L.A., Aldermen Rainford, Morgan and Treadgold, and MeSsrs, Weymark, Davidson, Cowan, Davis and Wearne.
Upon rising to respond Alderman Cohen was cordially received. His address terminated with musical honours and cheers. The company then proceeded upstairs and harmony was Indulged in. Mesdames Cohen and Cowan, Miss Marks, and Messrs. Weymark, Goodman, Brown, Smith, D. White (violin solo).

Master P. Cowan (violin solo) and others took part therein. Mr. Lomer as accompanist, and Mr. WG. Davidson as musical director worthily filled their positions. The company departed at an early hour in the morning. Host Rofe catered to complete satisfaction." - 1897 'BANQUET AT ANNANDALE.', The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), 3 April, p. 2. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

Alterations were proposed to the Empire Hotel, at the corner of Johnston Street and Parramatta Road in 1912 and 1914, viewed 7 Jan 2013.

This circa 1890-99 map shows 18 subdivisions between Reserve, Annandale and Johnston Streets adjoining Captain Arguimbau at 5 Albion Street.

The members of the Anandale Orpheus Club entertained their patron, Alderman Allen Taylor, at dinner at the Empire Hotel, Annandal on Friday last. - 1904 'THE COMING EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 31 March, p. 6, viewed 4 November, 2011,

Annandale Public School & Annandale House

In 1970s the gates of Annandale House were discovered and relocated to the Annandale Public School. Annandale Public School preservation of "Greyholme" 1971-77:\Item\325633). In 1976 sandstone pillars with iron gates in playgroundthe gates were incorporated into the Annandale Public School's landscaping where the house "Greyholme" had stood on Johnston Street (, viewed 7 Jan 2013).

Annandale House was demolished in 1905. Annandale House was located in the vicinity of Macaulay St, Albany St, Darley Rd and Percival Road (which becomes Johnston Street, Annandale at Parramatta Road) in Stanmore (once known as South Annandale).

Robert Johnston began the subdivision of Johnstons Bush...Annandale a discovery in progress (viewed 22 Dec 2012).

In 1840, LOT' XV and LOT-XVI adjoining Rozelle Bay and the proposed public landing place were put up for Auction...1840 'Advertising.', The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (NSW : 1838 - 1841), 18 May, p. 5 Edition: MORNING, viewed 7 January, 2013,

Looking along Johnston Street Annandale, from Johnstons Bay, around 1888

A Cadastral map of Annandale estate Sydney.(1857) shows a subdivision of an area between Johnston Street, Johnston's Creek and Parramatta Road. Other than Johnston street, none of the street names are familiar today. The plan shows George Street parallel to Johnston Street, traversed by Edward, Albert, Percy, Algernon (approx at collins), Elswick, Bruce and Hope (approx at Booth Street) Streets. Albert Street is possibly Taylor Street. There are two water reserves from Albert and George Street to Johnston's creek, a quarry reserve west of Albert Street and a Church site on Johnston Street between Bruce and Elswick - (viewed 22 Dec 2012)

However, Johnston Street isn't marked on Ferdinand Reuss's circa 1870-89 sketch of the Elswick/Parramatta Road subdivision in Leichhardt, which shows Pyrmont Bridge and Balmain Roads as well as the original Johnston's Bay shoreline.

John Young acquired the Northern part of the Annandale estate and ran a competition for a design for the new suburb of Annandale. Ferdinand Reuss Junior won with a grid pattern of grand 100 foot wide Johnston Street as the site for grand homes, with a slightly less grand 80foot Annandale Street and the roads in the rest of the estate dropping away to 66 feet with 66 foot frontages for artisans...1876-1889 Residential Boom

1884 Description

Johnston Street Villas

The Vaders as in the Beale-Vader tuning system at Ruthville next door to "the Winkies" (the Winkworths)... large italianate villas and a californian bungalow with cars parked on streetmore

Annandale Council Chambers

In 1893 the electors of Annandale voted to secede from Leichhardt Council and establish their own Borough..more

The Chambers are now the cream rendered two story building with balconyAnnandale Neighbourhood Centre

Methodist Church and Victory Hall

The Bull's warehouse in the city was destroyed by fire. In 1890, its sandstone facade featuring a parrot, koala, gumnuts and a kookaburra eating a snake was incorporated into the galah carved from sandstoneMethodist Church adjoining the Annandale Council Chambers. The Victory Hall was built in 1921..more

"a truly noble street planted on each side with trees, yet in their infancy, hardly yet in their youth, and therefore judiciously guarded from harm by iron cages. The side paths in Johnston Street are wide; in fact in its formation Johnston Street is a model street, of which the Leichhardt Council, and the Leichhardt people outh to be proud and jubilant. Johnston Street is a street of pretty villas all with trim lawns, and flower bed and well kept paths, and some with summer houses and stables.
The villa where Mr F. Abigail, MLA resides for instance, has a newest summerhouse, now being embellished.
Next to Mr Abigail's villa, we come to a stylish one, called Minnesota [was at 23 Johnston Street (Peter Reynolds Collection)],
and next to Werma with charming flower beds containing fushias, &c, then comes Dartford Villa, named we suppose from Darftord in Kent, in England,
and next we arrive at neat substantional one named Stirling, the home we believe of Alderman Davidson of Leichhardt.
Pausing at Norton House, we peep at its orderly lawn, and kitchen garden, at the rear of green trellis work,
and then arrive at a very substational residence, Lithgow [possibly later known as Coringa], that of Mr W Pritchard, late Mayor of Leichhardt.
Just past Lithgow there is Collins Street, running right and left. Here in Collins St we find two villas in the Italian Style [Tylden at 13-15 Collins St], in one of which resides Mr Givbes, MLA, the affable and courteous seniour member for Newtown.
Passing on we come to the North Annandale Hotel with a nobel balcony and verandah from the front of which we see in the distance at the extreme end ofJohnston Street, the noble residence of Alderman John Young [The Abbey] with a tower that makes it conspicious.
Coming back to Parramatta Road, on the opposite side of Johnston Street, we find the villa named Hartfell, with an extensive and beautifully laid out lawn, inviting one to repose to the accompaniment of bird's songs.
The next villa has "non name" as Mr Wilkie Collins, the novelist, would say.
Next comes the villa Sunnyside;
then we arrive at Annanleigh, where roses bloom insterspersed with yew trees.
In rapid succession we pass Islington villa, named after the well known London suburb, Merrie Islington,
the Trafalgar House, redolent of thoughts of the famous bay and Horation Nelson,
then Belford House,
then Rosetta Cottage, in front of which was a Paraquite, on a stand chattering and diporting itself,
and then the substantial residence named Inverugie is seen, the chief characteristic of which is its highly ornamental and elaborate iron work." - 1884 'Annandale.', Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser (NSW : 1884 - 1907), 1 November, p. 2. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

Hunter Baillie Church

Looking across Johnston Street at construction of the Hunter Baillie Church(circa 1888)...more

More mature pines along Johnston Street, looking south from Collins past the Hunter Baillie Manse

The black 'sketch' of church with steepleHunter Baillie Presbyterian Memorial Church, with its landmark sandstone steeple, was completed in 1889. The heritage listed Gothic Revival church and its adjoining arts and crafts brick School hall completed in 1886 are still in use at the corner of Collins and Johnston Streets.

Puddles Johnston Street

Eastern side of Johnston Street from tree South of Collins to Annandale Council Chambers provides potential sites for more sensitive Urban Water Design...Urban puddles a wasted resource.


Built in 1894, the Lappan Hall in the The Colonnade 1894Colannade on Johnston Street, replaced the Primitive Methodist School Hall in Trafalgar Street as the centre of civic life in Annandale.

The North Annandale Hotel

The North Annandale on a dirt street Looking south along Johnston Street Annandale (circa 1888) featuring the North Annandale Hotel at the intersection of Booth and Johnston Streets.

North Annandale Hotel with Victorian Lace balconies and a car. Licensee C Mendelsohn's name on the front of the building. This photograph shows the hotel with a date of 1914, the same year alterations (\Item\213137) to include cellars and urinal were approved.

North Annandale in 1955 after its Art Deco makeover showing Trams:,_Annandale,_NSW_1955.jpg. Booth & Johnston Streets, Annandale- Traffic Signals, Police Supervision, Advice to members of tramwork removals. 08 Aug 1959-1964

Annandale Post Office

The residents of Annandale secured their own post office in the 1890s. A temporary post office was located in Collins Street, before the current location at the corner of Booth and Johnston Streets...more Last updated 19 August 2020.