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"The Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2013 and Development Control Plan (DCP) 2013 commenced Monday 3 February 2014.
DCP 2013 applies to virtually every property within the Local Government Area and outlines detailed planning and design guidelines for particular types of development. The plan supports the Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2013.
...Part G: Site Specific Controls
... * 233 and 233A Johnston Street, Annandale (pdf-new-icon.gif Download DCP Part G (PDF 5.1MB))">
Draft Development Guidelines – 233 and 233A Johnston Street, Annandale (171.43kB)
Scope and Timeline - 233 and 233A Johnston Street, Annandale (315.81kB)
Attachment No 2 - Part 1 - Draft Development Guidelines - 233 and 233A Johnston Street, Annandale (4.33MB)
Attachment No 2 - Part 2 - Draft Development Guidelines - 233 and 233A Johnston Street, Annandale (14.00MB)
233 Johnston Street Annandale - Draft Development Guidlines - Supplementry Report (118.70kB)
6 DAREV/2011/24
233 Johnston Street, Annadale - DAREV/2011/24 (2.46MB)
233 Johnston Street Annandale - DAREV.2011.24 - Supplementary Report (33.75kB)
7 D/2011/473 pdf icon 116 Ferris Street Annandale - D/2011/473 (494.70kB) - Agenda Building & Development - Council Meeting 14 Feb 2012
The draft Guidelines will be formally considered by Council at its meeting on Tuesday,14 February 2012. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers (Cnr Marion & Norton Sts, Leichhardt) commencing at 7.00pm. The meeting is open to the public. more
Map of Development Applications
NOTICE OF Review of Development Determination
PROPERTY: 233 Johnston Street, ANNANDALE NSW 2038
Description: Section 82A Review of D/2010/511. Development consists of demolition of existing buildings, construction of eight residential dwellings / townhouses with car parking and two plunge pools and associated works, remediation of the site and landscaping works to Rose Street. SEPP 1 objections for floor space ratio and landscaped area.
The application, plans and any other documents relating to the application may be inspected at our [Leichhardt Council] Citizen Service Centre during business hours, 8.30am-5.15pm, Monday to Friday for 30 days from 8th December 2011 to 19th January 2012.... DAREV/2011/24 (2/12/2011)
Melaleuca styphelioides or Prickle-leafed Paperbark, Johnston St Annandale, 16 May 2009 Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz
Eucalyptus torelliana, Cadagahi (considered a weed) (identified by Phil of Moir Landscape Architiecture), near Winkworth Steps, 16 May 2009 Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz
The planting of this tree, is possibly contemporary with the introduction of another "weed species" the Camphor Laurel to Annandale by Henry Parkes - with the intention of introducing a useful timber species in this case.
There is also a Silver Birch planted near the steps. last updated 24 Feb 2014.