Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998
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two new bins at the corner of Booth and Johnston Street and wall repainted December 2011...[9].pdf
Sent: Wednesday, 23 November 2011 5:33:08 PM
Subject: D/2002/668 - 1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale
Hi Bill,
Regarding the abovementioned matter, Council has resolved that the extent of demolition works carried out at the site is in breach of Development Consent D/2002/668 and has consequently invalidated this approval...
M / 2011 / 62 - s96 Modification of Development Consent
Description: Amended plans: Alterations and additions to approved mixed residential/commercial development, plus modification sought to various conditions of consent.
Submitted: 20/04/ viewed 19 February 2012
Household electricity use | ||||
JUL-SEP 2010 | OCT-DEC 2010 | JAN-MAR 2011 | APR-JUN 2011 | |
Total use kWh | 39,479,063 | 30,999,366 | 29,084,510 | 36,294,462 |
Average daily use kWh/day | 17.1 | 13.4 | 12.8 | 15.8 |
Same time last year kWh/day | 16.5 | 13.3 | 12.9 | 16.1 |
74b Trafalgar Street on the eve of its demolition, 18 August 2011. more.
Comments and submissions on the issues paper are invited until 2nd March (deadline extended). Response and feedback to the issues paper will help develop policy options to be released in 2012....more
18. Submission to Department of Planning and Infrastructure - SEPP 65 and Residential Flat Design Code Review Attachment A - SEPP 65 Review - Feb 2012 (15.57kB)
19. Submission on NSW Planning Review Issues Paper(115.99kB)..Agenda Building & Development - Council Meeting
14 Feb 2012
31 January 2012: landowners and rate paying lessees receive a Notice of Valuation when
new land values have been issued to their council to use in the determination of rates.
17,862 properties in the Leichhardt local government area (LGA) have been issued with a
Notice of Valuation showing the land value of their property.
At 1 July 2011 the total value of the land in the Leichhardt LGA was estimated at $14.177
billion an increase from the July 2008 valuation of $10.891 billion.
Property sales are the most important factor in determining land
values. 159 residential, 47 commercial and 11 industrial sales were Media Release viewed 23 February 2012
The Independant Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) of NSW each year advises of the maximum percentage by which Councils are permitted to increase their total rate income.... For 2011/12 the approved maximum increase is 2.8%, which has been incorporated in the 2011/12 budget. (viewed 24 February 2012)
Land tax is a tax levied on the owners of land in NSW as at midnight on 31 December of each year. In general, your principal place of residence (your home) or land used for primary production (a farm) is exempt from land tax. You may be liable for land tax if you own or part-own...2012: The Valuer General has determined that the land tax threshold for the 2012 land tax year is $396,000. The premium land tax threshold for the 2012 land tax year is $2,421, (viewed 24 February 2012)
Destination 2036 is the start of a new way of planning which moves local government in NSW from talking about and reacting to change, to managing change to create a preferred future. In effect, it will begin the strategic plan and delivery program for NSW local government, mirroring key elements of the integrated planning and reporting frameworks which individual councils are implementing.
Comments on the draft plan must be submitted by Wednesday 15 February 2012, more
20 Destination 2036: Response to Draft Action Plan (84.54kB) Attachment 1 - Destination 2036 draft Action Plan - final (high res)1 (4.31MB) Attachment 2 - Destination 2036 - Report dated 13 October 2011 (77.86kB) Attachment 3 - Destination 2036 Submission (30.75kB) - Agenda Building & Development - Council Meeting 14 Feb 2012
draft Plan of Management for Sydney Harbour National Park on exhibition until 30 April 2011.
Bays Precinct Stage 1 Consultation Process Report (Feb 2011)..
"A proposal has been lodged for the development of a substantial shore-based facility associated with the Super Yacht facility in Rozelle Bay. The Society's Bays and Foreshores sub-committee, along with residents of Glebe Point, has concerns about several aspects of the proposal. Its size and scope..." - Glebe Society objects to mini-Darling Harbour in Rozelle Bay
PABLO PICASSO (drawings etchings lithographs ceramics over forty artworks 1901 to 1971 - including rare before steel-facing etchings
Hector 2010: In late 2010, Murray Fredericks visited Melville Island, in the Arafura Sea, during the build up season, to the Monsoon, when huge storm events occur almost daily over the Tiwi islands.
2 November - 17 December 2011
Annandale Galleries
The comprises of two parts: Written Instrument and Maps. Presentation of Draft LEP at November Precinct Meeting, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 7th NOVEMBER 2011, 7pm-8:30
Annandale Councillor Daniel Kogoy has moved a motion for Council to upgrade an additional playground in Annandale this financial year and is seeking comments on which playground is in need of improvement...
Over the last couple of years council has done a fantastic job implementing the Playground Improvement Program in the suburbs of Balmain, Rozelle and Leichhardt.
That Council upgrade an additional playground in the suburb of Annandale in the financial year 2011/12, with funding to be identified in the 1st Quarter budget review. That the Annandale Precinct be consulted about which playground to upgrade. -[13].pdf
Cnr of Johston and Collins Streets, Annandale
10am-3pm Saturday 5th November 2011
GreensJamieP: Great afternoon at St Brendan's School Fair. Judging the best cake box decoration was tricky! Jp
bark painints mimih spirits cermonial poles new works from Maningrida including JOHN MAWURNDJUL - JAMES IYNA - SAMUEL NAMUNJDJA - IVAN NAMIRRKKI - OWEN YALANDJA
Opening Wednesday 5 October 6.30-9.30pm
Exhibition Dates 4 October - 30 October 2011
1 - 29 October 2011
Leichhardt Library, Italian Forum, Norton Street, Leichhardt
Sunday, 30 October 2011- 10am to 3pm
Everyone is welcome for a day of carnival fun and festivities...more
Stalls were setup at 7.30am for the End of Rains ((Wan Awk Pansa (Thai: วันออกพรรษา)) and Chulalongkorn Day festival on 23rd October 2011, at the Wat Burangasee, Annandale.
New Crossings, painted in October 2011, at intersection of Collins and Trafalgar Streets, Annandale. Stop signs on Trafalgar street, installed earlier. No line markings for Stop signs.
Leichhardt Council e-waste drop-off day:
Saturday 15 October 2011
8.30am - 3.30pm
Ashfield Council Depot - Enter at 7 Prospect Rd - Summer Hill ...More
Public Meetings
7pm Wednesday 5 October 2011, Annandale Town Hall, 79 Johnston Street
3-4pm Saturday 8th October St Helens Community Centre 185 Glebe Point Road.
On Exhibition until 17/10/2011: Development Application for: Stage 1 concept proposal (site layout, street network and building envelopes) for the former Harold Park Paceway Site (approximately 1,250 new dwellings in residential apartment buildings ranging from 3 to 8 storeys, 7565sqm non-residential floor space, 3.8ha public open space, restoration of heritage Tramsheds and dedication of 500sqm of internal space as a community facility); bulk excavation and infrastructure works; new intersection and road widening; re-alignment of Ross Street; car parking for the Tramsheds precinct; subdivision layout; and service infrastructure....more:
Exhibition dates 9 August - 1 October
Roger Ackling - sunlight on wood continues to 1 October 2011
Proceeds to Organ Restoration Fund. More information at
Proceeds to Organ Restoration Fund. More information at
Rear 13-15 Parramatta Road, Annandale, 19 September 2011
roving and mainstage entertainment, market stalls, bicycle polo display and much more for the kiddies and families... more
Environmental Assessment on exhibition for public comment until 26 August 2011... more
Art Noveau Tiles, 280 Johnston Street, Annandale, 26 August 2011
Public Meeting to discuss Environmental Assessment currently on exhibition
6:00pm, Monday 15 August 2011, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Opening by Hendrik Kohlenberg Wednesday 10 August 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Exhibition dates 9 August - 1 October
Monday, 21st February 6pm Annandale Neighbourhood Centre...more
Councilors Kogoy and Howinson attended a second workshop to work through the issues residents of the Northern part of Taylor Street had with the proposal to transform their street - through the introduction of Swales and Water Gardens. Those in the Southern part are keen to proceed, however they note that a major DA for the corner of Booth and Taylor street would impact the project. The Councillors will decide whether to proceed with the proposal at their February 2011 Meeting.
"Leichhardt Council has received a grant of $250,000 to create a Living Street within the LGA .The vision is ‘to create and implement a model for sustainable living within an urban street context focusing on infrastructure changes and environmental education..."more
Annandale Galleries 15 June - 6 August 2011
1pm-1.45pm Saturday 16 July 2011
Annandale Shops, Cnr Johnston and Booth Sts, Annandale
Boral resurfacing Annandale Street outside the 1890s home of Allen Taylor (one time Mayor of Annandale, Lord Mayor of Sydney and MP), when he founded Allen Taylor & Company Ltd (a Boral subsidiary)
Sunday, 26 June, 2011 at 10.00 am
Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church
Cnr. Johnston and Collins
Streets, Annandale
PLC Pipe Band Clan McLeod Pipe Band
Open Invitation to morning tea
in the Church Hall at the conclusion of the
Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual, national event when all Primary School children will be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment.
It will be held throughout Australia on Friday 20 May 2011...more
Timetable from here
Draft Budget will be prepared and presented to a Budget & Parking Management Taskforce on Tuesday 17 May 2011.
Budget will be presented to Council for exhibition on Tuesday 24 May 2011
Following the exhibition period the Budget will be presented to Council for adoption on 28 June 2011 ...more
6.30pm 5 April 2011
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Proposal for three raised pedestrian Crossings
on Booth Street at Taylor Street (Western Side)
on Booth Street at Trafalgar Street (Western Side)
on Booth Street at Annandale Street (Eastern Side)
All encouraged to attend to view/discuss Council's proposal for Annandale, before it goes to the Traffic Committee..more
"On 25 April, the anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli in 1915, Australians and New Zealanders honour those of our men and women who have served and died in wars, peacekeeping and other operations. It is now 96 years since the landing, and 95 years since Anzac Day was observed for the first time in 1916." -
Drop off old paints, gas bottles, fluorescent tubes, batteries, motor oils, household cleaners and e-waste ie end of life computers and accessories, TV's, DVD's
Saturday 16 April 2011
9.00am - 3.30pm
9.30am-11.30am Sat 16 April 2011
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
RSVP 93679227 email:
12 to 4pm:Visit 1889 church with landmark spire and
Wm Hill & Son organ
Talks & Historical Exhibition in 1886 Hall
Entry Free. Donations to restoration fund welcome.
Organ Recitals at 12:30 pm and 2.00 pm
Devonshire Teas will be Served
3pm to 4pm:1890s Annandale Easy Guided Walk
with Marghanita da Cruz, Annandale on the Web
Cost: Devonshire Tea & Walk or Donation (min $5/person)
Proceeds to Organ Restoration Fund
About 30 people came on the walk, in the light rain, many through the National Trust. The short walk, around the block, started in the Hunter Baille Hall, with a Devonshire Tea. The walkers then crossed over Johnston Street, down Collins Street, along Trafalgar, to Booth Street, ducked up Johnston Lane, back up to the corner of Booth and Johnston Street, then along Johnston Street, finishing off at the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre.
The walk covered the Hunter Baillie Hall, the location of the marriage of Adele and Allan Taylor, the Josephite (Mary Mackillop) Convent and St Brendan's School. The Piano Factory, the Primitive Methodist School Hall, the Primitive Methodist Church, the North Annandale Pub, the Annandale Post Office, St Aidens, The Methodist Church, the Annandale Chambers.
with Beatrice Scheepers
visit the Wetlands, Aqueduct and Johnston's Creek
When: Sunday 10 April 10am
Meet: corner Booth & Young Sts
Cost: $10/$6 concession
Bookings Essential: 9519 3268
9am - 2pm Saturday 9 April 2011
"Reusing products is better than recycling. Recycling still requires the use of precious resources like water and energy for remanufacturing. Reusing gives a product a longer life, saves resources and can be of value to someone else, once it is no longer of use for its original owner...Second Hand Saturday & E-Waste
Pre-loved clothing, books, white elephant jumble, plants, "HB" Renowned Sharp Lime Pickle, Jams and Marmalades, and home made cakes, egg & bacon rolls and Devonshire teas served in the 1886 hall.
Saturday, 9 April, 2011 at 9.00 am - 1.00 pm
7pm Sat 5th March 2011
Annandale Creative Arts Centre.
81 Johnston St, Annandale
Donations at the door.
Featuring: arbori * Clea Crimson * Colleen O’Connell and the Wheelbarrow *
Emotive Arts * The Inner West Community Band * Johnny Sharpe * Matthew Cottam * Mette Jakobsen *
Nicola Baartse * Stairwell to Heaven * Tamara Argall * TC Coombes * Wild at Heart
122nd anniversary will be celebrated at a service in the church at 3 pm on Sunday, 27 February 2011.
Guest of Honour and Guest Preacher will be the Rt. Rev. David Jones, Moderator General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and the Australian Gaelic Singers will take part in the service.
Visitors will be warmly welcome - enquiries Margaret Beveridge 9969-8071 - or email
The anniversary offering will be applied to the conservation of the church (donations over $2 to the Hunter Baillie National Trust Conservation Appeal are tax deductible.)
The House [of Representatives] Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs invites interested persons and organisations to make submissions addressing the terms of reference by Friday 18 February 2011...more
As the next step in the planning process, these planning controls will be considered by the Central Sydney Planning Committee. This will happen at their next meeting on Thursday, 10 February 2010 and as this is a public meeting you are welcome to attend. The meeting is scheduled to start at 6pm in the Council Chamber of Sydney Town Hall. See meeting agenda and a detailed report. If you wish to speak register with Council's Secretariat Unit by phoning 9265 9310 by no later than 12:00 midday on Thursday 10 February 2010.
planning controls will be considered by the Planning, Development and Transport Committee. This will happen at their next meeting on Monday, 7 February 2010 and as this is a public meeting you are welcome to attend. The meeting is scheduled to start at 4:30pm in the Council Chamber of Sydney Town Hall...more at meeting agenda and a detailed report on the proposed planning controls
Sunday February 6, Marrickville Town Hall, 6.30pm.
More at
7pm Mon 7 February 2011
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre.
AGM, Meet Councillors, Elect Executive more
On 18 November 2010 the Government passed a motion asking Members to gauge their local community's views on same sex marriage.
Over the coming weeks I will be seeking input from residents in the Sydney electorate on this issue. I am proud of Sydney’s diversity and its strong ties with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. People in our local community are passionate about social justice issues and I look forward to hearing your opinion in the weeks ahead.
My community consultation will close on Friday 21 January, after which I will present the results to you and to the Federal consultation form
The City of Sydney invites submissions on three new draft planning documents for Lots 1-2 DP 749029; Lots 711-712 DP 47216; Lot 1 DP 629976; Lot 1 DP 193543; and Lot 1 DP 137040 (known as the Harold Park Paceway and Former Rozelle Tram Depot site at 72 and 74 Ross Street; 1A and 1B The Crescent; and 10 Maxwell Road, Forest Lodge): ... Planning Proposal, Draft Development Control Plan and Draft Planning Agreement for Harold Park - Community Consultation
Feature your art on a traffic signal box.
Closing Date 27 January 2011. More at Insight Out of Sight Art Competition
City of Sydney is asking for ideas from our community to help develop our Urban Ecology Strategic Action Plan.
Complete their Urban Ecology Survey
If you have any bits and pieces that you no longer need or can live without such as:Towels Linen Nappies Crockery Kitchenware Clothing Toiletries
Small electrical items (eg. toasters, kettles) - NO TOYS PLEASE -
Please donate to the Queensland Flood appeal
Donate at: Leichhardt Town Hall
Saturday 29th January 2011 9am - 4pm
15 & 29 Jan 2011 10.00am - 11.00am. bookings