Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

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Robert Johnston | Annan grove | Annandale Cottage | Johnston's Bay (Rozelle Bay) | Glebe & Balmain | Annandale House | Sydney Salting Company | White's Creek | Toll Gate | Railway

Death of George Johnston

Johnston's 1823 orbituary noted "..As Lieutenant' Colonel of the 102d Regiment (New South Wales Corps) his name will be handed down to posterity, blended with that of Australia ; having assumed the reigns of administration, for a short interval, during the memorable colonial inter-regnum. A large family remain to deplore a fond Parent's deprivation.- The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (about) Thursday 9 January 1823. Ther inter-regnum referred to was the 1808 Rum Rebellion.

"By Special Licence, on Thursday last, at St. James's, Church, by the Venerable the ARCHDEACON, GEORGE EDWARD NICHOLAS WESTON, Lieutenant in the Hon. East India Company's Service, to BLANCHE, youngest daughter of the late GEORGE JOHNSTONE Esq, of Annandale" - The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser Saturday 23 May 1829

Johnston's Estate, Annandale, 1877 by Samuel Elyard

Annandale House, Johnstone Estate by JC Hoyte

Robert Johnston

By 1830, James Busby was praising 'Annandale Farm' is praised for its fine vineyard "A Manual of Plain Direction for Planting and Cultivating Vineyards and the Making of Wine in New South Wales". -Historical Timeline:Wine and Grape History in the Sydney Region

TAKE NOTICE, that all persons are forbidden to trespass on the Estate of of John Piper Jun. situated on the North-side of the Parramatta-road, commencing at the four-mile stone, and extending nearly to the Cheshire Cheese; and that all permissions heretofore granted to any individual or person to occupy that Estate, is after this (late cancelled, and the sole controul and Management ,of the property is vested in Robert Johnstone of Annandale, Esq. who is authorised to prosecute in my name, any person who trespasses thereon. JOHN PIPER Jun. Albany Bank, Bathurst, 30th Jan. 1830. -1830 'Advertising', The Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838), 6 March, p. 1. (AFTERNOON), viewed 24 Feb 2017,

"Election of Scotch Peers....A protest from Mr Gooding Johnstone requested it be entered on the minutes that he claimed a right to vote as Marquis of Annandale" - The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803-1842) Thursday 13 October 1831

Family Notices - BIRTH. On the 6th instant, at Annandale, the lady of Lieutenaut JOHNSTON, R. N. of a son and heir. - The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803-1842) and The Sydney Herald Thursday 7 November 1833

"List of Transfers of Male Convicts, made between October 1st, and December 31st. 1834.... Macquarie, 1 farrier Johnson John, Darlington, 1 ploughman Johnson Robert, Annandale," -The Sydney Gazette and... Saturday 6 June 1835

"Market. Friday Oct 26 - The supply this mornng was very good, and the demand was pretty equal to it.... On Wednesday morning, R. Johnson, Esq. J.P. of annandale, called at Dr Bland's residence in Pitt street leaving his gig which it was the duty of his servnt to have attended during his absence in his charge. He had not been in many minutes when the horse which was very shy bolted at full speed, the consequence was that the vehicle was capsized and much damaged..."- The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803-1842) Saturday 29 October 1836

A Sandstone bust of Lord Nelson originally stood in the gardens at the Annandale Estate of Commander Robert Johnson...

"about 63 feet, on the north by "Rozelle Bay," and on the east by lot 14 On this is a site for building, and with lot 11 would form a good allotment-the view is excellent." - The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser Tuesday 5 May 1840

"..bounded by that invaluable stream...dividing it from Annandale called JOHNSTONE'S CREEK" - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) Friday 2 June 1843

"ten minutes you reach the Sydney Road coming out a little beyond Captain Johnston's of Annandale and close to the residence of Mr Abraham Hearn, Parramatta Road. Fifteen minutes more brings you into Sydney accomplishing the distance by way of Bourke Town from the North Shore..." - The Sydney Gazette (Classified Advertising) Tuesday 25 August 1840

Government Gazette...Great Western Road. At Annandale, Beckett's Bridge, Pitt Bow - The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser Thursday 5 December 1861 (page 3)

This Plan of the Piperston suburban allotments near Sydney For sale by Mr Stubbs on the 14 of March 1842. E.J.H. Knapp, Surveyor. shows Austenham, the Seat of Capt SA Perry, Garry Owen the Seat of JR Brenan ESQ PM, Mr Lloyd, WM Kenzie Esq JP, Annandale Estate of Robert Johnston ESQ and White's Creek - which is labeled Johnstone's Creek probably indicating ownership rather than its name.

Robert Johnston was the first to subdivide Johnstons Bush....Annandale a Discovery in Progress:Annandale Peninsula - the land

"JOHNSTON—SCHULTZE—June 4, at St. Andrew's Church, Wellington, New Zealand, by the Rev. James Paterson, Percival, fifth son of Captain Johnston, R.N., Annandale, near Sydney, to Ellen Mary, eldest daughter ef Charles William Schultze, Esq., Thorndon, Wellington." 1873 'Family Notices', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 9 August, p. 7. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

" Captain Robert Johnston, R.N., whose death is announced in another column, was one of those men, so few in number now and so rapidly disappearing, whose lives are links between the old world and the new, whose younger days were spent amidst the stirring scenes of the early years of the present century, and who, passing on to the times of peace and prosperity which followed those of war and turmoil, have witnes- sed the inception and development of those remarkable changes which have accompanied modern progress..." 1882 'CAPTAIN ROBERT JOHNSTON, R.N.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 9 September, p. 7, viewed 3 February, 2016,

Annan Grove Cottage on the Parramatta Road, Petersham

Story now herestreet scape.

Annandale Cottage

This 1843 map of the Johnston Estate shows a "brick cottage" on "high road" (Parramatta Road), another "cottage" and a "cottage and offices". The "cottage and offices" were called Annandale Cottage and Macquarie Lodge at different times. They have been incorporated into the buildings at 61 Albion Street.

On Sunday, the 17th instant, at Annandale Cottage, the lady of Thomas Collins, Esq., of a daughter. - 1836 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), 21 January, p. 2, viewed 24 January, 2012,

BIRTHS. On the 27th instant, at Annandale Cottage, Mrs. J. C. Thompson, of a daughter. - 1850 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 28 February, p. 3, viewed 24 January, 2012,

MARRIED. On the 26th instant, at Newtown Church, by the Rev. T. Steele, M.A., John Clode, Esq., merchant, of Gordon-place, London, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Lawrence Potts, Esq., of Annandale Cottage, and late of Sheffield. -1841 'Family Notices.', Australasian Chronicle (Sydney, NSW : 1839 - 1843), 29 June, p. 3, viewed 24 January, 2012,

ANNANDALE COTTAGE TO LET, three mile on the Parramatta Road a portion of the furniture may be taken at a valuation. Apply to Mr. Potts, Jamison-street or at the cottage, which may be seen on application. 1299 -1843 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 25 January, p. 3, viewed 24 January, 2012,

BIRTHS. At Annandale Cottage, Parramatta-road, on the 13th instant, Mrs. John Gordon of a daughter. -1846 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 16 February, p. 2, viewed 24 January, 2012,

Mr. MORT.-At Annandale Cottage, Parramatta Road , at 11 o'clock, Household Furniture, Pianoforte, &c. 1847 'ABSTRACT OF SALES BY AUCTION, THIS DAY.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 27 July, p. 2, viewed 24 January, 2012,

TO LET, with immediate possession
Annandale Cottage, late in the occupation of John Gordon, Esq., it has every accommodation for a respectable family. Apply to ROBBERT JOHNSTON, Esq , Annandale. August 5. 2113 - 1847 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 9 August, p. 3, viewed 24 January, 2012,

BIRTH. November 1st, at her residence, Annandale Cottage, Petersham, Mrs. Ardnam, of a daughter. -1859 'Family Notices.', Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), 4 November, p. 1, viewed 31 January, 2012,

At times, the cottage was known as Macquarie Lodge...more.


To commemorate the jubilee of the Glebe..."The last few acres of Allen's Bush have been handed over to the architect and the builder. Even the boautiful broad acres of Toxteth House-built in 1831, and the home of the Allens for four generations have been subdivided and estranged. The great trees of the forest have all fallen before the onslaught of civilisation."..The Sydney Morning Herald Monday 2 August 1909 (page 9)


"The entire extent of the present division consists in the whole of nearly three hundred and fifty lots, situated on the westside of Darling Harbour, and on the north east side of a romantic inlet known as Johnson's Bay..." The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831-1842) (about) Thursday 20 July 1837

bays with ships and fenceJohnston's Bay (Rozelle Bay)

"Lots with a view along Rozelle Bay were also put up for Auction"..1840 'Classified Advertising.', The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), 5 May, p. 3, viewed 22 December, 2012,

BOISSIER ESTATE: Nineteen Splendid Suburban Allotments at the Glebe, near Sydney: "LOI XIV. A good corner or point allotment, has a frontage on the east of about 283 feet to the same road, bounded on the west by lot 15 about 180 feet, and on the north by the pleasant Shore of " Rozelle Bay," and extends to the intended public landing place.
Has a frontign on the east of about 221 feet to the same road, is bounded on the west by lot 16 about "63 feet, on the north by "Rozelle Bay," and on the east by lot 14 On this is a site for building, and with lot 11 would form a good allotment-the view is excellent.
Has a frontage on the east of about 297 feet to the same road, is bounded on the west by lot 17 about 594 feet, on the north by Rozelle Bay, and on the east by lot 15 This is a beautiful Allotment the view from tho upper part has been generally much admired looking across " Rozelle Bay' Ot also includes a good slice of the Garden
A supperior Corner Allotment. Has a frontage to the east (in part) of about 161t feet to the same Road, on the remainder it is bounded by lot 16, on the north by Rozelle Bay, on the north west by lot 18 about 567 feet, and on the south west by the Central Cross Road about 263 feet On this is an exccellent spot for a Residence, and it includes, in front, a large portion of the Garden.
An excellent allotment, has a frontage on tho south-west of about 217 feet to the central cross road on the southeast by lot 17-a frontage on the north to " Rozolle Bay," and on the north west to lot 19 about 421 feet, This lot has a good site for a Villa, and takes in a large piece of the garden in front, through which, a natural gutter passes. - 1840 'Classified Advertising.', The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), 5 May, p. 3, viewed 28 October, 2014,

Sydney Salting Company

"BOILING DOWN.-It is not generally known that the Sydney Salting Company has erected capacious premises at the head of Johnston's Bay, and has commenced boiling down sheep and cattle, and are making preparations for salting as soon as the season commences, which will be in about six weeks. The buildings-, which are very well adapted for the purpose, are principally of weatherboards, and being on the side of a steep bank communicating with the harbour, there is every facility for getting rid of the filth, and keeping the place clean. The boilers and pans are the same as were in use in use in Sydney, and there is in addition a small steam engine for pumping water where ever it may be required. A lot of Mr. John stone's cattle were boiled down last week, the result of which was very satisfactory." - 1845 'HORSES TO INDIA.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 17 March, p. 2, viewed 28 October, 2014,


On Monday, Messrs. Mort and Co. sold farther allotments in the village of Sydenham opposite to Elswick, and adjoining Annandale. This being the site of the second railway Station from Syd-ney, the value of the land has materially in-creased. For the front allotments from £3 to £ 5 10s per foot was obtained ; for back allot-ments £1 to £2 ... The result of the sale' Was about £4000. Yesterday the firm sold The Maitland Mercury, and Hunter River General Advertiser Saturday 21 October 1854

Circa 1857 Map showing the railway line, Annandale Estate, Leichhardt and Annangrove Cottage: MAP F 108

1855 Subdivision

Annandale, Leichhardt and Camperdown from an 1857 plan of part of Sydney and its environs [cartographic material] : showing the bridges & roads to be constructed by the Pyrmont Bridge Company / Allan & Wigley Litho. map click for source and larger map

Upwards of 80 acres of the best portion of this splendid Estate have been subdivided into convenient allotments, which are now offered to the public on 99 years' Leases. This property, always considered one of the most valuable suburbs of the City, might long since have been advantageously disposed of, had not the proprietor refused to open it until the increase, of population and business rendered such a step necessary for public convenience. Almost every intending occupant will find somo portion of this-Estate singularly adapted to his requirements.
The allotments facing tho Parramatta Road (forming a continuation of Camperdown) have each 40 feet frontage, are on the levol of the road, and, therefore, perfectly easy of access, command from their situation the whole passing trafile of tlio interior, and for business purposes cannot be surpassed. The allotments facing Johnston's Creek are admirably suited for trades requiring a constant supply of water, which the rest of the estate, from its picturesque situation, is unsurpassed for the erection of suburban residence, and from tho attention paid to its subdivision (by which every allotment runs a frontage of 40 feet to a road 66 feet wide) is equally eligible lor general business purposes. A quarry of excellent stone is reserved for buildings on tho estate. The Petersham Station being near ro-ulcrs access to the interior by railway easy; omnibus communication with Sydney is constant; and no doubt, ore loner a steam boat will ply between Johnston's Bay and Sydney, placing this property on an equality with Balmain and the North Shore, as regards access by water, whilst infinitely superior to them in land communication.
Lithographs, anti every information, may be obtained on application to- Mr. F. II. GRUNDY, 30; Hunter-street where a largo plan is on view.
A plan of the entire estate or North Annandale, of which the abovo 80 acres aro a portion, showing the arrangement of allotments and roads throughout, is also, on view._ TTrïVVfilÎLEY.-Allotments, 30 feet x 140 feet, cxcel VT lently situ ited near tlio junction of the South Head and Waverley Roads, to LET on long leases, at moderate rents. Good water. Apply to Mr. F. II. GRUNDY, 30 Hunter-street._" - 1856 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 15 October, p. 2, viewed 12 February, 2015,

Johnston trialled a Megatron Plough - "MEGATHON AT ANNANDALE.-An experiment was publicly made yesterday with the Megathon , on the estate of Mr. Johnson, at Annandale, for the purpose of testing the adaptability of the machine as a motive power in the operation of ploughing. His Excellency the Governor General, the honorable E. Deas Thomson, Captain Ward, R.E, and a number of gentlemen connected with the agricultural interest were present. The ploughing experiment"...The Moreton Bay Courier Saturday 9 May 1857

In 1857, it was reported that "six journeymen stonemasons were brought up in custody, charged with violently assaulting several journey men brickmakers at Petersham, near this city, who refused to obey their mandate to strike for an advance of wages. Five of the delinquents were fined £3 each, and one £6 ; or, in default of payment, one month's imprisonment." - 1857 'SYDNEY.', The North Australian, Ipswich and General Advertiser (Ipswich, Qld. : 1856 - 1862), 14 July, p. 2, viewed 19 November, 2012,

"A fire broke out at Annandale on Thursday afternoon, June 5, resulting in the complete de struction of a store and its contents. The loss to AMr. Johnston, tile proprietor, is estimated at £1,500. The engines and police were promptly in attentdance, but could not render much assistance beyond preventing the extension of the fire to ad joining buildings." 1862 'NEW SOUTH WALES.', Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), 17 June, p. 5 Edition: MORNING., viewed 12 February, 2015,

"A large store and its contents, belonging to Captain Johnstone, of Annandale, destroyed by fire." 1862 'JUNE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 31 December, p. 3, viewed 12 February, 2015,

Soap Works

Cowan and Israel set up a soap works on the Annandale foreshore on 100acres leased from Robert Johnston...p17, AURA- Annandale Urban Research Association - Journal 1, The Early History of Annandale (2015)

Annandale House

Annandale House was demolished in 1905. The area is in the vicinity of Macaulay St, Albany St, Darley Rd and Percival Road (which becomes Johnston Street at Parramatta Road) in Stanmore.

Images Annandale House. The gates, to the property, have been installed in the grounds of Annandale Public School...more

This page last updated: 11 July 2022.