Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

Public Transport Trip Planner

Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Anecdotal History

Aboriginal Australia | 1770-1823 | 1823-1876 | 1876-1889 | 1890-1900 | 1900-1915 | 1916-1930 | 1931-1938 | 1939-1945 | 1945-1955 | 1956-1969 | 1970-1998 | 1998-2007 | 2008-2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | What's on | Blog | Instagram | Places | People | Events |


Goraymurrai (November-December)

More at....

Twighlight Recital

Twighlight Recital Hunter Baillie Church Soprano Georgia Cooper Piano/Organ Stacey Yang Date 25th November Time: 4pm Details on Pahphlet in box at main gate Entry by Donation

Twighlight Recital Hunter Baillie Church
Soprano Georgia Cooper
Piano/Organ Stacey Yang
Date 25th November Time: 4pm
Details on Pahphlet in box at main gate
Entry by Donation

Annadale2038 cnr of collins and johnston sts

#soprano #music #organrecital #piano #rachmaninoff #straus #schubert #bach #howells entry by donation

Women"s Online Coworking Space founded by Annandale resident Jane Oldham

woman on zoomWomen who are working or running a small business part or full time from home are invited to join a local initiative to help women "get stuff done" and to connect with other likeminded women.

Jane, who has been a member of the Ningana Housing Collective for over 16 years, has been coworking with friends and neighbours over Zoom for the past 6 months and is now inviting others to join...more

Yuṯaguma (Make it New) at Annandale GalleriesAnnandale Galleries

Paintings and Poles from Yirrkala N.E. Arnhem Land (Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre)
Exhibition dates: 9 November - 17 December 2022
Opening: 9 November 6:30-8:30pm
110 Trafalgar Street Annandale Sydney

Johnston St Jazz - Thursdays at 8pm

two people on stageAnnandale Creative Arts Centre
81 Johnston St Annandale
AT 8pm

Tix at the door or via

What's on (25 Nov)

Twilight Recital Hunter Baillie Church (cnr Collins and Johnston)
Soprano Georgia Cooper
Piano/Organ Stacey Yang
Date 25th November Time: 4pm
Details on Pamphlet in box at main gate, Entry by Donation

Shiny Bum Singers Sat Nov 26 7.30pm – 10.30pm
The Loaded Dog Folk Club, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston Street, Annandale.
$20/$18 (cash at the door). BYO, light supper available
Enquiries &

Paintings and Poles from Yirrkala N.E. Arnhem Land (Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre)
Exhibition dates: 9 November - 17 December 2022
110 Trafalgar Street Annandale Sydney

Johnston St Jazz - Thursdays at 8pm
Annandale Creative Arts Centre
81 Johnston St Annandale
Dec 1 : Tim Stevens solo piano
Dec 8 : Julian Curwin "Second Sight"
Dec 15 : William Mendelbaum

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

Op Shop and Community Food Pantry Annandale- Moved to 2 Stanley Street Leichhardt NSW 2040

man and womanWayne and Marghanita at Sydney City Mission Annandale Op Shop

Sydney City Mission Op Shop & Food Pantry at 181 Parramatta Road Annandale.

OPEN Hours during Covid Lockdown:
TUESDAY 12:00noon to 3:30pm
FRIDAY 8:30am to 1:30pm
Follow-us on Facebook for Food Pantry Grocery Lists and Updates

"seeking Donations for our Community Food Pantry, especially Long Life Food Produce ie: Tin Vegies, Cereal, Long Life Milk, Pasta, Rice, 2min Noodles, Muesli Bars. If you are able to share this need amongst our community, we would be ever so grateful. Things have been ever so tragic since Covid19, so may people are struggling financially, out of work, in need of basic essentials ie: Food, Personal Care Products, Sanitising PPE and counselling/pastoral care support for depression, anxiety, mental health."-Manager & Community Events Co-ordinator Sydney City Lifestyle & Mission Centre

The “FOOD is not priced” however a $5.00 Donation request covers the cost of Product Deliveries, Fuel, Packaging, Storage & Refrigeration

Sydney City Lifestyle & Mission Centre
181 Parramatta Rd, Annandale
…just because we care


Miguel Heatwole ANDSOME FRIENDS noon 5th November 2022 Andsome Friends is a mixed voice a capella ensemble that records and performs original compositions.

We invite you to bring a picnic lunch to the Light Rail viaduct arches near Federal Park Skate Park in Annandale at
noon on Saturday November 5th, 2022
to hear a selection of tracks from our upcoming second album, and to donate smething towards our annual OneMusic performance licence fee.

What's on in Annandale(3 Nov)

TODAY AT 8pm Johnston Street Jazz is proud to support SIMA WOMEN'S JAZZ FESTIVAL presenting 343 BRASS BAND.
Annandale Creative Arts Centre

SATURDAY 5 Nov AT 12noon
Andsome Arches
Federal Park Skate Park

Yuṯaguma (Make it New)
Paintings and Poles from Yirrkala N.E. Arnhem Land (Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre)
Exhibition dates: 9 November - 17 December 2022
Opening: 9 November 6:30-8:30pm

SUNDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2022 FROM 09:00-13:00
The Magic Lane Maker’s Market
Ferris Lane the "magic lane"

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

Annandale GalleriesAnnandale Galleries

Exhibition Dates 17 September – 2 November
110 Trafalgar Street Annandale Sydney

Concerts that excite and inspire
Phoenix Collective Notes of Obsession

four musicians in a church2.30pm Saturday 15th October 2022
Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church
Cnr of Johnston and Collins Sts, Annandale

This epic program comprises two pillars of the chamber music repertoire – Schubert’s Death and the Maiden quartet and Janacek’s Intimate Letters. Both works represent some of the most exciting and emotive music ever written for string quartet. Each quartet was written by a composer who was obsessed – Janacek with an unattainable married woman, and Schubert with his own impending death.

Audiences will find that the concert is an intense and beautiful emotional journey which is ultimately satisfying and uplifting.

PHOENIX COLLECTIVE QUARTET Launched by Charmian Gadd at the Crossroads Festival, The Phoenix Collective Quartet is a premier string quartet performing concerts in Sydney, Canberra, the Central Coast and regional NSW. Its members come from the ranks of national and international orchestras such as Opera Australia Orchestra, Canberra Symphony, Sydney Symphony, BBC Philharmonic, Kammer Philharmonie Köln, Boston Symphony, and Academy of St Martin in the Fields.

PCQ : Artistic Director & violin I, Dan Russell. Violin II, Pip Thompson. Viola, Ella Brinch. Cello, Andrew Wilson.
More Info and Tix at
Tix also available at the door

Footprints EcoFestival 2022

People in park at festival 11am-3pm Saturday 3 September 2022
White's Creek Valley


E-book and E-catalogue available 3 August
Exhibition dates: Exhibition dates: 6 August – 6 September
Opening: 6 August 12–4 pm

Kalanjay Dhir • Alexandra Jonscher • Nadia Odlum • Warden
Curated by Andrew Chrisite
Coming to terms with our preoccupation with online spaces, these artists assess how we construct, alter and share our sense of identity. With a focus on materials and process they unsettle the distinctions between the tangible and the digital...

megan evans: KELOID #9

Behind the Barricades:

Rare original posters from the May '68 Paris Uprising
Stuart Bailey Luxury of Detachment Series

Gallery Hours Wed-Sat 11am–4pm
110 Trafalgar Street

Where Do We Go From Here, Emily Howell?

Theatre, Circus & Physical Theatre, Music, Spoken Word & Storytelling

Sat 17 - Sat 24 Sep | 50 minutes
Annandale Creative Arts Centre
81 Johnston St, Annandale
Telephone: 9519 9000
Get Tickets $25 - $35

Time of Marrai'gang - Bana'murrai'yung (wet becoming cooler) April - June

The time of the year when the cries of the Marrai'gang (Quoll) ...more

Phoenix Collective - Enlightenment

four musicians in a churchMendelssohn String Quartet Op.13 No.2
Joseph Kosma, Les Feuilles mortes
Shostakovich String Quartet Op.73 No.3

Saturday 11 June 2022 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM (UTC+10)
Hunter Baillie Presbyterian Church
Cnr Johnston St and Collins St, Annandale NSW 2038
More at

Handel's Israel in Egypt - A New Variant

frog on green background -Handel's Israel in Egypt - A New VariantEvent: Plagues, floods, frogs, hailstones, fleas and now RATS.
Leichhardt Espresso Chorus + Chamber Orchestra + Soloist Mark Donnelly as they frogleap into Handel’s Israel in Egypt

Performances 28/29 May, Hunter Baillie Church
Cnr Johnston St and Collins St, Annandale NSW 2038


Premiere conceptual concert of music, art, and poetry by an all-Inner West creative collective.

Formed in response to the lost bond of intimacy between neighbours during lockdown, HERE explores the theme of locality and transition through a collaboration between words, music, and visuals.

performed by : Tristan Coelho, Alicia Crossley, Emily Granger, Nicole W. Lee, Andrew Smith
music by : Paul Castles, Alice Chance, Tristan Coelho, Anthony Moles
poetry by : Nicole W. Lee, Mkhululi Mabija, Sibyl Kempson
artwork by : Charlotte Fetherston

7:30-8:30pm Mon., 30 May 2022
Annandale Creative Arts Centre
81 Johnston Street
Annandale, NSW 2038


Johnston St Jazz - Thursdays at 8pm

two people on stageAnnandale Creative Arts Centre
81 Johnston St Annandale

Boomerang Bags Annandale Bag Making Bee

people in hallSUNDAY 15 May 2022, 13:00-17:00
Annandale Community Centre
79 Johnston St Annandale

Time of Burran - Gadalung Marool (hot and dry) January - March

The behaviour of the male kangaroos becomes quite aggressive in this season ...more

Darkness & Light - Phoenix Collective Quartet

Mozart String Quartet K465 Dissonance
Mace Francis, Squint Your Eyes* World Premiere
Beethoven String Quartet Op.132K
Saturday 19 February 2022 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM (UTC+11)
Hunter Baillie, Annandale more at

Annandale Self Guided Walks

Free Historical and Eco walks around Annandale...

two people on stageJohnston Street Jazz - streaming during Lockdown

Johnston Street Jazz Live Streaming Thursdays & Past Streams at

What's on in Annandale (31 March 2022)

What's on in Annandale: Darkness & Light - 2:30pm Saturday 19 February 2022

PCQ - Darkness & Light - 2:30pm - Hunter Baillie, Annandale
Darkness & Light - Phoenix Collective Quartet
Mozart String Quartet K465 Dissonance
Mace Francis, Squint Your Eyes* World Premiere
Beethoven String Quartet Op.132
Saturday 19 February 2022 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM (UTC+11)

Annandale is split over two councils and two wards within the Inner West Council.

  1. Annandale between Booth St and Parramatta Road in in the Leichhardt Ward (Inner West Councillors Sep 2017-Dec 2021:Marghanita da Cruz, Lucille Mckenna, Vittoria Racitti)
  2. Annandale between Booth St and the Crescent is in the Balmain Ward of Inner West Council (Inner West Councillors Sep 2017-Dec 2021: Rochelle Porteous, John Stamolis, Darcy Byrne)