Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998
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NSW Christmas Bush (Ceratopetalum gummiferum)
The NSW Christmas Bush's white flowers bloom in October. By Christmas the flowers are gone but the red sepals remain and have earnt the small tree its name Christmas Bush.
This Season begins with the Great Eel Spirit. ..more
Friday 15th December 6pm
Hunter Baillie Church Grounds, cnr Johnston and Collins Streets Annandale
Hosted by the Sunday School and Senior Hunters.
Sausage Sizzle included
Ted Grantham on the ivories (Ok plastics)
bring a rug and your voice
(if weather turns wet, we will retreat to the Hall)
All Welcome, Young and Old alike!!!
As an advocate for the protection of Annandale's natural and built heritage, I welcome this statement on local heritage in the Plans for the Eastern District: "A wide variety of local heritage items and heritage streetscapes also form part of the character of centres throughout the District.The conservation and interpretation of places and values of heritage signifcance is required to give current and future generations a beter understanding of history and people’s past experiences. Sympathetic adaptive re-use of heritage is an important way to conserve heritage signifcance. Improved public access and connection to heritage through interpretation is also essential”
Further I put forward my work by way of example of how interpretation can be assisted through:
Guide books and Guided Walks - See Annandale Short Walk Books at:
Free Online Material - Anecdotal History of Annandale and
- Self Guided Walk from Annandale to Sydney with Historical Pictures
You will note that the digitisation programs of the State Archives, National Archives, Australian War Memorial, State Library, Local Libraries and the National Library play a vital part in providing material for the interpretation.
We need to do much more to enable our community to understand their natural environment. The numerous creeks and buried tributaries need to be recognised as natural water ways not simply storm water drains.
We need to recognise the value of our Local Provenance vegetation which provides habitat and food for native animals, while also providing us much needed shade and cooling.
See Cool Trees
My work in this aspect of heritage in respect to Annandale includes Art Exhibitions and Free online information:
Eco Annandale - Annandale's modern EcoSystem
White's Creek History and artificially constructed Wetlands complete with turtles now!
and the constructed Salt Marsh wetlands on the Annandale foreshore
School Programs which incorporate components on Local History and Environment would also be useful.
It is disappointing to see that the Greater Sydney Commission has rehashed the 1940s Cumberland Plan for motorways. This is despite the evidence that gridlock is the only possible result of building more streets. Further Sydney siders are turning to Public Transport to get to work, friends, relatives and entertainment. The social, environmental and economic costs of building a metropolis around the private motor vehicle make this plan irresponsible.
The plan should include consideration of:
1. The transition to distributed energy generation and supply in particular in relation to private local photovoltaic solar energy generation and the necessary infrastructure to for example support urban community solar farms.
2. Improving the amenity for passengers at bus stops by providing better pedestrian access, reducing air and noise pollution, providing shade from sun, shelter from rain and information such as bus routes and timetables both digitally and at the bus stop.
3. Reducing noise pollution from aircraft and motor vehicles on homes, schools, restaurants, cafes and public open spaces including footpaths.
4. The expansion and provision of frequent rail services and inter-region high speed rail services.
5. On Pg 13 - with regard to schools and childcare - these need to be accessible by good pedestrian, cycling and public transport infrastructure.
6. Either define an additional glossary or use the Greater Sydney Commission’s glossary to define Public/Open/Green spaces and Public/Mass/Active Transport.
7. Transition to electric buses - including the necessary infrastructure for recharging.
8. Public Transport and night time pedestrian amenity play a vital role in the night time economy to enable workers and patrons to get to and from venues.
9. With regard to the cruise terminals, particularly the one at White Bay, shore power is required
10. Improving Pedestrian Safety and Amenity including shelter, shade, rest places, reducing motor vehicle noise and cooling streets needs to be a priority
11. We need to build liveable walkable Neighbourhood with vegetation to keep them cool and storm water infrastructure that recognises rain water as a vital resource for replenishing soil moisture to enable trees and other vegetation to survive.
12. We need to protect a diversity of industries and employment spaces where embryonic businesses can thrive and become sustainable small businesses.
13. We need to conserve our remnant bushland and re-introduce Local Provenance Biodiversity into street scapes and our parks to survive the changing climate
14. We need a diversity of quality liveable housing stock with high energy and water efficiency with walking access to public transport to enable residents to travel across the city for employment, entertainment, social interaction, medical services and education.
Above: Proposed Westconnex Construction Site on Pyrmont Bridge Road.
Test Drilling White's Creek (Jan 2017)
Right: Westconnex Construction Site, Haberfield.
Bignell Lane will be destroyed
The EIS is for the proposed linking tunnel from the M4 to the M5. The impacts on Annandale include:
For more information and to make a submission go to
On 12 May a new proposal to riddle the Inner west with Spagetti Tunnels and Ventilation Stacks - design for M4-M5 Link
The Greens have established a series of surveys for people to have their say about New South Wales transport and help us in our work uncovering problems with the system and attending to people’s needs.
Do Survey at:
Parramatta Road has been divided into Precincts: Granville, Auburn, Homebush, Burwood-Concord, Kings Bay, Taverners Hill, Leichhardt, Camperdown connected by Frame Areas.
"The Frame Areas are important connections between Precincts and will contribute towards the transformation of the Corridor. While not the focus of growth in the Strategy, land use change and development may still occur over the longer term through 'spot rezonings' or changes to development controls...." - Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy fact sheet
Strategy Documents 9 November 2016 : Urban Transformation Strategy 2016 pdf (14 MB); Implementation Plan 2016-2023 pdf (3.2 MB); Urban Amenity Improvement Plan pdf (10 MB); Planning and Design Guidelines pdf (24 MB); Infrastructure Schedule pdf (1.6 MB) - See more at:
After speaking of the role of painting on the body and on bark, Djambawa sang a walk through the paintings and poles in the gallery. Bark paintings have long been used in land title negotiations. Djambawa was involved in the preparation of paintings (as documents) for the Barunga Statement (1988) and Blue Mud Bay case (2008) He is also a member of the PM's Indigenous Advisory Council.
Bark Paintings Sculpture Ceremonial Poles
November 3 – December 2, 2017
Opening night reception
THURSDAY November 9, 6:30 – 8:30pm
Annandale Galleries
Wednesday 22nd November
Early Access to first tapping of our Boysenberry Saison and Audrey Hopburn Wheat Beer in one big launch night.
Tasting Notes:Boysenberry Saison, 5.2% ABV
Fermented using a Belgian yeast strain, with a healthy dose of Boysenberries added post fermentation, this bright ruby saison is dry and effervescent, with a hint of acidity. Tart and refreshing, this Saison is the perfect thirst quencher for the warm summer days ahead.
Audrey Hopburn, 4.6% ABV
This Democratic Ale is Wayward's first crowd sourced beer. Designed by participants of the Tall Boys brew day, the result is a cool fermented Belgian Ale jam packed with big, bold American hops.
Martin is back for his annual appearance @ The Dog taking the spot normally filled by the late & much lamented Danny Spooner. As Martin said since I seem to have acquired a grey beard, I'm going to spread the rumour that Danny left it to me in his will. hehe
Of course no one can replace Danny, so Martin will do his usual material & will have you rolling in the aisles and then throw in something serious when you least expect it with songs about anything from Hobbits to Japanese whaling.
Barbara has sung all her life singing silly songs her father taught her, bastardising the school anthem and then getting serious by toying idly with the classical repertoire. In the late 90s and early naughties she focussed on cappella singing in groups such as Vox Humana and Echolalia until a busy life intervened. In the last few years she has trod the boards of musical theatre but recently found herself back at the folk hearth. She sings folk songs from England, Ireland and the US including some of enchanting beauty. Come along for a lot of fun!
Loaded Dog, Back Hall,
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre,
79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available.
Bookings & enquiries Sandra 9358 4886,
Programme: S. Rachmaninoff - Étude in C minor, op.30, Nr.3 - Grave; L-C. Daquin - “Le Coucou” (“Der Kuckuck”) - Vif; E. Grieg - “Schmetterling”, op.43 - Allegro grazioso; J. Sibelius - “Oeille” (“Die Nelke”, aus “Blumen”); op.85 Nr.2 - Con moto; N. Rimsky-Korsakov (Transcription: S. Rachmaninoff) - “Hummelflug” - Presto; I. Albeniz - “Granada” (aus “Suite Espagnol”), op.47 Nr.1 - Allegretto; F. Mendelssohn - “Venetianisches Gondellied”(aus “Lieder ohne Worte”), op.30 Nr.6 - Allegretto tranquillo; R. Schumann - I : “Allegro” (aus “Faschingsschwank aus Wien”), op.26 - Sehr lebhaft; C. Debussy - “Reflets dans l’eau” (aus “Images”) - Andantino molto; F. Chopin - Étude in F dur “Sonnenschein”, op.10 Nr.8 - Allegro; J. Suk - “Abendstimmung” (aus “Sommereindrücke”) - Andante espressivo
Hunter Baillie Church, cnr Johnston Street and Collins Street
3-4pm Sunday 26th November 2017
More Information and Tickets
Beer Launch at Wayward Brewery
6pm, 22 November
Martin Pearson + Barbara Sanders @ The Dog
Sat 25th November, 7.40 for 8pm
"Summer" Resonance Concert
3pm Sunday 26 November, Hunter Baillie Church
NOTIONS of COUNTRY From Yirrkala NE Arnhem Land
Nov 3 – Dec 2, Annandale Galleries
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Sunday 5 November 2017 (11am-3pm)??
Collins Street between Johnston Lane and Johnston Street [road closed from 8am-4pm]
The time of the gathering of the flying foxes. ..more
Paintings - Installation - Works on Paper
Pictorially, the resulting paintings seemed to occupy a space between the visceral intensity of Willem de Kooning’s gestural painting and the cooler sensibility of Brice Marden’s looping layered lines.- Sebastian Smee, Pulitzer Prize-winning arts critic for the Boston Globe, Distillation catalogue 2015
23 September – 28 October
Opening night reception for the artist
September 27 6:30 – 8:30pm
Annandale Galleries
Celebration of the Royal Kathina Offering Ceremony. "Kathina is an annual Buddhist Thai Tradition to celebrate the ending of the Rains Retreat. In the Buddhist culture, during the retreat monks and nuns will remain at the temple and meditate for three months." - Notice
Ceremony 9am-2pm
Free Lunch 11am-12.30pm
Watt Buddharangsee (Annandale)
49 Trafalgar Street
Ph 95572879
13-15 Oct 1 Year Anniversary Ceremony (Chants and Meditation) of His Majesty King Bhumibol's Passing
25-29 Oct Part of world wide Cremation Ceremony which will occur 9am-11pm Oct 26
Replacement and upgrade of the Chester Street Footbridge, Annandale
The existing footbridge across Johnston Creek Annandale next to the Douglas Grant Playground at Chester Street is in poor condition and is at the end of its life. Council will replace the bridge, over the coming 12 months, with a new bridge that will comply with current design requirements.
The proposed works will include some changes to the existing facilities within the Douglas Grant Playground. The information below shows the new bridge design and identifies the necessary changes to the Playground.
Info Session: Saturday 28 October, 2017, 2pm and 4pm at the bridge. During this time Council staff will be available to answer questions about the bridge works and changes to the playground.
If you have any questions please call Council’s Stormwater and Development Engineer, Mrs Christine Phillips, on 9392 5644 or email
Solidarity Choir is 30 years old this year!
Solidarity Choir is an acappella choir that sings in support of community events, union functions and political demonstrations. Many of our songs are in a language other than English. They are mostly songs about the struggle for freedom in their country. The choir was founded in 1987 to sing Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika at a civic reception in the Sydney Town Hall for Oliver Thambo, the President in exile of the banned African National Congress.
Support: The Fossickers are Halcyon, Ruth, Sophie, Daisy & Ruby, five Sydney lasses who sing Australian and Traditional Folk, Sea Shanties, Gospel, Waulking, Working and Women's songs.
Sat 28th October, 8pm, doors open 7.40
*Loaded Dog Folk Club, Back Hall,*
*Annandale Neighbourhood Centre,*
*79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)*
*$18/20, BYO, supper available.*
*Bookings & enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886
More information at:
Royal Kathina Offering Ceremony
25-29 October, Watt Buddharangsee
Community Consultation on Chester Street Bridge Upgrade
2-4pm Sat 28 Oct, Douglas Grant Memorial Park
Solidarity Choir + The Fossickers @ The Dog
Sat 28th October, 8pm, doors open 7.40, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Brett McMahon's Elemental paintings, sculpture, installation
CLOSES OCTOBER 28, Annandale Galleries
St Brendan's Spring Fair
Sun 5 November, Collins Street (at St Brendan's Church)
Annandale's very own Demon Bowler - Amy Hudson
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
At last the wait is nearly over! We will soon be returning to a venue near you to present our second series for 2017 - Magic Mozart
Of course, the Divertimento K. 563 for string trio, the first really important work for our combination, will be on the program and we are pleased that our friend and colleague James Fortune will be joining us for another one of Mozart's flute quartets. This time he has chosen the Quartet in A major K. 298, an appropriately sunny and light-hearted piece for the season. As well we have found an arrangement of nearly all of the Magic Flute, for flute and strings, made by Mozart's contemporary Franz Heinrich Ehrenfried. Unfortunately time will limit how much of that we can play, but we are in negotiations for all of our favourites!
The Village Church, cnr. Booth/Johnston Sts
Sunday 22nd October at 3pm
Online bookings will be open approximately 2-3 weeks before each concert, More information here
David Lockeridge Percussion
3pm Sunday 22 October 2017
Hunter Bailie Church, cnr Johnston and Collins St Annandale
*Tunnel Under Annandale
*Mid-Tunnel Construction site cnr Pyrmont Bridge Road & Parramatta Rd
*Tunnel Exit onto the Crescent
*Unfiltered Exhaust Stacks in the Rozelle Railyards
*Bus Stops Relocated
Trucks will add to traffic
Sunday 22nd October at 3pm, Village Church
3pm Sunday 22 October 2017, Hunter Bailie Church
Annandale Galleries
Sat 28th October, 8pm, doors open 7.40
Sat 23rd Sept, 8pm, doors open 7.40
*Loaded Dog Folk Club, Back Hall,*
*Annandale Neighbourhood Centre,*
*79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)*
*$18/20, BYO, supper available.*
*Bookings & enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886
More information at:
as part of The Sydney Fringe Festival
An exhibition, stage program and forum of artists and speakers reflecting on Australia's response to global needs and whether we are doing our 'fair share'. The conversations are taking a particular look at Australia's contribution in foreign aid, refugee intake and global sustainability.
FRI, SAT, SUN 6:30pm SEP 22-24
Exhibition, Stage Program and Forum
Artists in the Stage Program include:Elisa Cristallo (comedy/theatre), Stephen Davis (poetry), Emma Harrison (dance film), Pauline Manley (dance/theatre), Angus McPherson (film), Colleen O'Connell (songwriting), David Sindel & Nathan Burke (animation film), Keila Terencio (aerial dance)
Artists in the Exhibition include:Carlos Agamez (installation), Leila Begli (painting), Lydia Brichta (installation), Nathan Burke (painting), Tom Burke (painting), Esme Buxton (photography), Jayanto Damanik Tan (installation), Rose Downie (installation), James Hallihan (installation), Emma Harrison (dance film), Stuart Matheson (drawing), Aaron Moore (painting), Vittoria Oriana (painting), Hannah Robertson (painting), Tamsin Salehian (installation), Josephine Schreuder (painting/installation), Kiki Tse (drawing/installation), Digby Webster (painting), Women's Creative Group (mural)
Forum Speakers include: Jodie Lightfoot (Fri), Hani Abdile (Fri) Ben Thurley (Sat), Jessica Morthrope (Sat), Ravi Prasad (Sat/Sun) Muheed Jamaldeen (Sun), James Supple (Sun), Joseph-Zane Sikulu (Sun)
Marghanita da Cruz is the Lead Greens Candidate for the Leichhardt Ward in the Inner West Council elections on September 9, 2017...more
Ecopella & Bod Tonight @ The Loaded Dog Folk Club
Creative Conversations as Global Neighbours:"FAIR SHARE?"
Exhibition, Performances, Forum this weekend
BRETT MCMAHON Elemental Opening Night Wed 27 Sep
Three Piece Suite: Magic Mozart Concert
Sunday 22nd October
Inner West Councillors for Annandale
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
Elections will be held on 9 September 2017. There are five wards and three councillors will be elected to represent each ward.
Check enrollment for Local Government Elections 9 September 2017 : Residential & non-residential
On Saturday 9 September 2017 Inner West Council will hold elections to elect 15 new councillors. The community will elect 3 councillors for each of the 5 wards shown at the bottom of this page. Please visit the NSW Electoral Commission website for details on polling places for election day. Information on pre-poll will be available from August 2017...more
If you will be overseas or interstate on election day, you should apply for a postal vote, or attend a pre-poll voting centre before you leave....more
Make sure you are enrolled to vote, Check your ward...more
Point Line Plane
paintings from France
Perhaps the best works are by Christian Bonnefoi. They consist of huge, confident calligraphic brush-strokes and terrific colour. They’re awash with energy, tension and grace."- Sebastian Smee, Pulitzer prize-winning art critic at the Boston Globe writing in the Sydney Morning Herald in 1997
CHRISTIAN BONNEFOI has had over 100 solo exhibitions in Europe, Asia, USA and Australia since 1977. He had the honour of a major retrospective at the Pompidou museum in Paris in 2008. Bonnefoi lives and works in France. This is his fourth solo exhibition at Annandale Galleries.View Exhibition
paintings from South Korea
YOUNG-HA PARK has had nearly thirty solo exhibitions since 1983 and is a past recipient of the ‘Korean Artist of the Year’. The fascinating and original textures in his work have made him popular with both collectors and especially other artists. Young-Ha Park lives and works in Seoul. This is his third solo show at Annandale Galleries. View Exhibition
After 20 years of fund raising the Hill and Son Organ, at the Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church's Memorial Presbyterian Church's , Annandale, is being restored. The fund raising and restoration is under the watchful eye of resident organist Ralph Lane...more
9am to 1pm, Saturday 9 September
cnr Collins and Johnston Sts Annandale
Polling Place & Fete
8am-6pm, Saturday 9 September
25 Johnston Street, 9 September 2017
Polling Place & Fete
8am-6pm, Saturday 9 September
206 Johnston Street
Pete and Yvette launch the Annandale Ale with a pub crawl and tastings at Annandale's four pubs.
Award-winning Fort Street Chamber Choir returns to the series for a third consecutive year, once again conducted by Alex Pringle.
This year, they will be joined by string quartet Fortissimo, also from Fort Street.
These two amazing ensembles offer a heartfelt and exciting programme which displays the very finest artistic talents of young people in Australia today.
Sunday 3rd September, 3-4pm
Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, cnr Johnston and Collins Sts, Annandale
More at:
Artists of all disciplines are invited to apply to be part of our 2017 Creative Conversations project.
Selected artists will make new works from common stimulus as they consider what it means to live as global neighbours and what does a "Fair Share" look like.
The project will culminate in an exhibition and performance events in September during Sydney Fringe Festival at ACAC.
Expressions of Interest are due Mon June 12. More information and application form here
The lyrebirds' calls ring out ..more
11am-3pm Sunday 27 August 2017
White's Creek Valley (Wisdom St, Annandale).
Calling for entries to pedal powered film festival by 11:59pm on Monday 31 July 2017.
Films must be no longer than 7 minutes (including titles and credits)....more
Applications are now invited from prospective stallholders by 5pm, Monday 31 July..more
Visit Rozelle Bay Community Native Plant Nursery, Community Garden, Orchard, Wetlands...more
Meet the Candidates' public meeting to be held at Leichhardt Town Hall on Tuesday 22nd August at 7.00 pm
Footprints ecoFestival 11am-3pm Sunday 27 August, White's Creek Valley
This weekend, Buses replace light rail between Central and Dulwich Hill
Annandale Galleries August 12 - September 9
Fort Street Chamber Choir & Fortissimo
Inner West Council Election Saturday 9 September
Annandale split along Booth St into Leichhardt & Balmain Wards
Candidates at:
Election Day Fetes
*Hunter Baillie Church, cnr Johnston and Collins St
*Annandale Public School
*Annandale North Public School
Westconnex M4-M5 EIS on exhibition for public comment until Oct 16.
Tunnel Exit at Crescent and construction site on Pyrmont Bridge Road.
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
A night of unaccompanied singing with Chris Maltby, Don Brian, John Warner, Judy Pinder, Robin Connaughton & Margaret Walters in honour of Dave Alexander on the 20th anniversary of his death
8PM, doors open 7.40pm, Saturday 19th August 2017
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886
Westconnex Test Drilling Rig, Reserve St Annandale, 12 Aug 2017
Drill Picket: Monday 14 August 7am-9am
Cnr Johnston Street & Reserve Road, Annandale
No WestCONnex Annandale Alert:
Drill Picket: Monday 14 August 7am-9am
Cnr Johnston Street & Reserve Road, Annandale
Footprints Festival, 11am-3pm 27 August, White's Creek Valley
Inner West Council Election 9 September 2017
Inner West Council Election Forum
Leichhardt Town Hall, 7pm 22 August
By ROSE Colbeck
A joyful celbration of the resilience of cactus and their flowers - the enduring symbol of a mother's love.
Opening Night Friday 21 July 2017, 6-9pm
The Happenstore
55 Parramatta Road
Opening Hours: Tue-Fri 10am-4pm & Saturday Noon-5pm
Exhibition Closes Thursday 3 August
Instagram: @thehappenstore
..time when the Burringoa (Eucalyptus tereticornis) starts to produce flowers..more
11am - 3pm Saturday 15 July
Hunter Baillie Church Hall (Sandstone Church with Steeple)
cnr Johnston and Collins St, Annanedale
Materials and skill supervision will be provided for a gold coin donation.
We are preparing these lanterns for a July 22 community lantern
procession along the route of the proposed #WestCONnex Stage 3.
more information
Lanterns have traditionally served as a warning, while also bringing light. Illuminate your neighbours about the tunnel route and the dangers of WestCONnex.
Groups will start at either end of the route and converge at the central point in Camperdown Oval for a free sausage sizzle and entertainment. More details to come.
Join the Procession at
Haberfield: cnr Bland St & Parramatta Rd, 4pm
Leichhardt: Pioneer Park 5pm
Annandale: cnr Moore & Catherine Sts, 5.30pm
Annandale: Post Office, corner of Booth and Johnston St, Annandale 5.50pm
St Peters: cnr Crown & Campbell Sts, 4.45pm; Brickworks, 5pm
Newtown: Neighbourhood Centre (opposite station) 5.30pm
End at free BBQ 6.30pm Camperdown Oval
Groups will start along the route and converge at Camperdown Oval for a free sausage sizzle and entertainment...more
Lanterns have traditionally served as a warning, while also bringing light. Illuminate your neighbours about the tunnel route and the dangers of WestCONnex.
Groups will start at either end of the route and converge at the central point in Camperdown Oval for a free sausage sizzle and entertainment. More details to come.
Join the Procession at
Haberfield: cnr Bland St & Parramatta Rd, 4pm
Leichhardt: Pioneer Park 5pm
Annandale: cnr Moore & Catherine Sts, 5.30pm
Annandale: Post Office, corner of Booth and Johnston St, Annandale 5.50pm
St Peters: cnr Crown & Campbell Sts, 4.45pm; Brickworks, 5pm
Newtown: Neighbourhood Centre (opposite station) 5.30pm
End at free BBQ 6.30pm Camperdown Oval
Groups will start along the route and converge at Camperdown Oval for a free sausage sizzle and entertainment...more
Parodies Past & Present with Phyl Lobl & Paul Spencer & a cast of thousands. Phyl has been writing parodies for around 50 years, Paul for a shorter period but they are both master songwriters & why should parodies whose day has gone be forgotten? Tonight we will hear historical & current songs from Phyl & Paul & audience members.
Phyl Lobl is a singer - songwriter - teacher who has been active as a performer at Folk Festivals, mainly in Australia, since just before the first National Folk Festival 1967. She thinks of herself as a Cultural Maintenance Worker who documents the Australian Experience through folklore. As is said in the folklore world, some of her songs have 'entered the tradition', some have been recorded here and overseas, some have been used by authors to illustrate their work which makes them useful. She fought for recognition for Australian Folk music on the Music Board of the Australia Council, for this the Folk Community presented her the Graham Squance Memorial Award in 1986.
Paul Spencer writes quirky comic political folk songs to entertain the activist in you or re-energise the jaded cynic (and sometimes to indulge the cynic, for a bit of fun). Using some folk tunes and some original tunes, Paul’s songs come from the human experience of the social change movement and of living in a world that’s so beautiful, so alarming and so inspiring all at the same time.
Loaded Dog, 22 July 2017
Back Hall, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886,
Opening Fri 21 July, 6:30pm, Tetch Gallery
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
"One of the world's very finest trumpet players"
Sydney's very own Paul Goodchild performs a solo recital for Bastille Day which will truly be a 'tour de force' of energy, expression and sheer brilliance. As always, complimentary drinks will follow this rare and very special one-hour recital.
Sunday 16th July, 3-4pm
Hunter Baillie, Annandale ..Tickets and Info
Program included Picasso's Dove for flugelhorn and piano by Alan Holley who was in the audience.
Art Work in D'Rego's Bakery, Booth Street Annandale
11am - 3pm Saturday 15 July
Hunter Baillie Church Hall (Sandstone Church with Steeple)
cnr Johnston and Collins St, Annanedale
Materials and skill supervision will be provided for a gold coin donation.
We are preparing these lanterns for a July 22 community lantern
procession along the route of the proposed #WestCONnex Stage 3.
more information
Wayne and Marghanita at Sydney City Mission Annandale Op Shop, 10 Jul 2017
6 June - 8 July 2017
Opening Wednesday 7 June 6:30 - 8:30 pm
These paintings are a visceral and heartfelt response in colour, line and texture to the never-ending gravity of the outback - Elizabeth Fortescue, Daily Telegraph visual arts writer, Australian correspondent for The Art Newspaper...more
Annandale Galleries
Tues - Sat 11:00-5:00 pm
Bark Paintings, Sculptures and Ceremonial Poles
Annandale Galleries
Tues - Sat 11:00-5:00 pm
Time of Burrugin -
Tugarah Tuli (cold, frosty, short days) June to late July
Opening Night Friday 21 July 2017, 6-9pm
Lantern Procession Sat 22 July
Join at Annandale: Post Office 5.50pm
Attention: Filmmakers, Stall Holders Footprints Eco Festival 27 Aug 2017
Inner West Council elections 9 September 2017 - Annandale now split across two councils and two wards in the Inner West Council.
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
when the lilly pillys ripen on the trees..more
EVERY Thurs night at Annandale Creative Arts Centre (81A Johnston Street)
Each week features a set of professional jazz followed by Free for All, a participatory improvisation session.
8pm Thursdays, $20/$10
Thurs May 25: Squeeze Box Trio
Thurs June 1: Scattered
Thurs June 8: Peter Koopman Trio
Margaret & Bob Fagan began their musical journey together in Canberra in the late 1960s. Since then they have been based in Sydney, but are now resident in the Blue Mountains. They perform at all the major festivals around Australia, both as a duo and as members of their family band, /The Fagans/. Their strong blend of politically-edged traditional and contemporary songs combined with lyrical ballads and great choruses is guaranteed to lift your spirits. Their repertoire is firmly rooted in the folk tradition, with Margaret’s pure voice and Bob’s superb guitar playing combining to ensure their popularity both here and abroad.
*Support - Gerry Myerson*
If unaccompanied singing were like tightrope-walking without a net, Gerry Myerson would spend most of his days in hospital. Instead, he's able to offer audiences anything from Child ballads to childish parodies learned in the schoolyard, from traditional songs of the Appalachians to protest songs of the 1960s, from Tom Lehrer to Stan Rogers, and back again. A mild-mannered Mathematics lecturer by day, he becomes a mild-mannered folksinger by night. A firm believer in starting at the top, his first paying gig was at the National Folk Festival, as the taller member of the father-daughter duo, /B'seder/.
Loaded Dog, Back Hall
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available.
Bookings & enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886
Enda Kenny* is an Irish-born songwriter who has made his home in Melbourne since the late 1980's. His thoughtful, descriptive stories of his adoptive homeland have struck a chord with festival audiences all over Australia and are always memorable and spiced with plenty of humour. Enda has toured with superb multi-instrumentalist Dave O'Neill since last year.
support *Glenys Eddy*
Glenys is a local singer-songwriter who has had a love of music for as long as she can remember. She sings with two local choirs: Solidarity Choir and Ecopella, and is involved with the Addison Road Sessions, the monthly singing sessions held at the Bush Music Club Hut at the Addison Road Community Centre. Glenys performs both traditional and contemporary folk songs, and will be sure to include a chorus or two!
Loaded Dog, Back Hall,
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre,
79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886,
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
On Wednesday 9 November 2016, the M4-M5 link was rerouted to pass under Annandale, from Booth Street at Alfred Street, crossing Johnston Street at Collins St and Parramatta Road at Johnston's Creek. Source:
"M4-M5 Link: The SEARs define comprehensive environmental assessment requirements to be addressed by the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This is being prepared and will be exhibited in early 2017."...more
Snapshot 12 November 2016, 10.10am from
Test Drilling Start Dates
1. Johnston St (15/11/16)
2. John St near Hill St(5/12/16)
3. White's Creek Lane (4/1/17)
"Facts about the Camperdown/Annandale mid-tunnel construction site
A tunnelling construction site is needed to build the underground tunnel between Rozelle and St Peters for the M4-M5 Link.
"We recently confirmed a site on Parramatta Road in Camperdown/Annandale is required for this purpose"...more
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
...The upfront payment and approach to agreeing and adjusting milestones for later payments did not adequately protect the Australian Government’s financial interests. Additionally, the provision of the concessional loan did not achieve the Australian Government’s objective of bringing Stage 2 of the project forward by approximately two years.
7. The WestConnex project had not proceeded fully through the established processes to assess the merits of nationally significant infrastructure investments prior to Australian Government funding being committed. This situation was identified in departmental advice to decision makers prior to decisions being taken.
8. Funds have been paid in advance of project needs. Advice provided prior to the first payment (of $500 million in June 2014) identified that a payment of that magnitude was not yet required. The ANAO estimates that as of November 2016, the total cost of amounts provided in excess of project needs since June 2014 has been approximately $20 million.
9. The May 2014 decision to make the $500 million advance payment led to the project being approved without there being any documented analysis and advice to Ministers that the statutory criteria for giving such approvals had been met. Advice seeking the necessary approval for later payments (of $250 million in June 2015, $450 million in June 2016 and $300 million in November 2016) addressed those criteria. But those three milestone payments were designed and administered in a way that did not adequately protect the Australian Government’s financial interests. This was because, in order not to delay payments, milestones were agreed to after the respective event had already occurred or amended shortly before the payment was due to be made where NSW had not met the milestone.
10. Departmental advice to Ministers focused on the benefits of providing a concessional loan to the WestConnex project. The key benefits identified were the:
lower net financial impact on the presentation of the Federal Budget of a loan compared with further grant funding (due to the differences in the accounting treatment of loans and grants, and because a loan would earn interest income and be later repaid);
increased construction activities between 2015‒16 and 2016‒17 from accelerating the second stage; and
potential to reinvigorate the private sector lending market in relation to demand risk toll roads.
11. But the advice to Ministers did not adequately identify or quantify the costs and risks associated with providing a concessional loan. Key issues that detract from the loan providing value for money include:
there is evidence that the loan was not needed to accelerate the second stage of WestConnex and, in any event, the project has not been accelerated to the extent projected by DIRD (by up to two years); and
the interest rate on the loan was set well below comparable market rates with no margin included to cover the Australian Government’s loan administration costs or risks....more
The objective of this audit is to assess whether appropriate steps were taken to protect the Commonwealth's interests and obtain value for money in respect to the $3.5 billion in Commonwealth funding committed to the NSW Government for the WestConnex project...more
Tenders close at 11.00 am on Thursday, 15 December 2016.
The scope of works includes but not limited to:
Full engineering design and construction of a new footbridge and approach ramps, including new footings, across Johnston Creek, Annandale at Chester
Marghanita da Cruz (left) with Emily Loa who won the major prize the "Village Church Grow Award" for her work "Home Grown" Native flora on board.
Emily Loa wrote of her work: "The Inner West is home to a unique variety of Australian flora. This artwork celebrates the beauty and diversity of the native flora that can be found in each of the Inner West wards - Gumtree in Balmain, Yellow Yarrow in Leichhardt, Wooly Bush in Stanmore, Leucadendron in Ashfield, and Eucalyptus Leaf in Marrickville."
The exhibition also includes a variety of work by familiar Annandale Artists such as Digby Webster and Jonathon Hardy and school kids.
Virtuosic Sydney funksters Funk Engine provided the music for the opening/awards night from 6pm on Fri 12 May 2017
Exhibition & Music: 13-21 May, Village Church Annandale
See program at:
SecondHand Saturdays (SHS) are giant neighbourhood garage sale held in individual households. SecondHand Saturday commenced in the year 2000 and has run each year ever since!
SecondHand Saturday is about promoting the value of resource conservation and reducing waste to landfill, whilst making a dollar or two and meeting your neighbours.
Explore Annandale and Westgate's Historical sites
Anytime: more
Visit and discover the history and heritage of this landmark 1889 Sandstone Church,
enjoy a devonshire Tea in the 1886 Arts and Crafts Hall
Get an update on the restoration of the 1892 Hill & Son Organ
1-4pm, Sun 7 May, more
Guided Walk up Johnston Street
Thurs 11 May,more information
1 April to 18 May 2017...more
Show runs at Annandale Galleries from April 26 - May 27
Opening reception for the artists Wednesday April 26, 6:30 - 8:30pm
The pop up features local creators, makers, brands, artists and innovators, plus promoting recycling with preloved fashion, and up cycling with totes, pouches and home furnishings.
9am-3pm Friday-Sunday 5-7 May
Lower Ground @ Black Toast Cafe
43 Booth Street, Annandale
More at:
NEW WORKS: Sculpture, photography, glass and works on paper
Annandale Galleries, Tues - Sat 11am - 5pm
The Urban Underground Weekend Pop Up Shop
9am-3pm Fri-Sun 5-7 May 2017, Blacktoast Cafe
Hunter Baillie Church Open Day
1-4pm, Sun 7 May,
HeART of Annandale Art Exhibition & Music Festival
12-21 May, Village Church Annandale
Second Hand Saturday Annandale/Leichhardt- 13th May
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Chloe & Jason have been researching & presenting the living tradition of Australian music for over 20 years - the songs & poems of the kitchen, the verandah, the shearer’s huts, the local pub - & the yarns that go with them. + MaD aDaM *- ***Miguel Heatwole & Dallas de Brabander, with a lifetime of harmony singing behind them, put instruments in their place.
Loaded Dog Folk Club
8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
Back Hall (Accessible) Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
79 Johnston St, $18/20, BYO, supper available.*..more
Sat 15 April, $25 more
Marghanita da Cruz will present a Virtual Walk at Tetch Gallery. There will be an opportunity to visit to Annangrove Cottage and nearby sites.
2-4pm Sat 29 April, 245 Parramatta Rd Annandale, $15/$10 more
1-28 April, Leichhardt Library... more
Self Guided Exploration of Annandale and Westgate's Historical sites
History of Annandale's Loaded Dog Folk Club
1-28 April, Leichhardt Library.
50s Annandale Virtual Walk at Tetch Gallery.
2-4pm Sat 29 April, 245 Parramatta Rd Annandale, $15/$10
Hunter Baillie Church Open Day 1-4pm, Sun 7 May
Visit and discover the history and heritage of Annandale's landmark
1889 Sandstone Church, enjoy a devonshire Tea in the 1886 Arts and
Crafts Hall Get an update on the restoration of the 1892 Hill & Son
Journey down Johnston Street Friday 11 May
SecondHand Saturday 13 May - Leichhardt, Annandale
Registrations for advertising closes 1 Map
More about Annandale at
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
The Johnstons Creek and Whites Creek flood study draft report is complete and on public exhibition. The study contains information about the nature of flood risk in these catchments including the distribution, extent, depths, levels and velocity of floodwaters for a range of storm events. It also identifies properties which are flood affected. Feedback closes on Sunday 16 April 2017..more
Are these increases or reductions?
Submissions close at 5.00pm on Tuesday 4 April 2017.
Gadalung Marool (hot and dry) January - March..more
Comments close at 5pm on Thursday 30 March 2017.
Susan Dorothea White's sculpture To Cut Both Ways was awarded 2017 Tracey Dixon First Prize Inside in Harbour Sculpture.
Lost for Words and Measure for Measure by Susan Dorothea White are also on display at the Hunters Hill Sailing Club.
Harbour Sculpture Inside & Outside Exhitions run until 2 April 2017- 8.30am to 7pm. Inside exhibition at the Hunters Hill Sailing Club and outside exhibition at Clarkes Point Reserve for the outside exhibits...more
Annandale is in the Central District and the foreshore is part of the Global Sydney Precinct. The Draft Central District Plan is on public exhibition until the end of March 2017...more
Sat 25th March, Annandale Community Centre
Christina Mimmocchi + Helen & Tony Romeo (1 hour each)
More information at:
OPUS 1 - first published works by Italian baroque masters
Albinoni - Bononcini - Caldara - Corelli - Scarlatti - Vivaldi
Stephen Freeman & Bridget Hall, violin
Rachel Pogson, violoncello
Rosalind Halton, harpsichord
Admission free
Duration: 1 hr - no interval
Sunday 26 March 2017 - 11.15am
Annandale Community Centre, Upstairs Hall
79 Johnston St, Annandale
More information: 0435 465 837 |
Annandale Artist takes out Top Prize in Harbour Sculpture
Helen & Tony Romeo+Christina Mimmocchi
Loaded Dog Folk Club, Annandale Community Centre
8pm (doors open 7.40pm) Sat 25 March
Free Matinee Musicale - Italian baroque masters
11.15am Sun 26 March, Annandale Community Centre
Annandale Heritage Festival (1 April-18 May)
Walks * Talks * Open Day * Devonshire Teas * Beer *Exhibitions
Second Hand Saturday 13 May
Registrations close 1 May
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
"Ground survey and utilities investigations will be carried out in Annandale/Camperdown on the southern side of Pyrmont Bridge Road, between Gordon Street and Mallett Street, and in Bignell Lane from 14 March to 17 March 2017, weather permitting."
Join residents' protest at new #westCONnex test drill site Tues Mar 14, 7:30am cnr Mallet St & Pyrmont Bridge Rd, #Camperdown
— Peter Boyle (@peter_b1953) March 12, 2017
"WestConnex would like to correct some misinformation about the potential Camperdown mid-tunnel construction site:
.The midpoint tunnel site at Camperdown will require part of the 'triangle area' bordered
by Parramatta Road, Pyrmont Bridge Road and Mallet Street in Camperdown [ACTUALLY ANNANDALE since 1995]
.Construction traffic will not use Booth Street
.Parramatta Road will be our key traffic route. Traffic will enter the site via Parramatta Road and exit near the corner of
Parramatta Road and Pyrmont Bridge Road
.Surface construction hours will be standard construction hours (consistent with Stage 1 and Stage 2 of WestConnex) which are
7am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays"...more
Meeting Point: Smith Hogan and Spindlers Park
Date: 7-9am, 5 March 2017
Site Coordinator: Norma Tran, email:
more information
Village Church Annandale
Sunday March 12th at 3pm
It has been hard work to whittle down all our favourites to a single concert, but here is the full Encore! program to date: Playford - a selection of English Country Dances; Haydn - Trio Op.53/1 in G major; Gregory van der Struik - Divertissement; JS Bach - selections from BWV 988; Schubert - Moment Musical and 3 Lieder; Kreisler - Polichinelle; Joplin - The Ragtime Dance; Gade - Jealousy; and of course an encore or two...
Bookings are now open here on our website (credit/paypal) if you want to reserve a seat in the front rows.
Or as always, you can pay cash at the door: $30 adults, $5 children. We are pleased to announce that the concert will be followed by tea and coffee in the foyer area, so stay and have a chat with us!
Have your say on the draft North Annandale Neighbourhood Movement Plan which outlines a series of principles that will inform Council's future works to create a safe, sustainable and walkable place.
Attend an information session to view the plan and give your feedback
Wednesday 22 February from 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Annandale Community Centre
79 Johnston Street, Annandale 2038
more information
Clean up Australia Day: Smith Hogan and Spindlers Park
Date: 7-9am, 5 March 2017
Three Piece Suite Concert
Sunday March 12th at 3pm
Annandale Heritage Festival (April/May)
*A History of The Loaded Dog Folk Club Exhibition & Opening
*50s Annandale - in the footsteps of WS Jevons
*Hunter Baillie Church Open Day
*Journey Down Johnston Street
*Self Guided Discovery
*Brewery Talk
North Annandale movement plan - have your say
Margaret Walters + Redfern Shanty Club
Loaded Dog Folk Club Sat 18th February
Last call for Pies, Baguettes and Tea Cakes. Johnston St bakery
Annandale Bread and Cakes will close end Feb
North Annandale Neighbourhood Movement Plan Workshop
Neighbourhood Centre, Wed 22 February 6.30-8.30pm
Clean Up Australia Day (5 March) Johnstons Creek Parklands
Auditor Slams Westconnex Project
Annandale Heritage Festival program fills up
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Community Composting, Ferris Lane.
Bromeliad, Ferris St. 2 Feb 2017
"Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has Sydney's trendy inner-west in his sights, taking aim at one small suburb in particular as he launches attacks on Labor for being elitist and out-of-touch with 'ordinary' Australians....
From House of Representative's Hansard
Annandale Bread and Cakes, the bakery at the Shops (119 Johnston St) are shutting up shop at the end of February 2017.
The fresh baguettes, pies, coconut and cinnamon buns, cup cakes and Apple, Apricot and Blueberry Tea cakes will be missed. If you haven't tried them, now is your last chance.
Equipment is for sale - if anyone looking for second hand bakery, catering or even domestic kitchen equipment.
Margaret Walters has been a regular face at "the Dog" since its inception in 1990. She loves singing unaccompanied chorus songs and the harmonies that are a specialty of "the Dog" audience.
Redfern Shanty Club - Born in Berlin and moved to Redfern and Marrickville spreading the love of shanties to a whole new generation. They'll get you singing along happily in no time!
Margaret Walters + Redfern Shanty Club, 8pm Sat 18th February. More Information
The Loaded Dog
Back Hall, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886,
Tetch Gallery is back to kick off 2017 with our first exhibition for the year showcasing the photographic phenomenon that is Daniel Chow.
Opening night: Friday 3rd February 6.30-9pm
Exhibition runs 3-11 February 2017
RSVP and more information
Schubert's songs are almost unparalleled in their ability to speak very personally to the listener. Whilst the Austrian composer created over 500 songs in his short lifetime, a group of them based on core themes stand out amongst the very finest songs ever written.
"The Wanderer" tells not only of the physical journeys of a man, but also his travels through life and the questions which surround him.
Koen van Stade (tenor) and Amanda Miller (piano) present a mesmerising selection of this and other songs, all of which strike nerves within us all in their sense of solitude within our enormous world.
Sunday 5th February, 3-4pm
Hunter Baillie Church, Cnr of Johnston and Collins Sts, Annandale
tickets and more information
"The recent removal of the WestCONnex Camperdown interchange means that the traffic, air quality, noise and financial projections for the New M5 are now wrong. Yet the Baird government has announced plans to charge ahead with starting tunnelling works at the St Peters Interchange - even though no one now knows what the impact of this part of the tollway or the interchange itself will be.." Sign the Open Letter
"19 December 2016 Geotechnical investigations – Annandale
Work is underway on WestConnex, which involves widening and extending the M4 motorway, duplicating the M5
motorway and joining the M4 and M5 to create a free-flowing motorway network.
Planning continues for the proposed M4-M5 Link – the third stage of the WestConnex project linking the M4 at
Haberfield to the M5 at St Peters via underground tunnels. For more information, visit
Geotechnical investigations will be undertaken in White's Creek Lane, Annandale, from Wednesday 4 January 2017.
The work at this location is expected to take up to three weeks to complete, weather permitting. " - 161219_N58_Geotechnical%20investigations%20notification_Annandale.pdf
"These investigations involve the collection of soil and rock samples using a small drilling rig.
The samples are analysed to help us understand the ground conditions in the area, including the water table, and help inform
the project design, method of construction and the Environmental Impact Statement." - 161222_Geotechnical%20investigations%20postcard.pdf