New Short Walk Books now Available!
1930s Annandale is the fifth book in a series describing short walks around Annandale. This book takes a walk through Annandale of the 1930s with a glance back at the 1830s.
Also recently released is a second edition of Annandale's Great War: A Short Walk. This book looks at Annandale between 1910-1920 when the Annandale Viaduct was constructed. It guides you past Annandale's numerous WW1 memorials and honour board with stories of the people named on them including Douglas Grant and the wireless Miller Brothers.
Paperbacks are now available from the Annandale Village Newsagent, 113 Johnston Street. Ebooks are available on iBooks, Lulu, Nook
April - June is the Time of Marrai'gang
Bana'murrai'yung (wet becoming cooler) when the cries of the Marrai'gang (Quoll)..more
Kirkin O the Tartan
ON SUNDAY JUNE 26th, the Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church will host the annual Scottish Australia Heritage Council's Scottish Week Kirkin O the Tartan.
Pipes and Drums will precede the 10am Church Service which commences with the Piping in of Flags and Clan Banners.
During the Service the Kirking Prayer and Bible readings will be read by Council members and this year's guest of Honour, and we will be assisted in our worship by the Australian Gaelic Singers under the leadership of Mr Robin MacKenzie-Hunter.
The service will conclude with the Flags and Banners being piped out, followed by the Organ postlude and then some more pipes and drums during morning tea.
Organist for the day will be Mr Edward (Ted) Grantham of Scots Church Sydney who will make Hunter Baillie's heritage Hill and Son's Pipe Organ sing.
Please join us and yes bring or better wear your tartan, but be warned the ministaire will be in a Kilt.
Rev Peter Dunstan, minister, Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church Annandale
Someday We'll find it - June 3-18
Emerging Sydney artist Hulya Coleman's work is mathematical and philosophically inspired. Tetch Gallery 245 Parramatta Road, Annandale. Wed-Fri 1-7pm. Sat 11-5pm
more information
Loaded Dog Folk Club:
25th June - Fred Smith (ACT) + Margaret Bradford
What's on in Annandale (20 June 2016)
WestConnex Public Meeting Monday 20 June 6.30pm,* Glebe Town Hall
Call for submissions to Audit into Approval and Administration
of Commonwealth Funding for the WestConnex Project
50% off Andiamo & Winter Fashions EOFY Sale
Yay Yoi, 89 Booth St Annandale
Loaded Dog Folk Club
25th June - Fred Smith (ACT) + Margaret Bradford
Kirkin O the Tartan
Church Service with the Piping in of Flags and Clan Banners
10am SUNDAY JUNE 26th
Council Amalgamation: Nine [of 12] former Leichhardt Councillors will sit on the Leichhardt Local Representation Advisory Committee
2 July 2016 Federal election:11 Candidates standing in Grayndler from Animal Justice Party, Drug Law Reform, Socialist Equality Party, The Greens, Science Party, Australian Sex Party, Australian Cyclists Party, Renewable Energy Party, Labor, Liberal and Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)...
Marghanita da Cruz
Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
What's on in Annandale (9 June 2016)
Eco-Annandale 2016: Sustainable Food at Footprints Eco Festival
Call for Entries closes 1 August 2016
Someday We'll find it -3-18 June
The Footprints Eco Festival (21 August 2016)
Stall holder applications are now open.
Footprints Film Festival competition is back!
Films must be entered by Sunday 31 July 2016.
Inner West Council Operational Plans & Budget
Parramatta Road consultation report from Urban Growth 9 May 2016
Ask for a Street Tree
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
Council Amalgamation
In May 2016, Leichhardt Council was amalgamated with Marrickville and Ashfield Councils and the newly formed Inner West Council is in Administration. The last Leichhardt Municipal Councillors for the Gadigal Ward were: Daniel Kogoy, Vera-Ann Hannaford and Linda Kelly
2016 Annandale Heritage Festival
Under the umbrellas of Australian Heritage Week and the National Trust
Heritage Festival, you are invited to celebrate Annandale's Heritage.
- Land Grant to Urban Village Alfresco Exhibition
Annandale Shops (cnr of Johnston and Booth Streets Annandale)
- Annandale Eco Heritage Guided Walk
10am-12pm Tue 17 May
- Beethoven’s ‘Appassionata’ and F minor piano sonata by Brahms
3-4pm Sun 29th May- Hunter Baillie, Annandale
1940s Annandale: A Short Guided Walk
The 1940s saw Annandale's factories turned to the war effort. Gunsights and Mosquito Bombers were churned out and bomb shelters erected. The end of the decade saw the absorption of the Annandale, Glebe and Balmain boroughs into the Leichhardt Municipality. The one hour walk will be guided by Marghanita da Cruz, who has been publishing the Anecdotal History of Annandale on the Web since 1998 and guiding historical walks since 2011.
More at
The Big Shanty night - 1 hour each from Roaring Forties & Redfern Shanty Crew
The Roaring Forties - Veteran harmony singers with a cartload of traditional and finely-crafted contemporary folk songs about Australian social, industrial and political history, with rousing shanties and choruses.
A jolly and raucous night of singing old songs, making new friends, and discovering your sea legs. Sometimes a fiddle & accordion, sometimes a cappella, and always a lot of fun choruses to get you singing like a salty dog! Shanty Club has a history of surprise guests, an encouraging, inclusive atmosphere, and noise-complaint-worthy volume levels!
Loaded Dog Folk Club
Back Hall, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available.
Bookings & enquiries Sandra (02)93584886
More information at
May 19, Annandale in the Pink
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre & Gardens 3-9 Collins Street
Pink Rose and Marguerite Daisy (Argyranthemum) in bloom at the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre.
 Camellias are endemic "from the Himalayas east to Japan and Indonesia." - Camelias.
Annandale Galleries present
Sydney photographer Abdul Moeez presents recent work from his series ‘Emerald’ and ‘Laced Grooms’. Moeez’s drone photography has recently been selected for the cover and interior of the booklet accompanying Australia’s exhibition ‘The Pool’ at the upcoming Venice Biennale.
Amanat Grewal, Alun Rhys Jones, Sara Sohrabian, Elwira Titan, Yeliz Yorulmaz
Textiles, Drawing, Painting
Benjamin Stone-Herbert -Photographic Installation
Exhibition dates: 20 April - 14 May 2016
Opening Wednesday 20 April 6:30-8:30pm
More information at:
Second Hand Saturday 14 May 2016
Leichhardt Council runs SecondHand Saturday each year, a giant neighbourhood garage sale held in individual households.
Leichhardt/Annandale Second Hand Saturday is 14 May 2016. Registration for advertising package closes Monday 2 May.
Council Household Collection Zone SD11 22 May 2016..more
What's on in Annandale (11 May 2016)
Rediscover Annandale: Land Grant to Urban Village Exhibition
Annandale Shops (opposite Post Office) until 26th May
Annandale Second Hand Saturday 14 May 2016
Annandale Eco Heritage Guided Walk 10am-12pm Mon 16 May
Council 2016/7 Budget Workshop
Monday 16 May 2016, 6pm - 8pm in the Annandale Town Hall.
Check your enrollment for Federal Election
Annandale Community Centre Open Space Upgrade Meeting (at the centre)
6.30pm Wed 18 May submissions and information
Term2 at the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Now is the time to ask for a Street Tree
Parramatta Road Consultation Outcomes Report 9 May 2016
Beethoven’s ‘Appassionata’ and F minor piano sonata by Brahms
3-4pm Sun 29th May- Hunter Baillie, Annandale
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
Loaded Dog Folk Club
- 20th Feb (3rd) - George Mann (US) + Jennifer Lees
- 12th March (2nd) - Alistair Brown (UK) + Jim Low
- 16th April (3rd) - Solidarity Choir & Tony Eardley (1 hour each)
More at
 Annandale Shops 15 April 2016
2016 Annandale Heritage Festival
Under the umbrellas of Australian Heritage Week and the National Trust
Heritage Festival, you are invited to celebrate Annandale's Heritage.
- Rediscover Annandale from Land Grant to Urban Village Alfresco Exhib
Opening by Mayor of Leichhardt
3pm-4.15pm Sat 16 April (exhibition continues to 26 May)
- Needlecraft Exhibition in Front Room, Annandale Community Centre
11am-2pm Fri 22
- Open Day Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church (with steeple)
12noon-4pm Sunday 17 April
- The "Humble" Pie: Traditions and Trends.
11.30am Tue 19th & Sat 23rd April
- Coffee Roasting, Blending and Drinking Talk at Euroespresso
11am Thursday 21 April
- A Short History of Brewing ($30 including beer tasting)
6pm Wed 20 April
- 1940s Annandale: A Short Guided Walk ($15/$10)
11am-12.30pm Fri 22 April
- The Music of Australia ($25/$20)
3-4pm Sat 23rd April
- Thomas Wran’s Annandale Sculptures (on Johnston St Church) at Leichhardt Library
Opening: 6-8pm Wed 13 April 2016 (Exhibition 1-30 April)
- Mural Bus Tour 10am -12pm Thu 14th April
Details of 2016 Annandale Heritage Festival Events at
Annandale Heritage Festival - Business as Usual
Annandale is bustling over the next few weeks - providing numerous opportunities to check out our working heritage.
* Mayor to open Heritage Exhibition Annandale Shops - today at 3pm
* Hunter Baillie Church Open Day Sun 17 April
* The Humble Pie - demonstration and talk at D'Rego's Bakery Tue & Sat 19 & 23 April
* How Beer Brewing came to the Inner West at Wayward Brewery Wed 20 April
* Exhibition Opening Annandale Galleries Wed 20 April
* Free Coffee and Talk at Euroesspresso Thu 21 April
* Curator Talk and Guided Walk with me Annandale Village Newsagency Fri 22 April
* Needlecraft Exhibition, Annandale Community Centre Fri 22 April
* Concerts Hunter Baillie Church Sat 23 April & Sun 29 May
Details at
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Parramatta Road’s new creative space
A new art space on Parramatta Road opened on March 12, between 2-6pm. Tetch Gallery co-owner Amanda Joy Robb talks to the SSH ...more
TONY TWIGG Moonbathing
March 9 - April 9
Opening Wednesday 9th March 6:30 - 9:00pm
DANCE PERFORMANCE Still Life - Saturday April 9, 3pm
Annandale Galleries  Sketch by Merrick Fry

Epiphyllum possibly anguliger. Photo Jill Robert about noon on 12 March 2016
 Gehrig Lane, Photo Jill Robert 12 March 2016
Rainbow Lorrikeet on Banksia marginata. Photo Jill Robert 12 March 2016
Invitation to Celebrate Annandale's Heritage
Under the umbrellas of Australian Heritage Week and the National Trust
Heritage Festival, you are invited to celebrate Annandale's Heritage.
- Thomas Wran’s Annandale Sculptures (on Johnston St Church) at Leichhardt Library
Opening: 6-8pm Wed 13 April 2016 (Exhibition 1-30 April)
- Mural Bus Tour 10am -12pm Thu 14th April
- Rediscover Annandale from Land Grant to Urban Village Alfresco Exhib
Opening by Mayor of Leichhardt
3pm-4.15pm Sat 16 April (exhibition continues to 26 May)
- Needlecraft Exhibition in Front Room, Annandale Community Centre
11am-2pm Fri 22 & 29 April
- Open Day Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church (with steeple)
12noon-4pm Sunday 17 April
- The "Humble" Pie: Traditions and Trends.
11.30am Tue 19th & Sat 23rd April
- Coffee Roasting, Blending and Drinking Talk at Euroespresso
11am Thursday 21 April
- A Short History of Brewing ($30 including beer tasting)
6pm Wed 20 April
- 1940s Annandale: A Short Guided Walk ($15/$10)
11am-12.30pm Fri 22 April
- Annandale Eco Heritage Guided Walk
10am-12pm Monday 16 May
Details of 2016 Annandale Heritage Festival: Food and Drink
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Time of Burran
Gadalung Marool (hot and dry) January - March...more |
Heart of Annandale Art Exhibition
Call for Entries until 6 March. $20 per Entry; Free per Youth Entry
The theme "Future" Multiple Award categories
Exhibition runs 12 - 20 March (Free entry)
At Village Church Annandale
Cnr Johnston & Booth Street Annandale.
More information including, Music Among the Artworks at
David Saffir
WA Mozart, C Debussy, S Prokofief - Violin and Piano
3-4pm Sunday 20 March
Hunter Baillie Church
Tickets and More at:!concerts/
Three Piece Suite - Europa
Europa takes in 3 centuries and 4 countries in 5 varied works.
*Madrid in 1772, with Boccherini's colourful Trio in D major,
*Vienna in 1798 for Beethoven's dramatic and stormy Trio in Cminor and 1816, Schubert wrote his wistful, unfinished Trio in Bb major
*Terezin in 1944, the Nazi concentration camp where Czech composer Hans Krasa was interned. His Tanec (Dance) evokes the sounds and rhythms of trains, an eerie premonition of the one that would soon take him to his death in Auschwitz.
England in 1975, with Howard Blake's optimistic and pastoral Trio.
Tickets are $30 adult and $5 child and you can pay at the door (cash only)
What's on in Annandale(17 March 2016)
David Saffir: WA Mozart, C Debussy, S Prokofief - Violin and Piano
3-4pm Sunday 20 March, Hunter Baillie Church!concerts/RAMIN
Three Piece Suite - Europa
20th March 2016 @ 4pm, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Heart of Annandale Exhibition until March 20
Parramatta Road Corridor Heritage Study
Talks-Walks-Exhibitions-Open Days
Annandale Heritage Festival
1 April-26 May 2016
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale On the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
AA-1 |
Lost in Leichhardt (Art Festival)
10am-4pm Sat 12 March and Sun 13 March 2016
Nauti Studios, Level 2, 152 Parramatta Rd; Art Fusion Studio and Gallery 29-31 Parramatta Rd; Jenny Rix, Photography, 1 Albion St; Gehrig Lane: Laneway Live Art (Sat) & Wayward Festival (Sun); Heart of Annandale Art Exhibition and Prize, St Aidan's, cnr Booth and Johnston Street; Annandale Drawing Group, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston Street; more information at more
PERFORMANCE LIFE STILL at Tony Twigg Moonbathing Exhibition
2:00pm Saturday 12 March 2016
Annandale Galleries
Container Deposit Scheme
NSW Container Deposit Scheme: Discussion paper (PDF 872KB) The discussion paper explores the key elements that will shape the design of the CDS and presents two possible models.
To ensure that the scheme is well suited to NSW, the NSW Government has committed to broad consultation with the community and key stakeholders.
What do you think?..more
The Ladies of the Hunter Baillie would like to invite you to
Morning Tea every Thursday from 10am to 12noon. (Start 5 Nov)...more
Coles proposed acquisition of Supabarn supermarkets [including Annandale]
Coles decides not to proceed with acquisition of Supa-barn Annandale..more
Former proposed decision date of 3 December 2015 delayed at the request of the merger parties. ACCC will announce a new decision date in due course. More at:
What's on in Annandale (26/02/16)
Council Amalgamations: Submissions close 5pm Sunday 28 February 2016
Annandale Community Centre (formerly Neighbourhood Centre) Program
Rhythm Rogues Jazz Quartet 12noon- Sun 28 Feb 2016
Call for Entries Heart of Annandale Art Exhibition
TONY TWIGG Moonbathing
Opening 6:30-9pm Wednesday 9 March
PERFORMANCE LIFE STILL:2pm Saturday 12 March
Lost in Leichhardt (Art Festival)
10am-4pm Sat/Sun 12/13 March 2016
Annandale Heritage Festival April/May 2016
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church 127th Anniversary
3pm 28 February 2016
Eva's VintageAfter eleven years, Annandale's vintage fashion pioneer is moving out of the Colannade shopfront to a more agile style of retail. Eva Arrese who came to live in Annandale in 1970, has intermittently returned to Spain. Eva plans to take her love of vintage clothing and accessories in a new direction and explore pop-up stores, events and curated designer collections.
Eva is offering subscribers to her mailing list the chance to win the leopard print raincoat that has hung outside her shop on rainy days. "I am giving the French Vintage rain coat away is because over the years so many ladies have wanted to buy it that it's only fair now to give it away so everyone has a chance." - Eva Arrese
To subscribe to Eva's mailing list, visit the shop front before 5 March or website
Council Amalgamations
Leichhardt Council's invites you to have your say (due 22 February 2016 by 5pm) on their Submission to the Delegate
public meeting to discuss the proposed amalgamation.
Monday 15 February, 7pm
Leichhardt Town Hall
To RSVP or for further information, please contact 9367 9191
"The green outline represents the proposed boundary. Click the Existing Boundary button to show the current boundary outline of the council(s) impacted by the proposal. Informed by four years of extensive council and community consultation, supported by independent analysis and modelling by KPMG".... more
Have your say on Council Amalgamations
SXR BIKE LOVE PARTY - Your bike is your Valentine
2-7pm Sun 14 February 2016
Federal Park, Annandale
"Love Thy Bike: Paul’s offering his services and is going to bring his tools to show us some maintenance bike tips. Bring a rag if you want to tinker with your bike."
More at
Songs about Love
Romantic Music from across the centuries. featuring Anith Kyle (soprano) and Chris Cartner (piano).
Tickets: $20/$25
3-4pm Sunday 14 February, 2016
Hunter Baillie Church
Tickets and More at:
What's on in Annandale(12 Feb 2016)
SXR Bike Love Party 2016
2-7pm 14 Feb, Federal Park
Songs about Love -Romantic Music from across the centuries
3-4pm Sunday 14 February, Hunter Baillie Church
Council Amalgamations
7pm Monday 15 Feb, Leichhardt Town Hall
Lost in Leichhardt (Open Art Studios) Sat/Sun 12-13 March
Annandale Heritage Festival 16 April-26 May
After 11 years, Eva's Vintage is closing
her Colannade shop front.
100 years of Annandale History as Short Walks
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
IPART - More efficient, more integrated
Opal fares
Draft report available for comment until 5 February 2016..more
Annandale Residents Precinct Meeting
Monday 1st February 2016
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre (Front Room) - See Agenda
Amalgamation of Bus Stops
Proposal to amalgamate bus stops - this will involve extending some and converting others to parking. The amalgamations will affect bus stops on:
- Darling Street (near Victoria Road, Rozelle)
- Balmain Road and Perry Street (Lilyfield)
- Norton Street (at Carlisle Street, near school, at Norton St Plaza and at Italian Forum, Leichhardt)
- Parramatta Road (at Mallet Street, Camperdown/Annandale; near Larkin St and near University Avenue)
Bus Priority Program: "Considering the interest in the proposal and following a request from Leichhardt City Council, we are extending the consultation period until late January. Transport for NSW and Roads and Maritime Services are seeking feedback by Friday 29 January 2016.
Please send your comments to:
Mail: PO Box 973, Parramatta CBD NSW 2124
More Information
Channel Billed Cuckoo
The raucaus behaviour of a Channel Billed Cuckoo, centred around a tree outside 5 Collins Street Annandale, attracted the attention of neighbours and passersby...more
Redistribution of Federal Electorates
"Step 6 – announcement of names and boundaries of federal electoral divisions in New South Wales
Updated: 14 January 2016": Sydney/Grayndler "a minor realignment with the proposed Division of Grayndler to The Crescent at Annandale involving no elector movement" - (viewed 2 Feb 2016)
Under the proposed redistribution of electorial divisions most of Annandale will move from the federal electorate of Sydney to the electorate of Grayndler. This includes the pocket between Booth Street, Mallet St, Parramatta Road and Johnston's creek formerly Camperdown and is now Annandale but not the pocket of Annandale, between Wigram Road, Johnston's Creek & Booth Street which remains in Sydney. More about new boundaries as of Oct 2015 at
Laughing Treefrog (Litoria tyleri or peronii)
This little frog was discovered by Bronwen Campbell amongst the tubestock in the Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery on 13 January 2016.
It looks like the Laughing Tree Frog as described at But is the colour changing Peron's Tree Frog (Litoria peronii) which has green spots on the back and yellow armpits and groins.
Free Bike Maintenance Courses
*White's Creek Wetland Tour 14 Jan 2016 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
What's on in Annandale (13 Jan 2016)