Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

Public Transport Trip Planner

Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Anecdotal History

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January to June 2014

July to December 2014

LMC Draft Policy on Out of School Care at Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

On exhibition until 30 June 2014.

"Out of school hours care (OSHC) covers services for children of primary school age before school (usually from 7:30am until 9am during school term); after school care (usually 3pm – 6pm during school term); and during school holidays and pupil free days (usually from 7.30 am till 6.00 pm each week day)..." more

"Time of Marrai'gang -
Bana'murrai'yung (wet becoming cooler) April - June
The time of the year when the cries of the Marrai'gang (Quoll) seeking his mate ..." more

sign on church fenceKirkin o the Tartan

29 June 2014 at 10am
Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church
Cnr of Collins and Johnston Street Annandale
Wear your Tartan - sign outside the Hunter Baillie

Annandale Public Meeting meeting
how the WestCONnex Tollway proposal will effect Annandale

Dr Michelle Zeibots, Research Principal, UTS Institute of Sustainable Futures. Michelle is a transport planner, specialising in the analysis of sustainable urban passenger transport systems. She has done extensive research into both WestConnex and public transport solutions for Sydney.

Gavin Gatenby co-convenor, public transport advocacy group EcoTransit Sydney.A longstanding campaigner for public transport for Sydney and against motorways, Gavin will outline the route, impacts, smokestacks and problems with the WestConnex proposal and look at public transport infrastructure solutions.

Annandale Town Hall (back room of Annandale Neighbourhood Centre)
6.30-8.30 Wed 25 June 2014

More in Flyer(DOCX)

four peopleThree Piece Suite and David Hamilton

Rachel Westwood (Violin), Valmai Coggins(Viola), Deborah Coogan(Cello) are the Three Piece Suite. They were joined by tenor David Hamilton for a concert in the upstairs hall of the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre at 3pm Sunday 22nd June 2014. The program included Prucell, Schubert Lieder, Dohnanyi, Vaughan Williams, Warlock and "Wha''ll be King but Charlie"

"we intend to perform together the repertoire we love in cosier settings than the formal concert hall"...more

Draft for Public Consultation: A Strategy for Australia's Heritage 2014

Leichhardt Council Budget On Exhibition for Public Comment until 13 June 2014

Documents available at Annandale Neighbourhood Centre & at

tree trunk surrounded by bitumen and carsAnnandale, World Environment Day 2014

5 June is World Environment Day. On World Environment Day 2014, Marghanita da Cruz followed water down the streets of Annandale to White's Creek. The footage was shot, in Annandale's Streets, on a mobile phone. Then edited with the YouTube Video Editor and published on Monday 9 June 2014, in Canberra..

Watch the Video

ANIMAL FARM by George Orwell

Play adaption by Nelson Bond and directed by A1TC Artistic Director Rachel Jordan.
6 SHOWS: 23rd / 24th / 25th / 30th / 31st May & 1st June at 8pm
Archway 1, Chapman Road, Bicentennial Park


So - Fims, sculpture, drawings, linocuts, lithographs extended to 31 May 2014
Annandale Galleries

swale on side of sloping streetSwale, needs a Tree

This new Swale created in Arguimbau Street, Annandale needs a Tree in it. (Photographed 23 May 2014)


7.15pm, Friday 23 May 2014
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston Street.

Ready for insights and tips on how you can parent differently or better?
Aimed at parents with children aged 2-4, Dr Janine Peckham, Principal Clinical Psychologist and Owner, The Balmain Practice will share how to create positive behaviour in your home, discipline techniques and provide insights in the following areas: Handling the royal tantrum; Dealing with moods and aggressive behaviour; Managing non listening; Dealing with food refusal; Developing confidence in children; and Identifying the signs that link to Autism, ADHD or related conditions.

Tickets via Eventbrite $20+ fee or at the door $25. "Slice & Soda" refreshments available $5. Funds raised will go to Annandale Child Care Centre

Vivaldi’s Gloria and Schubert’s Mass in G

Sydney University Music Society concert featuring four renowned soloists: Josie Ryan - Soprano, Jenny Duck-Chong - Mezzo Soprano, Paul Sutton - Tenor, and Jonathan Chan - Bass. HB church at 7.00 pm Saturday, 24 May 2014...more

Second Hand Saturday

9-2pm Saturday 10 May 2014: Leichhardt, Annandale
Leichhardt Council runs SecondHand Saturday each year, a neighbourhood garage sale: Check out the Participating Households in Annandale and Leichhardt


10am - 12noon Tuesday 6 May
Free Event
Contact: Leichhardt Library, Amie Zar - or 02 9367 9335 or
Jason Chatwin -
From Annandale Wharf: Access Chapman Road from the Cresent - Light rail to Jubilee Park

WALKING TOUR - David Wallas and Jason Chatwin will give a guided eco/nature foreshore walk of Johnston’s Creek, Rozelle Bay, Federal Park & Bicentennial Park Precinct. This tour will cover the native flora and fauna of these areas, changes to the landscape outlining the original and modern foreshore, bush regeneration including the salt marsh wetlands and proposed upgrades to the park precinct.....more

Sunday Jazz

Renee Kayser will perform on vocals, Baz Kliche on drums, Evan Lohning on keyboard and Tony Calcapeitro on Bass.
from Midday, Sunday 4th May 2014
Vinery Foods


10am - 12noon Thursday 24 April
Free Event (This walk is supported by Leichhardt Library Local History Section)
Contact: Leichhardt Library, Amie Zar - or 02 9367 9335
Meet at Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston Street, Annandale

WALKING TOUR - ANZAC Day, a Guided Walk of Annandale’s War Memorials with Marghanita da Cruz. Over 1200 locals left Annandale as members of the Australian Imperial Force or to join British regiments. This walk visits World War 1 honour boards and memorials around Annandale and explores the stories of the ANZACs whose names appear on them....more

mapNew Planning Controls (LEP & DCP 2013)

The Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 and Development Control Plan (DCP) 2013 commenced Monday 3 February 2014. Leichhardt LEP 2013 is a legal document that sets the direction for growth in the Local Government Area (LGA) by providing controls and guidelines for development. It determines what can be built, where it can be built and what activities can occur on land. ...more

Annandale Floor Space Ratio Map Sheets: South West Annandale (Sheet 5) | Southern Annandale (Sheet 9) | Northern Annandale (Sheet 8)

Annandale Heritage Map Sheets: South West Annandale (Sheet 5) | Southern Annandale (Sheet 9) | Northern Annandale (Sheet 8)

Drawing of Fig Tree and Aqueduct2014 Annandale Heritage Festival

10-4pm, Sunday 13 April 2014

Share your favourite bit of Annandale Heritage: Call for Entries to A3 Poster Exhibition

Part of Annandale Neighbourhood Centre Open Day on ...more

Greenock to Annandale & Beyond

12-4pm, Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church Open Day
Cnr of Collins and Johnston Streets
Inspection of 1889 Blacket church and earlier Hall * recitals on fine 1890 Hill & Son organ * historical talks * archival photographs & documents * afternoon teas * sausage sizzle * 1920s Annandale: A Short Guided Walk ...more

Annandale Neighbourhood Centre Open Day

Former 1899 Annandale Council Chambers
10am-2pm, 79 Johnston Street
Heritage Poster Exhibition & Talks * Reptile Zoo * Kindifarm * Face Painting * Tattooist * Magician * Balloonist * Roving Guitar Troubadour * Tea & Coffee * Art Exhibition (Centre Painting Classes) * Cumberland Society Miniature War Games Display * Neighbourhood Centre & Leichhardt Council Information..more.

Annandale Neighbourhood Centre activities include Playgroups, Occassional Child Care, Drop in Yoga Classes, Yoga-Feldenkrais, Playgroups, Painting, Music, Aunties and Uncles....More

Row of Victorian Houses Row of Victorian Houses Row of Victorian Houses Row of Victorian Houses Row of Victorian Houses

Sunday Jazz

Renee Kayser on vocals, Baz Kliche on drums, Evan Lohning on keyboard and Tony Calcapeitro on Bass.
Midday till 3pm 6th of April 2014
Vinery Foods

Construction of Large Apartment buildingsTraffic Impacts of Major Retail Development at Harold Park - Not too Late!

COMMUNITY RALLY: 5pm Sunday 6 April 2014, Chapman Road Bridge, Federal Park, The Crescent, Annandale

The proposed retail development at Harold Park includes hundreds of car spaces and an upgrade of roads and bridges through Annandale foreshore parkland to acces them. This traffic, along with that generated by the large residential development at Harold Park will add to the congestion on the Crescent and impact public transport along the route, which also needs to be increased to meet the obvious increase there will be in demand from the residents of the new development.

At their April 7 meeting, the Sydney City Council may refuse the DA or approve it with ineffective conditions of consent (see alternative motion here). The Council meeting to consider the DA is open and the public can attend. It is item "9.9 Development Application: 10 Maxwell Road Forest Lodge – Tram Sheds on the Agenda", but items which have drawn a large public attendance are brought forward.

Express your concern with the proposal by turning up at the Meeting:
5pm Monday 7 April 2014
Council Chamber, Sydney Town Hall, George Street Sydney
Agenda and Papers (including Report of the Planning and Development Committee - 1 April 2014)

Write to the Councillors

Annandale Residents Precinct Meeting

7:00pm - 8:30pm, 7th April 2014
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre - Agenda

Rally to save Federal Park from Road Upgrade

The proposed inclusion of 145 car spaces to service the Shopping Mall in the TramSheds requires the upgrade of the Bridge over Johnston's Creek and the road through Federal Park, Annandale does not conform with the Objectives of the Harold Park DCP. The existing residential community rallied in Federal Park to demonstrate their concern about the impact of the proposed road upgrade on their parkland.

people in park people in park people in park people in park people in park

A jogger, from Newtown, on his way home from the Bay Run expressed his concern about the impact of the road on his evening run.

"1.5 Objectives
The objectives of this DCP are to ensure:
(d) That the heritage significance of the Former Rozelle Tram Depot is conserved and the Tram Sheds are adaptively reused for community, retail and commercial uses that primarily serve the new residential community and support nearby retail centres;
(e) That new buildings respond to their context in order to minimise their impact on the amenity of neighbouring dwellings and urban character of the surrounding area that primarily serve the new residential community and support nearby retail centres;
(f) The street network provides attractive tree-lined streets and a pedestrian and bicycle priority access network with significant water-sensitive design elements; and
(g) That the built form, layout and street network encourages and promotes the use of public transport."
- City of Sydney Sydney Development Control Plan (Harold Park) 2011, viewed 6 April 2014, (7.3MB)

DA for TramShed Development to be considered at City of Sydney Council Meeting 7th April 2014...Agenda and Papers (including Report of the Planning and Development Committee - 1 April 2014). Write to the Councillors

Time of Burran - Gadalung Marool (hot and dry) January - March, avoid meat and fires...more

Nude in the Window

nude bronze
Renato Mendoza's Hair Studio, Johnston Street, features sculpture by Thomas Dwyer Bass AM (6 June 1916 – 26 February 2010)

Top sculptor dies aged 94, ABC TV 2010

Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery collaborating with 19th Sydney Biennale Artist

The Nursery is assisting Australian artist: Gabrielle de Vietri to create a garden at Cockatoo Island for 19th Sydney Biennale...more

Annandale Creative Arts Centre

Pilates, Adults, Kids & Young, Dance, Jazz, Ballet, Music, Hip-Hop, Choir... more (PDF)

Update on Harold Park Parklands

The Lord Mayor will open the event and you can view the design plans, speak with the project team and provide your feedback.
The developed design will be on public exhibition from 3 – 23 March 2014.
Where: Southern Hall, Glebe Town Hall, 160 St Johns Road, Glebe
When: Monday 3rd March, 5.30pm – 7.30pm.
Plans also available at Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

Foreshore/Harold Park Parklands

City of Sydney Foreshore Parklands:Johnston's Creek Parklands Master Plan

cityscapeForest Lodge, Annandale, Glebe Residents Group(FLAG)

FLAG - Residents Impacted by Harold Park: community action group concerned about the overdevelopment of Harold Park (reclaimed Johnston's Bay)

Galuma Maymuru the torrent

bark paintings and ceremonial poles until 29 March 2014
Annandale Galleries, 110 Trafalgar Street

BRUCE SEARLE - local colour

photography artist's books Exhibition dates: 5 March - 29 March 2014
Opening/Reception for Artist Wed 5 March 6.30-9.30pm
Annandale Galleries, 110 Trafalgar Street

Share the Path in Spindlers Park

27 March, 4pm - 6pm
Tips on how to ride safely and responsibly on shared paths. Come along to Spindler's Park in Annandale... more

Hinsby Park Consultation

12.30 pm this Saturday 29 March 2014 with Councillors, Mayor and General Manager.

Rozelle TramSheds (10 Maxwell Road Forest Lodge - D/2013/883) Public Exhibition closes Monday 17 March!

28-Feb-2014: (Harold Park Tram Sheds) Amended plans for the adaptive reuse, and alterations to, the heritage listed Rozelle Tram Depot. The amendments include:
1. Relocation of internal car park from Level 1 to Level 2 and new ramp.
2. Relocation of supermarket from Level 2 to Level 1 including reduction in gross floor area of supermarket from 2700sqm to 2345sqm.
3. Reconfiguration of internal retail tenancies.
4. Increase in bicycle parking spaces from 50 to 84 and increase in vehicle parking from 142 to 145 spaces.
5. Additional fire exit to Maxwell Road.
The City of Sydney has received the above Development Application. As part of the assessment process, we are notifying surrounding neighbours and property owners to seek their views on the proposal.
The application is on public exhibition until 15 March 2014. (If the period finishes on a weekend, the period is extended to the next working day). During this time, you are welcome to make a submission on the proposal. You can view the full application at any of the following locations (although privacy restrictions exist for internal areas of residential buildings):
1. Online at the City's website, under Development - Development Applications - On Exhibition. The website contains all relevant details of the proposal, including plans, which can be downloaded if required. A submission can be made directly from the website.
2. In person at the following locations:
CBD Level 3, Town Hall House, 456 Kent St, Sydney. Mon to Fri 8am - 6pm. GLEBE Customer Service Centre, 186 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe. Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm.
If you would like to speak directly to a Council planning officer about this development application, you can contact Vanessa Aziz on Ph: 9265 9333 or email:

"Application Number D/2013/883, Location: 10 Maxwell Road FOREST LODGE NSW 2037
Description:(Harold Park Tram Sheds) Amended plans for the adaptive reuse, and alterations to, the heritage listed Rozelle Tram Depot. The amendments include: 1. Relocation of internal car park from Level 1 to Level 2 and new ramp. 2. Relocation of supermarket from Level 2 to Level 1 including reduction in gross floor area of supermarket from 2700sqm to 2345sqm. 3. Reconfiguration of internal retail tenancies. 4. Increase in bicycle parking spaces from 50 to 84 and increase in vehicle parking from 142 to 145 spaces. 5. Additional fire exit to Maxwell Road. Important Note: Previous submissions to this application will still be taken into consideration. Exhibition Closes:17/03/2014"...more

December 2013:"At the request of the applicant, consideration of Development Application No. D/2013/883 was deferred to allow for the redesign of the following elements:
1. Car parking and bicycle configuration within the Tram Sheds.
2. Reconfiguration of the retail layout, circulation and access to the Community Space.
The application may need to be re-advertised and/or re-notified if the amendments are likely to result in additional or different impacts. This notification will occur once the applicant formally submits amended plans. It is anticipated that this could occur in the beginning of 2014." [Source: CoS Email 13/12/13 10:09]

Heart of Annandale Art Exhibition & PrizeChurch with stained glass windows, art exhibition and people

Drop in check out the Art and vote for your favourite work in the Junior and Adult categories.
Annandale Village Church, Corner of Johnston and Booth Street

Visit Annandale Artist Studios

10am - 3.30pm 8 and 9 March, 2014

Join us for another enticing chance to enter the creative realms of artist, designers, craftspeople, and galleries during the LOST weekend - 8 and 9 March, 2014, between 10am -

  • Higher Ground, 251 Parramatta Road, Annandale
  • Jenny Rix Photography, 1 Albion Street, Annandale
  • Annandale Drawing Group,Annandale Neighbourhood Centre 79 Johnston Street, Annandale
  • Annandale Creative Arts Centre, 81 Johnston Street, Annandale
  • Old Chapel Workshop, 110 Johnston Lane, Annandale
  • Heart of Annandale Art Exhibition & Prize,Corner of Johnston and Booth Street, Annandale. Village Church Annandale.
  • Brian Hirst Glass Studio, 5 Trafalgar Lane Annandale,Annandale NSW 2038, Australia

Passengers getting onto bus Johnston St, Annandale BOOTH STREET MAINSTREET MASTERPLAN

The exhibition and submission period will close at 5pm, Wednesday 5 March 2014.

The Masterplan was developed following two community consultation workshops. It addresses streetscape, parking and traffic improvements along Booth Street, between Annandale Street and Wigram Road.

Have Your Say

Keep the Glebe Island Bridge

Calico Bag with Keep Glebe Island a Bridge not Far

Annandale Artist Merrick Fry's Keep Glebe Island Bridge Calico Shoulder Bags now available at Jim and Jane's, Booth Street and Gleebooks

The Glebe Island Bridge could provide a cycle and pedestrian route to Pyrmont, the Ultimo cultural precinct and the Sydney CBD as well as a loop around Rozelle Bay....more

NSW planning laws debate on 7.30 Report

What should NSw do with its planning laws and how can it balance high-growth, high density housing with community and council expectations?...more

Addiction at Archway 1

The Archway 1 Theatre Company present a series of monologues on the theme of Addiction. Written by the A1TC Ensemble, also featuring monologues by Jared Jeckell, Annette Staglieno, Hamrah and award winning playwright Alex Broun.
Thu 20 Feb - Sun 2 March 2014...more

Live Jazz at Vinery Foods, Johnston Street

Midday till 3pm we will be featuring Renee Kayser on vocals, Evan Lohning on the keyboards, Tony Calcapietro on bass and the mighty Baz Kliche on drums.

image of a War memorial in a parkAnnandale War Memorial, Hinsby Park (AWM H17861).

Annandale WW1 Memorial and Ersatz Grave

The Annandale War Memorial in Hinsby Park, was built in 1921. It featured two "flame" lamps, which have since been removed. There are numerous Honour Boards, around Annandale, to the more than 1200 men, from Annandale, who set off for the Great War ...Annandale's Great War: A Short Walk by Marghanita da Cruz with line drawing of Annandale War Memorialmore

Suzanne and her team at Cafe on Johnston

woman and two men
Suzanne's middle eastern flavoured menu includes daily specials such as Green Wheat (Freekah), Chicken and Pomegranate Molasses wrapped in Spinach.

125th Anniversary of Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church

For a century and a quarter the...more

"Flash" Picnic, Whites Creek Wetland for World Wetlands Day

Sunday 2nd February, is World Wetlands Day. Did you know Annandale has two Wetlands...heron in federal park wetlandsmore

Join the flash picnic at Whites Creek Wetlands to celebrate World Wetlands day and the Lunar New Year.
6pm Sunday 2nd Feb 2014.

Special West Connex Precinct Meeting

Leichhardt & Annandale Residents Precinct Meeting
7–9pm on Monday 3rd February 2014
Leichhardt Town Hall (corner of Norton and Marion Sts)

Offramps, exhaust stacks and ratrunning from an $11,000,000,000* private tollway, ‘urban revitalisation’**, ...but no public transport***.

If you’ve never come to a residents precinct meeting until now, come to this one!...more

Jazz at Vinery Foods

Renee Kayser on vocals, Baz Kliche on drums, Dave Smith on guitar and Tony Calcopeito on Bass

Sunday 2nd February 2014