Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

Public Transport Trip Planner

Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Anecdotal History

Aboriginal Australia | 1770-1823 | 1823-1876 | 1876-1889 | 1890-1900 | 1900-1915 | 1916-1930 | 1931-1938 | 1939-1945 | 1945-1955 | 1956-1969 | 1970-1998 | 1998-2007 | 2008-2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | What's on | Blog | Instagram | Annandale Remembers: Condolence Motions and Memorials |

July to December 2014

January - June 2014

Time of Parra'dowee - Goray'murrai (warm and wet) November - December
This Season begins with the Great Eel Spirit calling his children to him...more

Childcare Centre, Crescent Annandale

A new childcare centre is proposed for a site on The Crescent in Annandale. This site is identified in the Johnstons Creek Parklands Master Plan. A plan of the site is available in the Document Library.
A Community Information Session on the project will take place on Tuesday 11 November, Benledi House, 5.00-6.30pm, 186 Glebe Point Road, Glebe.

Out of School Care proposed for Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

Leichhardt Municipal Council, reference D/2014/635)

Draft 3 Year Promotion and Marketing Strategy for the Leichhardt LGA

The plan will be on exhibition for public comment from 3 December to 5 January 2015."FIGURE 21: KEY CONSULTATION FINDINGS - DESCRIPTION OF AREAS: ANNANDALE
• Stately, gracious and conservative
• Strong and proud name association
• Neighbourhood pride" "Annandale: Hogan, Smith and Spindler Park – off least time share, no dogs allowed on wharf or oval"...- Table of Contents, Exective Summary: Part 6 - Draft 3 Year Promotion and Marketing Strategy (PDF 900.3KB)

"The 3-5 Year Promotion and Marketing Planbuilds on the Leichhardt 2025+ Community Strategic Plan, strengthens the sense of place in the LGA and defines the market position within greater Sydney. It explains the LGA as a marketable "product", defines our target markets and identifies a number of actions to develop the LGA as a more attractive market offering, as well as proposing how to communicate the LGA offer effectively."..."FIGURE 10: THE ANNANDALE AREA"..."Annandale Will be known for its unique urban form through its hidden experiences, treasures and history."..."Focusing on a strong pedestrian friendly environment to achieve better connectivity. This can be easily experienced particularly in areas such as Rozelle and Balmain with the connectivity along Darling Street as well as in areas such as Annandale for community shopping in Booth Street...Building on the value of history and heritage as seen through urban landscapes (buildings and people). This is particularly strong within the LGA particularly in regard to harbour side suburbs such as Birchgrove, Balmain and Rozelle as well as the unique built environment seen in Annandale;"more

Whose work is that in the Window

sculpture in a shop windowMerrick Fry is the sculptor currently displaying his work in the window of Renato Mendoza's Hair Studio Johnston St Annandale.

Share the Path

5-7pm, Wed 10 December 2014, Spindler's Park...more


Barrupu Yunupingu and Rerrkirrwanga Mununggurr
14 Nov - 12 Dec 2014
"It is ironic that in the TV show Survivor the plot depends on people being excluded once 'the tribe has spoken'. Hollywood makes ostracism the definition of Indigenous tribal society. Ironic from a Yolngu perspective because it is the one thing that can't happen under Idigenous Australian law" - Exhibition Essay

Join us at Hunter Baillie's Carols in the Garden Sunday 7th Dec, 7pm BYO Rug/Chair, picnic & voiceHunter Baillie's Carols in the Garden

7pm Sunday 7 December 2014
cnr of Johnston and Collins Streets Annandale

BYO Rug/Chair, picnic & voice

Annandale Precinct Meeting @ Neighbourhood Centre

Christmas Progressive Meeting from Neighbourhood Centre to North Annandale Hotel

7:00 - 8:30pm 1 December 2014..more

At Home with Marghanita da Cruz

"Author, gardener and ICT Consultant Marghanita da Cruz is a familiar face around the streets of Annandale"...c!aO, Issue 247, Nov 2014

fountain and wet pavementLeaking Fountain at Annandale Shops

8 September 2014 4:19 PM: The drinking fountain at the Shops, at the cnr of Johnston and Booth Street is leaking water all over the pavers.

09/09/14 12:04Further to my previous email please find photograph attached.
The outlet on the upright is running continuously.

09/09/14 12:04: Your email has been referred to Council’s Infrastructure and Service Delivery Division. Your Dataworks Document number is: DWS 2708633 & DWS 2708634

09/09/14 about 5pm: Water turned off

Meetup at Annandale Craft Group

Check out the Craft Group's activities & chat about the 2015 Annandale Heritage Festival
11am-12noon Friday 21 November
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

Open Day Rozelle Bay

GATE 1, JAMES CRAIG ROAD, ROZELLE or Shuttle from Jetty, Bicentenial Park (Johnston's Point at the end of Johnston Street), Annandale
SAT 15 NOV 2014 9.30AM – 3.00PM

"A Day on the Working Bay” will include tours of Waterway Constructions’ waterfront yard and workshops with floating cranes and barges, demonstrations of timberwork, vessel maintenance, diving and navigation aid maintenance. Polaris will provide rides around the Bay in their big tug 'Leaders Creek' and the Heritage Fleet will provide a shuttle service from the jetty at nearby Bicentennial Park using their historic vessel, ‘Harman’

TUG AND BOAT RIDES WITHIN THE BAY $5pp or $20 per family
CRANE BARGES DEMONSTRATIONS Timberwork, Divers, Solar Beacons & more

Walk to Work Day

Friday 14 November 2014

People who walk before or during work are generally healthier, more productive and less likely to be sick or absent. It's in the best interests of all individuals and organisations to build walking into their daily routine and support the Walk to Work program . . . more

Repair Cafe - Annandale

9:00 AM - 1:30 PM Saturday 15 Nov 2014 Annandale Neighbourhood Centre (Back Hall)

The Bower is bringing their expertise to Leichhardt! Bring your broken toaster, kettle, lamp or other small domestic appliance to get advice about how to repair your item...more

TOPOPHILIA The Icesheet Project

8 October - 8 November 2014
Opening 6:30 - 9:00pm Wed 15 October 2014
"Murray Fredericks' exhibition Topophilia, The Greenland Icesheet Series In the four years from 2010 to 2013 , internationally renowned photographer Murray Fredericks made six journeys to the centre of Greenland's Ice Sheet to create his latest project, Topophilia. A set of photo¬graphs, a cinematic video installation "... more

Review: Cold War Radar as Art in Sydney

Marghanita da Cruz presented David Lawrence with copy of her new book 1920s Annandale: A Short Walk at morning tea at the Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery in Wisdom Street Annandale

"Spring Dances" - Three Piece Suite

3pm 9 November 2014
Village Church (St Aidan's) cnr of Booth and Johnston Street Annandale

Three Piece Suite is a string trio of long-standing professional musicians, friends and colleagues Rachel Westwood (violin), Valmai Coggins (viola), Deborah Coogan (cello) with special guests, Owen Torr (harp) and Rebecca Irwin (violin) will join Three Piece Suite

Beethoven's energising and vibrant String Trio opus 3 in E flat major
Glinka's plaintive and thoroughly slavic Romance for violin harp and cello
Dvorak's nostalgic playful Waltzes opus 54 for String Quartet
Puccini's Tre Minuetti (also for String Quartet) full of simple and gracious joie-de-vivre
Debussy's Danses Sacree et Profane for harp and strings, by turn mystical and capricious.

Time of Ngoonungi

Murrai'yunggory (cool, getting warmer) September - October: when the flying foxes gather ...more

Sydney History and Heritage - Mid morning coffee meetup

Making History and Heritage Accessible.
10:30 AM-11.30AM Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Black Toast Cafe, 43 Booth St, Annandale

cabinet displayposter display Exhibition at Leichhardt Library (Italian Forum)

Runs until end of October

Douglas Grant - Annandale's Aboriginal-Scottish Digger
William Miller - Order of the White Eagle for staying at his Telegraphic Post
Australia's World War 1 action in Mesopotamia, 36th Battalion and George, Tom and Charlie Fitzpatrick.

St Brendan's Fair

10-3pm Saturday 1 November 2014
Collins Street (between Johnston and Trafalgar Streets) Annandale.

Aircraft Noise

Submissions on business and private charter aircraft using Sydney Airport during curfew close 31 October 2014. more


"Kathina is an annual Buddhist Thai Tradition to celebrate the ending of the Rains Retreat. In the Buddhist culture, during the retreat monks and nuns will remain at the temple and meditate for three months." - invitation to friends and neighbours

Sunday 26 October 2014
Wat Buddharangsee (Budhist Temple)
49 Trafalgar Street, Annandale


David Lawrence named Leichhardt Council Citizen of the Year

Long time Annandale resident, former secretary of the Precinct Committee, committed Bushcare volunteer and heritage advocate David Lawrence has been named Leichhardt Council's Citizen of the year.

"David is a long term resident of Annandale and tireless volunteer for the Leichhardt Local Government Area. He has extensive knowledge of the history and community activism associated with some of the key campaigns to enhance and protect local amenity including the Johnsons Creek masterplan - with Annandale residents and the City of Sydney representatives "....

Vinery Foods
Well, jazz is back this sunday afternoon from midday till 4pm 12 October 2014.

Featuring Gary Bingham on vocals, Leigh Hutchings on the much loved saxaphone, Evan Lohning on the keyboard, and the iconic Baz Kliche' on drums, the awesome foursome will kick off proceedings from Midday till 4pm.


collages paintings on paper watercolours graphics
Opening Wednesday 3rd September 2014 6:30 - 9:00pm

Floor Space Ratio (FSR) Review(public exhibition 14 August 2014 - 15 September 2014)

Leichhardt Council has released documents about the Review of the Residential Floor Space Ratio (FSR) in the Leichhardt Local Government Area (LGA) for public comment. ...more

Should Harold Park remain a part of Forest Lodge?

Have your say at:

people in park Sydney City Council approves upgrade of Road through foreshore Parkland

Email 22/05/14 22:08 "All,
To provided an update to the FLAG group, as you may know City of Sydney approved the Tramsheds DA at the council meeting held in early April. The Councillors, with the exception of Irene Doutney (the Greens Councillor) voted to approve the retail development plans for the historic Tramsheds building. Irene Doutney said she couldn't support the plans in their final form because of the impact on those using the Johnstons Creek path. ..."more

** NO EXIT by Jean-Paul Sartre

Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature
Sartre’s existential classic No Exit, is cleverly written with humor and wit, about three strangers crossing paths in the afterlife while awaiting their ultimate fate. We explore the private conversations and confessions of the characters locked together for eternity.
“L’enfer, c’est les autres”, “Hell is other people”.

Adapted from French into English by Paul Bowles
Archway 1 Theatre
12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21st September

Platform Shorts A Frame SignPLATFORM SHORTS 2014

'InCommon' by Strings Attached (guest choreographers) opening each night

7.30pm 5 & 6 Sep 2014
PROGRAM A: Jay Bailey, Corinne Urquhart (Emotive Arts), Valentina Penkova, Ramona Lobo (Sirens Dance), Ivey Wawn, Annabel Saies, Alejandro Rolandi

7.30pm 12 & 13 Sep 2014
Program B: Chung-Fu Chang, Lisa McDonell, Hannah & Steve Cooper (Rocksalt Arts), Anthea Straker, Saie Teale-Sinclair, Kimberley McIntyre, LeeAnne Litton, Alejandro Rolandi, Joshua Thomson

Dance, ten minutes at a time.
Enjoy two programs of contemporary works from a variety of seasoned and emerging choreographers. Running for its fourth season in this unique heritage venue, join us for a taste of the latest in independent dance.
This year's guest choreographers are Alejandro Rolandi and LeeAnne Litton of Strings Attached, working with a group of dancers creating an outdoor work to open each show.
Annandale Creative Arts Centre, 81 Johnston St

Annandale's Great War: A Short Guided Walk
with Marghanita da Cruz

For History Week 2014: based on Marghanita's Annandale's Great War: A Short Walk by Marghanita da Cruz with line drawing of Annandale War Memorialbook and recent posters, the one hour walk is in conjunction with the Hunter Baillie Church Fete and Devonshire Teas will be available in the 1886 Hall before and after the walk.
When: 11am Saturday 13 September 2014
Where: Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church Hall, Cnr of Johnston and Collins Streets, Annandale
Cost: $20 (includes a Devonshire Tea in the 1886 Hunter Baillie Church Hall - proceeds to the Hall Kitchen fund.)
Numbers restricted. Bookings Preferred.
Telephone: 0414-869202

Hunter Baillie Church Mini Fete

Sausage Sizzle, Devonshire Teas, Cake Stall, White Elephant, Clothes, bric à brac, etc.
9am -1pm Saturday, 13 September 2014

bike leaning against postAbandoned Electric Bike, Collins Street, Annandale

This bike had been leaning against this post for a few months. Has it been abandoned? Did the owner forget where they parked it or are they away?

It went on Sunday 14 September 2014.

tree tree tree treeOak Tree, Hinsby Park

Under Leichhardt Council's Significant Park Tree Maintenance Works, the English Oak, which once stood in the South West corner of Hinsby Park was removed due to "extensive decay within the tree" (notice).

treeTree is mulch on 11 September!

"THOSE ANNANDALE TREES. Some time ago tbe Annandale Council communi cated with Mr. J. H. Maiden, Director of the Bo tanic Gardens, in reference to -doe condition of the trees planted in Johnstone-stmet, in their bo rough, which were not going on satisfactorily At the last nig&t's meeting of the council, a let ter was read from Mr. Maiden, stating tbat one ol the officers of his department bad visit ed the street, and reported on the trees. He (Mr. Maiden) recommended that tbe ground round about tbe roots of tbe trees be loosened, and that they receive a good top-dressing with good soil; also, that some of them be taken away altogether, as they were stunted, and could never be of any use. They were not planted carefully to begin with, and the roots were now running along tbe top of ttie ground. Planting, it was added, should take place from June to August. ," - 1903 'THOSE ANNANDALE TREES.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 7 December, p. 3, viewed 14 September, 2014,

"The Mayor of Annandale (Alderman Allen-Taylor), with the Mayoress (Mrs Allen-Taylor), planted two trees on the Reserve, as also Alderman WJ Ferris and Master Frederick Gordon Ferris and Alderman William Wells. Further down in the main thoroughfare, Johnstone-street, the ex-Mayor (Alderman John Young, JP) placed several trees in position opposited Kentville; also on each by Alderman Owen Ridge and Alderman JF Broad JP Opposite St Aidan's Anglican Church. Immediately facint the handsome edifice of the Annandale Primitive Methodist Church the paster, the Rev. M Reavley, planted two, and finally opposite the Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Chruch the Rev P Falconer- McKenzie and Mrs McKenzie per- formed a like pleasing ceremony, the wordes used by each being brief and as follows:- "We declare this tree to be well and truly placed in commemoration of the 60 years record reign of her Most Gracious Majesty Victoria Queen of Great Britain and dependencies and Empress of Indica. God save the Queen". In addition there were other resendents who planted trees in commemoration of the event in various portions of the borought.
An adjournment was then made to the Annandale Council-chambers, which were tastedfully decorated with bunting and greenery, for the purpose of open- ing the public reading-room for Annandale inaugurated by the council. The building was crowded."1897 'DEMONSTRATION AT ANNANDALE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 22 June, p. 6, viewed 14 September, 2014,

"The following petition, signed by most of the leading and influential ratepayers aud residents of Annandale, was presented by Alderman Horton at the Annandale Council on Monday evening, and made an order of the day for next meeting the Mayor and Aldermen of the Borough of Annandale. Gentlemen, — As one of many ways of commemorating the record rein of her Most Gracious Majesty Queen, we, the undermentioned ratepayers and residents of Annandale, respectfully petition this council to cause to be planted trees on . both sides of Johnston-street from the Hunter-Bailiie Presbyterian Church to Johnston's Bay, such trees to be obtained from the Government, thus making Johnston-street one of ttie finest streets ont of Sydney." 1897 'The Queen's Record Reign.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 15 April, p. 4, viewed 14 September, 2014,


Time of Wiritjiribin -
Tugarah Gunya'marri (cold and windy) August: The lyrebirds' calls...more

Environmental Sustainability Plan: Weekday consultation workshop

Leichhardt Council Tuesday, 19 August 2014 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (AEST) Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

Eco-Annandale 2014: Conversations in the Cottage @ Footprints

Conversations in the Cottage....more

Footprints EcoFestival

Sunday 24 August 2014
Annual Environmental Sustainability Festival in White's Creek Valley...more

Call for Stall Holders

LMC is currently seeking expressions of interest from businesses and organisations interested in having a stall at the Footprints Ecofestival....more

Footprints Film Festival

The Footprints Film Festival is back and will be held Sunday 24 August 2014 between 11am-3pm as part of the Footprints Ecofestival. Entries open Monday 2 June 2014 and close 5.00pm, Friday 1 August 2014. The films will be screened, by pedal power at the 2014 Footprints EcoFestival.....more

Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery

Learn to recognise, propagate and care for Sydney's Local Provenance Plants. The nursery welcomes volunteers from near and far. Groups meet at the Nursery in Wisdom Street (Annandale) on Wednesday and Friday mornings. There are also Bushcare groups who care for sites in Balmain, Callan Park and Pyrmont ..more

Mango Kids

OPEN DAY @ ANNANDALE Baby Bollywood (ages 3-4yrs)
* Saturday, 16 August 2014 at 3:00 PM

OPEN DAY @ ANNANDALE Kids Bollywood (ages 5-7+yrs)
* Saturday, 16 August 2014 at 4:00 PM
* Annandale Creative Arts Centre

THE EDGE - Twelve EMERGING Sydney Artists

Curated by Bill Gregory.
Don't miss this opportunity to explore and support the extraordinary new talent of tomorrow at the outset of their careers.
LAST DAYS - show ends Saturday August 16th

Jazz at Vinery Foods

"We welcome our jazz quartet, this Sunday, the 3rd august, from Midday till 4pm. From the 'Tom Burlinson Channel 7 big band' stables, we showcase Gary Bingham on vocals and Leigh Hutchings on Saxaphone, whilst local icon Baz Kliche features on drums with Evan Lohning on keyboards." - Joseph Moussa, Proprietor Vinery Foods

Time of Burrugin - Tugarah Tuli (cold, frosty, short days) June to late July...This is the time when..more

GEOFFREY de GROEN - The Path to the Open

Wed 4 June 2014 6.30 - 9.30 pm

Annandale Galleries

Chiillout Pop, Blues and jazz and Vinery Foods

midday to 3pm Sunday 6th July
This Dynamic Acoustic Duo will entertain & have you captivated.
John and Carmel will hit the tunes from Midday till 3pm, this Sunday at Vinery Foods drawing on their vast musical repertoire and live music experience to entertain what is sure to be another great crowd.