Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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1916-1930 - The Great War and Swinging 20s

Annandale's Great War: A Short Walk | Douglas Grant | The Fitzpatrick Brothers | 36th Battalion | Wireless Miller Brothers | End of the Great War | Trains, Sound, Film and Industry | Beale Pianos | Electricity | 1920s Annandale: A Short Walk

Harry Jiffkins

"Then there is scope for individual effort in every home, and what may be done in this way was demonstrated at Annandale, a suburb of Sydney, Harry Jiffkins of the 1st Battalion, 1st Infantry Brigade, was killed at Gallipoli, and was the first soldier from Annandaie to lose his life in the war. To commemorate this fact the local Municipal Council two years later planted a tree in front of the house in which the hero was born, the ceremony being akin to the unveiling of a monument." - 1918 'Memorial Trees.', Toodyay Herald (WA : 1912 - 1954), 31 August, p. 5, viewed 14 September, 2014,

Engineer Harry Jiffkins, of 43 Young Street, Annandale (AIF Project), enlisted on 10 September 1914. His wife was listed as next of Kin at 73 Leichhardt Street Glebe.NAA: B2455, JIFFKINS HERBERT HARRY VICTOR

streetscape 43 (left to right) & 41 Young Street. streetscape On the Opposite side of Young Street there is a mature Jacaranda Tree in front of 46-52.

Annandale War Memorials & Honour Boards

war memorial in park The Annandale War Memorial is located in Hinsby Park. The names listed include CH Cecil Winkworth and Walter Langley Baxter

The residents of Annandale propose to proceed at once with the erection of the local war memorial at a cost of £1000. Competitive designs are being invited, and premiums of £15 and £10 are offered as first and second prizes. Particulars can be obtained from the Town Clerk of Annandale.-The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 21 April 1920 page 9

R. Keith Harris was awarded the £15 first prize by the NSW Monuments Board for his design (Plan of Memorial built in early 1921.) of a hybrid obelisk incorporating curved seating and electric lighting. F. Gagliardi constructed the structure of Bowral Trachyte.

The memorial is inscribed with "ERECTED BY THE CITIZENS OF ANNANDALE TO THE MEMORY OF THE MEN OF THIS DISTRICT WHO MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE IN THE GREAT WAR" and the names: "Frank Patrick ADAMS, Alexander Walker AITCHISON, Herbert Gordon AKHURST, Frederick Francis ALLEN, Kenneth BAIN, Robert Bruce BAIN, Rossiter Alfred BARRETT, Walter Langley BAXTER, Herbert Hamilton BRADLEY, Lindsay Claude Milton BRODIE, Timothy Joseph BYRNE, Frederick William Berni CALLAWAY, Martin John CAVANAGH, Thomas Patrick CLARKE, David COLQUHOUN, George CORR, Alfred Alexanader COUTTS, Reginald Gordon CRITTENDEN, John Leslie (or Langford) CROSSINGHAM, Frederick John Harold CURRINGTON, Thomas FRANCIS, James George Joseph FRASER, Francis Bede FROY, William GALLEN, Frank Alderley Charles GEORGE, Frank Thomas GRANT, Robert GROVES, Robert GULLIKSEN, Arthur Henry HARRIS, Frederick HART, John HARTNETT, Desmie Belford HUGHES, Robert Charles HUGHES, Guy INSKIP, John (Inglis) JENNINGS, Walter James JENNINGS, Herbert Harry Victor JIFFKINS, James Archibald LEE, Thomas LEYDON, William (Calbraith) LIVESEY, James Mitchell LLOYD, Wilfred Joseph LUKEMAN, Sinclair MCARTHUR, Sydney George MCCARTHY, G? F MCCARTHY, Alexander McDONALD, Donald McDONALD, Martin (Also known as Martin Joseph) McFLYNN (Misspelt - is McFLINN), Arnold (full name was Arnold Finley McRae) McRAE, William George McSPARRON, Sydney Alexander MELOY, Robert P (should read “R” for Raymond) MURDEN, Frank P NOLAN, Robert Peter PADROTH, James Herbert PARKER, W H PATTERSON, Harold (Richmond) PHIPPS, John PLUMMER, Rueben Frank PRITCHARD, Homer Horace ROGERS, Leslie James SCOTT, Gladstone SLARKE, A (should read George Foster) SMALL, Alick (Nelson) SMART, Allen (Archibald) SMITH, Harold Edward Benjamin SMITH, Roy Alfred Walter SMITH, Archibald SPOWART, Lionel William (should be W L) STALKER, Selby (Albert Shepherd) STEWART, S S Possibly G.W. Taylor or W. Taylor, both KIA TAYLOR, Ernest Clarence Charles TITTERTON, Joseph James TYLER, William WALSH, Leslie William Roy WARNER, Robert Edward WATSON, Arthur Claude WATTS, Thomas WEBB, Alexander WEINGOTT, Samuel WEINGOTT, Charles Oscar WHITE, Cyril (Godfrey) WHITE, Thomas (Wadley) WHITTON, Reginald Cowel WHOLOHAN (incorrectly as WHOOLOHAN), Walter Francis WILLIAMS, Alexander WILLIAMSON, C H C WINKWORTH" ...more

Honorary Captain Stanley Roy Kent MC
Pritchard, Poole, Baker, Bailey, Whitbread, O'Neill...

Women and a child dressed in white at a street stall in front of a house with bare foot children looking on "Red Cross Day, Annandale, 26 April 1918". Courtesy Brad Powe whose future grandmother Doreen Fine-Chong, of Forest Lodge, is on the left under the canopy.

The Annandale V.A.D. will be on duty at the No. 1 wharf... 1918 'ANZACS AND INVALIDS. ARRIVING TO-DAY.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 31 December, p. 7. , viewed 06 Aug 2019,

Private Grant writes: "I am well and comfortable as circumstances will permit. I am working every day, which helps to pass the time away. I am weary for home, and hope to be back soon. 1918 'AN AUSTRALIAN IN GERMANY.', Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), 20 March, p. 24. , viewed 06 Aug 2019,

Heroes Fair

The net proceeds of a village fair, which was held on Friday, amounting to about £550, are nearly sufficient to complete the sum of £1250, which it is desired to raise for the Annandale Heroes' Memorial.... "- 1920 'SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL AT ANNANDALE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 24 February, p. 4, viewed 7 October, 2011,

The Annandale War Memorial was unveiled by Brigadier General Mackay in 1921...

There is video footage of the opening, showing Marquee set up in Johnston Street at the Parramatta Road end. A podium is set up in front of the Goodman buildings. It is a silent clip but shows a man speaking to a crowd. The camera captures parramatta road, cars, Telegraph/Electricity Poles. The men are wearing hats. Hunter Baillie Spire can be made out in the distance but also the smaller spire of a house at the corner of Albion Lane or Street and Johnston Street. Also the house on the South East corner of the intersection of Albion and Johnston clip can be viewed at Sound and Film Archive's Sydney Office. See HEROES' FAIR AT ANNANDALE, NSW c.1919

Victory Hall, Methodist Church Johnston Street, Annandale

Annandale - Erection of a brick school hall, at the rear of Methodist Church Johnston Street, Annandale. Plans with Mr Denning Johnston Street, Annandale or the Secretary at 72 Trafalgar Street. - The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 7 April 1920

War Trophy

70 war trophies were allocated to municipalities, shires, and Great Public and High Schools. The Lord Mayor and City council had refused to accept any guns. Annandale was allocated a heavy machine gun, captured by the 36th Battalion at Flanders in 1917. Oddly, this did not go to Leichhardt, whose MP had raised the 36th. Leichhardt was allocated a 77 mm. field gun, captured by the 20th Battalion "during the advance near Framervllle, in France, early on the morning of August 11, 1918. The enemy attempt to remove the gun just as tho fog lifted was checked by the battalion Lewis gunners promptly knocking out four of the six horses in the team." - 1921 'WAR TROPHIES.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 15 February, p. 6, viewed 13 May, 2014,>. More about the 36th Battalion see Annandale's Great War.

Seventh War Loan Committee-Quota £60,000

house with two people in front in garden 44 Collins Street Annandale c1920 courtesy Graham Humphrey

The President of the committee was FEW Smith, Mayor and the Honorary Secretary was MB Mergentheim

Correspondence to 44 Collins Street, Tel 441 Petersham

The file contains a letter from Mergentheim requesting funding for postage and stamps, right to explanation when their recommendations are rejected and a list of advice as to who in their area are receiving benefits.

The comptroller of the Department of Repatriation advises that Mergentheim is a frequent visitor to the office and the matter has been resolved.

Source: NAA Series A2485, Control Symbol: C/1245, Item 151514 (December 1918)

Repatriation Committee, Group Number 5

Honorary Secretary 44 Collins Street - Municipalities of Annandale, Balmain, Drummoyne, Five Dock, Leichhardt - 25 July 1919

Delay in provision of furniture to Mrs A Duffy, widow of Sgt Thomas Duffy, was due to overloading of a poor system, which took 5 months, after approval of the gift, to deliver £25 of furniture from the limited approved suppliers. By June 1919, the Comptroller of the Dept of Repatriation advised that a new system had been gazetted, which gave local committees more power. However, Mr Mergentheim, wrote back that the Comptroller was mistaken. Only country committees had been granted the extended powers. His constituents were still experiencing delays and receiving their goods in "driblets".

Dundas Lodge (44 Collins Street)

Rotten system, whereby only a few preferred suppliers, who would be unable to supply the demand for furniture in under six months and medical system, which requires men to take a day off work to attend appointments.

Source: NAA Series A2487, Control Symbol: 1919/5302, Item 154039 (1919)


News has reached Sydney of the death in New Zealand of Mr. Moses Bernhardt Mergentheim, a well-known Sydney resident He came to Australia over 30 years ago and served in various capacities before settling down to business as a pastoral agent on the North Coast. Eventually he came to Sydney and resided for some time at Dundas Lodge Annandale. He was kennly Interested in repatriation methods, and as honorary secretary of the repatriation executive went to New Zealand at the beginning of the year to study repatriation there. The results of his trip were to have been set out in a report to Senator Millen, Minister for Repatriation, but he was strickon with pneumonia at Rotorua. Death occurred on May 29, in his 49th year. He was a commisioner for affidavits and a Justice of the peace, and was well known in Masonic circles. He is survived by his wife and daughter." - 1920 'MR. M. B. MERGENTHEIM.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 25 June, p. 10, viewed 10 March, 2015,

Annandale Short Walk Books

Annandale's Great War: A Short Walk Second Edition by Marghanita da Cruz with Annandale Viaduct and Soldiers 1920s Annandale A Short Walk  Marghanita da Cruz with line drawing of 1920s Flats

Paperback and eBooks (for Available on the iBookstoreiTunes, iPad, iPhone, KindleKindle, nooknook or lulu buy nowLulu) take you on self guided walks through War time Annandale and the 1920s...more

Smoko Laffan's [Lappan's] Hall

In November 1928, Reveille reported that the Annandale sub-branch of the Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia (forerunner of the Returned Services League (RSL). New South Wales Branch, expects to double its membership of 20, with an invitation to a Smoko at Laffan's Hall, Johnston Street on 8 December. President was Alderman NJ Johnston, Treasurer was Mr A Turnbull and the "energetic" secretary was Mr RE Ryan

Other associations, of the time, included Soldiers' Mothers, Wives and Relatives Victory Association and the Returned Army Nursing Sister's (RANS) Club.

Reveille also reported on a visit to returned soldiers at Callan Park, advocating cars for maimed soldiers, identification of an unknown New Zealand soldier who was found wandering the streets of London, War Pensions and increase of Widows, Mothers and Orphan's pensions, Homes and Soldier Settlements.


In 1928, the Annandale Council voted £1.1.0 to the United Returned Soldiers for a wreathe, to be laid at the Annandale War Memorial on Remembrance day. This was in response to an approach by them. (Card Index to Annandale Borough Minutes)

Tomorrow night (Anzac night) Mr. Russell Sinclair, chairman of the State Munition Board, will deliver a lecture entitled "Munition making in England," with lantern slide Illustrations, at St. Aldan's Hall, corner Booth and Johnston streets, Annandale. The public are cordially Invited. - The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 24 April 1917 Page 7

Sands Directory

The Sands Directory for 1916 is available at;jsessionid=C19876FF913133EA599C304FF9BAF8CB.enterprise-15000?rm=SANDS%27+DIRECTO0%7C%7C%7C1%7C%7C%7C2%7C%7C%7Ctrue

This page last update 16 August 2020.