Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

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Anecdotal History

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dirt road with a few large houses and kids standing around on the road1876-1889 Residential Boom

Annandale's Electricity Pioneers

The East Ward of Leichhardt

Annandale Residents who were Alderman of the Leichhardt Council:
Pritchard, William 1879 – 1883 (Mayor 1882 – 1884)
Arguimbau, N. George 1879 – 1885
Young, John 1879 – 1887 (Mayor 1879 – 1880, 1884 – 1886)

The voters of Annandale elected to secede from Leichhardt and form the Annandale Borough in 1893.

William Pritchard was a property Auctioneer, who owned a few properties in Collins Street. One of these was used as the Post Office for a short time...

The Abbey, Oybin, Rozelle and Greba in 1883 at the northern end of Johnston Street(viewed 8 Jan 2013). The expanse of water is the mouth of Johnstons Creek/Johnstons Bay. The eastern side of Johnston Street has since been quarried and the mouth of Johnston's creek has been infilled leaving just a canal to Johnstons Bay now known as Rozelle Bay. (John Henry Harvey 1855-1938, photographer. State Library of Victoria,

Historic Annandale home ‘Oybin’ sells at auction for $3.12 million, Oct 22, 2016

North Annandale Building and Investment Company

John Young and George Arguimbau (retired from the Royal Navy) were partners in North Annandale Building and Investment Company which bought the Annandale Estate from Robert Johnston.

Arguiumbau was living in Annandale Cottage and later at Clivendon on Johnston Street...more.

John Young moved to Sydney from Melbourne. Here he flourished as a builder and founded the Master Builder's Association. He initially bought land at the Northern end of Johnston Street. He lived at Kentville and built the "witches houses" and the Abbey just South of it.

Annandale Cottage/Macquarie Lodge

The building located at 61 Albion Street alternated between the name Annandale Cottage and Macquarie Lodge.

It was bought by George Lewis in 1891 to establish the Queen Victoria Maternity Home.

Annan Grove Cottage

See here


By 1876, the subdivision of the Annandale Estate had begun. In 1877, John Young acquired North Annandale for &pound 121,000. The following year his company offered a prize of &pound 150 for the best design for Annandale....Area 18 Annandale Conservation Area ( viewed 22 February 2012)

Ferdinand Reuss Junior put forward a plan, to subdivide the land into a grid pattern. A grand 100 foot wide Johnston Street would be the "location of villas and the better class of houses, as much as possible by themselves"; Annandale St, would be a slightly less grand, with the streets reduced to 80 feet in width; and the rest of the estate would be divided into 66 foot wide streets, with 66 foot frontage blocks, to house artisans. -

Tenders invited for Plumbers and Painters WORK Apply John Young, Contractor Office - St Mary's Cathederal
Tenders are required by MONDAY, October 27, for STUMPING and FORMING part of Johnston Street, Annandale in the Borough of Leichhardt. C Mayes Surveyor, 84 King Street - 1879 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 20 October, p. 2, viewed 23 January, 2012,

City of Sydney Archives Item 26/205/1118 (08 Jul 1885): "Leichhardt Council Clerk complaining of the dangerous state of the plug casing at the junction of Alfred and Collins streets and to the exposed water main in Annandale Street near Albion"

City of Sydney Archives Item 26/200/1869: John Miller, Albion Street, Annandale, complaining that he is unable to proceed with the building of his house because he cannot get the water connected. City Engineer gave directions for the work to be commenced on 23/10/1884.

Annandale House

"Johnston and Macarthur were not the sort of men, however, to admit they did wrong in deposing Bligh; they rather maintained that they had saved the young colony from insurrection and desolation. And these facts were tacitly admitted by the Imperial Government, who never again commissioned Bligh, but who afterwards restored Macarthur to his colonial home in Parramatta, and allowed Colonel Johnston the splendid grant of land at Annandale, Sydney. Colonel Johnston, on returning to the colony, identified himself with its progress, and ofter some years of useful service, died on his estate near Sydney, May 5,1826. The estate came into the hands of the old hero's son, Captain Robert Johnston, S.N., who proved in many a tough naval contest that he was the same metal as the Colonel. Quite recently Captain Johnston died at the ripe old age of 93.." - 1884 'A Hero's Homestead.', North Australian (Darwin, NT : 1883 - 1889), 17 October, p. 8, viewed 11 October, 2011,

A company with a capital of £50,000 has been floated by 148 shareholders to purchase the Annandale estate, in tho suburbs, comprising 300 acres, suitable for building purposes. - 1877 'THE SOUTHERN COLONIES.', Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld. : 1871-1878), 13 November, p. 2, viewed 15 April, 2011,

Witches Houses Annandale, from a Tram showing dirt roads and telegraph poles

This photograph taken from the Balmain Tram, which travelled along the Crescent Annandale, was pointed out by Norma Perry, who dated it about 1893. The photograph is from Page 15 of Album of views of Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania] [picture]. Author/Creator: John Henry Harvey 1855-1938 SLVIC Accession no(s) H13953/1-94

According to Sydney/Newcastle Tramway History there were two Steam Tramlines servicing Annandale one along Parramatta Road opened in 1883 and the Balmain line was extended from Glebe, along Taylor and Booth Sts to Balmain Road (across from Leichhardt High).

Photo of Steam Tram in operation - intersection of Market St and Elizabeth St, Sydney (NSW) 1885

It would have been a steam tram, as electrification began in 1898 ( See also a Horsedrawn tram which ran between Newtown Station and St Peters (1894)

Maps (NLA Digital Collection)

[Annandale] [cartographic material] : Saturday, October 29, 1887, at 3 o'clock / Sydney Smith, Auctioneer

The Model township - North Annandale - Wide Streets, planted with Trees - no back lanes, the best of drainage - reserves for recreation - Plan of north Annandale/ W. Pritchard, auctioneer, 281 George Street.(though dated 1890 - appears to be older - pre laneways)


NORTH ANNANDALE.-TAKE NOTICE, that FERRY BOATS are NOW RUNNING EVERY HALF-HOUR to and from Sydney (Lime-street Wharf), between the hours of a.m. and 7pm; return fare. 6d. - The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 18 June 1881 Page 1

"ANNANDALE TOLLBAR....A deputation, consisting of Mr. P. Lucas (Mayor of Camperdown), Mr. J. T. Fraser Mayor of Leichhardt), and Aldermen C. Hearn and W. Pritchard, waited upon the Minister for Public Works yesterday, for the purpose of urging upon the Government the desirableness of removing the Annandale tollbar from its present site to some spot beyond Petersham. It was urged by the deputation that the regular traffic was driven off the road along the streets of the boroughs represented, and that the councils were put to additional expense in keeping them in repair" - The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 13 November 1880

East Ward of Leichhardt

"North Annandale" now the surburb of Annandale, was known as the East Ward of Leichhardt until the voters seceded in 1893. Borough of Annandale (1894 - 1897) / Municipality of Annandale (1897 - 1948)

Alfred Vandyke, Reliance

Reliance, Johnston Street Annandale, the home of Alfred Vandyke....Alfred Marie Anthony Ferdinand Eugene Van Dyke purchased 2 lots of land in North Annandale in July 1885, with frontages to Johnston and Trafalgar Streets. The Sheerin family owned the propert 1887-1924, renaming it Dun Angues...Photograph of Reliance circa 1887

Grand Homes along Johnston Street (1888 Sands) - few still standing

The Annandale Association identifies Norton House at 33 Johnston Street Norton House built Date built: 1880 (1885) (Annandale Association Building Register). However, the other houses standing between the Public School and the St Brendan's Memorial Hall were built in the 1890s 43 Johnston Street (the red brick); 41 Johnston street; 39 Johnston St Ruthville; 37 Johnston St "Atherstone"; 35 Johnston St Name of building: "Grantleigh"1894-96; and 33a is twenties bungalow.

Johnston Street, East Side from Parramatta Road to Booth Street

John Cahill, Soap Manufacturer
Albion Street
Francis Abigall, MLA
Annandale Public School - John Cusack Principal
Francis Young, Dartford Villa
Samuel G Davidson, Commission Agent
Edward L Brown, Ironmonger
Alfred Vanyck, Reliance
John Hurley, MLA JP, 'Lithgow'
Collins Street
Thomas W Gibbs Auctioneer
David Warren
Miss Caroline Fitzgerald Ladies' School
Thomas Dunn
Joseph F Broad, 'Gordon'
Adam Lappan 'Pambula'
North Annandale Htel - Jerrinh J Kiley
Booth Streeet

Johnston Street, West Side from Parramatta Road to Booth Street

William McKenzie, "Inverugie"
Alfred Phillips, 'Rosetta Cottage'
Benson 'Holtenham'
Edwin Kentish 'Belford House'
James A Hunter "Trafalgar House"
William Morrow, "Islington Villa"
Mrs H Griffin, "Clyde Bank"
Francis C Johnson, "Tweed House"
Alexander Brown "Tyne House"
Reserve Street
John Paige, "Annanleigh"
Robert Breillat "Sunnyside"
Captain NG Arguimbau, Clivedon
Henry Turner 'Hartfel'
Collins Street
Hunter Baillie Memorial Prebyterian Church
William C Hetherington 'Aston'
James Cowan 'Notsa'
Booth Street
George J Leo, Surveyor
Mark Mitchell "Caerlson"
Piper Street
Young Timber Works
Henry Creer 'Greba'
TC Hinchcliffe
JD Francis district engineer
Maurice Aron JP, The Abbey
John Young JP, Kent Villa

Victoria Hotel (cnr Young and Collins Sts)

Photographs with lace balcony and after renovation ca1930s-1970s

ca1880 Plans showing the Victoria Cross Hotel:
Third monthly sale
Victoria Cross Hotel on Plan for Sale of property of Sugar Company
Sale 1880

1930s Photograph


The Annandale Public School and Hunter Baillie Presbyterian School Hall were opened in 1886

Annandale Mutual Improvement Society

The recently formed Annandale Mutual Improvement Society held a meeting on Tuesday evening last in the hall of the Hunter Baillie Memorial Church, at which a constitution and rules were submitted and approved. There was a very good attendance, and a considerable number were ciiiollcd as members. The following were appointed office-bearers for the current year :-President, Rev. P. falconer Mackenzie ; vice president, Mr. D. Campbell ; Secretary, Mr. F. Broad; treasurer, Mr. John Baillie. It was resolved to hold tho meetings weekly during the winter months ; and at the request of the society the president agreed to draw up a syllabus of subjects of debate, essays, &c., to be submitted to the meeting on Tuesday next Thereafter. - 1886 'NEWS OF THE DAY.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 29 May, p. 13, viewed 18 June, 2013,

"second session in the Hunter-Baillio .Memorial Hall, under the presidency of the Rev. P. Falconer Mackenzie. The following gentlemen were appointed office-bearers for the current year :Presidont, Rev. P. F. Mackenzie; .vice-presidents, Messrs. Bretnall and White; secretary and treasurer, Messrs. F. Broad and J. Baillie; committee, Messrs. Lanco, Byrne, and Nowlands. The 'president delivered an inaugural address, in which he reviewed tho work of tho past session, and threw out some .valuable suggestions for the futura guidance of tho members, dwelling also at some length on the benofits. to bo derived from this and kindred associations. - He congratulated the members on the fairly satisfactory position of the society. When it was formed, six months ago, there were not 12 names enrolled ; now the membership was 89. He concluded by urging each member to take an active part in the work of the society; and to use every effort to make it still more successful than it had been. At the close of his address a cordial Vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Mackenzie." - 1887 'NEWS OF THE DAY.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 6 January, p. 7, viewed 18 June, 2013,

"a miscellaneous entertainment was held in the Hunter Baillie School Hall, Annandale, dale, under the auspices of the Annandale Mutual Improvement ... short address, in which he spoke of the benefits of tf/otual improvement associations. " - 1887 'ANNANDALE.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 11 August, p. 8, viewed 18 June, 2013,

:"Tuesday evening, tho 4th instant, the Annandale Mutual Improvement Society opened its second session in tho Hunter-Baillie Memorial Hall, under the presidency of the Rev. P. Falconer Mackenzie." - 1887 'NEWS OF THE DAY.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 6 January, p. 7, viewed 18 June, 2013,

Taylor Bros Jam & Annandale Jam Company

See information here

In 1894, 360 acres known as the East Ward of Leichhardt between Whites Creek and Johnstons Creek, from Parramatta Road to Rozelle Bay, became the Municipality of Annandale. - Leichhardt timeline.

Hunter Baillie Church - Photo Tom Worthington

"the committee appointed to consider tho relation of tho Rev. P. S. Mackenzie and his congregation at the Hunter-Baillie Memorial Church reported that they had been informed bv Mr. Mackenzie that he acknowledged the jurisdiction of the Presbytery, his certificate having been laid on tho table some five years ago.
Shortly afterwards Mrs. Hunter-Baillie offered to build him a church in any district he might choose. He had been labouring in Annandale for four years, the result being an organised congregation. ' Mrs. Hunter-Baillie had built the church and school at her sole expense. The title deed was drawn out und was about to be registered. It secured tho whole of the buildings aud ground, valued at £30,000, to the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales, under the Church Property Act of 1881', on the following conditions :-(1.) That tho Rev. P. F. Mackenzie shall be tho first incumbent of the charge; (2) that he shall have an interest in the property which shall terminate only at his death, or on his choosing voluntarily to retire from the...-The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 14 August 1889 (page3)

Between 1886 and 1889, The Hunter Baillie Memorial Church was erected by John Hunter Baillie' philanthropic wife as a memorial to her husband. Hunter Baillie had been a sub-editor of the Colonial Observer and later a financial advisor to the Bank of New South Wales. He had arrived in the colony in 1842, and died just 12 years later on 25 March 1854 (p9 Hunter Baillie)

Religions announcements...Annandale Hunter Baillie Memorial Church Rev PV Mackenzie: 11 and 7; Annandale Primiteve Methodist Church Trafalgar Street Rev J W Leadley 11 and 7; - The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 5 October 1889 Page 22

Primitive Methodist School Hall

The Council Chambers in Johnston St, were built and opened in 1899, for the Annandale Borough, which had seceded from Leichhardt, in 1894. Allen Taylor, was Mayor of Annandale from 1897 to 1902 and later went onto become Lord Mayor of Sydney. The building is now the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre.

Empire Hotel


The Empire Hotel is on the corner of Parramatta Road and Johnstone Streets, Annandale.

  1. picture with balconies, in 1960, Parramatta Road facade , May 1937 & Johnston St facade, 1937, 1949. see all
  2. NSW State Archives: Empire Hotel(01 Jan 1884-)

North Annandale Hotel

Photo of the Hotel with lace balconies and then after renovation ca1930s

On a dusty Johnston Street.. circa 1880

Corner Booth and Johnston Streets, Annandale, NSW. Original North Annandale Hotel.

Photos of the time

Looking south along Johnston Street Annandale, near the intersection of Booth Street, ca.1888 / photographer unknown

Looking south-west along Johnston Street Annandale, from Johnstons Bay, around 1888 / photographer unknown

Johnston Street, Annandale, 1880, State Library of NSW

Medal, Australia. Fire Brigade, Annandale, 1882, silver (CI)

Police Station

Annandale Police Station (photo NSW Records)

Looking south along Johnston Street Annandale, near the intersection of Booth Street, around 1888

Looking at Claremont (still building), Kenilworth, Highroyd, Hockingdon (popularly known as 'the witches houses'), Oybin and The Abbey from Johnstons Bay, around 1888

Contingent Hotel

Photos of Contingent and Annandale Hotels ca1930s | Contingent Hotel and Annandale Hotels in the ANU Repository

"R. A. 0. B.
The No. 24 Contingent Lodge, EB of the Royal Anteduvian Order of Buffaloes, held its weekly meeting at Host Fraser's Contingent Hotel, Annandale, on last Monday evening, when there was an unusually large attendance" - 1888 'R. A. O. B.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 15 November, p. 9. , viewed 07 Nov 2016,

In the 1930s, the license was transferred to the Annandale Hotel...more

Collins Street

Source: 1888 Sands Leichhardt including North Annandale local notes

North Side (Nelson Street to White's Creek).

Wells Street
Robert Forster "Woodland House"
WHIL Bailey 'Chatsworth'
William F Darley "Wentworth"
George Henderson "Agincourt"
Frederick J Gibbes MLA
George Jones, Surgeon
Johnston Street
S Silver tobaconist
Annandale Street-Young Street
James Hogg, Blacksmith

South Side

John Cowing
Herbert L Bridger. Carpenter
Thomas Gigg, Tile Layer
Mrs Palser, 'Kilmeny'
Henry Hamilton, painter
Mrs Priscilla Debus, 'Malsbury House'
WH Bogie & Co. Brewers
William H average slater
John Wright, pianoforte tuner
Alfred Green, Carpenter
Thomas Hodgkin, bricklayer

Frederick J Gibbes MLA

"THE FRIENDS of the late F. J. GIBBES, M.L.A., are respectfully informed that his Funeral will leave his lato residence. Collins-street. North Annandale, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, nta quarter to 2 o'clock, for Newtown station, thence by special train .leaving Newtown station at 2.50, for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood. BOOTS and GOMMESON, Undertakers, 108, King-street, Newtown, and No_ton-strcet, Leichhardt." 1888 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 19 January, p. 16, viewed 12 February, 2014,

Bogie and Co's Brewery in Annandale

In February 2013, Tom Worthington mentioned he came across a reference to an Annandale Brewery while reading The breweries of Australia : a history /​ Keith M. Deutsher. .

In 1886, the Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser was optimistic about the future of Annandale's new brewery. Its proprietor Mr. Bogie had experience of the best English and Colonial breweries and was aiming to produce high-grade, pure and wholesome beverages, catering for the family trade. Bogie's malt ale was the most popular in the colony and his light dry ale was as pure but lighter than English ale and superior to the ordinary colonial 'long-sleever'. The brewery would also produce a porter and a variety of "non-intoxicating beverages such as horehound champagne" [Horehound Beer] (Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser (NSW : 1884 - 1907), 6 November, p. 2, viewed 11 February, 2014,

"Christmas is Coming
Then try Bogie's Bottled Ale & Porter in Pints 4s per Doz. Quarts, 6s per Doz. BREWERY, Collins and Trafalgar streets" (1886 'Advertising.', Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser (NSW : 1884 - 1907), 4 December, p. 2, viewed 31 October, 2015,

"Bottled Ale and Porter Stout equal to Guiness's The only Brewerey where there is no fusel oil Orders by post promptly attended" - 1887 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 12 October, p. 4, viewed 24 February, 2013,

"the finest summer beverage ever offered to the public non-alcoholic, absolutesly pure, and excels all others. Sold everywere, and its cheapness commends itself to all classes." -1893 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 8 November, p. 1, viewed 24 February, 2013,

"Four Hundred-Gallon Tanks" - Annandale Brewery, Nelson Street 1884 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 8 November, p. 8, viewed 24 February, 2013,

"William Huddleston Bogie, formally of the Annandale Brewery, Annandale, and 16 Collins street, but now lodging at 19 Oxford-street. Mr. A. Morris, official assignee." (1890 'BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS.', The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), 11 November, p. 4, viewed 11 February, 2014,

"William Huddleston Bogie, formerly of the Annandale Brewery and 16 Collins Street" - 1890 'LAW REPORT.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 7 November, p. 3, viewed 24 February, 2013,

Myers of Collins Street

Arthur Thomas Walker Myers (1889), Grace Evelyn Myers (1891), Leslie Spencer Myers(1893) were born at 12 Collins Street Annandale NSW. They were the 13,4,5 pf 17 Children of Joseph Myers and Tryphena Phillips -

Robert Forster - Woodland House

Robert Forster was a Railway Contractor, in partnership with Henry Albert Briggs trading as contractors under the name of Forster and Briggs. Allan Bate, who had started his working life as a nipper on the West Australian Railways, came to work for Forster and Briggs and studied at night. In 1886, Allan Arthur Bate married Adela Mary Elliot in the newly built Hunter Baillie Church Hall. Adela's mother seems to have married Robert Forster. Allan Bate took his step father's surname, of Taylor, when his own mother remarried. The house at 3 Collins Street, appears to have been built in front of "woodland house", in 1894 and called Wooten....more

This page last Updated: 16 April 2020.