Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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1900-1915 - Industry, Trams & Waste

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jam label jam label jam labelRegistered Trademark Jam Labels in WA in August 1900. National Archives of Australia (A11802/1886 & A11802/1887)
Taylor Bros Jams and Annandale Jam Co.

Operations in Annandale

"Shortly after my visit to Camperdown, the enterprising brothers bought some land at Annandale, and erected upon it a small building, which season by season has required enlargement, and in which many improvements have been gradually introduced. Instead of twenty, the factory now gives employment to nearer 200 workers during the busy season; while about 100 persons of both sexes are regularly employed throughout the year.
For the benefit of those who have never seen jam-making on a large scale, I will relate briefly what I saw on my last visit to Annandale, when, by the kindness of the business manager, I was initiated into the mysteries of jam manufacture.
...Specially made copper cans, provided with long spouts and handles, are dipped into the tubs, and serve to fill the tins and glass jars.
The tins are then passed on to a long narrow table, where the soldering is done.." - 1896 'Messrs. Taylor Brothers' Jam Factory.', Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), 28 March, p. 21, viewed 6 February, 2012,

Variety of Jams & Jellies

"The firm can supply the following jams and jellies: Apricot, apple jelly, blackberry, black currant, cherry, cherry plum, damson, egg plum, gooseberry, greengage, lemon and- melon, marmalade, magnum bonum, nectarine, Orleans plum, plum, purple gage, pineapple, pear, passion fruit, peach, raspberry, quince, quince jelly, red currant, strawberry and apple, raspberry and apple, diamond plum, sweet orange, pine apple and melon, apple, yellow gage, violet plum, loquat, tomato, native currant, and high-class straw berry jam, blackberry jelly, black currant jelly, gooseberry jelly, grape jelly, lemon and melon jelly, plum jelly, and red currant jelly, in tins and glass jars." - 1897 'Taylor Brothers' Jam Exhibit.', Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), 1 May, p. 23, viewed 24 February, 2015,

"Taylor Brothers, the well-known: jam manufacturers, of Annandale, have a splendid exhibit of their jams, marmalades, and jellies made from fresh fruit. This exhibit is arranged in trophy form, and is a feature, in the pavilion. This firm bas been awarded three first prizes for jams, jellies, aud marmalades." 1897 'PAVILION.', Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), 24 April, p. 16, viewed 12 February, 2015,

The Taylor Brothers Jam Exhibit -
All jams bearing the nairne of "Taylor." in any way, and not being of Taylor Brothers' manufacture, must have distinctly and legibly printed on the package, "No connection with the Firm of Taylor Brothers" and distributors and the public are warned against imitations and piracy of the name Taylor Brothers, Annandale" - 1898 'Taylor Brothers' Jam.', Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), 23 April, p. 23, viewed 5 February, 2012,

Registration of Trademark in Western Australia (1900)

In the WA government Gazetter of 24 August 1900, Herbert Edward Pratten and John Plant Wright trading as the Taylor Bros, Annandale Sydney were granted class 42 registration of their jam labels as Jam and Preservative trademarks in the Colony of Western Australia.

handwritten letter

Two trademark labels were registered - one in the name of Annandale Jam Co. and the second in the name of Taylor Broters. The sample labels, for "Taylor Brothers of Annandale Sydney and Hobart Tasmania" were for Apricot, Plum, Orlean Plum, Blackberry and Blackberry & Damson. They appointed Richard Sparrow of Barrack Street as Agent. National Archives of Australia A11802/1886


Consulting engineer Richard Sparrow of Barrack Street Perth was their agent.

gazettal of target

The "Target" brand application 1934 was also granted to The United Stores, Limited of Perth Western Australia in the 24 August 1900 Colony of WA Government Gazette. National Archives of Australia A11802/1886

guaranteeTaylor Bros' Jam guarantee National Archives of Australia A11802/1886

A lad named Joseph M'Caun, 16, residing in Weston-road, Balmain, fell down some stairs at Taylor Brothors' jam factory yesterday. He was conveyed to the Prince Alfred Hospital, whore he was found to be suffering from concussion of the brain, and admitted for treatment...1902 'FALL FROM A TRAM.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 22 August, p. 6, viewed 5 February, 2012,

Of late years Messrs. Taylor Brothers have largely developed the local manufacture of Messrs. Taylor Bros.' Prize Jam Exhibit at the Royal Agricultural Society's Show.
...jams, preserves, and canned fruits, and during last season at one time employed over 300 hands in the various processes required to turn out a very fine brand. They'spare no expense to get the finest fruit procurable, and search Australia for the best materials, Sand this, combined with the crystal cane sugar ' (of which the firm use about 1000 tons annually) is the secret of their large trade. - 1900 'Taylor Bros.' Jams.', Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), 28 April, p. 29, viewed 5 February, 2012,

Sands Directory showing in Trafalgar Street Annandale
115 Yarrol Mrs. Amy
117 Laybutt William
119 Evans Mrs. Alice M
121 Webb Ernest
123 Holliday Mrs. Vera
125-127 Michau Edward Roffey William 
 Booth Street
Weine & Co.
143 Taylor Bros (Sydney) 
151 Vaux James
153 Solly Mrs. Amelia
155 Le Brese Henry
157 Nesbitt James
150 Peterson Mrs. E.
159a Watts JamesA fire was discovered shortly utter 2 o'clock this morning in the box factory or Messrs. Taylor Bros., Jam makers. Annandale, constructed of wood and iron...The factory was demolished,, and the contents, consisting of 150, of New Zealand white pine and several thousand cases and the plant, were destroy Pd. The buildings were valued at £400, and the stock at about £1000-the latter not insured. - 1902 'A FIRE.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 27 December, p. 5, viewed 5 February, 2012,

typed letter on letterhead Taylor Bros lobby for electricity in Annandale

Mr. Colomun, representative of Taylor Brothers, jam manufacturers, was present He stated that his firm had practically decided upon establishing a cannery on the Clarence, and he would like to hoar the views of thc fishermen on the matter... 1903 'The Fish Industry on the Clarence.', Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), 28 July, p. 5, viewed 5 February, 2012,

"TAYLOR BROTHERS' BOX FACTORY BURNT OUT.... A GREAT BLAZE....FOURTEEN HUNDRED POUNDS DAMAGE, Shortly before 2 o'clock this morning a fire waa discovered in the box factory of tho building occupied by Messrs Taylor Brothers as a jam factory, at the corner of Booth and Trafalgar streets Annandale..."The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 25 December 1902

"the smoke nuisance caused by Taylor Bros. works at Annandale and that they are consulting IToskins', the, engineers, with a view of in creasing the height, of their , chimneys 1904" 'Annandale Council.', Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser (NSW : 1884 - 1907), 26 March, p. 6, viewed 12 February, 2015,

MOLONG.-This year there is a mammoth crop of pears, peaches, and cherries at the Bunnarong orchard, near Cumnock. This orchard, which is being leased by Messrs. Taylor Bros., jam manufacturers...1909 'THE FRUIT CROP.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 13 November, p. 9, viewed 5 February, 2012,

Leslie George Walker, tinsmith, of Annandale, lately employed in Messrs. Taylor Bros.' jam factory, stated that Mr. Pratten was the manager. Witness bad been employed off and on for five years. He was so employed last January, and was working a power press. There were four other presses in tho same room. On January 21 witness started work a usual. The press did not work well. It dragged the tin in, and witness' hand with it. There was no guard on the machine. There never was a guard on the press. As a result of the accident witness had lost three fingers. "ALLEGED BREACH OF THE FACTORIES ACT." The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) 24 Apr 1907: 6. Web. 5 Feb 2012

Jam Labels National Archives Australia A601 8/2/6 barcode 135117

Mr H.E. Pratten, managing director of Taylor Brothers Limited, - jam manufacturers and fruit preservers, of Svdney. Hobart, and Brisbane, one of the largest firms of its class in Australia, has return ed from a few months' trip to the East...Summing up the prospects of Australian trade with the East, Mr Pratten said he anticipated a.' good market in Japan for various kinds of raw material, such as wool, wheat, leather. tallow. &c, which, on account of the limited area, and the character of the country; could not be locally produced in sufficient quantities. - 1907 'TRADE WITH THE EAST.', The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), 10 December, p. 7, viewed 5 February, 2012,

The following new company has been registered:
Taylor Brothers, Ltd., to acquire the business of jam manufacturers, fruit preservers, and canners, carried on under the style of Taylor Brothers, with the right to extend the business, and to amalgamate with similar enterprises. Capital, £40,000, In 40,000 £1 shares, with the right to increase or reduce the capital and to attach special privileges to any of the shares. - 1907 'NEW COMPANY.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 26 June, p. 11, viewed 5 February, 2012,

Acquisition of Taylor Bros Brand by Holbrooks (Australasia) (1933)

Taylor Brothers, by now owned by Mr John James was transferred to Holbrooks (Australiasia) Ltd 8.7.1933 and they applied to use the Taylor Brothers Labels, for Melon & Ginger and Peach(Letter Source: National Archives Australia A601 8/2/6 barcode 135117). In 1935, Holbrooks appled to use the Taylor Brothers label for export.(NAA A601-8-2-6 Barcode 135117)

This page last update 25 February 2015.