Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

Public Transport Trip Planner

Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Anecdotal History

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Time of Parra'dowee - Goray'murrai (warm and wet) November - December

the Great Eel Spirit calling his children to him..more

What's on in Annandale (Dec 18)

Christmas Services
Hunter Baillie,

Village Church and

St Brendan's

Westconnex arrives in Annandale

Demolition begins at Mallet Street Dive Site

Burwan Park acquired for Construction Site

Tunnel Route - property condition/dilapidation reports to be offered as tunnellings. Tunnelling from Mallet Street, Haberfield and St Peters.

Damning Report into Westconnex

Squat Holiday Stress

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

Westconnex impacts on Annandale

Destruction begins at Pyrmont Bridge Road Site

planlaneway Prescious Warehouse Space that is to be demolished to build Westconnex State 3. All of these warehouses were occupied and the businesses at these locations have been forced to find other accomodation. While the type of accomodation, they need for their businesses is becoming increasingly scarce. It is good to see three of the businesses relocate to new promises in Annandale, however, this puts pressure on rents. Source: Annandale Community Information Session, 1 Dec 2018 Key to diagram diagram showing depth of tunnels plan plan plan plan plan

Prescious Warehouse Space that is to be demolished to build Westconnex State 3. All of these warehouses were occupied and the businesses at these locations have been forced to find other accomodation. While the type of accomodation, they need for their businesses is becoming increasingly scarce. It is good to see three of the businesses relocate to new promises in Annandale, however, this puts pressure on rents. Source: Annandale Community Information Session, 1 Dec 2018

M4-M5 Link Tunnels Community information sessions


Work Begins at Dive Site cnr Parramatta Road and Mallet St

Tunnel or Dive Site Annandale ( (formerly Camperdown)bigger map) mapJohnston Street, Annandale Truck Route (bigger map) drawing with text: west disconnex communityDouble B Trucks heading for Annandale anti-westconnex poster
Notification No.MT06, 12 November 2018: Pyrmont Bridge Road site - upcoming night work schedule

Work is underway at the Pyrmont Bridge Road construction site to prepare for tunnelling to start next year. Part of this work involves investigating, disconnecting and installing power, water and sewer services around the site and surrounding area. Due to the high volume of traffic during the daytime, this work has to be carried out at night for the safety of pedestrians, motorists and workers.

What we're doing:
Intermittent night work will be undertaken between the months of December 2018 and February 2019.

Work will be carried out on Parramatta Road, Mallett Street, Pyrmont Bridge Road and Bignell Lane between 6.00pm - 7.00am Monday to Friday (inclusive). In order to provide respite for nearby residents, work will occur for a maximum of two nights in a row at one location, no more than three nights per week and no more than ten nights per calendar month in total.

This notice provides residents with a high-level schedule of upcoming night work.
Specific notification will be provided to residents prior to work occurring nearby.
The work will involve:
•Setting up traffic and pedestrian management controls
•Investigating the location of existing services in the road including trenching work (potholing), scanning and CCTV footage
•Performing temporary outages and disconnecting services to properties within the project footprint. Further notice about planned outages will be provided by the service provider closer to the time
•Relocation / installation of existing and new services by excavating a trench, installing conduits, pulling cable and reinstating the ground

When: Between December 2018 and February 2019: Hours of operation 6.00pm - 7.00am Monday to Friday (inclusive) Where: Parramatta Road, Pyrmont Bridge Road, Mallett Street and Bignell Lane in Annandale and Camperdown

If you have an enquiry, complaint or you want to provide feedback about this work, please contact the M4-M5 Link Tunnels team on toll free 1800 660 248 or, email

We speak your language Need an interpreter? Call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

Equipment required for this work includes, but is not limited to; excavators, saw cutters, jack hammers, hand tools, water carts, scanning wands, vacuum trucks, asphalting vehicles, vibratory rollers, compactors, generators, lighting towers, trucks, traffic control and light vehicles


Notification No.MT04, Work notification | 18 October 2018: Demolition work - Pyrmont Bridge Road tunnelling site

Work will commence from Thursday, 25 October 2018 to remove existing buildings within the M4-M5 Link Tunnels site at Pyrmont Bridge Road, Annandale, and is expected to take four months to complete, weather permitting. A map showing the location of the work is provided overleaf...

M4-M5 Link Tunnels Work notification | 18 October 2018
Demolition work - Pyrmont Bridge Road tunnelling site[Dive Site]
Work will commence from Thursday, 25 October 2018 to remove existing buildings within the M4-M5 Link Tunnels site at Pyrmont Bridge Road, Annandale, and is expected to take four months to complete, weather permitting. A map showing the location of the work is provided overleaf.
What we're doing
Work will take place between 7.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am - 6.00pm on Saturdays. ....

Further Updates:

table of truck movements Notes:1.Use of Johnson Street and James Craig Road by construction vehicles was not proposed in the EIS. 2.Heavy vehicles / hour on Johnston Street are one-way, as trucks would travel in the southbound direction only.

table of truck movements

Indicative spoil route through Annandale

Source: From Appendix A of Westconnex M4-M5 Link Proponent's response to Submissions and Preferred Infrastructure Report, viewed 19 Feb 2018

"The White Bay civil site would be used 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, use of the site overnight by heavy vehicles would be limited. It is anticipated that the peak hours of operations for heavy vehicle movements would be at the commencement of the day and evening shifts during tunnelling excavation works (anticipated to be between 5.00 am to 9.00 am and 5.00 pm to 9.00 pm)." - p5 M4-M5 RtS_Part D Preferred Infrastructure Report, M4-M5 Link Submissions and preferred infrastructure report

Plans for Railway Pde and the Crescent, Annandale (bigger map)

Table D2-6 indicates that there will be:

"The facility would provide a truck marshalling area that would primarily service the main line tunnel sites, including Parramatta Road West civil and tunnel site (C1b), Darley Road civil and tunnel site (C4) and Pyrmont Bridge Road tunnel site (C9), where space for truck queuing on-site is limited." p4, M4-M5 RtS_Part D Preferred Infrastructure Report

"Pyrmont Bridge Road tunnel site (C9) Access from White Bay civil site to James Craig Road then The Crescent, Johnston Street and eastbound along Parramatta Road. Egress is via Pyrmont Bridge Road and Parramatta Road (westbound).The spoil haulage route as presented in the EIS for this site would be used." p20 M4-M5 RtS_Part D Preferred Infrastructure Report

Sign the Petition to Scrap WestConnex, commit to public transport

Dear Premier,
We call on the government to scrap WestConnex and commit to public transport instead.
Successive state governments have repeatedly failed to create the public transport system our growing city needs...

Rozelle Interchange (Crescent, Buruwan Park) Plans July 2018

Plans in July 2017

Plan Plan

Rozelle Interchange Fact Sheet July 2017

people in park Buruwan Park, 11 August 2018
Plans in July 2018

Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link now includes Rozelle Interchange, which was not part of the M4-M5 approval despite being part of the M4-M5 EIS. Plan
Source: July 2018 Update 13.7MB PDF

RMS plans for Buruwan Park and the Crescent

park with trees park with trees small parkThe plans keep changing but the park is still to be destroyed

Buruwan Park is to be destroyed to widen the Crescent and for a construction site. The plans keep changing.

Latest Plans for the Crescent and Buruwan Park in July 2018 Western Harbour Update (July 2018 Update 13.7MB PDF) Comment at

Greens secure a Parliamentary Inquiry into the impact of the WestConnex Project

21 Jun 2018 Self-referred
31 Aug 2018 Submissions closing
09 Oct 2018 Hearing - Macquarie Room, Parliament House, Sydney
11 Oct 2018 Hearing - Macquarie Room, Parliament House, Sydney
15 Oct 2018 Hearing - Macquarie Room, Parliament House, Sydney
Committee Report by 1 December 2018.

Terms of reference
1.That the Public Accountability Committee inquire into and report on the impact of the WestConnex project, including:
(a)the adequacy of the business case for the WestConnex project, including the cost-benefits ratio
(b)the cost of WestConnex project, including the size and reasons for overruns
(c)consideration of the governance and structure of the WestConnex project including the relationship between Sydney Motorway Corporation, Roads and Maritime Services, the Treasury and its shareholding Ministers
(d)the compulsory acquisition of property for the project
(e)the recommendations of the Audit Office of New South Wales and the Australian National Audit Office in regards to WestConnex
(f)the extent to which the project is meeting the original goals of the project as articulated in 2012
(g)the relationship between WestConnex and other toll road projects including the Sydney Gateway, Western Harbour Tunnel, F6 and Beaches Link
(h)the circumstances by which WestConnex and the Sydney Gateway were declared to be separate projects in 2017
(i)the cost of the project against its current valuation as determined through the sale of the Sydney Motorway Corporation and whether it represents a good investment for NSW taxpayers
(j)any other related matter.
2.That the committee report by 1 December 2018.

More information including making submissions at

Read Submissions available online

Read submissions at:

Westconnex M4-M5 Link Tender awarded

WestConnex M4-M5 Link,Community update June - July 2018: "M4-M5 Link work starts this year The NSW Minister for Planning approved the M4-M5 Link project in April 2018. The M4-M5 Link will be built in two stages:
1 Work will start later this year on the M4-M5 Link tunnels connecting the New M4 tunnels in Haberfield with the New M5 tunnels in St Peters. A Motorway Operations Complex at Campbell Road, St Peters will also be constructed.
2 Procurement is underway for the Rozelle Interchange and Iron Cove Link tunnels, which will connect the M4-M5 Link to other sections of the road network. Early work will start later this year, with major work scheduled to start in 2019.
Property owners will be notified if they are within 50 metres of the tunnel alignment and offered a property condition survey before and after construction. This ensures a clear record of property conditions before construction starts. Any damage attributed to the project will be repaired at no cost to the property owner. "...mapmore

anti-westconnex posterWednesday, 13 June 2018: The NSW Government has today announced the successful tenderer for construction of the mainline tunnel of the M4-M5 Link as the LSB Joint Venture, comprising Lendlease Engineering, Samsung C&T Corporation and Bouygues Construction.
Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities Paul Fletcher said today’s announcement is a major milestone for WestConnex. ...more

28 June 2018: "An 'innovative' approach to the delivery of the WestConnex M4-M5 Link tunnels has reduced community impacts and decreased the number of required construction sites.
The seven sites to be used for M4-M5 Link tunnels construction are:
1. Northcote Street, Haberfield (existing New M4 site)
2. Parramatta Road, Haberfield (Muirs)
3. Parramatta Road, Ashfield (Muirs)
4. Wattle Street, Haberfield (existing New M4 site)
5. Pyrmont Bridge Road, Camperdown/Annandale
6. Campbell Road, St Peters (existing New M5 site) 2
7. White Bay"...more

EIS on Exhibition until 15 May 2018 for A bulk aggregate storage and distribution facility and concrete batching plant co-located at Glebe Island Port facility, with the capacity to manage up to 1 million tonnes of concrete aggregates per annum...

Glebe Island ­ Multi-User Facility

The multi-user facility would involve the construction and operation of a multi-user facility for the import, storage and distribution of dry bulk materials (e.g. sand and aggregates) at Glebe 1 and 2.
It would operate 24 hours per day, seven days per week as required.
Port Authority is now seeking feedback on the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) between Wednesday 31 January and Wednesday 28 February 2018 more

Carols & Christmas Stall at the Hunter Baillie Church

Christmas Stall, 8am Thursday 6 December 2018Carols 6pm Friday 14 December 2018

Hunter Baillie Church, cnr Johnston and Collins Sts, Annandale

Happen Store Market

Saturday Dec 1st 10-4 pmWoman with plate and pendants cut from plateSaturday Dec 1st 10-4 pm...and consists of local bakers, makers, artists, and designers...

55 Parramatta Road Annandale

Phoenix - Concert #4 Salgan, Villoldo, Lavallen, Piazzolla

'Tango Origins & Passion' features Maggie Ferguson, A legend in her own right, on bandoneon, Katie Robinson on piano and PC director & violinist Dan Russell. The ensemble will explore early and traditional works from the birthplace of Tango, Buenos Aires and works by the father of Nuevo Tango, Astor Piazzolla.

Hunter Baillie Church,
cnr Johnston and Collins Sts, Annandale
2.30pm, Sunday 2 December 2018
more information

Annandale Artist wins Greenway Local Art Prize

Two women with art workAnnandale Artist Beth Hatton has been awarded the Greenway Local Art Prize for her amazing work ‘Thong Cycle’ made from a variety of introduced "weed" grasses.

Exhibition continues are Art E'st, Lords Road Leichhardt until Nov 20

Loaded Dog Folk Club

7pm for 7.30, finishing at 10.30
Back Hall (disability access)
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St
$20, $18. BYO, supper available
Enquiries: Sandra Phone: 9358-4886


Right Into Her Arms
drawings • sculpture • woodcuts • kinetic model
theatre installation

Opens for preview on Saturday 29 September

Opening Reception for William Kentridge SATURDAY 6 October 6:30 - 8:30pm

Johnston St Jazz Johnston St Jazz - Thursday Nights

relaxed evening of live jazz every Thursday night.

8pm One Set of Jazz Music - Interval for Tea & conversation
9.30pm Free for All - Audience participation with one rule - you can't play anything you know.

Entry $20/$10 BYO Wine & Cheese
81 Johnston Street Annandale (Church building next door to community centre) -

Persecution & Hope

Persecution and Hope Poster Chris Cartner Resonance Concerts So many wonderful composers suffered terrible persecution during the 20th century. However, they also often showed tremendous courage and hope in their music.

This powerful, musical presentation tells some of these stories with works by Rachmaninoff, Shostakovich, Bartok, Prokofiev, Zemlinsky and others.

Sergei Rachmaninoff: Moment-Musicaux op.16 n.3
Alexander von Zemlinsky: Ballade n.1
Dmitri Shostakovich: Main Theme and Romanze (from "The Gadfly")
Sergei Prokofiev: Two movements from "Romeo und Juliet"
Bela Bartok: Marche Funèbre
Igor Stravinksy: Circus Polka
Eric Korngold: Tanzlied des Pierrots (from "Die tote Stadt") Alexander von Zemlinsky: "A memory of Vienna"

Chris Cartner - piano

3pm Sunday 25 November. one-hour concert followed by complimentary drinks in the garden
Hunter Baillie Church, cnr of Johnston and Collins Sts, Annandale

Tickets $25/$20

What's On (November 22)

Loaded Dog Folk Club: Trippy Hippy Band + Jack Peck
7.30pm Sat 24th November, Annandale Community Centre

Persecution & Hope Piano Recital
3pm Sunday 25 November, Hunter Baillie

Phoenix - Concert #4 Salgan, Villoldo, Lavallen, Piazzolla
2.30pm, Sunday 2 December

Westconnex Demolition work begins at Pyrmont Bridge Road tunnelling site

Route of Westconnex M4-M5 Tunnel under Haberfield, Leichhardt, Annandale, Camperdown... released

Westconnex M4-M5 Link Tunnels Community Information Sessions
11am - 2pm Saturday, 1 December 2018
160 Parramatta Road, Annandale (former Drummond Golf store - enter via Mallett Street)

Westconnex Pyrmont Bridge Road site - upcoming night work schedule

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

Annandale 18 Nov 2018

two story houses sign on traffic light post two story houses

post officePost Office

Boomerang Bags Sewing Bee

people in hall people in hall

Sunday, 11 November 2018 from 9am-5pm
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

We’re very excited to be coming back to Annandale for another Bee. We’re hoping to find out whether mornings or afternoons are more popular so that we can plan for a monthly Sunday Annandale Bee in 2019. We have the hall booked from 9am- 5pm and we would love you to come along for some of the time. No skills are required but if you have your own sewing machine, overlocker, scissors or other sewing equipment please bring it along...

Annandale's Great War: A Short Walk Second Edition by Marghanita da Cruz with Annandale Viaduct and SoldiersOver 1200 people from Annandale went to WW1. Read more about them, the impact in Annandale and the numerous memorials around annandale in Annandale's Great War.

Remembrance Day Service and Display

Service of Remembrance 10am Sunday 11 November 2018.
The service will be followed by morning tea.
There will be a pipe band and Gaelic choir.

Display of World War I information and memorabilia relating to Annandale, Glebe and Leichhardt - rumour has it including material relating to Bradfield
1-4pm Saturday 10 November
11am - 4pm on Sunday 11 November.

Location: Hunter Baillie Church and Hall
Cnr of Johnston and Collins St Annandale

Village Church (St Aidan's) Remembrance Day Centenary

Invitation to Annandale Village Church for 10:45am service to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1

We're remembering that at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month 1918 the guns went silent on the western front.

Flt Lt Steve Gibbins will lead the service. Refreshments afterwards. Kid friendly.

Lest we forget...

Enjoy Buruwan Park while you can! - Part of Rozelle Interchange Plans...

park with trees park with trees

roadway small park small park small park small park

Buruwan Park is a small grassed area with large trees at the Rozelle Bay Light Rail Stop which provides a pedestrian and cycle link between Railway Parade and the Crescent.

Westconnex has been given approval to destroy the park to widen the Crescent as part of the Rozelle Interchange.

The RMS is currently evaluating will again try to find tenderers for the Rozelle Interchange.

Westconnex Stage 3 - M4-M5 & Rozelle Interchange - Trucks, Noise and Air Pollution

The M4-M5 Tunnel will be Dug Under Annandale.

There will be exhaust stacks in the Rozelle Railyards

There will be a Westconnex Tunnel Exit at the Crescent

Buruwan Park (connecting Railway Parade to the Crescent) will be destroyed to widen the Crescent

There will be a construction site on the Crescent on the Annandale foreshore

Trucks will be travelling along the Crescent and Johnston Street to the construction site on Parramatta Road between Pyrmont Bridge Road and Mallett Street

Westconnex Stage 3 will impact Ashfield, Haberfield, Petersham, Leichhardt and Annandale. See Map

Council Staff presentation to public meeting on 30 May outlining the impacts of infrastructure projects on Annandale is available here presentation and further information available at WestConnex Stage 3 M4-M5 Link - Haberfield to St Peters


Loaded Dog Folk Club

7pm for 7.30, finishing at 10.30
Back Hall (disability access)
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St
$20, $18. BYO, supper available
Enquiries: Sandra Phone: 9358-4886

What's on in Annandale (2 Nov 2018)

Time of Parra'dowee:begins with the Great Eel Spirit calling his children to him...

William Kentridge:Right Into Her Arms:drawings, sculpture, automated theatre installation with projections

Boomerang Bags Sewing Bee - all welcome
Sun 11 Nov (9am-5pm), Annandale Community Centre

Remembrance Day Service and Display
Exhibition 1-4pm Sat 10 Nov, and 11am-4pm Sun 11 November.
Church Service (with Gaelic Choir and Pipe Band) followed by Morning Tea 10am Sun 11 Nov
Hunter Baillie Church, cnr Johnston and Collins Sts

Remembrance Day– 100th Anniversary
Sunday, 11 November 2018 from 10:45-11:15
Village Church, cnr Johnston and Booth St

Annandale's Great War: Impact of WW1 on Annandale, construction of the viaduct and memorials

Johnston St Jazz - Thursday Nights, Former Methodist Church 81 Johnston Street

Westconnex-Western Harbour Tunnel-Glebe Island Construction Port Update
*Work begins at Annandale Dive site Parramatta Road (between Pyrmont Bridge Road and Mallet Street
*Cancellation of Darley Road Dive site means more trucks for longer to travel along Johnston Street
*Buruwan Park to be destroyed to widen the Crescent as part of Rozelle Interchange (now part of Western Harbour Tunnel)
*Construction Site on Crescent & Truck Marshalling Yard at White Bay
*Glebe Island Construction Port
More at:

Phoenix - Concert Tango Origins & Passion (with possible dancing in the isles)!

Learn to Dance Parramatta Road, Annandale/Stanmore

Learn to Dance Booth St, Annandale

Learn to Dance Chester Street, Annandale

Learn to Dance Catherine Street, Leichhardt

Editor Annandale on the Web

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

white flowers and small orange fruit on tree with dark green leavesCumquat Tree, Annandale, 23 August 2018

Time of Ngoonungi - Murrai'yunggory (cool, getting warmer) September - October

The time of the gathering of the flying foxes. A magical..more

Loaded Dog Folk Club

Sat 22nd September - Traditional Graffiti + The Fossickers

At the Newsagency

The Newsagency
74-76 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Camperdown NSW 2038

What's On (26 Sep)

WILLIAM KENTRIDGE drawings • sculpture • woodcuts • kinetic model theatre installation
Preview Saturday 29 September
Opening Reception for William Kentridge Sat 6 Oct 6:30-8:30pm

*CONCORDIA takes us into the heart of corporate Australia
Fri, Sep 28, 2018 7:15 PM Sat, Sep 29, 2018 8:15 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2018 4:00 PM 5:00 PM

How moving the Feldenkrais way can help with stress
Harold Park Tramsheds,
Sat/Sun 3/4 Nov 3, 12-5:30pm includes Afternoon Tea
Book Before 1 October for Early Bird Rate

Submissions to Parliamentary Inquiry into Westconnex now available at:

Westconnex Axe hanging over Buruwan Park

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

At the Newsagency

The Newsagency
74-76 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Camperdown NSW 2038


An inspiring one-man show, written and performed by Keith Alessi who, when faced with a deadly cancer diagnosis that changed the course of his life forever, chose to pursue a passion which took him to a place he never imagined.

FRIDAY 21ST 8.30PM-9.30PM
FRIDAY 28TH 8.30PM-9.30PM

The Newsagency
74-76 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Camperdown NSW 2038

Phoenix Collective concert #3 - Heart & Soul

Saturday 22 september 2018, 2.30pm - Hunter Baillie Church, cnr of Collins and Johnston Sts, Annandale

Showcasing Anthony Garcia [QLD] as guitarist and composer alongside violinist Dan Russell, the two embark on a spiritual and eclectic journey of improvisation, arrangement and composition. Sparse and minimalist to rhythmic and passionate. ..more

Creative Conversations Art & Social Transformation

81 Johnston Street Annandale
More information at

GEOFFREY de GROEN - New Paintings, Drawings and The Figure

16 August - 22 September
Gallery Hours: Tues-Fri:11am-5pm , Sat:12-4pm
Opening 22 August 6:30-8:30 pm, Annandale Galleries
More at :

David Altman
New Pastels in the Downstairs Gallery
16 August - 22 September
Opening: Wednesday 22 August 6:30 – 8:30 pm
More at:

Three piece suite

Sunday 16th September 5pm
Annandale Community Centre
79 Johnston St Annandale
Variations on a Theme. Covering a wide range of musical periods, moods and styles, we will explore this perennially popular form with works for strings by Beethoven, Mozart, Dohnanyi, Klein, Strauss and more.
Online bookings will be open approximately 2-3 weeks before each concert, Tix also available at the door...

What's on (Sep 16)

Three Piece Suite Concert Today
5pm, Annandale Community Centre (downstairs)

Geoffrey de Groen at Annandale Galleries Until 22 September*

Creative Conversations Art & Social Transformation
81 Johnston Street Annandale

Phoenix Collective concert #3 - Heart & Soul
Saturday 22 september 2018, 2.30pm - Hunter Baillie Church, cnr of Collins and Johnston Sts, Annandale

Loaded Dog Folk Club - Traditional Graffiti + The Fossickers
Sat 22nd September, 7pm for 7.30, finishing at 10.30

At the Newsagency, Pyrmont Bridge Road
* INNER WORLD, Wed, Sep 19, 2018 7:15 PM Fri, Sep 21, 2018 8:15 PM
* TOMATOES TRIED TO KILL ME BUT BANJOS SAVED MY LIFE, Wed, Sep 19, 2018 8:30 PM Sat, Sep 29, 2018 9:30 PM

Johnston St Jazz - Thursday Nights, 81 Johnston Street Annandale

Read about Annandal'e History at

Fort Street Chamber Choir at Annandale

Sun 9 September 2018 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Hunter Baillie Church, Annandale

"A magical experience"

* Award-winning Fort Street Chamber Choir (dir. Alex Pringle)
* Fort Street Horn Ensemble (dir. Michael Wray)
* Drinks party with the artists and with new friends
* Highlights of the Resonance calendar since 2015
Tickets and more information at

Keep Cups at Church Fete Stall
Hunter Bailie Church Fete

Church Fete 1 Sep 2018 Mugs in crate at Church Fete 1 Sep 2018Saturday 1 September 2018
9am-1pm, cnr of Johnston and Collins Streets

Time of Wiritjiribin - Tugarah Gunya'marri (cold and windy) August

The lyrebirds'..more

Footprints ecoFestival, 26 August

Sunday 26 August 2018, 11am – 3pm
Whites Creek Valley Park, corner Piper and Smith Streets

More Information at

eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival eco festival

Heart of Annandale Exhibition

Wonderfully diverse collection of works in different media by all ages and a wide interpretation of the theme "Around about" - challenging to award prizes - be a judge for the people's prize! - Marghanita da Cruz (one of the Judges for Heart of Annandale 2018 Competition)
Opening Night: Sat 18 August 6.30-9.30pm
Closing Celebration: Sat 25 August at 3-8PM
more information

Art exhibition in Church Art exhibition in Church Art exhibition in Church Art exhibition in Church

Annandale Street, at Piper St. on 24 August 2018

Water Sensitive Kerb Blister Water Sensitive Kerb Blister Water Sensitive Kerb Blister Water Sensitive Kerb Blister

Planning proposal to extend the Annandale Conservation Area

Purpose of the planning proposal
* to preserve the characteristics which reflect the heritage significance of the existing conservation area
* to ensure that buildings/structures which contribute to the landform and history of Annandale cannot be demolished
All information relating to these matters can also be viewed in online and in hardcopy at: Council’s Leichhardt Service Centre: 7 - 15 Wetherill Street, Leichhardt, 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
Submissions close at 5pm on Tuesday 24 July 2018..mapmore

Shiny Bum Singers & Dallas de Brabander at the Dog

Sat 18th August (3rd Sat)

Casting Light on Westconnex Acquisition of Buruwan Park

people in parkcyclist in parkWestconnex's Plans for destruction of Buruwan Park to widen the Crescentmap

Photoshoot, Buruwan Park
4.15-4.45pm Saturday 11 August 2018
Buruwan Park (at Rozelle Bay Light Rail Stop), Railway Parade, Annandale

Meet at Buruwan Park for a photo shoot then catch the Light Rail into the City for the Fix Public Transport Rally and Lantern Procession at Sydney Town Hall at 5.30pm.

Lantern Making Workshops
at Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre
on Saturday and Sunday 4/5 August, 1-3pm.
More at

What's on in Annandale (10 Aug 2018)

Cast light on Westconnex's acquistion of Buruwan Park
Photo Shoot tomorrow, Saturday 11 August, 4.15-4.45pm - bring a lantern
Buruwan Park, Rozelle Bay Light Rail Stop, Railway Pde/Crescent

*Parliamentary Inquiry into Westconnex - submissions close 31 August

*Council's Workshops on making submissions to Westconnex Inquiry
Thursday 16 August, 6:30-8pm – Leichhardt Town Hall

*Loaded Dog Folk Club Sat 18th August
Shiny Bum Singers & Dallas de Brabander

*GEOFFREY de GROEN - New Paintings, Drawings and The Figure -
Opening 22 August 6:30-8:30 pm, Annandale Galleries

*Footprints ecoFestival Sunday 26 August 2018, 11am – 3pm

pink flowers with yellow centre on street verge Booth St, Annandale, 23 August 2018 Garden with roses, tulips, lavender and daffodils in bloomGarden with roses, tulips, gerberas, carnations, azalias, lavender and daffodils in bloom, Johnston Street Annandale, 3 August 2018 terrace houses in the sunlightNelson St, Annandale, 15 August 2018
yellow bikes in the darkLast of the Dockless Share Bikes and good riddence!

*Johnston St Jazz - Thursday Nights,

*The Annandale Craft Group meets 11am-2pm Fridays

*Over 50s Tai Chi
11:45am Tuesdays, Annandale Community Centre

* What's on in Annandale

Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202

Redfern Shanty Club + Tom Hanson (equal billing)
at the Loaded Dog Folk Club

Cost $18/$20, BYO, Supper Available
7.40 for 8pm, Saturday 28 July 2018
Annandale Nieghbourhood Centre
79 Johnston Street Annandale
Enquiries (02)9358-4886
More at:

18 August: Shiny Bums + Dallas de Brabander
22 September: Traditional Graffiti + The Fossickers
27 October: Andsome Friends + Nick Lock (equal billing)
24 November: Joe & Harmony's Trippy Hippy Band + Jack Peck

National Tree Day @ Whites Creek

Sunday 29 Jul 2018 10AM - 12 Noon
Whites Creek Valley Park
Piper StreetAnnandale, NSW, Australia

National Tree Day is Australia's largest planting and nature care event and was started by Planet Ark. Inner West Council celebrates National Tree Day every year with community planting days, as well as a free tree giveaway to residents! The plantings will contribute to the area's local biodiversity and urban canopy for years to come...more

What's on in Annandale (27 July 2018)

Redfern Shanty Club + Tom Hanson (equal billing) at the Loaded Dog Folk Club
7.40 for 8pm, Saturday 28 July 2018

National Tree Day, White's Creek Valley
Sun 29 July 10am-12noon

Heart of Annandale Art Exhibition & Prize
Call for Entries before 10 August 2018

Casting Light on Westconnex Acquisition of Buruwan Park
Photoshoot, Buruwan Park (bring a lantern)
4.15-4.45pm Saturday 11 August 2018
Buruwan Park (at Rozelle Bay Light Rail Stop), Railway Parade, Annandale

Submissions to Parliamentary Inquiry into the impact of the WestConnex Project close 31 August

Johnston St Jazz - Thursday Nights

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

orange fungiGymnopilus junonius, Taylor Street Annandale, 22 July 2018

Time of Marrai'gang -
Bana'murrai'yung (wet becoming cooler) April - June

the cries of the Marrai'gang (Quoll) seeking his mate can be heard through the forests" more

Gymnopilus junonius, June 30, 2018

orange fungi orange fungiGymnopilus junonius at the base of a large blue gum in Taylor Street Annandale, 30 June 2018. The fruiting bodies lasted about a week.

Launch PLASTIC FREE JULY in Annandale

Woman holding fabric bags in bakery door

The Green Living Centre has partnered with Boomerang Bags Sydney Inner West to launch Plastic Free July with a Sewing Bee at the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre.

We would love people to bring along a plate of something to share for lunch which we will have midday.

There is lots of space so we will be doing cutting, pinning, printing as well as sewing and overlocking.

You can drive up to the entrance and unpack and then there is parking in the streets around the neighbourhood centre.

Saturday 7 July 2018, 9am to 3pm.
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnson Street.

Please Register Here

Are you in for the Plastic Free July #choosetorefuse challenge?
Plastic Free July aims to raise awareness of the problems with single-use disposable plastic and challenges people to do something about it....more.

Kirkin' o' the Tartan

10.00 am Sunday, 1 July 2018, Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church Annandale...more

What's on in Annandale (29 Jun 2018)

Kirkin' o' the Tartan 10am Sunday, 1 July 2018

Planning proposal to extend the Annandale Conservation Area - on exhibition until 24 July 2018

Launch PLASTIC FREE JULY in Annandale with Boomerang Bags sewing Bee 7 July


Westconnex M4-M5 Link Tender awarded - Trucks heading up Johnston Street to construction Site on Parramatta Road

Find our more about What's on in Annandale at:

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

Brett Robin plus the NYPL play The Loaded Dog

Saturday 23 June, 7.40 for 8pm.
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St

Guitar wielding storyteller. Brett's live performance has been described as “Leonard Cohen meets Charlie Chaplin.” + 'New York Public Library.' Formed over 30 years ago, they played at The Shack, PACT folk and other popular venues of the era.

$20/18, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886, More at:

Thursday night Jazz 14 June

"Ta Go Lak performs a selection of compositions and improvisations emerging in response to Korean traditional rhythmic structures, as well as sounds and textures from the Asia Pacific region... more



Koralle: May 16 - June 16, 2018
Opening Night Wednesday May 16, 6:30 - 8:30pm
view exhibition


1995 - 2015
John Mawurndjul, Samuel Namunjdja, John Bulunbulun, Ivan Namirrkki, Owen Yalandja and others

May 16 - June 16, 2018
John Mawurndjul and Samuel Namunjdja

Laneway PAPHOS CHEESE PTY LTD, open to the public Mon-Sat 8am-12pm 159 Albion Lane Annandale (02)95690970 House on Laneway

What's on in Annandale (14 June 2018)

Enjoy Buruwan Park while you can!

Call for Stall Holders and Performers at Footprints ecoFestival 2018

Thursday night Jazz at 81 Johnston Street Annandale


Kirk'n of the Tartan, 1 July 2018

Inner West Council Grants now open

'50s Annandale hits the shelves

Books in a box with packaging '50s Annandale: is the 7th book in the series. It takes the reader on a walk through Annandale of the 1850s and 1950s. The paperback is available at Annandale Village Newsagent Johnston Street and D'Rego's Bakery Booth Street Annandale...more

Share Bicycles

yellow bicycle in drainShare Bicycle in Johnston's Creek, 29 Nov

A meeting of Mayors from Inner West, City of Sydney, Randwick, Waverly, Woollahra and Canada Bay councils has agreed on a way forward for bike sharing in Sydney including Draft Bike Share Guidelines... more

Life Drawing Classes Sessions -7-9pm Every Wednesday Night!

man with angle grinder and art workJonathon Hardy explaining how he makes his Angle Grinding art on old Doors

Tetch Gallery 245 Parramatta Road
Tetch supplies drawing pad, sketching materials nibblies and a complimentary glass of wine. Spend your Wednesday nights in good company, sweet tunes, professional model each week and exploring your creative side. All is welcome, no experience necessary! $20 (cash on arrival is fine)...more

Council Cleanup

Council holds general household clean-ups twice a year, by zone, for disposal of damaged items only. Check when your's is at

Protest songs with Jack Peck & a cast of thousands

Saturday 26 May, 7.40 for 8pm.
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St

Bruce Watson + Cathy Rytmeister

$20/18, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886, More at:

Infrastructure Projects - Impacts on Annandale


Sign the petition opposing ANY 'dive' (mid-point tunnel construction) site in Annandale or Camperdown here

Council Planning Staff to brief Community on Impacts

7pm Wednesday 30 May 2018
Annandale Community Centre
Backhall, 79 Johnston Street Annandale
more information
Contact: Clr Marghanita da Cruz

Resolutions passed at 27 March 2018 Council Meeting

Air Quality

The air quality in the the City and Inner West could be far worse than the data shows and could explain why the Rozelle Air Quality measuring station needs upgrading...more

The trucks that ate Annandale

We've heard about tollway tunnelling under our houses – the acquisitions, vibrations, cracking. But residents, business owners and every friend of Annandale, needs to know this is just the beginning...more

truck with dog (trailer) on surburban streetSeven of these trucks an hour - Mon-Fri and Sat morning heading for the Crescent and Johnston Street

Glebe Island Port

EIS on Exhibition until 15 May 2018 for A bulk aggregate storage and distribution facility and concrete batching plant co-located at Glebe Island Port facility, with the capacity to manage up to 1 million tonnes of concrete aggregates per annum...

Glebe Island ­ Multi-User Facility

The multi-user facility would involve the construction and operation of a multi-user facility for the import, storage and distribution of dry bulk materials (e.g. sand and aggregates) at Glebe 1 and 2.
It would operate 24 hours per day, seven days per week as required.
Port Authority is now seeking feedback on the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) between Wednesday 31 January and Wednesday 28 February 2018 more

D'Rego's Bakery Boomerang Bag Trial

fabric bags on counter

D'Rego's Bakery at 87 Booth Street Annandale is trialling Boomerang Bags. The bags are made by Boomerang Bags Inner West based at Dulwich Hill

Gypsy Moth

Asian Gypsy Moth, Pheromone Trip, Placed by : NSW Dept of Primary Industries Contact; Rob Bowman 02-9735-9601 "The heightened vessel surveillance window for Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) is between January and May each year. The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) has commenced the management of AGM risk on vessels arriving in Australia. This activity is expected to conclude on 31 May 2018.".. more

NSW Government Approves Stage 3 - Trucks and Construction Site coming to Annandale

Council Staff to brief Annandale Residents on Impacts of Infrastructure Projects

7-8.30pm Wednesday 30 May 2018
Annandale Community Centre
79 Johnston Street Annandale

Petition for a Parliamentary Enquiry

This Petition brings to the attention of the Government of NSW the risk of proceeding with the $17 billion WestConnex toll road when the community consultation process has been inadequate; transport planners and financial analysts alike increasingly condemn the project as incapable of addressing Sydney's transport problems; and Australian and international research indicates WestConnex will fail to deliver the benefits or revenues promised.

sign the petition

NSW Government approves Westconnex M4-M5 Link

The State Government has approved Stage 3 of Westconnex(the M4-M5 Link) - this is bad news for Annandale and the Inner West..more

Petition Opposing Dive Site and Trucks travelling to it through Annandale

The construction of the 'dive' site at Camperdown will see the movement of over 110 heavy trucks EVERY day up Johnston Street Annandale.
These trucks will produce deadly amounts of diesel particulates polluting 3 schools, 2 pre-schools, 2 aged care homes + hundreds of small business & residents...sign the petition

Juno the Dingo, Federal Park 23 May 2018

man, woman and dingoJuno is a rescue dingo who is cared for by three artist foster carers Annandale and Marrickville. At his two homes he has special fencing installed by the Dingo Rescue service to ensure he remains safe. There is only one park in the Inner West where he can run around offleash safely in a fenced off area.

Rescued Possum

baby possumbaby possumRescued Baby Possum being cared for by WIRES Inner West Volunteers. More about Wires at

Cohen Park, 26 May 2018

people in playground people in playground people in playground people in playgroundOpening of upgrade of playground in Cohen Park accompanied by a legendary Leichhardt Council Barbecue

What's on in Annandale (May 25)

Cohen Park Playground Upgrade Celebration BBQ
Sat 26 May, 11am-12noon, Railway Parade

Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery Open Day
26 May 2018, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Protest songs with Jack Peck & a cast of thousands
Saturday 26 May, 7.40 for 8pm.
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

anti-westconnex posteranti-westconnex posteranti-westconnex posterImpacts on Annandale of Major Infrastructure Projects - Public Meeting
Annandale Community Centre, 30 May 2018, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


And just over Johnston's creek under the viaduct in Glebe
JD Memorial Residency Exhibition, Saturday at 14:00–16:00

Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202

DISTINCT: Emerging and Unrepresented Artists

April 24 – May 12

Painting drawing sculpture assemblage mixed media by emerging and unrepresented Artists: Aaron Anderson, Freya Jobbins, Jacqueline Rose, Susanna Strati, Charles Walker

Opening Night THURSDAY 26 April 6:30-8:30pm
Annandale Galleries..more information


Roger Woodward Recitals

May 5 & 6
cnr Johnston and Collins St

Pianist ROGER WOODWARD AC OBE performing the music of Brahms, Chopin and, to mark the centenary of his death, Debussy

Ticket prices for each concert:Adult $55.00, Senior/Pensioner $45.00, Student/Child $25.00 Book Tickets

Robert Ampt on Organ

Sunday May 13 at 3pm
cnr Johnston and Collins St

Sydney City Organist ROBERT AMPT
J S Bach — Three works including Fantasia & Fugue in G Minor BWV 542
Dubois — Two pieces
Robert Ampt — Trumpet tune, Simple Suite for Organ and arrangement of Londonderry Air
Boëllmann — Suite Gothique

Robert Ampt, the Sydney City Organist will give a recital on the restored 1892 Hill and Son Church Organ

Ticket prices for each concert: Adult $55.00, Senior/Pensioner $45.00, Student/Child $25.00 Book Tickets

SecondHand Saturday 2018

Saturday 5 May: Leichhardt, Annandale
SecondHand Saturdays are days of giant garage sales in the former Leichhardt council area. Mingle with your community and grab that once-in-a-lifetime bargain!
click the register button and fill in the form. Please only register for the SecondHand Saturday in your suburb or your address will not appear on our garage sale map and you will not receive your SecondHand Saturday poster...more

Double B Trucks heading for Annandale

drawing with text: west disconnex community

anti-westconnex poster

mapJohnston Street, Annandale Truck Route

Westconnex M4-M5 Link Construction: Impacts Annandale, Stanmore, Rozelle, Ashfield, Leichhardt, Haberfield, Camperdown, Lilyfield


Pyrmont Bridge/Parramatta Road Dive Site Annandale (formerly Camperdown)

Plans for Railway Pde and the Crescent, Annandale

What's on in Annandale - Westconnex Trucks & Construction coming

NSW Goverment Approves Westconnex
Sign the petition opposing ANY 'dive' (mid-point tunnel construction) site in Annandale or Camperdown


Public Meeting Annandale

Council Planning Staff to brief Community on Impacts
7-8.30pm Wednesday 30 May 2018
Annandale Community Centre, 79 Johnston Street Annandale

Protest Rally Tomorrow

NSW Parliament, Macquarie St, Sydney
Tuesday May 1st, 12:30pm to 1:30pm
RSVP Facebook

Petition for a Parliamentary Enquiry


More about what has been approved

Westconnex Stage 3 Approval

Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202

Platform Shorts Dance

Enjoy an intimate night of dance in the unique heritage building.

Running for its seventh season in 2018, Platform Shorts will continue to feature fresh new work from seasoned and emerging choreographers.

20, 21 , 22 April 2018 at 7.30pm
Annandale Creative Arts Centre, 81 JOHNSTON ST, ANNANDALE
$25 / $22 / $5

More at

Loaded Dog Folk Club

Saturday 21 April, 7.40 for 8pm.
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St

Bruce Watson + Cathy Rytmeister

$20/18, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886,

Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, National Trust Heritage Day

Sunday 22nd April 2018
12 midday to 4:00pm

Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, cnr Johnston and Collins Sts

Free Organ Recitals at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm by Ralph Lane OAM on recently restored historic Hill and Son Organ; Church History Talks; Devonshire Teas; Sausage Sizzle; Memorabilia Displays; and Annandale History Exhibition: Land Grant to Urban Village

Devonshire Teas and Sausage Sizzle also available

Register for a reminder here

What's on in Annandale (19 April 2018)

Platform Shorts Dance
20, 21 , 22 April 2018 at 7.30pm

Loaded Dog Folk Club - Bruce Watson + Cathy Rytmeister
Saturday 21 April, 7.40 for 8pm

Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, Heritage Open Day
Sunday 22nd April 2018 12noon-4pm

DISTINCT: Emerging and Unrepresented Artists
Opening Night THURSDAY 26 April 6:30-8:30pm

SecondHand Saturday 2018
Saturday 5 May: Leichhardt, Annandale

Roger Woodward Recitals
3pm, Saturday, 5 May 2018
3pm, Sunday, 6 May 2018

Sydney City Organist ROBERT AMPT on 1892 Organ
3pm, Saturday, 13 May 2018

CONCRETE BATCHING PLANT, GLEBE ISLAND EIS on Exhibition until 15 May 2018 for A bulk aggregate storage and distribution facility and concrete batching plant co-located at Glebe Island Port facility

Sign the Petition opposing Westconnex Annandale Dive Site & Trucks on Johnston St

Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202


7 March - 14 April 2018
Opening Night 7 March 6:30 - 8:30pm
110 Trafalgar Street

Original multi – panel large etchings, linocuts, lithographs, film

WILLIAM KENTRIDGE is one of the world’s best-loved and most influential artists. Annandale Galleries are delighted to be exhibiting nearly forty new works in a variety of graphic media, displayed in all three gallery spaces. Kentridge is recognized as one of the most innovative makers of original graphics over the last two decades. This will be his ninth solo exhibition at Annandale Galleries since 1995...more

Time of Burran -
Gadalung Marool (hot and dry) January - March

'The blooming of the Weetjellan (Acacia implexa) is an important sign that fires must not be lit.." more pale cream spiral flowers

What's on in Annandale (April 6)

Join your neighbours in signing the Petition opposing Westconnex dive site in Annandale or Camperdown
anti-westconnex poster

Meeting in Annandale about Infrastructure Projects Impacts

Second Hand Saturday 5 May: Leichhardt, Annandale (For free promo by Wed 18 April)

Loaded Dog Folk Club
Saturday 21 April, 7.40 for 8pm.
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre

Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, Heritage Open Day
Sunday 22nd April 2018, 12 midday to 4:00pm

More at Annandale on the Web at:

Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

three women and manThree Piece Suite: Northern Lights

woman doing up shoesBy popular demand, we are very pleased to welcome back tenor David Hamilton as our guest in some of the most stirring and haunting Scottish songs. The program will include dances from Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. The lushly romantic String Trio Op 85/2 by Hermann Berens is an important new addition to our repertoire together with shorter works by Erkki Melartin and Edvard Grieg. A veritable musical smorgasbord!

Annandale Community Centre, 79 Johnston St
Sunday 25th March 4pm

More at

Phoenix Collective:Charm & Tradition

This concert features Carl Schmidt on piano and Dan Russell on violin. Performing a stunning program of meditative, wholesome, romantic and virtuosic chamber music. Works by PÄRT, MOZART, BRAHMS and FRANCK.

24th March 7pm
Hunter Baille Church cnr Johnston and Collins Streets, Annandale
Tickets and More information at:

What's on in Annandale (23 March 2018)

Phoenix Collective:Charm & Tradition
Saturday 24th March 7pm
Hunter Baille Church cnr Johnston and Collins Streets, Annandale

Three Piece Suite: Northern Lights
Sunday 25th March 4pm, Kids Welcome
Annandale Community Centre, 79 Johnston St

More in Annandale at:
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202

Chopin - a portrait

Chris Cartner on Piano
Saturday 10th March, 3-4pm
Hunter Baillie, cnr Johnston and Collins Sts

The music of Chopin is personal, dramatic, beautiful and completely human.
This one-hour presentation offers an insight into his life alongside performances of his sublime music for the piano.

Programme to include: Nocturne in B major, op.9 no.3; Polonaise in A, op.40 no.1 “Military”; Scherzo no.3 in C# minor, op.39 and other best-loved works by Chopin.
more and tickets

Inner West Open Studio Trail

Annandale, Sunday 11 March, 10am to 4pm

Salon Sunday Arts and Fashion Soiree, Tais Hair Studio
Annandale Drawing Group, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Sydney BAG (Book Art Group), Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Art Fusion Art Gallery and Studio, Parramatta Road
The Happenstore, Parramatta Road
more information

Loaded Dog Folk Club

Saturday 17 March, 7.40 for 8pm.
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St

Alistair Brown (UK) + Prof. Ian Russell

$20/18, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886,

drawing with text: west disconnex communityStatement from artist Merrick Fry drawing with text: west disconnex community Seven of these trucks an hour - Mon-Fri and Sat morning heading for the Crescent and Johnston Street...more

The trucks that ate Annandale

We've heard about tollway tunnelling under our houses – the acquisitions, vibrations, cracking. But residents, business owners and every friend of Annandale, needs to know this is just the beginning...more

Community Meeting

Annandale Community Centre
Wednesday 14 March 2018, 7pm
79 Johnston Street, Annandale
Hosted by Councillor Marghanita da Cruz

What's on in Annandale (1 March 2018)

7 March - 14 April 2018
Opening Night 7 March 6:30 - 8:30pm

Chopin - a portrait: Chris Cartner on Piano
Saturday 10th March, 3-4pm

Inner West Open Studio Trail (Annandale)
Sunday 11 March, 10am to 4pm
Salon Sunday Arts and Fashion Soiree, Tais Hair Studio
Annandale Drawing Group, Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Sydney BAG (Book Art Group), Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Art Fusion Art Gallery and Studio, Parramatta Road
The Happenstore, Parramatta Road

Loaded Dog Folk Club
Saturday 17 March, 7.40 for 8pm.

Phoenix Collective:Charm & Tradition (Concert)
24th March 7pm

Three Piece Suite: Northern Lights
Sunday 25th March 4pm

Write to RMS and ask them to make Johnston Street safer
by reducing the speed limit to 40km

The trucks that ate Annandale

Pipe Organ in a sandstone church three pipersHunter Baillie Anniversary Service

3.00pm Sunday, 25 February 2018

cnr Johnston and Collins St

Commemorating 129 years since the Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church was officially opened on 23 February, 1889.

We are delighted to welcome members of the Sydney University Musical Society choir to sing with us.

Followed by afternoon tea on the lawn. Source:

Service also included the re-dedication of the recently restored 1892 Hill & Son Organ.

Australia Post: Temporary Interruption to Services

Temporary Interruption to Services

Services at the Annandale Post Office were suspended on Tuesday 13 February to remove 300 Pigeons that were nesting in the roof and to deal with cockroaches and spiders that had arrived as a consequence. Essential services were relocated to the Glebe PO Box facility in the non operation Glebe Post Box facility (at the non-operational Glebe Post Office). Services were expected to resume at Annandale on 20 February.

Westconnex M4-M5 Link Impacts on Annandale Information Session

Wednesday 14 February, 6:30pm – 8pm
Petersham Town Hall, 107 Crystal Street, Petersham
Inner West Council Presentation. More information

Loaded Dog Folk Club

Saturday 17th, February, 7.40 for 8pm.
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St

$20/18, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886,

Pink LilyAmaryllis belladonna (Naked Lady Lily) more

damaged bitumenReported 26 Jan 2018

What's on in Annandale(feb 8)

Westconnex Trucks to hit Annandale's Streets

Westconnex M4-M5 Impacts on Annandale Information Session (Inner West Council)
Wednesday 14 February, 6:30pm – 8pm
Petersham Town Hall, 107 Crystal Street, Petersham

Loaded Dog Folk Club
Saturday 17th, February, 7.40 for 8pm.

Glebe Island ­ Multi-User Facility submissions close 28 Feb

Hunter Baillie 129th Anniversary Service
3.00pm Sunday, 25 February 2018

Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202

Video: Tide coming in on Johnston's Creek between the Crescent and Sewerage Aqueduct at 9.40am

yellow earth mover on brick viaduct over creekCleaning the Light Rail Tracks, Viaduct, Annandale, 5 Jan 2018 about 9.50am

concreted creekJohnston's Creek, from truss footbridge, Annandale, 5 Jan 2018 above about 9.50am and below at 19.56concreted creek

mangroves at high tideTide in and out on Mangroves on Rozelle Bay, Annandale, 5 Jan 2018 about 9.55am(above) and 19:51 (below)

mangroves at low tide Annandale, 5 Jan 2018

bay, with creek openingMouth Johnston's Creek with Wind Turbine, Annandale, 5 Jan 2018 at 19:52

bay, with creek openingMouth Johnston's Creek with Wind Turbine, Annandale, 5 Jan 2018 about 9.55am

bay, with creek openingClose up of Mouth Johnston's Creek with Wind Turbine, Annandale, 5 Jan 2018 at 19:52

two people cycling on empty roadCyclists Railway Parade, Annandale, 5 Jan 2018

channel with waterWhite's Creek, just north of Brennan Street Bridge, Annandale, 5 Jan 2018 about 10.15am

street art of a woman with glass of wineBignell Lane, Annandale (formerly Camperdown), 29 Nov


Bignell Lane is destined for destruction to make way for a construction site for Westconnex. There were 13,000 submissions on the M4-M5 Link EIS from the public, government agencies and councils. The department of planning is assessing the submissions.

Buruwan Park at the Rozelle Bay Light Rail Stop and another pocket of Green Space on the Crescent are also being acquired by RMS to construct Westconnex. See letters to Inner West Council: Buruwan Park and Lot 10 in Deposited Plan 261985

large fluffy kingfisher birdBaby Kookaburra banks of White's Creek Annandale, 5 Jan 2018

turtle with moss on its backTurtle, White's Creek Wetlands, 5 Jan 2018

Video of another Turtle

Sale 50% offYai Yoi, 89 Booth Street, Sale, 5 Jan 2018

wooden Young St namesign & metal Wisdom St signYoung and Wisdom Streetsigns, Annandale, 5 Jan 2018

STAY ACTIVE in December + January
Drop in free creative wellbeing workshops for adults
STRESS LESS offering the community a space to relaz.
Back Hall, Annandale Community Centre
79 Johnston Street Annandale...

STAY ACTIVE in December + January

Drop in free creative wellbeing workshops for adults STRESS LESS offering the community a space to relaz. Back Hall, Annandale Community Centre 79 Johnston Street Annandale

More info: 93925043 or