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"The church is a very fine, example of English Gothic architecture. The main entrance is from Johnstone Street, there being an outer porch and inner lobby, giving access to the main body of the edifice, and also to a staircase leading to the gallery. The porch floors are inlaid with mosaic. There is a similar porch from Collins Street.
Provision has been made for vestry and sacristy; an arched recess for font; the font is of chaste design of white stone, and the sanctuary, 41 x 22 feet, is set off with lofty triple arches and columns; the large stained window over the High Altar (which includes the following subjects, the Nativity, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension) is very beautiful, and gives a fine colouring to the whole.
The High Altars and side, together with the Communion rail, are of oak, dull polished; the pulpit is also of oak, and relieved with polished brass rails and standards; the interior of the roof is of pine, with heavily-finished, trussed and panelled principals. The seats are of pine, with carved bench ends, and varnished, recessed, triple-arched confessionals are built in each of the side walls.
The exterior of the building is finished with O.K. brick facings and stone dressings: the roof is covered with Bangor purple slates. The church accommodates in all about 600 persons. The question of light and particularly the ventilation, has been given every attention. The total cost of the building, including seating, altars, font, stained-glass windows, with front wall, is about £8000. The architects were Messrs. Eaton and Bates, of Challis House, Sydney, and the contractor, Mr. John Deeming. The stained windows are by Messrs. John Ashwin and Co." - 1913 'No title', The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1942), 29 May, p. 25. , viewed 23 May 2017,
Photographs: and The Catholic Press, 1913
"The first congregation of the newly established parish met for Mass in the Council Chambers on Sunday 6 March
Mellifont at 9 Johnston Street (on the cnr with Albion Street) was the home of Mary Philomena and John Cahill. John Cahill owned the Australian Soapworks at Camperdown. He died in December 1899 aged 62.(1899 'DEATH OF ALDERMAN JOHN CAHILL.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 21 February, p. 8, viewed 14 September, 2015, His wife Mary, who had 12 children, died in 1910 aged 67. (
Mr. J. J.Maxwell, one of the candidates for the position of alderman in the Annandale Council, addressed a large meeting of the ratepayers last night, at Lappan's Colonnade Hall, Johnston street. Mr. O. C Beale occupied the chair. The candidate advocated a number of reforms in the working of the borough, and the disposal of garbage by incineration..." - The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 9 February 1901 page 14
Annandale and Leichhardt Garbage Destructor
"Thursday, October 16 was a red-letter day in the annals of the boroughs of Annandale and Leichhardt" It was reported that a Meldrum patent Simplex Destructor was opened in the old quarry at the corner of Catherine and Hill Streets and in due course the residue clinker can be deposited on the site and reclaim a valuable building site. The destructor was constructed of substantial brickwork, corrugated iron an circular ironwork roof with chimney stack 80ft High. - The Sydney Mail, 22 Oct 1902 (viewed 27 October 2011)
1936, Oblique view of Leichhardt Incinerator: picture.
Alderman Thomas Hughes (Mayor of Sydney) proposed "Success to tho Boroughs of Leichhardt and Annandale," coupled with the names of tho mayors of the boroughs and Alderman Allen Taylor. He said that the connection with the municipal life of the city, it must be a source of great gratification to know their representatives were alive to the duties attaching to the welfare of the people under modern conditions...Alderman W. Wells (Mayor of Annandale) and Alderman T. P. Treadgold (Mayor of Leichhardt) responded to the toast, as also did Alderman Taylor....Mr. O. C. Beale (president of the Chamber of Manufactures) proposed the health of Messrs. J. Barre Johnston and Co. and success to the Simplex destructor. - 1902 'ANNANDALE AND LEICHHARDT GARBAGE DESTRUCTOR.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 18 October, p. 7, viewed 26 November, 2011,
The old quarry was the Leichhardt Council's source of Sandstone for street guttering and kerbing, as well as Ballast for Roadmaking - Leichhardt : its history and progress : with an account of the incorporation of the municipality and the celebration of its jubilee, 1871-1921 / compiled by A. Vialoux and C.M. Reeves, Photograph Caption page 47.
Two years later the Perth Town Clerk visited Sydney to inspect the City Council's Massey-Warner destructor at Moore Park and the Annandale-Leichhardt Meldrum Simplex destructor. He reported that the location of the Moore Park destructor, some way from the city, meant that neither the clinker nor the steam it generated could not be utilised. The Annandale-Leichhardt destructor was still under utilised, running for only 8 hours a day.
The City council was proposing the construction of additional destructors at Woolloomoolloo and Pyrmont, and incorporating flag making equipment to utilise the clinker. He then headed travelled to Melbourne to visit their Cracknell destructor. He also commented on the sewerage systems in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and even Hobart, which would be the envy on a Perth Citizen. - 1904 'RETURN OF MR. W. E. BOLD.', The West Australian (Perth, WA: 1879-1954), 8 April, p. 5, viewed 6 June, 2012,
TIn 2012, the site, at the corner of Catherine and Hill Street, is Leichhardt Council's waste depot.
The Sydney City Council Surveyor checked out the destructor and were impressed in July 1903
Request that Street Sweeping be deposited on the Tennis Courts...more
On the recommendation of the garbage committee the Annandale Council has agreed to approach the Glebe, Petersham and Balmain councils with the object of securing more work for the destructor. It was stated that at present the machine was not being fully employed...The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 11 March 1904 page 8
Sydney City Archives (1909/0975) Correspondence between Sydney City and Leichhardt Councils regarding disposal of Camperdown Garbage at the Annandale-Leichhardt Destructor
The ketch Annandale one of the vessels employed in tho coastal timber trade and belonging to the firm of Messers Allen Taylor and Co Limited foundered at sea early yesterday morning while on a voyage from Sydney, bound for the Bellinger river...1907 'COASTAL SHIPWRECK.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 13 March, p. 9, viewed 5 February, 2012,
Representatives from the municipal councils and residents of Annandale, Leichhardt, and Camperdown were yesterday introduced to the Minster for Works by Mr Mahoney, MLA , with the request that the projected Booth Street tramway should be constructed. It was strongly represented to the Minster that the district which would be served by the tram was greatly in need of such a means of communication, because it was in no way served by the existing lines - 1903 'ANNANDALE TRAM FACILITIES.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), 21 May, p. 8, viewed 3 March, 2011,
At this time, trams ran along Booth St. According to Sydney/Newcastle Tramway History the Balmain Line tram ran from Balmain Road along Booth and Taylor Sts to Glebe and another line ran along Paramatta Rd.
"I saved up all my 1d. tram tickets riding from Annandale to Central Railway..and pursued my friends for the rest". Powerhouse Museum Collection: Dress decorated with tram tickets, 1906
A Prosperous Enterprise.
(See illustrations on pages 36 and 37.)
From any of the surrounding hills of the Glebe, Forest Lodge, Annandale, or Balmain, the extensive premises of Messrs. Langdon and Langdon, timber merchants and saw millers, at Rozelle Bay, show up to great advantage.
Generally speaking, in reaching virgin forests of any extent, the class of country traversed is rough and difficult of access, and as these lands do not readily lend themselves to agricultural pursuits, a large number of persons, who would otherwise be unoccupied, find employment in felling, transport, and working of timber.
....Formerly the space occupied was 3% acres, with a water frontage of about 550 feet to Rozelle Bay, Annandale, the situation being directly at the foot of Johnston-street, and at the end of the second tram section from Circular Quay. Finding this accommodation altogether Inadequate, owing to the rapid growth of the business, an additional area was secured to bring up the total area to over 12 ncres, with a water frontage to the bay of 1300 feet. As there is at all times a considerable quantity of shipping nt the yards, this wharfnge accommodation forms a busy and very yaluable feature to the premises.- 1907 'A Triumph in Timber—Messrs. Langdon and Langdon's Yards.', Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), 25 December, p. 36, viewed 4 January, 2012,
In 1912, William and Frederick Langdon bought the Garry Owen House and Broughton House in Callan Par. In 1915, they offered the combined property as a hospital for shell-shocked soldiers...History of Callan Park, Friends of Callan Park
Story of Beale moved here
Names of Licensee:Reeve Arthur George, Situation of Premises: Trafalgar and Albion Streets, Annandale Period of Lease: 25 July 1901- 24 July 1902 - 1901 'Government Gazette Notices', Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), 23 August, p. 6471. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
Story of Taylor Brothers moved here
Annandale's early artists included Sani, White, Arguimbau, Sealy and the Sheriffs...more
The works of the company are at Annandale, and are the largest of their character in the Commonwealth. They are . equipped with the latest'machinery, carefully se lected from all parts of the world. The company make a speciality of boxes for export, such as those used for butter, potatoes, etc., and the fa cilities of their factory are such that cases enough for the supply of the Commonwealth can easily be turned out. Other lines made by - the firm include boxes for tea, jam, meat, cheese, soap, candles, bacon, flowers, wines, spirits, cor dials, confectionery, as well as crates for the ex port of poultry, rabbits, and other game. Branding in one, two, or three colors (for which special machines are used) is another, branch to which the firm give attention.. A special prize and gold medal was awarded the firm for their exhibit. Mr. Al bert Guthrey is the manager of the Union Box Company, whose factory is located at Rozelle Bay, and Jóhnstone-street, Annan dale, Sydney. 1902 'The Exhibit of the Union Box Company.', Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), 12 April, p. 26, viewed 5 February, 2012,
During Saturday's storm the factory of tho Cork Manufacturing Company, In Trafalgar street, Annandale, was flooded, owing to the drain in the street not being large enough to take the immense body of water. Boys in the factory had to remove their boots in order to get away from tho machines. The factory and office had about two feet of water on the floor, and considerable damage was done to a valuable stock. - The Sydney Morning Herald 26 November 1912
At about 1am today a fire broke out in Bromley's Federal Box Factory, Susan Street, Annandale, near Parramatta Road. - The Sydney Morning Herald 15 May 1912
BLAZE AT ANNANDALE IN A CANISTER FACTORY - Sydney Morning Herald 18 December 1912
Annandale Firms in State Records
From a rented house in Annandale he made and sold 'White Cloud' shoe cleaner...Hat blocking machine, 1900 - 1930 (Powerhouse Museum collection)
Yesterday morning a small weatherboard cottage of three rooms, used as a factory by Messrs. Schofield and Company, in View street, Annandale, was burnt out.
The outbreak was started through a quantity of turpentine, which was being heated over a spirit stove for the purpose of manufacturing linoleum cream, becoming Ignited. - 1907 'SMALL FACTORY DESTROYED.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 18 July, p. 5, viewed 5 February, 2012,
This page last update 23 May 2017.