Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Anecdotal History

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Tuckshop in Trafalgar St, Annandale - Photo Marghanita 20061970-1998

Vietnam and Korean Wars

Annandale Residents in Vietnam and Korea


Money from Qantas Heist found in Annandale

Thanks to Tony Moody for this tip off. The butcher's shop in question is probably the cafe at the corner of Albion and Trafalgar Street.

"Police interest centred on a bricked-up fireplace in one of five empty rooms at the back of a butcher’s shop and residence in Trafalgar Street, Annandale, in Sydney’s inner western suburbs..." ‘Call Me Mr. Brown’ – The Story of the Qantas Bomb-Hoax, Australia’s Greatest Heist, by Stephen Karadjis, 13 December 2017, in True Crime & Justice,

Film Making

In December 1971 Jan Chapman and Phillip Noyce married..."When we got married we moved all the films to our house in Annandale", Jan explains. 'So, one of the rooms upstairs in this terrace house was full of a library of films....Phillip Noyce: backroads to Hollywood By Ingo Petzke

Recording Studio

Charles Fisher bought 74b Trafalgar Street in 1973 to setup a recording studio, which he operated with John Zulaikha and later John Sayers, as Chaluz enterprises. The trio went their separate ways, but Charles continued to run the studio until 1994...Recording Studio at 74b Trafalgar Street.

Tail Locking Device

Picture Australia Images of a Truck Tail locking device on truck at Bryant's Yard Annandale

Mark Johnson (1946-)

Annandale 1978 (gelatin silver photograph)

Wayne Kotzur

Ice Bike Replica, built by Wayne Kotzur Annandale

1969-1979 Annandale Association

Betty, the founding secretary of the Annandale Association, and her husband Hugh, remember moving into their derelict house in Annandale. They met other like minded people and using the model of the Balmain Association, set up an association to protect the structure of Annandale - which was threatened by the construction of a freeway through it.

To mark the 10th Anniversary of the Association, and Betty's matching contribution her friends made and presented her with a quilt. She recalls, the pleasant surprise, which followed the unexplained absence of her fellow members, from committee meetings, for the preceding six weeks.

The quilt had been a secret project. Maureen the ring leader, organised her husband to photograph a number of Annandale landmarks, these were then delivered to the letterboxes of individual quilters in Annandale. These woman created their patch and Maureen collected up all the patches and sewed them to a green backing fabric.

woman holding up a large quilt made up of 20 panelsBetty described the 20 panels as -

  1. the creation of a number of local women..."Annandale Association 10th Anniversary for Betty from her friends in Annandale"
  2. The Abbey, Johnston Street Annandale
  3. Annandale House Gates, in the Grounds of Annandale Public School
  4. Kennilworth and Claremont (Witches houses) Johnston Street
  5. 289 Annandale Street
  6. Annandale Post Office
  7. Meeting of the Annandale Association, in the upstairs hall of the Annandale Chamber (now neighbourhood centre)
  8. Hunter Baillie Church
  9. Haledon, 181 Annandale Street (oldest house in the group)
  10. Rocky outcrop, Northern End of Annandale Street
  11. Beales Piano Factory
  12. Piper Street Park
  13. Horse Trough, in front of North Annandale Public School
  14. Goodmans Buildings (corner Johnston Street and Parramatta Road)
  15. Aqueduct
  16. Annandale Council Chambers
  17. Two of a Group of three Terraces Johnston Street, near intersection with Reserve St
  18. Josie, the Poet's House - a villa with stables in the backyard, where her husband Freddy kept trotters
  19. A Corner Shop in Annandale

In 2010, Betty donated the quilt to the Local History Section of the Leichhardt Library.

"In 1981 The Annandale Association produced a very valuable Building Register of houses in Annandale that were approved by The National Trust of Australia (NSW)..." Annandale Building Register By Localnotes, on February 14th, 2011

Annandale's 1977 Reprieve

"A scan of a 1973 UBD Street Directory of Sydney, showing proposed F3 (North Western) and F4 (Western) Freeways, as well as the Johnstons Creek Route. " - GHOST ROADS OF SYDNEY

Murals at the Crescent

The Mural in The Crescent at Annandale was painted in collaboration with the community in 1980. It was renewed in 2005 when it was under threat, and the Council recognized its importance to the social and environmental concerns of the 1980's period. Many of these concerns remain. Few murals from this period of social activism remain. It is a proposed Heritage Item. -August 2010 Precinct Meeting Agenda

Caldwell and Schindler veneers factory, 233 Johnsto Street

Federal Road Bridge,View SW across bridge towards railway viaduct & Johnson Street, Annandale. (1966)