HB Concert
Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998
Aboriginal Australia | 1770-1823 | 1823-1876 | 1876-1889 | 1890-1900 | 1900-1915 | 1916-1930 | 1931-1938 | 1939-1945 | 1945-1955 | 1956-1969 | 1970-1998 | 1998-2007 | 2008-2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | What's on | Blog | Instagram | Places | People | Events |
The Annandale Craft Group meets THURSDAYS 11am-4pm at the Annandale Community Centre...
Annandale Drawing Group - Monday Mornings
This group is self motivated - artists of all skills are welcome to bring their own materials and projects to work in a shared and supportive environment.
There is no cost to attend.
Mondays, 9am-1pm during school terms. Please note that the group is currently full, but you can be placed on a waiting list.
Annandale Community Centre (upstairs)
79 Johnston Street, Annandale 2038
Tuesdays at 11.45am at Annandale Community Centre
Join a free trial class then pay $6 per class.
To book call 9533 4422 or info@share.org.au
Class are offered by the Share not for profit organisation. More info at https://share.org.au/classes/courses/tai-chi/
60 mins each act, unless otherwise stated
Saturday 24th April door opens 7 for 7.30 start
Daniel Kelly + Cap in Hand
*Back Hall, Annandale Community Centre, 79 Johnson St, Annandale
*/Disability access, supper available, BYO. $20/18 /Enquiries & bookings – Sandra 9358 4886
More Information: folkfednsw.org.au/event/cap-in-hand-daniel-kelly-share-the-bill-the-loaded-dog/
Between the Crescent and Rozelle Bay
December 2020 - Community Update (pdf)
More about the project at www.sydneywatertalk.com.au/johnstonscreek
Path along from Chester Street to Booth Street along Johnston Creek: https://yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/leichhardt-and-camperdown-streetscape-improvements (Wigram Road design.pdf)
" The Booth Street Bridge, Annandale spans the Johnstons Creek Sydney Water stormwater channel south of Wigram Road. The purpose of the project is to create wider pedestrian footpaths, construct a bicycle path on the eastern side of the bridge, provide crash barriers for public safety and strengthen the base of the existing road structure."..https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/develop/works-and-projects/council-capital-works-projects/upcoming-and-ongoing-projects/booth-street-bridge-widening
7 Pritchard Street Annandale, https://www.instagram.com/doriansflowers/
Annandale couple Wayne Ashton and Libby Douglas are behind the Wayne Ashton Gallery at 11 Northumberland Avenue Stanmore
Libby is a Jewelry Maker who creates statement pieces, funky slightly retro styles, colour and more colour. ...libbydouglasjewellerydesigns.com/pages/about-libby
Wayne Ashton's work spans painting, ink drawings and fiction. This includes the highly acclaimed novel Under a Tin-Grey Sari, 12 solo exhibitions, many group shows and three radio dramas...http://www.wayneashton.com/online_art_gallery_artist_biography.htm
Stay well, let me know if you need help, feedback always welcome,
Editor Annandale On the Web
A Ramin Communications Project
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Email: marghanita@ramin.com.au
Website: http://ramin.com.au/annandale
Please join us for the opening of this exhibition from the personal collection of BILL & ANNE GREGORY A rare opportunity to view stand out works that were acquired at the time of their exhibition between 1996 - 2009.
Exhibition dates: 21 May – 2 July
110 Trafalgar Street Annandale
More at http://www.annandalegalleries.com.au/
More at https://www.hunterbaillie.com/upcoming-events
Heart of Annandale is a community art exhibition for the Inner West. It celebrates artistic conversations about our suburbs, providing a platform for all community members to participate. The exhibition includes musical performances, creative workshops, and social activities designed to enhance community interaction, inclusivity and promote local talent.
Heart of Annandale is completely run by the members of Village Church Annandale and is supported by the Inner West Council and generous local businesses.
Each year, Heart of Annandale has an exhibition theme to help springboard and focus our creative energies and provoke thought and conversation about our lives in the Inner West.
This year's theme allows us to consider some of the ways we've adapted to new circumstances and done things differently, particularly in the face of challenges. But it doesn't just have to be about human experience - you could consider physical or natural environments, industry or ideology. Perhaps you'd just like to delve into some good old adaptation - take the theme where you will!
Entries Close: 6pm Friday 2 July
Exhibition Open: 10-25 July, 12-5pm every day
Opening Night: Friday 9 July, 6-8pm
Closing Celebration: Saturday 24 July, 6-8pm
More Information and Enter via https://heartofannandale.sydney/
Please join us for the opening of this exhibition from the personal collection of BILL & ANNE GREGORY A rare opportunity to view stand out works that were acquired at the time of their exhibition between 1996 - 2009.
Exhibition dates: 21 May – 2 July
110 Trafalgar Street Annandale
More at http://www.annandalegalleries.com.au/
More at https://www.hunterbaillie.com/upcoming-events
Heart of Annandale is a community art exhibition for the Inner West. It celebrates artistic conversations about our suburbs, providing a platform for all community members to participate. The exhibition includes musical performances, creative workshops, and social activities designed to enhance community interaction, inclusivity and promote local talent.
Heart of Annandale is completely run by the members of Village Church Annandale and is supported by the Inner West Council and generous local businesses.
Each year, Heart of Annandale has an exhibition theme to help springboard and focus our creative energies and provoke thought and conversation about our lives in the Inner West.
This year's theme allows us to consider some of the ways we've adapted to new circumstances and done things differently, particularly in the face of challenges. But it doesn't just have to be about human experience - you could consider physical or natural environments, industry or ideology. Perhaps you'd just like to delve into some good old adaptation - take the theme where you will!
Entries Close: 6pm Friday 2 July
Exhibition Open: 10-25 July, 12-5pm every day
Opening Night: Friday 9 July, 6-8pm
Closing Celebration: Saturday 24 July, 6-8pm
More Information and Enter via https://heartofannandale.sydney/
Johnston Street Jazz Live Streaming Thursdays & Past Streams at https://www.facebook.com/JohnstonStreetJazz/live
1 July : Young Women's Jazz Orchestra
Sunday 4 July 7pm : Nat Bartsch quartet : Forever More
Monday 5 July 11am : Nat Bartsch Solo : Forever, and No Time At All
8 July : Michael Griffin Octet
15 July : Cameron Undy "Ghost Frequency"
29 July: Felicity Wilcox album launch
5 August: Hilary Geddes Quintet
12 August: Brazilian twist
19 August: Phillip Johnston sax quartet
26 August: Carl Dewhurst with Chloe and Jacques
2 September: Koopman/Clark/Thomas
23 September: Josh Shipton jazz orchestra
Thursdays 8pm $30/$15
81 Johnston St Annandale
Tickets: Trybooking.com
The lyrebirds' calls ring out through the bushland as he builds his dancing mound ...more
The time of the year when the cries of the Marrai'gang (Quoll) ...more
This video relates to the potential demolition of a timber property built in the 1870s on a rare double block in Annandale.
Written and performed by Hollow States, Produced by Andy Bull
filmed in white's creek lane
William runs Solar Music Brass and Woodwind on Parramatta Road Annandale. A Bass player, former teacher and Band Director, William has pivoted to Running a business restoring and repairing Brass and Woodwind instruments.
Parramatta Road, Annandale is also home to a couple of Guitar shops
88x8 jazz piano master series VIII Solo performances by :
Felicity Wilcox is an ARIA and AACTA-nominated Australian composer/performer whose output encompasses concert music, film music, songwriting and improvisation, music for theatre, installation, live events, and radio. She has received commissions for many leading ensembles, and for over 60 screen productions. Her compositions are regularly performed and broadcast in Australia and internationally. As a pianist, she plays in the improvising trio Wilcox, Encarnacao, Swanton Trio (W.E.S.T.) with renowned bassist Lloyd Swanton (The Necks) and versatile indie guitarist John Encarnacao (The Nature Strip). She has performed in bands with Jess Ciampa, Inga Liljestrom, Veronique Serret, Anthea Cottee, Tim Crow, Cameron Undy, Ben Rosen, and many others. Her improvisational sonic language mixes beautifully executed, lyrical piano performances with extended techniques using objects and implements to trigger unexpected and unfamiliar sound worlds.Felicity's isolation video project is beautiful.
Adrian Lim-Klumpes (formerly Adrian Klumpes) is a performer and composer from Sydney, Australia. He performs primarily on piano with electro acoustics and preparations. Adrian has composed a range of works and has undertaken commissions for chamber ensembles, choreographers and filmmakers. As a member of several improvising post-modern jazz ensembles including Triosk, 3ofmillions and currently Tangents, he plays piano, rhodes electronics, and mallet percussion. Adrian has released several albums including two solo albums, Be Still and Yield. Andrew listens to Yield quite often, it's beautiful. Also beautiful is the videoclip for Move.
$30/$15 concession, tickets at trybooking.com/BRDFM or at the door
We love seeing you in person... but if you're interstate or international (or have a sleeping child), we're streaming at facebook.com/JohnstonStreetJazz/live
A weekend 370 bus service from Annandale to Coogee Beach was introduced in the 1940s. Buses ran every 20 minutes via Newtown and St Peter's Station to Beach Street, Coogee. The full fare was 8d (shillings) and child fare was capped at 3d.-1940 'NEW BUS SERVICE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 26 January, p. 12. , viewed 08 Jun 2021, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17658334
The 370 bus service was re-introduced in the 1990s (from memory) to run from Leichhardt Market Place opposite Boomalli Artists' Coop to Coogee. It started of as a limited service.
It is now proposed to cut the 370 service in preparation for the privatisation of more of the bus network ...https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2021/06/370-bus-from-leichhardt-to-coogee.html
Please make a submission before 30 June at https://www.mysydney.nsw.gov.au/SE_bus_changes
Key features of the draft Agreement
*the embellishment and dedication of land for road widening along McCarthy Lane Annandale
*the construction and dedication of land of a three and half metre wide through site link for improved pedestrian and cyclist access and amenity along Johnston’s Creek
*a public lift and stairs
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (Clause 25E) - Explanatory Note for planning agreement under section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale
1 Introduction
The purpose of this Explanatory Note is to provide a plain English summary to support the notification of a draft Planning Agreement (Planning Agreement) under section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Act), prepared in connection with a development at 1-13 Parramatta Road, Annandale (D/2017/161) (Development Consent)...1-13_Parramatta_Road_Annandale_Draft_explanatory_note_final.docxs
Make submissions at https://yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/1-13-parramatta-road-vpa
Inner West Council and Corvas Pty Ltd aft Corvas Unit Trust and are proposing to enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement which would take effect on the date it is executed by both parties.
Key features of the Agreement
Land transfer to Council
Works in kind in construction of the site through site link including landscaping and lighting
Monetary contributions
More at https://yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/chester-street-annandale-vpa
22 May Stacey Xiaoyu Yang (Piano) and Antonio Aguilar (Cello) performed Johannes Brahms Cello Sonata No 1. then Stacey Xiaoyu Yang (Piano) and Glen Amer (Baritone) performed Songs of Travel by Ralph Vaughan Williams lyrics Robert Louis Stevenson
Thursday the 10th of June solo jazz piano masters
first up: Harry Sutherland
Harry has performed and recorded extensively, working with a wide variety of artists including Matt Corby, Donny Benet, Ben Hauptmann, Elana Stone, Evan Harris, Geoff Bull and the Finer Cuts, Carl Morgan and Dereb The Ambassador. He was a 2017 nominee and a 2019 finalist in the Freedman Jazz Fellowship Award.
Here's Harry playing a lockdown concert for us with his trio last year: facebook.com/watch/live/?v=3242296735883024
then:Gavin Ahearn
Gavin Ahearn is a Sydney based musician/composer and the only Australian musician to have a featured release on the famed dutch Jazz Label 'Steeplechase'. His projects have varied from pop music, r&b, funk to contemporary and free jazz.
Here's Gavin, playing Esperance in our jazz piano masters series ten years ago youtube.com/watch?v=WKCjyGvnhPw
$30/$15 concession, tickets at trybooking.com/BRDEU or at the door
17 June : Tim Stevens (vic) & Daniel Pliner
This Thursday will be our 200th Johnston St Jazz!
Very happy to be celebrating it with Loretta and Mark and you guys.
Loretta Palmeiro and Mark Isaacs compose their music together on the spot, in real time, and without any safety net or roadmap. Demonstrating how music can elegantly respond to change, the duo draws on intuition, imagination and innovation as they take listeners on a remarkable and evolving voyage. The results can be delicate, furious or passionate: proof that unpredictability can be a beautiful journey even when the destination is unknown. Their music navigates through all boundaries between jazz, classical music, new music and many other genres.
$30/$15 concession, tickets at trybooking.com/BQVGP or at the door Music starts at 8pm
20th May : Waveteller
Bring your own food and drink; cups and glasses
Seats will be well spaced and pre-sanitised
Two sets with a break for fresh air
Tickets at the door by cash or card.
Restrictions are easing, so we're really looking forward to seeing you... but if you're interstate or international (or have a sleeping child you can't leave), we'll be streaming at https://www.facebook.com/JohnstonStreetJazz/live
Please pay as if you were at the gig, 100% goes to the musicians: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/donateyourcommute
Two sets from 8pm. BYO food and wine, plates and glasses.
Location:Johnston Street Jazz
81 Johnston Street, Annandale, NSW 2038
Seats will be well spaced and pre-sanitised
Two sets with a break for fresh air
Tickets at the door if we don't sell out. Capacity 35 and it really helps us if you buy in advance from trybooking.com/BODVD
If you can't make it, we'll be streaming at facebook.com/JohnstonStreetJazz/live
And please email Andrew Lorien (eos@andrewswebsite.net) if you have any questions, concerns, celebrations, or you just want to say hello
Say Yes to closing the road! https://yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/ferrislane
Blog Post May 09, 2021: https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2021/05/inside-hunter-baillie-tower-on-fete-day.html
Feature album this week on ABC Jazz!
Iceland is a long way away. It was a very long way in 1915 when this photo was taken. But Melbourne has seemed very distant this year, and we are very exited to have our first interstate guest for the year - Robbie Melville, 2019 winner of the Instrumental Category of the International Songwriters Competition, against 19,000 others, judged by none other than Tom Waits.
Antelodic is a chamber jazz trio featuring the unusual combination of guitar with two saxophones. The woodwinds - Gideon Brazil (tenor saxophone) and Monty Mackenzie (alto saxophone) - often perform the role of rhythm section, allowing the guitar to become the melodic voice. The music combines meticulously arranged, densely notated compositions with moments of improvisation and sound sculpting, reaching beyond the traditions of both classical and jazz to create a style very much of its own.
Have a little look : youtube.com/watch?v=CSAJvqIS0e0
Ronny Ferella (also from Melbourne) will open the night with his drum-focussed Spartacus Collective. It will be awesome.
$30/$15 concession, tickets at trybooking.com/BPXYJ or at the door
29th April : Chris Cody
6th May : Jacques and Chloe / Alister Spence
12 – 4pm Sunday 18th April 2021
Risby Walters Project: The first gig by a new group formed by Bill Risby (piano) and Craig Walters (sax) to play their original compositions, also featuring the immensely talented Lloyd Swanton on double bass and Nic Cecire on drums.
Their music is influenced by various elements from around the world, including music from Brazil, gospel music, and some of the wanderings reminiscent of the ECM record label.
Craig was born in Dunedin NZ, studied at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, and settled in Sydney. If you think he looks familiar but can't work out why, it's because he's played with Michael Bublé, Harry Connick Jnr, Franki Valli & The Four Seasons, The Temptations, Rene Geyer, Marcia Hines, Tina Arena, James Morrison & the Sydney Jazz Orchestra.
Bill was the first person to perform at Eight Oclock Sharp in Glebe 21 years ago, and has performed for us many times since. He has also played with a long list of legends, but he was behind the piano so you didn't notice him.
Tilly the dog will not be performing, although we do acknowledge and support dogs as creators and audience members.
BYO red wine and pasta.
15th April : Delay45
11th Feb : Hinterdandt
25th Feb : Steve Hunter trio
4th March : Inlay Ensemble
and yes, like everybody, we're not making plans too far into the future
The behaviour of the male kangaroos becomes quite aggressive in this season ...more
Across the western world we are remembering the week one year ago when COVID became a reality. Once again, Johnston St Jazz would like to thank Peter Nelson, Simon Dunstan, Peter Woodbury, Ron Overs, and all the other people who pulled together to help us keep music alive(-streaming) over the last year.
Trevor Brown-electro-acoustic solo
Trevor has spent almost half of each year in Europe over the last decade, performing in forests and castles, new music festivals and street carnivals. He plays flute and saxophones and clarinets, he plays with electronics, he plays with fire. The last time he performed for us was as the conductor of the Sydney Improvisers Composers Kollektiv Orchestra, the biggest improvising band I've ever seen in this country.
On this occasion it will be just him presenting an innovative electro-acoustic project, playing solo live interactive electronics, creating symphonic improvisations that flow from deep evolving ambient textures to infectious grooves.
BYO birra or rakia.
$30/$15 concession, tickets at trybooking.com/BPPFP or at the door
first concert of 2021, Knife in the Boot, features Maggie Ferguson, founder of TangoOz and a legend in her own right. With Maggie on bandoneon, Edward Neeman on piano, Isabella Brown on Double Bass and PC director & violinist Dan Russell; the ensemble will explore early and traditional works from the birthplace of Tango, Buenos Aires and works by the father of Nuevo Tango, Astor Piazzolla.
Saturday 6 March 2021 at 2.30pm
Hunter Baillie Church, cnr of Johnston and Collins Street
More Information at books at phoenixcollective.com.au/2021-concerts
Annandale Bookies - Thursday morning 18 March at Bad Habits
Johnston Street Jazz - Trevor Brown Thursday the 18 March
Heritage Festival - National Trust Heritage Day at the HunterBaillie
1-5 Chester Street, Annandale - Voluntary Planning Agreement-have your say
Cohen Park tennis courts temporary change in access - public exhibition report available
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Email: marghanita@ramin.com.au
Website: http://ramin.com.au
"Sam i Cam" Sam Dobson : contrabass
Cameron Reid : drums
Barney Wakeford : piano
Performing Barney's compositions and their own very free interpretations of whichever standards Barney has been musing on lately.
"The view from the stable, Annandale." by Tony Edwards
Rezoning Planning Proposal, 1-5 Chester Street eastern part of chester street, formerly camperdown. yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/planning-proposal-chester-street-annandale
"Real estate agent ‘took four Viagra tablets before strangling, king-hitting woman’, court told"..."Emergency services were called to Ferris Street in Annandale about 5am and the women were taken to hospital." - SMH, February 10, 2021 https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/real-estate-agent-took-four-viagra-tablets-before-strangling-king-hitting-woman-court-told-20210210-p571bb.html
With a deep musical relationship going back well over 20 years, this trio is the epitome of swing and taste.
The trio will be performing their arrangements of classic standards from the Great American Songbook, classic and lesser known tunes by jazz greats such as Cedar Walton, John Coltrane, Freddie Hubbard and more, as well as some original music.
This is swinging, classic trio jazz at its very best!
Johnston Street Jazz: Harkins/Clarke/Dickeson Trio
Live Audience Tix https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=705618
and streaming at https://www.facebook.com/JohnstonStreetJazz/live
A single RATES system is being introduced across the Inner West Local Government Area. There won't be an overall increase in revenue to council. But it is proposed to introduce new minimum rates of $850/$820 for residential/business properties respectively. The current minimum for the Leichhardt LGA is $686 for both residential and business properties. Note Domestic Waste Service Charges and Storm Water Charges are additional to rates on your rates notice. More information including how to lodge your submission by the end of Sunday 7 February at https://yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/my-rates
The NSW Government is proposing changes to the rating system, submissions on the draft bill closed 5 February at https://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/councils/policy-and-legislation/fairer-rating-system-consultation/
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Email: marghanita@ramin.com.au
Website: http://ramin.com.au
Everybody remembers the first time they saw George perform. Whether it was last year or 20 years ago, whether you were a kid enchanted by his style or a professional amazed by his skill, you remember the day you were first struck by the Washo genius. And most of us remember the most recent time we've seen him, and most of us wish it happened more often.
George will sing and play the fiddle
Sam Dobson will play the double bass
Barney Wakeford will play the grand piano which Ron Overs has continued to lend us
... and you never know which of George's friends might show up.
Just watch this https://www.facebook.com/JohnstonStreetJazz/videos/1899673216831833
And if you can't make it, we'll be streaming the gig (although not in such glorious black and white as last time). If you watch the stream, please pay the artists -details in stream.
Lifting one of the steel sections of the pedestrian/cycle bridge from the Rozelle Railyards to Railway pde at White's Creek into place. Thursday 21 Jan 2021. Video at youtube.com
Trumpeter & vocalist Eamon Dilworth has been trudging around Sydney performing social music inspired by the crescent city for over 4 years now. First with Low Down Riders & more recently with his outfit Crawfish Po’Boys. Longer yet though is his friendship with Steve Barry harking back 10 years when they were students at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, practising together and sharing long conversations over red wine and apple pie.
This performance is a foray into songs they’ve written but also standards that have become folklore with inspiration from Dr John, Professor Longhair and Preservation Hall Jazz band.
The music was sensational & the connection & rapport you built with the audience was just amazing, so much fun! You got the whole bar rocking, laughing & singing along – even me, & I never, ever sing in public!! Speaking for myself, I can honestly say that was the best night out I’ve had for ages – & I go out a LOT! Caroline Buckingham Owner/ Licensee Butchers Brew Bar
So refreshing to hear the infectious vibes of New Orleans music infused with the grimier sides of swagger 50s roots coming out of Aus. Makes for potent and addictive love medicine!
Nathan Cavaleri
BYO red wine and apple pie
Nine months ago, on the 12th of March 2020, we held a Women's Jazz Tribute Night. It was a fantastic night. And although we had been offering hand sanitiser and pushing chairs apart for months before, we had no idea that it would be our last live gig at Annandale until now.
This Thursday, please wear a mask when you're not eating or drinking, please book ahead so we can plan the seating, and please come to our first gig for 2021!
For our first gig of the year, we wanted something joyful, acoustic, complex but playful, music to lose ourselves in. Accordian, clarinet, two gypsy guitars, and double bass passing the music between them in lovely and often surprising ways. it's rhythmic without drums, tuneful without a chorus, definitely dance music if dancing was allowed. Mostly original compositions which make as much sense in 2021 as they would have in 1921.
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Email: marghanita@ramin.com.au
Website: http://ramin.com.au/