Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

Public Transport Trip Planner

Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Anecdotal History

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Time of Parra'dowee - Goray'murrai (warm and wet)

The great eel spirit calls ...more

GUNYBI GANAMBARR at Annandale Galleries Until 19 December 2020

"GUNYBI GANAMBARR is undoubtedly one of the most innovative artist's of his generation."...more (

Euroespresso Choir, Hunter Baillie

Silent Night and Hallelujah socially distanced

What's on (4 Dec 2020)

1-5 Chester Street, Annadale - Planning Proposal

Proposed key changes to the current planning controls for this land in the Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 will:

Community feedback closes: 25 November 2020

Phoenix Collective | Songs & Folk | LIVE! Concert

4 musicians with violins, viola and cello

Saturday 14th November - 2:30pm
Hunter Baillie Presbyterian Church, cnr Johnston and Collins Streets

This final concert for the year celebrates the human spirit, the music of the people. Composers have always incorporated folk music into their work. What is it that makes it folk music?
Simplicity, purity or a unique style? Perhaps time, for it to be passed down through the generations. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure, it brings us together, inspires you to dance and love life itself. Come on a journey, exploring traditional music from Australia, Ireland, America, Czech, Scandinavia and Russia.

PCQ | Waltz after Lasse :​ ​

Phoenix Collective Quartet - Songs & Folk program:
Trad. Australian/ Irish: Matilda/ Si Beag Si Mohr
Florence Price, Folk Songs in Counterpoint: Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Dvořák, Cypress No.9 for String Quartet
Nordic Folk ‘Wood Works’: Bridal Trilogy arr. Danish String Quartet
Borodin String Quartet No.2

LIMITED SEATING due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Tickets $40 from

Covid Safe Recital - 5pm Saturday 21 November 2020

Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, cnr Johnston and Collins Streets

Trumpet: David Elton, Principal SSO
Organ: Stacey Yang, Ted Grantham

Music: Bach, Handel, Haydn, Stanley, Buxtehude, &c.

Entry by Donation


Westconnex -16 October 2020 Update

The Crescent overpass and changes to approved Rozelle Interchange truck routes

This week’s update provides details about two important changes recently approved by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment:

We appreciate that these are significant changes and to provide as much information as possible in this update without making it too long, we have included the following information in the documents attached:

Approval of Modification 2 - The Crescent overpass and active transport links

Many of you will be aware that the Department of Planning, Industry and the Environment has approved this Modification proposed by Transport for NSW which includes significant improvements to the original approved design of the Rozelle Interchange. John Holland CPB have been engaged as the construction contractor to build the approved changes including:

The image below shows an aerial view of the approved modified design and we’ve included a summary of each of these key elements in this update. Work to build these changes will start in the coming weeks and further, more detailed information about the construction work required will be provided in our regular updates moving forward.

The Crescent overpass

Perhaps the most signification element of the Modification, the overpass is an elevated single lane of traffic which will replace the existing right turn movement for vehicles travelling towards ANZAC Bridge and Victoria Road from The Crescent and Johnston Street. Allowing motorists to make this movement without stopping at the traffic lights at City West Link is expected to greatly improve traffic conditions and reduce congestion at the end of the project.

It will begin at road level at Johnston Street and gradually rise to reach its highest point above the westbound lanes on City West Link, before descending to return to road level at the signalised intersection on The Crescent at James Craig Road. When complete, the road surface of the overpass will be approximately 9m above City West Link at its highest point, similar to the Green Link Bridge.

In end state, The Crescent northbound bus stop (Stop ID 203816) will be relocated 80m south towards Johnston Street (from its original location) where an indented bus bay will be built. Long term temporary relocations of this bus stop will be required during construction.

Green Link Bridge and connecting shared user path ramp to The Crescent near Johnston Street

The Green Link Bridge is a 15m wide bridge that will provide a direct connection for pedestrian and cyclists between the Rozelle Bay light rail station and the future Rozelle Rail Yards parklands.

The bridge will follow a gentle s-shaped curve and include a central shared user path with vegetation planting zones on either side. A new 4.5m wide shared user path ramp will be built to connect the Green Link Bridge and the Rozelle Bay light rail station with The Crescent near Johnston Street.

In order to maximise the width of the shared user path ramp and achieve a seamless transition for users between the ramp and the bridge, vegetation will not be included on a 30m section where the bridge joins the Rozelle Bay light rail station. Unfortunately the ramped nature of this section does not allow for the required soil depth to support planting.

"The artist’s impression below shows the final configuration of City West Link/The Crescent intersection, The Crescent overpass and improved Green Link Bridge approved in Modification 2."

Building the bridges

Both the overpass and the Green Link Bridge will be built over multiple different stages due to the complex nature of the traffic management required and scheduling of other road and bridge construction on City West Link and The Crescent.

An abutment will be built to support each end of the elevated sections of the bridges and a series of piers (support columns) will be built between the abutments to belp support the bridge sections.

Multiple steel girders will be lifted into position on top of the piers and abutments and road pavement, barriers and throw screens, handrails, lights and other road furniture will then be built on top of the girders. It is likely that a lot of these girders will be lifted into place at night when traffic volumes are lower and can be diverted around the work area.

The removal of some additional trees may be required in The Crescent West site to allow for construction of the Green Link Bridge and shared user path ramp. We'll continue to thoroughly assess the possibilities to retain as many trees as possible as the stages of construction progress.

Upgrading The Crescent/Johnston Street/Chapman Road intersection

Under the approved Modification, the following changes will be made to The Crescent/ Johnston Street intersection:

Removal of the horseshoe shaped shared user path

Originally included in the 2019 Modification proposal as a replacement for the Beatrice Bush Bridge, this bridge was to be located east of the Green Link Bridge to provide pedestrian and cyclist connectivity between Rozelle and the Rozelle Bay foreshore and Bicentennial Park precincts.

Following community feedback and further development of the Modification proposal through the design review process, the removal of this bridge was approved as part of the current Modification. Removing this bridge provided opportunity to significantly improve the visual amenity of the remaining elevated bridge connections (the overpass and the Green Link Bridge) by reducing the number and height of these remaining structures.

More information

More information about the changes included in this Modification, including the Modification Assessment Report and a copy of the amended Minister's Conditions of Approval can be found here on the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment planning portal.

Approval for trucks to use Johnston Street to access sites on The Crescent

The Traffic and Transport and Access Management Sub-plan (TTAMP) outlines the approved routes that Rozelle Interchange trucks can use to access our sites. The TTAMP is approved by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and has recently been updated to include the use of Johnston Street for trucks to access our sites on The Crescent to facilitate construction work.

Approved routes for trucks using Johnston Street

Trucks will only use Johnston Street to access our sites and work areas on Johnston Street and The Crescent, as indicated in the map below. Trucks accessing other sites will use approved routes outlined in the TTAMP.

The Crescent East: trucks will transport spoil (excavated material) from the excavation work to widen the existing Whites Creek channel. We’ll also be building a new bridge over the channel at road level which will be a lot wider. The wider span will greatly improve stormwater drainage in the area.

The Crescent West: trucks will transport spoil from construction work inside this site

Types of trucks using Johnston Street

Most trucks using Johnston Street to access our sites on The Crescent will be a truck and dog. As they can carry more material than smaller rigid trucks, using truck and dogs will reduce the total number of truck movements in and out of these sites by more than 4,500 over the course of the Project:

The following restrictions will be in place during school pick up and drop off times:

Rules for trucks using Johnston Street

The TTAMP outlines specific rules for trucks transporting spoil, including those using Johnston Street. They must:

More information

More information about how we’re managing trucks using Johnston Street can be found in our Rozelle Interchange trucks using Johnston Street factsheet.

A copy of the latest Traffic and Transport and Access Management Sub-plan is available here on the WestConnex website.

How to report a trucking incident

We take trucking incidents and driver behaviour very seriously and will investigate any complaint we receive.

To distinguish them from other trucks on Johnston Street, spoil trucks working for the Rozelle Interchange will have the below sticker displayed on the side of their first trailer:

You can report a trucking incident by emailing or calling us on 1800 660 248.

It’s important if you can let us know the truck registration or the number on the Rozelle Interchange sticker.

If you have any questions about these changes or would like to make a complaint or discuss our work in more detail, please contact the Rozelle Interchange Community Team on 1800 660 248 or via (please note, you cannot respond directly to this email).

Warm regards
Community Relations Annandale

Time of Ngoonungi - Murrai'yunggory (cool, getting warmer) September - October

stalk of cream flowers

"A magical time of the year when the flying foxes gather in the darkening skies over D'harawal Lands" ...more

What's on 29 October 2020

Loaded Dog turns 30

two people on stage two people on stage The Loaded Dog Folkclub opened at the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre on the 17 November 1990. Carole Garland was the driving force which got the club off the ground. 30 years later Carole performed with her son under COVID-19 restrictions at the Leichhardt Bolo on 24 October 2020. Carole also performed at the 20th and 25th celebrations in 2010 and 2015 at the Annandale Community Centre. Photographs Sandra Nixon.

The club took its name from Henry Lawson's tale in which a Dog runs around town with a cartridge of blasting-powder igniting the fuse by trailing it through a fire.

The Celebration was held on Saturday 24 October under COVID-19 Conditions at the Leichhardt Bowlo in Piper Street, Lilyfield.

Loaded Dog pre-covid plans

Annandale Community Centre [Back Hall (wheel chair accessible)]
79 Johnston St, ANNANDALE
doors open 7.00pm for 7.30pm start
Cost $18/20 BYO, supper available
enquiries – (02) 9358 4886
more information

Johnston Street Jazz

two people on stage

Johnston Street Jazz went online when the COVID-19 Lockdown came into force.

Several shows with different performers were streamed weekly from a secret bunker at Tempe.

BRETT MCMAHON: 'After Nature'

Opens Saturday 5th Sept Noon-4pm In the presence of the Artist
Annandale Galleries more

Annandale Artist Merrick Fry: Still Life In It (2020)

The still life (spilling into a landscape) has always interested me...

Westconnex abandons blasting the tunnel under Annandale and Leichhardt

"A WestConnex spokeswoman said after analysing the results of the blasts "of approximately one second each" under Annandale, the contractor had determined the controlled blasting method was not viable at that location...SMH, 3 September 2020,

WESTCONNEX Work Update, Lilyfield, Rozelle and Annandale N0166 Week starting 7 September 2020 (Update no. 166 2 September 2020)
Rozelle Interchange construction work happening across Lilyfield, Rozelle and Annandale


Work Update, Lilyfield, Rozelle and Annandale N0170 2 September 2020

Next week noisy night work will be carried out on Wednesday 9 September (7pm to 6am), Friday 11 September (7pm until 8am on Saturday) and Saturday 12 September (7pm until 10am on Sunday). We've highlighted the approximate locations of night work next week in the below map. Please note other activities such as traffic control setup may occur outside of the highlighted areas:mobilising/demobilising traffic control setup; utility work: trenching, locating existing services, installing conduits/pipes and backfilling; median work, line marking removal; asphalting: demolition/installation of medians; and barriers, milling and resheeting new road pavement vegetation removal in the Light Rail corridor: can only start once the light rail service is temporarily closed from 12am. Work will involve using petrol chainsaws demolition of Beatrice Bush Bridge saw cutting and using hand tools to remove sections of the bridge by crane. This is the only noisy activity happening on Friday 11 and Saturday 12 September; Traffic switches: opening the ground to change traffic signals and relocate utilities, moving or installing new barriers and traffic islands, linemarking/linemarking; removal, asphalting

The Urban Design Landscape Plan (UDLP)

plan" The UDLP outlines the urban design and landscaping objectives for the Rozelle Interchange project (the Project), including details of the transformation of the former Rozelle Rail Yards into an open green space of up to 10 hectares.
The Project is in the final stages of preparing a draft UDLP which will go on public exhibition and consultation in the coming weeks.
Before public exhibition and consultation, an online survey is available for the community to inform us on what aspects of urban design and landscaping they are most interested in learning about. This feedback will be used to ensure the Project provides the information needed during the formal exhibition period.
There is also a Factsheet that outlines further information about the upcoming UDLP....

Pop-up transport

Bridge Road / Pyrmont Bridge Road, Annandale/ Glebe / Pyrmont Speed reduced to 40 km/h & New Cycleways (Speed reduced to 40 km/h)
Crescent/ Minogue Crescent/ Ross Street, Annandale/Forest Lodge Speed reduced to 50 km/h
- "Transport for NSW is fast-tracking pop-up transport changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic".... viewed 12 Jul 2020

What's on in Annandale (4 Sep 2020)

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

Time of Wiritjiribin - Tugarah Gunya'marri (cold and windy) August

The lyrebirds' calls ring out through the bushland ...more

Footprints online

Due to COVID-19 Footprints ecoFestival will be online this year year.

Saturday 29 August 2020 11-3pm

Eco-Storytime on 24 August:

Westconnex Test Blasting

On Monday 27 July, Westconnex carried out underground blast tests...Clr Marghanita da Cruz has called on the EPA to make the results public. The monitoring equipment was placed on the surface at various locations around Reserve Street between Annandale and Johnston Streets...more

Westconnex Annandale Test Blasts Results

Alarmingly, Westconnex nearly exceeded their license limit of 10 with the test blasts recording 9.3. These test blasts were carried out near the ridge line where the tunnel is deepest at around 37m. The proposal is to use the techique between Young and Catherine Streets, where the tunnel is just 12-14m under homes in the white's creek valley.

Tunnel Depth Map:

Test Results (though month wrong in table) at:
"Westconnex Environment Protection Licence Monitoring Data

Project Name: WestConnex Stage 3A - M4-M5 Link Mainline Tunnels
Monitoring Period: July 2020
Licensee: Samsung C&T Corporation, Bouygues Construction Australia Pty Ltd, Lendlease Engineering Pty Limited
Environment Protection Licence Number: 21149
Premise Address: WestConnex between M4 East at Haberfield and The New M5 at St. Peters, Marrickville NSW 2204
Public Register:
Monitoring Type: Ground Vibration Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) Monitoring
1.E2: Controlled Blasting Trial...

[Works update]M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Work notification | 28 February 2020

Dealing with COVID-19

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19: wash your hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub. Cover coughs and sneexes with a bent elbow. Wash hands after.Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Keep 1m distance away from others.Wash your hands, stay home if sick, stay at least 1.5m appart.

Stay well at this difficult time. Please reach out if you need help.

Beyond Blue advice and support call 1800 512 348

How to protect yourself and others:Wash your hands regularly and keep your distance from others but stay connected...more.

Supply of Food and other essentials

ACCC Response (Reference: REF2903312) [SEC=OFFICIAL]31/3/20, 3:33 pm
Dear Ms da Cruz
Thank you for writing to us about your local grocery stores stock supply concerns. The ACCC will continue to actively engage with governments and businesses about potential authorisations that support coordination between competitors that is ordinarily prohibited but which is necessary and in the public interest at this time. For example the application by supermarkets allowing a coordinated approach to best ensure grocery supply. The ACCC is assessing the market during this time and we welcome reports about potential conduct that may raise concerns under the laws we administer.
We hope the information we have provided is helpful.
Yours sincerely
Public Information Officer | Infocentre

Johnston Street Jazz Now Streaming

Johnston St Jazz

23 July : Michael J Brady trio
30 July : Matt Ottignon and Stu Hunter

We're still not sure when we'll be allowed back into a room with an audience, but we're pretty sure that we'll keep broadcasting for those of you who can't make it.

Streaming via facebook(you don't need a facebook account unless you want to join the chat). Please join us at

If you miss the show, we keep them online for a week (and sometimes a bit longer). Watch at a convenient time at You don't need a facebook account. And please, if you enjoy the music pay the musicians. It's their jobs. Our bank account and PayPal details at

This was the schedule prior to COVID-19 lockdown Yulugi streamed

MusiciansJohnston Street Jazz, 6 Aug 2020 livestream from bunker in the inner west during covid-19

Westconnex - Rozelle Interchange
Night Work Booth Street in front of Post Office and Johnston Street in front of St Aidan's

Utilities Investigation Night Work on Booth and Johnston Streets, Annandale
redundant AUSGRID Cable which runs between Booth Stree in Annandale and the Bay Run in Rozelle.
Work Nights: Thurs 16 Jul, Fri 17 Jul, Tues 21 Jul, Thu 23 July, Fri 24 Jul - 7pm to 6am
Rozelle Interchange, Work notification, 10 July 2020. Possibly available at

Work Update, Lilyfield, Rozelle and Annandale N0149

12 August 2020
Week starting 17 August 2020 (Update no. 149)
Good afternoon
Below is an overview of Rozelle Interchange construction work happening across Lilyfield, Rozelle and Annandale next week.
In August, September and October, there will be some key changes to your commute in Rozelle and Annandale whether you’re a pedestrian, cyclist or motorist. In an effort to provide clear and detailed information about these changes, a separate email will be sent this afternoon titled Important changes to your route. Please look out for it.
We recognise that we're sending a lot of emails this week as a number of key project updates are announced. We appreciate that residents prefer consolidated emails from the project and will endeavour to do this with our regular updates where possible....

What's on in Annandale

Rozelle Railyards Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) on exhibition

Footprints ecofestival online 29 August

ecoStory Time 24 August

Popup Cycleways and lower speed limits the Crescent and Bridge Road

Recent DAs and determinations

Annandale 100 years ago

-- Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202

Special Covid Safe Twilight Music Recital

sandstone entrance to church with iron gates

David Elton (Trumpet), Katy Wooley (horn), Stacey Yang and Ted Grantham (1892 Hill and Son Church organ).
Saturday 8 August at 4.30 pm (subject to Government regulations)
Hunter Baillie Church (sandstone one with steeple) cnr Johnston and Collins Streets

Entry by Donation

Time of Burrugin - Tugarah Tuli (cold, frosty, short days) June to late July

This is the time when the male Burrugin (echidnas) ...more

Westconnex Blasting

M4-M5 Link Tunnels: Work notification | 20 July 2020
Controlled trial blast - Reserve Street, Annandale

"Due to a section of hard sandstone underneath Annandale, the M4-M5 Link Tunnels team is trialling a number of different tunnelling methodologies to complete this work safely and efficiently. The Project is exploring the viability of using controlled blasting as an excavation method. Controlled blasting is a common tunnel excavation method that has been safely used on other Sydney tunnel projects and may reduce the overall noise and vibration impacts when compared to other excavation methodologies"....

M4-M5 Link Tunnels
Controlled Blasting Factsheet | 2020

What is controlled blasting?
Controlled blasting is a tunnelling method commonly used to excavate hard rock using small charges to break up the rock. It involves pre-drilling a series of small diameter holes in the rock face, loading the holes with small charges and detonating them to break the rock into removable pieces"...

WestConnex info line
1800 660 248
or visit roads-projects/m4-m5-link- tunnels/ for more information.

What's on 24 July 2020

Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202

Time of Marrai'gang - Bana'murrai'yung (wet becoming cooler) April - June

The time of the year when the cries of the Marrai'gang (Quoll) ...more

DA for Tuck Shop in Trafalgar Street (opposite Annandale Public School)

wooden building with verandah DA/2020/0390 - Development Application - 25-27 Trafalgar Street ANNANDALE NSW 2038
Description Demolition of some of the existing buildings. Preservation/renovation of existing shop building and street awning. Construction of a new two bedroom house with home office in the retained existing shop building.
On Exhibition until 25/06/2020

View DA and make submission at

Local Approvals Policy on exhibition until 21 June 2020

The Local Approvals policy controls activities under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. The policy:
Identifies works that are exempt i.e. can be undertaken without prior approval
Specifies which works require approval through an activity application
Outlines criteria for consideration in the approval of activity applications ..

Inner West Council Budget on Exhibition


Projected Performance 2023-2028

You are invited to provide feedback on the draft strategic documents
Last day to provide feedback is 5pm Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Read Documents and comment at

MOD 2 - The Crescent overpass and active transport links - Response from Proponent


Some improvements for pedestrians and cyclists in latest proposal from Westconnex Contractors JB Holland (the proponents)
- pedestrian access and light rail interchange to bus stop on the water side of the crescent still not clear
- the artist impression still protrays quiet roads - we need a video showing the projected traffic increase on Johnston Street.

"The Department has received a response to the issues raised in submissions for the WestConnex M4-M5 Link - MOD 2 - The Crescent overpass and active transport links. You can access this document on the Major Projects Website.
The Department will now commence its assessment having regard to the issues raised in submissions and the proponents response. If you have any enquiries, please contact Fadi Shakir on 02 9274 6277 /at"
- Proponent's response at

What's on 15 June 2020

-- Marghanita da Cruz, Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202

Johnston St Jazz

11th June 8pm Christa Hughes and the Loudhailers
28th may : Zela Margossian
4 June : George Washingmachine with Barney Wakeford
18 June : Phantom Jazz : Gerad Masters, Brett Hirst, Miles Thomas
25 June : Dr Dan and the Gris Gris combo (Dan Barnett)
2 July : Sam Gill

Johnston Street Jazz newsletter

Vale Heather Melbourne

213Heather Melbourne leaving her home in Annandale at 215 Nelson Street in October 2015

19 April 1932 - 11 May 2020

I have many fond memories of Heather. I met Heather at the Rozelle Bay Community Nursery where we both did Bushcare. ..

Planning Proposal - 1-5 Chester Street (East), Annandale
Agenda Inner West Council Meeting 26 May 2020

Item No: C0520(2) Item 2
Subject: Planning Proposal - 1-5 Chester Street, Annandale
Prepared By: Gunika Singh - Strategic Planner
Authorised By: Harjeet Atwal - Senior Manager Planning
THAT Council:
1. Support the Planning Proposal for 1-5 Chester Street Annandale and the associated site-specific Leichhardt Development Control Plan (DCP) 2013 amendment for the reasons recommended in the Council officers’ assessment report (Attachment 1);
2. Forward the Planning Proposal to Minister for Planning and Public Spaces for a Gateway Determination in accordance with Section 3.33 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979;
3. Request the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces to delegate the plan-making functions for the Planning Proposal to Council;
4. Should Planning Proposal receive a favourable Gateway Determination, place the Planning Proposal (Attachment 2) and draft DCP amendment (Attachment 3) on public exhibition to meet the requirements of the Gateway Determination and Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979; and
5. Receive a post exhibition report for its consideration.

What's on 22 May 2020

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

14th May 8pm: Anoesis

Anoesis is a Sydney based quintet formed in 2017 after its founding members met while studying music at the University of New South Wales. The group’s sound is complex and spontaneous, with each member's compositional and improvisational contribution feeding into ...more

WestConnex - M4-M5 Link
MOD 2 - The Crescent overpass and active transport links

Please take 10 minutes to write a submission objecting to the loss of pedestrian connectivity from Annandale to the Foreshore. Make submissions at

Your submission only needs to be short and personal covering all or any or the following points:MOD 2 - The Crescent overpass and active transport links
Constructing a grade separated vehicular overpass comprising a two-lane east-bound flyover separating the at-grade intersection at The Crescent and City West Link and relocation of the Rozelle Rail Yard Pedestrian and Cycling Green Link. Application Number SSI-7485-Mod-2. Assessment Type SSI Modifications
Development Type Road transport facilities.Exhibition Start 29/04/2020 Exhibition End 13/05/2020

  1. Thank them for taking onboard community comment
  2. Note The Inner-West already has very little open space compared to other Sydney districts and connectivity is critical to improving this
  3. The horseshoe bridge shared-user path should be reinstated as a park-to-park connection
  4. The bridge can be designed to create an attractive urban design element
  5. The bridge can be used to provide a lookout for users providing attractive vistas of Rozelle Bay
  6. Remove the down-ramp to the green bridge so that an ‘at grade’ (bay level) wheelchair-accessible pedestrian path can be put in its place.
  7. Move the road overpass to the centre lane. This provides more space for the pedestrian path. It also makes the vehicle journey more logical as vehicles will naturally get into the right lane to turn right, not the left lane.
  8. Provide more space for passengers to wait and alight buses without conflicting with cyclists, pedestrians, joggers, dogs and prams on this narrow shared path and better connection to light rail
  9. how this proposal will impact you, your family and your neighbourhood the better.
  10. The evidence demonstrates this modification won’t solve congestion in Annandale
  11. This overpass is only designed to address the additional traffic that will be created by WestConnex. It will not reduce the amount of traffic in Annandale but will negatively impact local residents, cyclists and pedestrians.
  12. An underpass would be less overbearing on the local area. The plan for an overpass should be replaced by a short tunnel under the City West Link with slot trench approaches. An underpass provides the best visual and urban outcomes and should allow the retention of the green link in a location to best connect different areas of greenspace together.
  13. There is now no direct pedestrian and cycling link between the Glebe foreshore and Rozelle Goods Yard
  14. The people’s mural will be obscured The proposed overpass will obstruct Rodney Monk’s heritage mural which decorates the northern side of the light rail viaduct along The Crescent and has significant local heritage value.

Exhibition closes 13 May 2020 More at

Modification includes:

Application Number SSI-7485-Mod-2
Assessment Type SSI Modifications
Development Type Road transport facilities
Exhibition Start 29/04/2020 Exhibition End 13/05/2020
More information and make submissions at

THURSDAY, 30 APRIL 2020 FROM 19:00-21:00
Sydney Jazz Community Celebrates International Jazz Day

Johnston St Jazz Johnston St Jazz

21st May : Matt McMahon + tim Bruer : two piano solos

7th May 2020, Julian Curwin 'Midnight Lullaby' album launch

JSJ and SIMA come together to bring International Jazz Day Program:
7pm Kate Wadey Trio (live streaming)
7:30pm Mezza/Ginsburg Ensemble (prerecorded)
8pm – Jeremy Rose Quartet (live streaming)

What's on (30 April 2020)


Johnston Street Jazz (16 April)

Johnston Street Jazz live streaming Thursday nights at 8pm "You can watch for free, but please pay the musician as if you were coming to the gig - 100% goes to the musicians." ...16 April 8pm - Hilary Geddes Quartet

What's on in Annandale (15 April 2020)

Useful Links

Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

Johnston Street Jazz Now Streaming

Johnston St Jazz

In response to the COVID-19 Social Distancing requirements, Johnston Street Jazz has started to streamed their shows via facebook.

Elsen Price self-isolating under his bass 2nd April 8pm

This Thursday Johnston Street Jazz is streaming from 8pm on the Johnston St Jazz facebook page.

You'll be able to watch the music in high quality audio and video, and pay the musicians for their work

Please join us at

Elsen Price Plugged In
Elsen a genius, working across folk and world music, new classical and avant-garde, jazz and free improv. He is an incredible consumer of music, and his weekly show on EastSide FM, New Australia, is an incredible insight into the music being created in the new music community.

Streaming live to FaceBook (and possibly YouTube) from a secret sterile jazz bunke with Peter Nelson on audio, muxing and tech by Simon Dunstan from Awesome Sound. Nobody will touch anybody. You can watch for free, but please pay the musician as if you were coming to the gig - 100% goes to Elsen.

Acc name: Eight O’Clock Sharp
BSB xxxxx
Acc no xxx

If you still have an income, but you're working from home, #donateyourcommute

What's on (2 April 2020)

Annandale Self Guided Walks here

History of Annandale here

Johnston Street Jazz Club is now streaming on Thursday nights at 8pm.

Tim Clarkson Triowas live at Johnston Street Jazz last Thursday here

Inner West E-Library at here

Information on Homeschooling here

Social Distancing on Public Transport here

COVID-19 Information and Assistance

How to protect yourself and others - Wash your hands regularly and keep your distance from others but stay connected. here

NSW Government Website here

Australian Government here

Inner West Council

How to support someone here

WHO gives advice on how to boost your health to fight Covid-19 here

World Health Organisation and FIFA: Pass the message: Five steps to kicking out coronavirus here

Beyond Blue Get immediate support here

Stay well at this difficult time. Take a walk. Please reach out if you need help.
Marghanita, Editor Annandale on the Web
Tel 0414-869202
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

Time of Burran - Gadalung Marool (hot and dry) January - March

The behaviour of the male kangaroos becomes ...more

Tim Clarkson. David Groves. Cameron Reid.

Johnston St Jazz presents a live concert directly to you, wherever you are.
Live streamed to facebook video Thursday March 26 20:00-21:30.

"I remember meeting each of them for the first time, separately, as young musicians, earlier this century. Back then, they all shone. A decade+ of full time musical work later, they are joining the greats"...
You can watch for free, but please pay these otherwise-unemployed musicians as if you were coming to the gig - 100% goes to the band.
If you still have an income, but you're working from home, #donateyourcommute at Tim Clarkson Trio live-streaming

Public · Hosted by Johnston Street Jazz and Awesome Sound

More at facebook: Johnston Street Jazz

Covid-19 Information

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19: wash your hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub. Cover coughs and sneexes with a bent elbow. Wash hands after.Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Keep 1m distance away from others.

Covid-19 Information: NSW Government Health | World Health Organisation | Australian Governement Health | US Centre for Disease Control

Coronavirus: WHO gives advice on how to boost your health to fight Covid-19 | FIFA: 5 steps to kicking out Coronavirus

NSW Department of Health

Latest updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

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Australian Department of Health

"The World Health Organization has announced that COVID-19 is a pandemic. Find out how we are monitoring and responding to the outbreak, how you can help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Australia, and what to do if you have symptoms. We also report the latest official medical advice and case numbers." ..

US Centre for Disease Control

Coronavirus (COVID-19) What You Need to Know..

Phillip Johnston & Paul Cutlan ONLINE TONIGHT 19 March 2020

Tonight, we are only online. We'll be streaming from 8pm on the Johnston St Jazz facebook page, but the doors will not be open. Please join us at

The Uniting Church in Australia decided last night to cancel all events in all of it's properties. It's the safe decision. We were planning to live stream from the venue, but we'll be doing it from somewhere else instead. We hope to continue to present live music every Thursday night on the internet. Maybe it will be from the musicians back yard (just like Philip and Paul's photo below), hopefully we will have an option to donate to the musicians.
Tonight we have a stage, lights, and Peter Nelson's microphones. Open a bottle of wine and join us from your lounge

What's on in Annandale - Advice from NSW Health on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) information at

As of 11am 16 March 2020 in NSW:
Confirmed cases: 171
Cases under investigation: 1,282
Cases tested and excluded: 25,511
Total: 26,964

Clean your hands
Cover your coughs and sneezes
Stay at home if sick

Feeling unwell?

If you develop a fever, a cough, sore throat or shortness of breath within 14 days of overseas travel, seek medical attention.
Call your GP
Visit the Emergency Department
Call Healthdirect 1800 022 222

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Health professionals
NSW Health response

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What's on in Annandale (22 Feb)

More at
Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202

Johnston Street Jazz

Jazz Band Superb drummer Chloe Kim debuting her new 8 piece band Rain Patterns. Isabella Morison(vox) Bernice Tesara (tpt)Tessie Overmyer (sax) Carla Dobbie (tromb) Lauren Tsamouras (pno) Hilary Geddes (guit) Lauren White (bs) Chloe Kim (dr) Jazz Band Encore by the Singers who had performed earlier in the night.

Phoenix Collective

4 people

15 Feb 2020 - Hunter Baillie Church, Annandale 2.30pm

Program - Concert 1 - Intricate Machines
Steve Reich, Different Trains
Arvo Pärt, Fratres
J.S Bach, Art of Fugue
Dvořák String Quartet No.12 Op.96, American

A concert inspired by mechanics, wheels, cogs, precision, construction and repetition. An ode to the industrial revolution, the hum of a busy city and drive of a locomotive. Experience the complexity of Reich's 'Different Trains' for CD and live quartet, Pärt's mesmerising 'Fratres', Bach's 'Art of Fugue' and Dvořák's masterpiece 'The American' string quartet....

Summer evening WIRES Fundraiser

Elisabeth Harnik (Austria) with Phoebe Bognár Freya Schack-Arnott Clayton Thomas Two sets of spontaneous music for Piano, flute, cello and double bass, Thrusday January 23, 2020 Johsnton St Jazz, 81 Johnston St Annandale

Johnston Street Jazz, 7.30 Thursday 23 January 2020
starring Elisabeth Harnik

Austrian pianist Elisabeth Harnik will perform her first every Australian concert, in the company of incredible flautist Phoebe Bognár, virtuosic cellist Freya Schack-Arnott, and amenable double bassist Clayton Thomas. Clayton has performed with Elisabeth in concerts in Berlin, Graz and Ulrichsburg, and now finally Australia.

It would be very nice to fill the room and make her feel welcome. It would also be nice to use this opportunity to help raise funds. There’s no shortage of need out there, but we’ve nominated to give 20% of ticket sales to WIRES, wildlife rescue.

What's on in Annandale (23 Jan)

Jazz on Johnston tonight: Elisabeth Harnik on piano all the way from Austria. Our beloved Sydney musicians Clayton Thomas on double bass. Phoebe Bognár on flute and Freya Schack-Arnott with the cell
8pm at 81 Johston St Annandale (20% of all ticket sales to WIRES)

Donate to Rural Fire Servoce…/support-your-local-brigade
Donate to Red Cross
Donate or Join WIRES "In WIRES history we have never seen a concurrent series of emergencies events like those that began in November"...
Donate to Koala Hopital or adopt a Koala
Sign the Disaster Levy Petition from the Australia Institute:

Westconnex chops trees down and brings trucks to Johnston Street, the Crescent and Parramatta Road.

Advice on dealing with extreme heat

Free Rainwater Harvesting Workshop - Annandale 8 February 2020 booked out
but more information

Phoenix Collective
15 Feb 2020 - Hunter Baillie Church, Annandale 2.30pm

Venice to Versailles in the age of splendour (Early Music) 15,22,29 March

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
What's on in Annandale: