Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998
Aboriginal Australia | 1770-1823 | 1823-1876 | 1876-1889 | 1890-1900 | 1900-1915 | 1916-1930 | 1931-1938 | 1939-1945 | 1945-1955 | 1956-1969 | 1970-1998 | 1998-2007 | 2008-2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | What's on | Blog | Instagram | Places | People | Events |
This Season begins with the Great Eel Spirit ...more
"Parts of White Bay and Glebe Island are under consideration as potential support areas for the proposed Western Harbour Tunnel.
The areas may be proposed for use on a temporary basis to:
* Stage deliveries and personnel for water-based construction of the harbour crossing;
* handle tunnel spol arriving by barge for trasnfer to road transport;
* construct concrete elements for the Wstern Harbour Tunnel; and
* Transfer a small quantity of sediment from Sydney Harbour to the site for treatment then transport by road for safe disposal"..- source: leaflet dropped in Annandale Letterboxes about 11 May 2018
"Glebe Island adjacent to White Bay will be used as a spoil handling area for the Western Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Freeway Upgrade project, prior to the commencement of works for the Bays Precinct in 2022. "..Western Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Freeway Upgrade Scoping Report (October 2017)
Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link
Inner West Council will be responding to the response to Westconnex's 400 page response to council's 300 page submission to the M4-M5 EIS and the Preferred Infrastructure Report (PIR).
The response from Westconnex to all 13,000 submissions + the PIR is currently being assessed by the department of planning who wil make a recommendation to the minister.
Community Members can contact council staff and councillors to make their views on the proposal clear and incorporated into the response to the Department of Planning. But we can also write to our MPs and Ministers.
The Project is currently being assessed by Department of Planning - see submissions, response to submissions including Preferred Infrastructure Report - this will then go to the minister for signoff. More at:
Inner West Council's westconnex page includes how to contact the westconnex unit and about the WestConnex Community Liaison Forum (which people from Haberfield and St Peters are very active on)
Exec Summary:
Traffic Information:
E.M.Grantham- Organ- Buxtehude and Handel
Ljubo Oblikov- Cello- Oblilov, Rachmaninov, Shostakovich, Dvorak
Andrew Wells- Piano- Schumann
Hunter Baillie Presbyterian Church, Cnr Collins and Johnston St, Annandale
November 22nd 2019 at 6pm
Entry is by donation
Air Quality in Sydney has plumetted and the pollution has persisted despite strong winds.
Read more
Community information session 30 November 2019
"Join us for a free sausage sizzle and learn more about our work at Johnstons Creek.The project team from Sydney Water will be on hand to discuss this project and answer your questions."
Date: Saturday 30 November 2019
Time: 11 am to 1 pm
Where: Federal Park (between Nelson Street and Dalgal Way)
"We are improving liveability and waterway health across Sydney. As part of this work we will be naturalising Johnstons Creek to make it a better place for you to enjoy and to help support a healthy environment... The project involves:
replacing the old concrete banks with sandstone and native plants
creating a natural planted stormwater system (wetland) in Federal Park near Dalgal Way
expanding the salt marsh around the creek and creating intertidal rock pools
creating a boardwalk, paths and new seating replacing the old footbridge near Dalgal way....
Read more about Johnston Creek
Carols in the Gardens, 6.30pm Friday 6 December
Aspire Choir 10am 30 November
Sandstone Church cnr Johnston and Collins St
More at
Dr Jack Barton, the Outreach Manager Geospatial Research Innovation and Development at UNSW and his team are doing a 3D scan of the amazing facade of the former Methodist Church at 81 Johnston Street, Annandale. The facade has deteriorated significantly in recent years.
The carved sandstone was originally part of the Bull Warehouse in the city. The warehouse burnt down and the black marks can still be seen in the facade. The parts of the facade were transferred to Annandale and reused in the facade of the Church. More at Methodist (now Uniting) Church, 81 Johnston Street
Philip Drew has researched the history of the facade. See Eco-Annandale 2015, THE MYSTERY OF THOMAS WRAN'S ANNANDALE SCULPTURES and Thomas Vallance Wran : the Annandale sculptures 1873-74 / Philip Drew.
Community Consultation on the Naturalisation of Johnston's Creek
11-1pm Saturday 30 November, Federal Park (between Nelson Street and Dalgal Way)
Air Quality in the Inner West
Carols in the Gardens, 6.30pm Friday 6 December
Aspire Choir 10am 30 November
Sandstone Church cnr Johnston and Collins St
Johnston Street Jazz
8pm Thu 28 Nov : Trio improvised
Discover your sense of balance in a one day workshop presented by The Australian Feldenkrais Guild.
Learn to Move and Balance with more freedom and confidence.
10am to 2pm Saturday 14 December
WHERE Harold Park Tramsheds Community Centre
COST $65
Comment on Trees, Parking and more at:
"Trees bring so much to Annandale. They cool our suburb, provide much-needed wildlife habitat, filter urban pollutants, and help to mitigate the impacts of climate Change" - Jamie Parker
6-6.45pm Thursday 7 November 2019
Corner of Railway Pde and Brennan St Annandale
"Homes which sit within the identified ‘zone of influence’ of the tunnel in Leichhardt, Annandale, Lilyfield and Rozelle may be impacted."
More information at:
Street Meeting Jamie Parker MP - Westconnex destruction of Trees
6-6.45pm Thursday 7 November
Intersection of Brennan St and Railway Parade
Jamie Parker MP - Westconnex Tunnelling
Johnston Street Jazz Dianne Cripps Southern Comfort
8pm, 7 November at 81 Johnston Street
Loaded Dog Folk Club Nov 23 - Kate Maclurcan & the Loose Ends + Peter
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
The time of the gathering of the flying foxes. A magical time of the year when the flying foxes ...more
NoW Annandale are organising a "farewell picnic" for Buruwan Park 4-5pm Sunday 10th March 2019.
Come along and let the NSW Government, Westconnex and RMS know that you know that they are destroying a precious park, trees and habitat the the community has worked on for over 25 years.
Council has put up corflutes in the park to inform the hundreds of pedestrians, cyclists, light rail and bus passengers who use the park every day.
The RMS is yet to advise how pedestrians and cyclists will get to work, school and everywhere else they go via the park during construction and operation of the proposed road widening of the Crescent Annandale as part of Westconnex Stage 3.
There is an issue of trees being destroyed and increased heat island affect as well as over 25 years of Bush regeneration by volunteers.
Photos Tony Grech
A good time to email state and federal MPs, the Minister for Transport, the Minister for Planning, the Minster for the Environment and the Premier.
On 11 February 2019 Roads & Maritime Services informed Inner West Council that it would be exercising its powers under the NSW Roads Act to undertake activities for WestConnex Stage 3B (M4-M5 Link Rozelle Interchange) on the following roads in the Local Government Area:
* Gordon Street, Rozelle (No Public Access upon assumption)
* Railway Parade, Annandale
* The Crescent, Annandale
* Johnston Street, Annandale
* Victoria Road, Rozelle
* Quirk Street, Rozelle
* Hornsey Street, Rozelle
* Lilyfield Road, Rozelle
190211 - IWC - Use of Powers under Roads Act - A25434781 (PDF 2.3MB)
Sunday 20 October 2019 at 2:00pm
Annandale Creative Arts Centre
81 Johnston St, Annandale, NSW 2038
Sirius Chamber Ensemble perform music by Australian composers Corrina Bonshek and Margery Smith. The composers will join us to discuss their music and creative process.
Program includes - Corrina Bonshek:
Up in the Clouds (Australian premiere) for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and vibraphone
Lotus Flower Blossoming (world premiere) - for soprano, flute, clarinet, bassoon, violin and cello
Out on the Wind - for clarinet, cello and piano
As Small Birds Play - for solo bassoon with prerecorded birdsong
Margery Smith:
Inferno (new arrangement, premiere) - clarinet concerto with ensemble
The Long Now (Australian premiere) - for flute, violin and cello
Poppy Reimagined - for clarinet and cello
Humanity Washed Ashore - for solo bass clarinet
Ian Sykes (clarinet), Alison Evans (bassoon), Clare Kahn (cello)
with guests Kate Rockstrom (flute), Miguel Sonnak (violin), Antonio Fernandez (piano), Joshua Hill (percussion) and Taryn Srhoj (soprano)
Hunter Baillie Presbyterian Church, cnr Collins and Johnston Sts Annandale.
More information at
More information including making a submission
Proposed modification
More Noise, More Traffic, More Air Pollution and loss of Mural
The Modification report will be exhibited for 28 days from 21 August to 18 September 2019.
Application Number SSI-7485-Mod-2
Assessment Type SSI Modifications
Development Type Road transport facilities
Local Government Areas Canada Bay, Inner West, City of Sydney
Exhibition Start 21/08/2019 Exhibition End 18/09/2019
More information including making a submission
A map showing the location of works at Buruwan Park during September is provided below.
Larger Image
If you haven’t already heard RMS have released a modification to the M4-M5 Rozelle Interchange which will now include a new car overpass at The Crescent and significant changes to the promised pedestrian and cyclist access routes.
The Crescent overpass and active transport links Modification will remove the continuous GreenLink connecting Rozelle across the City-West Link to the foreshore. The Greenlink was designed to safely reconnect Innerwest communities and provide direct access to the water.
There seem to be a number of significant impacts to our community and how we safely access the foreshore from Annandale, Lilyfield and Rozelle - even Forest Lodge and Glebe.
RMS are asking for feedback and it is the only opportunity to push them to look at alternate options and reinstate safe, direct access as in the approved GreenLink. We need all residents, community groups, clubs and interested groups to make a submission by Wednesday 18 September. You can do this electronically or writing to the DPIE.
Identified impacts for residents and commuters in the Innerwest wanting to access the foreshore and its facilities.
We are asking you to now spread the word to your neighbours, to your colleagues, to your clubs, to your networks, to your friends - and ask people to read the information.
Further details on the Modification at Facebook
RMS portal for submissions.
"4.0 Preparation work at Buruwan Park
As part of the upgrade of the intersection of The Crescent and City West Link the area within Buruwan Park will become
part of the new road. New cyclist and pedestrian connections will be established as part of the permanent design, as well
as a land bridge to the up to 10-hectare park within the Rail Yards. Work will begin in September to prepare for future
construction within the park and activities include:
Access to the Rozelle Bay light rail station from Bayview Crescent will be maintained at all times. Pedestrian and cyclist access through Buruwan Park will be maintained until the end of this year and traffic control will be in place when we are working, to assist pedestrians and cyclists throughout these changes.
2.0 Site establishment work
Work continues to establish the sites and equipment we will need to construct the project. In September we begin
installing the site facilities and amenities including offices and sheds, fencing and noise walls. Some permanent parking
removal took effect on local streets in July and as our work progresses, further temporary and permanent parking removal
will be required on local streets. Site establishment activities include:
Source and more information in Rozelle Interchange Work notification | 28 August 2019 at
Buruwan Park Rally for the Trees
Talk and guided walking tour
Take a look at this landscape of aqueducts and viaducts, where classical arches of the aqueducts add beauty. The park’s setting has transformed many times in the last 250 years. Indigenous waterways were taken over by industrial uses; today you can see ecosystem restoration. Hear about people who devoted themselves to influencing the landscape here.
When: 10:30 am to 12:00 pm Wednesday 4 September and
10:30 am to 12:00 pm Saturday 7 September
Where: Meet UNDER THE ARCHES OF THE WHITE-COLOURED AQUEDUCT, half way into the Smith, Hogan and Spindlers Park, Taylor Street, Annandale
Cost: Free
Further information:
The lyrebirds' calls ring out through the bushland as he builds ...more
Every Thursday night. Doors open 7.30pm for 8pm start - Tix: $20/$10
Improvised jazz at the Annandale Creative Arts Centre, 81 Johnston St Annandale, every Thursday night. One set of great music (mostly instrumental, mostly local, mostly unamplified). Followed by Free For All, an open improv concept where the audience becomes the band.
APR 18:Leonie Cohen – “Pages Suite” Album Launch
APR25: Alterity : Paul Cutlan & Phillippa Murphy-Haste
MAY2: SICKOrchestra
MAY9: An Evening of Duets
MAY16:Judy Bailey : Request Night
MAY30: Jenna Cave & The Truth Seekers
JUL18: Renata Arrivolo Jazz Trio
24th Oct : George Washingmachine
FRI 1st Nov : Emiliano Sampaio
Sunday 25 August 2019 – 11am-3pm
Whites Creek Valley Park, corner Piper and Smith Streets, Annandale
Council’s annual eco event will focus on demonstrating and showcasing environmentally sustainable practices, as well as projects and programs developed by Council and local community groups. With entertainment, workshops and activities for the whole family, footprints ecofestival will also host product and information stalls and a variety of food and local and sustainable produce.
Stallholder & Performer Expressions of Interest will open on Friday 26th April 2019 and close on Monday 27th May 2019.
More Information.
New Westconnex Plans for Crescent and Johnston Street on exhibition until 18 September 2019
More Noise, More Traffic, More Air Pollution and loss of Mural
Westconnex new plans for the Crescent and Johnston Street on exhibition until 18 September 2019
Shiny Bum Singers + Witches Leap (equal billing)
Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm Sat 24 August, Annandale Community Centre
Footprints ecoFestival
11-3pm Sunday 25 August,
White's Creek Valley Park
New Westconnex Plans for Crescent and Johnston Street on exhibition until 18 September 2019
More Noise, More Traffic, More Air Pollution and loss of Mural
Westconnex new plans for the Crescent and Johnston Street on exhibition until 18 September 2019
Entries Close 26 July
Exhibition 3-18 August
Heart of Annandale returns in August this year and we are calling for your entries!
How could you explore the theme ‘unknown’ in relation to the Inner West?
We love our creative community and are looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
There are a range of awards & prizes for adults, teenagers, and children, including the $1000 People’s Choice award.
You can enter art in any medium.
Please read the 2019 Terms &Conditions carefully in order to prepare a successful entry.
The exhibition is open from the 3rd-18th of August and will include a range of creative community events. For now, some big ones to note are:
*Exhibition Opening & Awards: 6-9pm Friday 3 August
*Portraits, Pizza & Pinot: 7-9:30pm Tuesday 13 August
*Closing Celebrations & People's Choice (including an Annandale LEGO Masters Competition for the kids): 4-8pm Saturday 17 August
Jessica Brouwer, Heart of Annandale Director
More at:
This is the time when the male Burrugin (echidnas) ...more
The government has recently released the tunnel route for WestConnex Stage 3a. Homes which sit within the identified ‘zone of influence’ of the proposed tunnel route in Leichhardt, Annandale and Camperdown may be impacted.
See Map showing the Route of the Westconnex M4-M5 Tunnel and properties in Haberfield, Leichhardt, Annandale, Camperdown, Newtown, Enmore and St Peters which will be affected. Detailed Map showing properties affected
Local MP, Jamie Parker, has called a public meeting to discuss how tunneling will impact you and what you can do.
WHEN Saturday 9 February 2-3pm
WHERE Leichhardt Town Hall
11 February 2019: RMS claims Railway Parade, the Crescent and other local Roads for WestConnex Stage 3B (M4-M5 Link Rozelle Interchange) more
Download at:
Westconnex Stage 3a and 3b Impacts
Damning Report into Westconnex and dissent over inconsistent recommendations and findings.
The show must not go on!
"This has been an extremely important inquiry and the final committee report details a litany of failures by the NSW Government in the delivery of the WestConnex project which have had a real and lasting negative impact on people’s lives, have eroded public trust and had significant costs for taxpayers."
"1. WestConnex should never have been approved or built"
"Finding: That the NSW Government should have invested the public funds spent on the WestConnex project on improving public transport, including for western Sydney."
"Finding: That the separation of the Sydney Gateway Project from the WestConnex project was an attempt by the NSW Government to hide further WestConnex project cost increases."
"Finding: That if the full range of costs were adequately considered, and if the cost blow outs and scope changes were taken into account, it is probable that an updated business case for the WestConnex would not have a positive cost-benefit ratio."
"WestConnex promised much - Port Botany would directly connect with Sydney’s major arterial roads. Traffic would be taken from neighbourhood roads. Travel times would shorten; air quality rules, the world’s best; tolls, modest. Premiers O’Farrell, Baird and Berijiklian said: judge them, and the project, by these standards. How is Westconnex faring? This inquiry says...badly.
Westconnex is costing taxpayers more and delivering less."
Download and read full report at
Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link now includes Rozelle Interchange, which was not part of the M4-M5 approval despite being part of the M4-M5 EIS.
July 2018 Update 13.7MB PDF
Destruction of Buruwan Park to widen the Cresent to take extra traffic from exit from Westconnex Tunnel. The park provides a pedestrian and cycle route between Raiway Parade and the foreshore, Rozelle Bay Light Rail stop and 433 Bus, loss of pedestrian/cycle route..more
An Acoustic shed will be errected at the corner of Parramatta Road and Mallet Street, extending to Pyrmont Bridge Road. Trucks will access the site via Parramatta Road, Pyrmont Bridge Road, Mallet Street, Johnston Street and the Crescent...more
From the June 2019 Hunter Baillie Conservation Appeal Newsletter: "Both the Heritage Office and Inner West Council have given their permission for work to proceed at a cost of about $75,000. The main part of this work will be the removal of the 4 pinnacles ...more
Dear Transport Minister, the Hon. Andrew Constance,
Please commit to the introduction of an electric bus fleet to protect public health, reduce air pollution and provide Sydney with the low emission, cheap and clean transport... network it needs.
Dear Geoff Culbert (CEO Sydney Airport),
The Sydney Airport Master Plan 2039 has the potential for chaos and congestion and will bring increased aircraft noise to our local community.
I support Jamie Parker's plan to:
Insulate every residence impacted by unacceptable levels of aircraft noise.
Meet noise sharing targets to relieve pressure on the Inner West.
Ensure government commits to invest in public transport infrastructure in order to meet the increase in demand.
Support the call for high speed rail from Sydney to Melbourne to provide an alternative to air travel...
Inner West Council is inviting feedback from the community on our Local Housing and Transport Strategies.
Drop in session: Tuesday 9 July 2019, 2-4pm: Annandale Community Centre, 79 Johnston Street
More at:
6pm Friday 26 July 2019
Organist Samuel Giddy.
Music by Handel, Purcel and Stanley
Michael Griffin Octet Johnston Street Jazz
Today (25 July) 8-9.30pm
Organ Recital on 1892 Hill and Son Organ
6pm Friday 26 July 2019
Organist Samuel Giddy.
Music by Handel, Purcel and Stanley
Heart of Annandale 2019 on the Theme of UNKNOWN
Entries Close 26 July, Exhibition 3-18 August
Inner West Council Draft Integrated Transport and
Local Housing Strategies on Exhibition until 28 July 2019
Walking with Joy - a Workshop based on Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement which will help you walk with more ease, joy and mindfulness
4 & 11 August (1-4pm)
Cost: $150
Contact: Margery Hellman
Mobile: 0407 433 565
Footprints ecoFestival
Sunday 25 August 2019 – 11am-3pm
Whites Creek Valley Park, corner Piper and Smith Streets, Annandale
16 June - Kirkin'o' the Tartan - 10am
Do you have an interest in reducing single use plastic? Do you like to sew or create? Can you cut, iron or pin? Would you like to learn to sew? Well if your answer is yes to any of these questions, then come to our Annandale Bees held on the third Sunday of every month at the Annandale Community Centre. Please bring sewing machine or overlocker and scissors (if you have them). If not please bring yourself and a keep cup.
Sunday, 16 JUNE 13:00-17:00
Sunday, 21 JULY 13:00-17:00
Annandale Community Centre
Back Hall 79 Johnston St, Annandale
The total battery capacity on the vehicle is 328kW. The Gemilang-bodied, BYD electric chassis buses use around 80kW per hour; however, the vehicle also regenerates approximately 30-40 per cent of its battery capacity through braking, depending on traffic conditions.
The following routes have been chosen due to their close proximity to Leichhardt depot, so that operations and performance can be closely monitored during the trial:
* Route 389 – Bondi Junction to Pyrmont
* Route 431 – Glebe Point to City (Martin Place)
* Route 433 – Balmain to Railway Square
* Route 447 – Lilyfield to Leichhardt Marketplace (loop service)
* Route 470 – Lilyfield to City (Martin Place)
More including photos at
Listen out for a 433 or 470 Electric Bus!
Inner West Council draft Transport and Housing Strategies on Exhibition until 28 July 2019 Drop in session: Tuesday 9 July, 2-4pm: Annandale Community Centre
Walking with Joy Workshop August 4 and 11
18 July at Johnston St Jazz: Renata Arrivolo Jazz Trio
Sunday, 21 July 1-5pm Boomerang Bags Sewing Bee
July 27 at the Loaded Dog: Jason & Chloe supported by Buck & Deanne
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202
More information and have your say at:
cries of the Marrai'gang (Quoll) seeking his mate..more
Kirkin'o' the Tartan
16th June, 10am
Boomerang Bags Sewing Bee
SUN, 16 JUN 1-5pm
The Convict Voice ReCollected + Cap in Hand (equal billing)
June 22, 7.30pm (doors open 7.00pm)
WW1 bust of Annandale Hero Douglas Grant found
August 25: Footprints ecoFestival
"“We opened for trade in St Peters on the seventh,” says Swadling, with a touch of understandable pride. It took three weeks of almost constant work: the hardware store and shed racks were ready, but none of the outside racks had been built, so Swadlings used the mill space to store all the timber and unpacked it over January/February as they built the sheds. “We put our fastest movers in the first shed, our second-fastest in the second shed and the slower-moving ones in the last shed we built,” says Swadling.
Regular customers weren’t aware of the juggle – orders were filled as usual and even special order moulding profiles were cut at the family’s other store in Annandale. The St Peters milling facility will soon be operating, which will improve the already quick service..." Swadlings on the Move, Timber Trader News, 6 June 2019
Have your say on
*Streetscape Improvements Master Plan - Annandale, Camperdown, Leichhardt and Petersham (until 1 July 2019)
*Council's key strategic documents 2019 to 2029 draft (until 11 June 2019)
Visitor from Nepal joins volunteers at the Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery
Community Meeting about Council Budget - 11.30-12.30 Sat 8 June, Balmain Town Hall meeting Room
Third exhibition of Land Grant to Urban Village on the Fence on Johnston Street near corner with Collins St
SecondHand Saturdays are 3 days of garage sales, community spirit and pre-loved treasures in Balmain, Balmain East, Birchgrove, Rozelle, Lilyfield, Leichhardt and Annandale.
4 May: Leichhardt, Annandale
The council will promote your sale, if you by 17 April. More information and registration at
12-4pm 5th May 2019
cnr of Johnston and Collins Street Annandale
More at
Phoenix Collective presents Concert #2: The Baroque Bizarre. Performed by Phoenix Baroque Trio, this concert will highlight the quirky, intoxicating and virtuosic nature of the Baroque: great works by master composers Bach and Vivaldi, and just as impressive works by lesser-known composers Castello, Biber and Schmelzer. This is an eclectic program exploring the realms of tone colour, experimentation and virtuosity.
Sunday 12th May, 2.30 - 4.30pm
Hunter Baillie Presbyterian Church
Cnr Johnston and Collins St, Annandale. Sydney.
More at
6 and 7 April, 10am to 5pm
Discover where art is made in the Inner West and explore hidden artists' studios, independent galleries and quirky artist run initiatives.
Meet your local artists and makers and take a glimpse into their workspaces, challenge yourself creatively with a workshop or be inspired by a guided tour of local studios. Everyone is welcome to join the Inner West Council's Creative Trails in 2019.
Running over 4 separate weekends throughout 2019 in 4 distinct Inner West precincts.
The first Creative Trails kicks off with the Leichhardt Gulgadya Precinct
The behaviour of the male kangaroos becomes quite aggressive..more
Gulgadya Precinct Creative Trails
Sat 6 and Sun 7 April, 10am to 5pm
Includes: Annandale Drawing Group and Sydney book makers Group at the Annandale Community Centre and Jenny Rix Photography, 1 Albion St.
Second Hand Saturday 4 May: Leichhardt, Annandale
The council will promote your sale, if you by 17 April.
More information and registration at
Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church Heritage Day - 05 May 2019 12-4pm
free organ recitals at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm on the historic William Hill & Son organ, afternoon teas in the hall, church history talks and displays and a guided walking tour of Annandale
Phoenix Baroque Trio - The Baroque Bizarre -12 May, Hunter Baillie Church
Election Results in Balmain
Music by Bach
Organ Recital, Leipzig Chorales, Stacey Xiao Yang and Kurt Ison
Hunter Baillie Church, cnr of Johnston and Collins St, Annandale
6pm 22 March 2019
Payment by Note Donation at the Door
Annandale is in the NSW Seat of Balmain (Includes Postcodes 2007, 2009, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040, 2041, 2050)
Early Voting (Pre-poll) Leichhardt Town Hall from 11 March 2019 (Pre-Poll)
Annandale and North Annandale Public School are polling Booths on 8am-6pm Saturday 23 March 2019 (other Booths)
Three Piece Suite is a string trio
Concert: 31st March 2019, Annandale
*Save Buruwan Park from Westconnex Rally/Picnic/PhotoShoot
4-5pm Sunday 10 May, Buruwan Park Crescent/Railway Parade Annandale
*The construction noise you may be hearing is from Westconnex Dive Site at the Corner of Mallet St and Parramatta Road
*Westconnex Trucks are coming to Johnston Street soon
*Westconnex Tunnels are less that 12meters under parts of Annandale
Second Hand Saturday 4 May
Three Piece Suite Concert 31st March 2019
Meet for a gentle Thursday evening stroll for all levels of walkers
7-8pm every Thursday (7 Feb – 28 Feb 2019)
Meet opposite the Annandale Post Office cnr of Johnston and Booth Streets Annandale
In 1994, Leichhardt Council was recognised for its Energy Efficient Housing DCP
Annandale Community Centre
Back Hall 79 Johnston St, Annandale
Sunday, 17 February 2019 from 13:00-17:00
Do you have an interest in reducing single use plastic? Do you like to sew or create? Can you cut, iron or pin? Would you like to learn to sew? Well if your answer is yes to any of these questions, then come to our first 2019 Annandale Bee. We are excited to announce that these bees will be the third Sunday of every month at the Annandale Community Centre. Please bring sewing machine or overlocker and scissors (if you have them). If not please bring yourself and a keep cup....
February 23, 2019 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
The rehearsal/workshop fee is good value, with the high calibre of leadership on offer here. The afternoon tea and AGM provide a good voice break before the service...more
Feb 23 @ 5:15 pm – 6:30 pm
Visitors are welcome to attend this service at no cost. To participate in the choir and workshop, see the post for the rehearsal from 1 (for 1:30 pm). Why not sit in on the AGM beforehand and learn the latest on SYDNEYinSPIRES? more
19:30-22:30 Saturday, 23 February 2019
The Loaded Dog Folk Club
79 Johnston Street, Annandale, New South Wales, Australia 2038
Tickets · $18-$20 (Tix at door)
Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church
Cnr. Johnston & Collins Streets, Annandale
3pm Sunday 24 February 2019
The service will be conducted and the sermon will be preached by the NSW State moderator, Rt. Rev. Kamal Weerakoon
Music will be assisted by the Leichhardt Espresso Chorus
All are invited to afternoon tea in the Hall after the Service
More at: Bags Sewing Bee this afternoon
Rally to save Buruwan Park from Westconnex
Church Music & Anniversary (Hunter Baillie Church)
Strawberry Thieves Sydney Trade Union Choir The Macabre Sisters
(Loaded Dog Folk Club)
Whites Creek Bushcare
Wednesday, 6, February, 2019 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Pémpti Perambulers
7-8pm every Thursday (7 Feb – 28 Mar 2019)
Meeting about Westconnex Tunnel under Annandale
Sat February 09, 2019 at 2pm - 3pm
Boomerang Bags Sewing Bee
Sunday, 17 February 2019 from 13:00-17:00
Marghanita da Cruz
Editor Annandale on the Web
Telephone: 0414-869202