Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

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Anecdotal History

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1945-1955 - Post War Migration

"SERVICE REUNIONS - Anzac Day "Smokos"...2/33rd Battalion, Annandale Masonic Hall, Trafalgar Street, 1.30pm" - 1946 'MANY SERVICE REUNIONS.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 23 April, p. 5, viewed 10 December, 2012,

Besides continuing development at Auburn, the company purchased the firm of C. Elliott, of Annandale in 1947. This company’s name was changed to Annandale Engineering Co. Pty. Ltd. and now operates from its own premises adjacent to the Auburn plant....History of Wallbank Engineers. Founders. Patternmakers.

Christine's Memories of Annandale

wooden building with cover over footpath and posts - Peters Icecream advertismentChristine McKay's family moved back to Annandale, from Hurstville after the war ended. Christine, her sister and parents lived in Taylor St. At the time, the tram ran down booth st, then down Taylor st, before crossing Johnston's Canal and up the crescent to Ross St, where it followed the current 470 bus route into the CBD.

Christine recalls, raiding the Melocco Brothers Marble yard for firewood for the bonfires they had in the park between the tram lines and the yard.

Later, Christine went to stay with her grandfather in Wells st, from where she would walk to the Annandale Public School. The tuckshop in Trafalgar St, across the road from the school is still as Christine recalls it - though no longer in business.

At the end of Primary school in Annandale there were three public school options - Leichhardt Domestic Science School, Fort Street Girls High and Burwood Girls High School. Her headmaster advised her mother, that she was too bright for Domestic Science and would have to work hard with the Academic Elite at Fort Street Girls. So, off she went to Burwood.

Christine recalls her mother doing piecework at home. This included stamping out rubber washers. As Christine had small nimble fingers she specialised in making tiny little red rings for the redcross and was paid 6pence a dozen.

After Christine left school she worked in Elizabeth St in the city for a Dictaphone company. The company provided a service of transcribing and scraping the wax cylinders of dictaphones.

Later Christine joined PGH Wood Products, whose yard was located between Whites Creek, Piper St, Whites St and Railway Parade in what is now Lilyfield. Christine recalls the logs being stored in Rozelle Bay to stop them drying out before they were sawn and made into Plywood. A manufacturing process that had been pioneered in Australia at the local Beale's Piano factory. PGH also manufactured Office Furniture. See Picture Australia and Benton'sImages of Logs being unloaded in Rozelle Bay

As a Comptomitrist, Christine's Job was to work a Comptometer to calculate the total price of pieces of timber. The device would work by pressing down the price of the item, in Pounds, Shillings and pence by the quantity of the item in square or linear feet.

"One of them, Raymond, remembers that in 1947 when he was in first class, 2/3 of the playground was covered with brick air raid shelters. The crane with the ball and chain demolished them while the children were in class and the noise was deafening...Family Ties Annandale Public School

The reverand Old, a long serving Rector of St Aidens, never drove a car. He visited his parishners on a Bicycle, which lead to local children giving him the nickname of "God on a Bicycle". When his bicycle was stolen in 1947, while he was out visiting, the Parishners bought him a replacement. - Annals from AIDAN's in Annandale (p42)

Trams and Car Accidents

When two cars collided at the corner of Trafalgar and Collins Streets yesterday, Sidney Berg, of Ronald Avenue, Revesby, gashed his leg. He was admitted to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.-The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 7 October 1952 page 3

Annandale Tram In Collision - Five Hurt: Five people were hurt when a tram and a semitrailer trailer collided at the junction of ot Booth and Nelson Streets, Annandale, at about 2.45 p.m. Both were admitted to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Saturday 29 May 1954 p 3 Article

Forty people were injured in a collision between two trams in Parramatta Road..

Tram to City approaching Johnston Street, 1952 (Photograph)

Tram at the Corner of Booth and Johnston St Annandale, 1955

Tram continued along Booth Street to Catherine street, then continued past Brennan Street over the Bridge over the Metropolitan Goods Line

No. 5 The Crescent

"Significance: No. 5 The Crescent, Annandale has local historic significance. The site forms part of a local pattern of mixed residential and light industrial development. During the 1920s and 1930s, the site was the location of one of the many local furniture companies. After this time, it has an association with modern industries such as the application of latex in manufactory and electronics."....from

"Courageous efforts by the driver failed to prevent a spectacular tram crash, in which five people were injured, in the Crescent, near Nelson Street. Annandale, early last night. The tram-a two-car one-was bound tor Balmain, and was de- railed by a length of iron pipe laid along the line". - 1946 'Driver Hurt In Attempt To Stop Runaway Tram.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 1 November, p. 1, viewed 19 June, 2012,

IN the Will of KATE CONSTABLE (In the Will colled Katie Constable) late of Annandale near Sydnev in the State cf New Soith Wales Widow deceased Application will bo made alter 14 days fiom the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated th March 1948 of the abovenamed de- ceased may be grouted to Harry Oswald Constable the solo Executor named In tho said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address All creditors in the Estate of the de cea ed are hereby required to send In particulars of their claims to the under signed HARRY OSWALD CONSTABLE 337 Nelson Street Annandale - 1949 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 7 April, p. 12, viewed 19 June, 2012,

Duntroon Private Hospital, 70 Johnston St

Mr. Geoff Hetherington returned home to West Wyalong after an operation at Duntroon..1951 'PERSONAL', The West Wyalong Advocate (NSW : 1928 - 1954), 2 July, p. 1. , viewed 17 Feb 2017,

The wel known hospital (patients arrival and departure was often announced in the newspaper). "Constructcd of brick cemented and painted with portion plain brick slate and iron root This substantial 2 storey building has on GRD FLOOR wide front verondah large through hall 5 wards operating theatre with onnexe large sitting room for staff bathroom kitchen and offices 2 small storerooms UPSTAIRS Wide hall sis wards bathrpom with nurses quarters at rear on this floor (4 bedrooms) sitting room and bathroom) Separate entrance to the - quarters Detached at rear Is a brick 2 storey building ol 6 rooms wide verandah used as staff quarters. LAND 99ft x 190ft plus Interior block 66ft x 50ft with strip 9ft x 125ft through to Annandale Street at rear" - 1952 'Advertising', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 31 May, p. 24. , viewed 17 Feb 2017,

Auctioneer Fraser Walker announced he was having a major operation at Duntroon Private Hospital..1954 'PERSONAL', Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), 3 April, p. 4. , viewed 17 Feb 2017,

House Wall Collapses

A wall collapsed in a house in Annandale. 34 year old Mrs J Walsh was just able to scramble to safety on the landing. When she went to check on her 80 year old mother, she found Mrs. A. Smith sitting calmly and unhurt in the middle of the debris. 1953 'Wall Falls As Woman Walks Through Room.', The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), 29 December, p. 1, viewed 27 March, 2013,

This page last Updated: 17 February 2016.