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While proofing a draft of 1940s Annandale: A Short Walk in October 2016, Sandra Nixon pointed out that the Golding sisters were more correctly Suffragists rather than Suffragettes. Sandra acknowledge her source as Phyl Lobl who wrote Dames and Daredevils for Democracy.
"The suffragists who led the movement to pursue women's political rights in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Australia had significant impact on women's entitlement to participation in public life..." - Suffragists, The Encyclopedia of Women & Leadership in Twentieth-Century Australia, viewed 17 October 2016, http://www.womenaustralia.info/leaders/biogs/WLE0453b.htm
"Mrs Fawcett (as she was always known) was a suffragist. In contrast to the militant suffragettes, she believed in using law-abiding, non-violent means to gain the vote for women, including petitions, lobbying and spectacular marches..." - Suffragists and Suffragettes, An overview of the Votes for Women campaign By Claire Jones, HerStoria, viewed 17 October 2016, herstoria.com/?p=253
Suffrage group, 1902. Mitchell Library. State Library of NSW. ON 219/96
Back row, standing Mrs. Jackson (President of the Redfern Branch), Mrs. Wynn (President of the Annandale Branch), Miss Caldwell (Camperdown), Mrs. T. Parkes (President of the Toxteth League), Mrs. Hansen (President of the Newtown Branch). Seated - Mrs. C. Martel (Recording Secretary of the Central League), Mrs. McDonald (President of the Glebe Branch), Miss Belle Golding (Secretary of the Newtown Branch), Miss Annie Golding (Organising Secretary,of the United Branches), Mrs. Dickie (Ex-President of the Newtown League), Mrs. Chapman (Secretary of the Redfern Branch), Mrs. Dwyer (Secretary of the Camperdown Branch). 1902 'Leading Workers of the Womanhood Suffrage League and Branches.', Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), 6 September, p. 26, viewed 9 March, 2013, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71492402
Annie and Belle Golding of Inverness, 75 Annandale Street(SANDS 1918)); Annie and Belle's sister Kath Dwyer of Altna-Grieg, 79 Annandale Street(SANDS 1918); and Maud Wynn of Linden Hall of 29-33 Annandale Street (see Hull at 15 SANDS 1904, at 29-33 in SANDS 1918 and SANDS 1916) and S260 Annandale's third substation; were all in the a 1902 photograph of leaders of the suffrage movement
Belle Golding is featured in our exhibition . She worked in the NSW Dept of Labour & Industry (1900 to 1927) & was instrumental in regulating workers' conditions catalog
Annie and Kath are also featured in Catalog
The vote for women in Federal elections came in 1902, making Australia the second nation in the world to achieve this, and shortly after, on its third attempt, the Women's Franchise Act was finally passed in NSW. The event was greeted with understandable joy by the Suffrage League...Women in Parliament
The Newtown branch with Annie as secretary offered something of a working woman's challenge to president Rose Scott's view of the suffrage question from Woollahra; in 1902 the branch was expelled for its defiance of the central council. Thereafter the Golding sisters and some of their friends, including Louisa Lawson formed the Women's Progressive Association with Annie as president from 1904; - http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/golding-annie-mackenzie-6416
The Women's Progressive Association has renewed its activities, as the status of women has retrogressed. The issues to be addressed included position of women in industry, right of women to sit on juries, and on the bench of the Children's Court and greater protection of aboriginal women in the Northern Territory...1933 'Women's Progressive Association.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 23 November, p. 3, viewed 9 March, 2013, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17026507
The deputation asked that public lavatories should be porvided in the city for womn, answering to the "chalets" of Paris; for free municipal libraries containing works particularly suited for the young that would tend to build up character; for the appointment of lady sanitary inspectors, who would in many instances be better fitted than men for the work; and also for the establishment of public baths...Mis Golding said the association would arrange to accompany the Mayor on such a deputation....Sir James, continuning they would have to tell the State Government that the city of Sydney was defective in its management, owing to the conditions of the law under which it existed." ...1901 'WOMEN'S PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842 - 1954), 25 November, p. 3, viewed 9 March, 2013,http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14424432
"Kate Dwyer worked tirelessly for improved working and living conditions for women and for a minimum female living wage. With Mrs Flanagan, she formed the Women Workers' Union for home and fringe factory workers to combat 'sweating'; as president from 1910, she was a delegate to the Sydney Labor Council. In evidence to the 1909 royal commission on the improvement of the city of Sydney and its suburbs, she had advocated model dwellings for working men with a weekly rental of one day's pay, and opposed the building of tenements. Next year the lord mayor Sir Allen Taylor paid tribute to her as 'one of our great workers'..." http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/dwyer-catherine-winifred-kate-6064
"Nothing daunted, Mrs. Dwyer set forth to conquer new lands, and this time returned triumphant with donations fr.rm the ' Railway Workers', Union, a Goulburn branch of the name, union, the Federated Seamen's Union, the Wharf Laborers' Union, Sir Allen Taylor, Mr. .Hugh D. .M.clntosh, and several other pri vate citizens. With the wealth, six power machines were installed in the room in the Hardt . Building, whither Mrs. Dwyer's 'factory' had been' moved; and more confident than even of success Mrs. Dwyer secured a second contract. for her workers." ..1916 'FOR UNEMPLOYED.', Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), 11 June, p. 16, viewed 10 February, 2014, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article121340571
"An Annandale Branch was formed. The meeting for this purpose was held in the Coun cil Chambers, Johnston-Bt., and was well st tended. Mrs. Martel being absent through illness Miss M. McDouald, V.P., occupied the chair.Miss Golding addressed the meeting cn the objects of the association, and the reforms it was instrumental in bringing about.Mrs. Wynn, formerly president of the An nandale Branch of the Womanhood Suffrage League, was elected President, Mrs. Maicroft hon. secretary, and Mies Lily Bell hon. treas urer. This branch was formed mainly by the efforts of Mrs. Dwyer, hon sec. of Camperdown Brsncb, and Mrs. T. Parkes, vice-President of the W.P.A. Doubtless it will remove the re proach from Annandale that so many of its women refuse to become enrolled." - 1903 'Women's Progressive Association.', The Dawn (Sydney, NSW : 1888 - 1905) , 1 April, p. 7, viewed 12 May, 2014, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article77083149
"A most successful Drawing room Meeting was held at Mrs. Wynn's for the Annandale Branch. About thirty-five fresh members were gained. This is very encouraging, for Annandale was one of the electorates where many women were foolish enough to refuse to enrol. .." 1903 'Women's Progressive Association.', The Dawn (Sydney, NSW : 1888 - 1905) , 1 May, p. 7, viewed 12 May, 2014, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article77442918
"A very successful meeting of the Annandae branch of the Women's Progressive Association was held on the 13th May, at Mrs. Wynn "Carrington, ' Northumberland Avenue, Annandale" 1903 'News and Notes.', The Dawn (Sydney, NSW : 1888 - 1905) , 1 June, p. 6, viewed 12 May, 2014, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article77442955
In the 1890s M. Wynn appeared to sell clothing and dress making services through the Dawn, the newspaper edited by Louisa Lawson. The address first given was 402 George Street and later 138 Phillip Street. Later she appears as Mrs Wynn on the cover - M Wynn in the Dawn
The estate of the late Mrs. Caroline Ann Hull, widow, of Linden Hall, Annandale,....apointed her daughters, Caroline Maud Wynn and Jessie Rich, and her nephew, Claude Parry Wynn, executors and trustees of her estate, 1928 'LATE MRS. C. A. HULL.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 6 September, p. 19, viewed 1 February, 2012, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16492115
In 1929, the City Council resumed part of the land of Linden Hall to build Annandale's third electricty Substation...more
"IT must be gratifying to those women who have the interests of their sex at heart and particularly those brave pioneers who fought side by side with her, to know that Mrs Martel, so long associated with woman suffrage in New South Wales, is enjoying the blessed opportunity of helping the cause along in England." 1905 'Mrs. MARTEL INTERVIEWED IN LONDON.', The Dawn (Sydney, NSW : 1888 - 1905) , 1 June, p. 5, viewed 12 May, 2014, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article76965724
Annie and Belle Golding shared a house in Annandale close to their sister Kate Dwyer...adb.anu.edu.au
This page www.ramin.com.au/annandale/story4-annandales-suffragettes.shtml last update 25 July 2019.