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Man and Woman with Church OrganRestoration of Hill and Son Organ

Hunter Baillie was awarded The 2021 National Trust Heritage Award "Conservation: Interiors and Objects award" for the restoration of the 1890 Hill & Sons Organ.

A Free Recital and Afternoon Tea to Celebrate the National Trust Award for the 20-year Restoration of the Historic 1890 William Hill & Son Organ on Sunday 12 December 2021 – 2pm to 4pm(Covid regulations permitting) Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, cnr or Johnston and Collinst Sts, Annandale.
3 organists: Edward Grantham, Stacey Yang, Ralph Lane
4 centuries of Organ Music including Handel, Stanley, Hollins, Widor, J.S.Bach, Mendelssohn, Franck and de Klerk, especially chosen to showcase the instrument, its power and its versatility.

After 20 years of fund raising the Hill and Son Organ, at the Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church's Memorial Presbyterian Church's , Annandale, is being restored. The fund raising and restoration is under the watchful eye of resident organist Ralph Lane.

"Thanks to the generosity of the many musicians who have donated their services to the cause of the Organ Restoration Fund, and the patronage of a loyal and enthusiastic audience, we have raised over $85,000 in thirteen seasons of our Spring Festival of Music." With matching grants from the Heritage Council of NSW, the Choir and Swell Cornopean stop were restored in February 1997. In the next stage of the restoration the Great Trumpet rank was sent to the UK. - In dulci jubilo, a recording to support the organ restoration,, viewed 1 October 2016

Rejuvinated pipes November 2016

In late September 2016, the final stage of the restoration including the replacement of the bellows leather began. The work will cost around $140,000. - Ralph Lane, 30 September 2016 (pers com)

Spring Festival of Music

Some of the Concerts.

Church Organ being restored Church Organ being restoredRalph Lane with assistant Organ Restorer and Bellows Church Organ being restoredleather lining detail of bellows Church Organ being restoredBellows Cavity showing vents for air intake Church Organ being restored
Church Organ being restoredKeyboard and Pedals Church Organ being restoredChurch Organ being restoredParts removed for RestorationChurch Organ being restored

Church Organ being restoredA button found while restoring the Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church's Hill and Son Organ

More about the Organ and Church