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Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

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Annandale Borough/Municipality (1894-1949) | Changes to Boundary | 1936 Boundary Change | 2003 Boundary Change | 2011 NSW Election | 2012 Council Elections | 2013 Federal Election | 2015 NSW Election | 2016 Federal Election | 2017 Inner West Council Election

sepia photo of horse drawn carriage, people milling around in front of one and two story buildings
First municipal elections for newly formed Annandale Council following secession from Leichhardt Council.Primitive Methodist School Hall, Annandale, 1894. Leichhardt Local Studies collection.

large blue and white building Compare with the view of 108 and 110 Trafalgar Street Annandale, 13 September 2010.

Primitive Methodist Church, Johnston Lane

110 Trafalgar Street (Masonic Hall built in 1920*) is now Annandale Galleries

The Primitive Methodist Church building, at the rear, fronts Johnston Lane.


Historv was made in the Annandale Council Chambers this week when Bro. Gibbous, grand master of tho MULOOF, swore in the youngest noble grand m the district's history.
More remarkable still, the principal in the cermony was a woman..."1931 'WOMAN NOBLE GRAND.', Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), 7 November, p. 1, viewed 24 December, 2013,

Annandale Borough 1894-1949

A petition from 2/3 of the electors was gazetted (1892 'DIVISION OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF LEICHHARDT—PETITION FOR.', New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), 12 December, p. 9747. , viewed 28 Feb 2017, It was proposed that the East Ward of the Municipality of Leichhardt become the separate Borough of Annandale. The new borough was Gazetted on 17 June, 1893 (2) The signatories argued that the ward received too little benefit from their rates and were assigned too great a share of the liabilities, that the population of approximately 5,000 people and the area of 320 acres, the value of the property (£44,000) and the potential rateable value of £2,200 p.a. were sufficient to support a separate borough. (3) - State Records Archives

"At a meeting of the council of the Borough of Annandale, held hist night in the Council Chambers. Trafalgar-street, the application of Mr. W. Fairley was accepted for the position of working overseer. Five applications were received." 1894 'The Labor Members' Manifesto.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 24 April, p. 3, viewed 9 December, 2013,

Selected Minutes of the Annandale Borough 1894-1923

Source: Minute Books [Municipality of Annandale 14 Feb 1894 - 23 Dec 1948 (State Records NSW)

First Meeting of the Borough of Annandale held in the Trafalgar Street School Hall on Wednesday ...same evening 14th February 1894 at 8pm....Photograph of Alderman John Young - Annandale Neighbourhood CentreJohn Young Mayor

Minutes of Meeting of the Borough Council of Annandale held in the school room Trafalgar street on Monday evening the 16th April 1894 at 7.30pm.....From the Leichhardt Council inviting this council to on in a conference to consider th est means of getting the Parramatta road work blocked by the government to battle bridge and also to consider the advisability of establishing crematories for the disposal of night soil and house garbage. Referred to the works committee. ...From the Australian Gas Light co asking for the number and position of street lamps in the borough. Received the matter having been attended to...

April 30th 1894 ...From the Leichhardt council enclosing agreement to be signed by the council with reference to the rates in arrears. It was decided to deal with the letter at the special meeting on Wednesday evening..Petitions Alderman Wells presented a petition from residents in wells street asking the council to have pipes laid to carry away the drainage. The petition was received and it was decided to refer te matter to the works committee......

rubbish bins in laneway with dunnies behind fences Monday may 14th 1894 (contd)... works committee report no 5... recommendation that Mr Field be allowed to erect bridge over gutter near his house at is own expense subject to the approval of the Inspector of nuisances..that the drainage on the lower side of wells street be carried out, that the asphalting of ...friendly appeal court to adjust grievances of the ratepayers with reference to the night soil contract that the fees be paid monthly and that failing same summonses be issued and that the Inspector of Nuisances collect the fees and paid a commission for the same received.

With reference to the friendly appeal court alderman Horton moved and Alderman Young seconded that the valuers be asked attend at the chambers on the 24th inst to adjust grievance with respect the the assessment – carried. The night soil question was referred to the works committee.

Nov 25th 1895...From the water supply sewerage department stating that they would supply the council with a plan of the sewerage system in annandale as soon as same was completed.From Leichhardt Council with reference to the proposed cleaning out of White's Creek and repairing of Bridge over Creek. Received and referred to Works Committee

page 454 of minute book....ordinary meeting August 20th (contd) correspondence...from Mr Stacey that his pan was replaced by the by a damaged one by the night soil men....from the Leichhardt council requesting immediate payment of debt & threatening legal proceedings if not attended to. Received and referred to finance committee.

Minutes of the ordinary meeting council chambers...November 26th 1894..from the Camperdown council stating the cost of woodblocking and macadamizing that council's part of the Parramatta road...from the Leichhardt council agreeing to join the deputation to the minister urging the construction of the storm water Channels. Received......

photographs of aldermen of Annandale BoroughMinutes December 10th 1894...from the under secretary for works stating that the minister for works intended to proceed with the construction of the storm water channels immediately and that he proposed deputation on the subject was altogether unnecessary. Received.

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Borough Council of Annandale held in the Council Chambers Johnston Strweet on Monday October 14th 1895 at 7.30pm....correspondence From the Leichhardt Council with reference to the cleansing of White's Creek. Received and referred to the Works Committee for report...From the Leichhardt Council enclosing copy of resolution passed at teir last meeting with reference to the Tram Fares and asking Annandale Council to pass a similar resolution. Aldemnan Horton moved Alderman Maxwell seconded "That received and this Council agree with the request"... From Gibson Battle & co with reference to their 'sanitary fluid' received...

Blotting Paper left in the pages of the Minute Book of the Annandale Borough NSW Archives Photo Marghanita da Cruz 28 August 2010Nov 25th, 1895 ... present the mayor in the chair & the full council. ...from the water supply and sewerage drainage department stating hat they would supply the council with a plan of the sewerage system in Annandale as soon as same was completed....from Leichhardt council with reference to the proposed cleaning of the White's creek and repairing of bridge over creek...from Stockdale asking for erection of a lamp at corner of view street near tram line. Received and referred to lighting committee....from the sewerage contractors intimating that nelson street near piper street would e shortly closed to traffic...from Messrs Fawcett and O'brien complaining of the unsanitary state of Breillat & Nelson street....petitions...from the residents of Taylor street and Neighbourhood complaining of the booth street water hole...on the motion of alderman maxwell seconded by Alderman Horton the petition was received.

Minutes...April 1 1895...that the Member for Annandale be requested to influence the government to have some Annandale residents employed in the cleaning out the creek and to endeavour to get the government to have the swampy ground filled in. carried.

...February 12th, 1896...Election of Mayor...
For Ald John Young Aldermen Ferris, Wells, Francis , Ridge, Gutherie and Young 6
For Ald Allan Taylor Aldermen Smith, Broad, Taylor, Horton and Dwyer 5
...election of works and sanitary committee....Ferris, Taylor Ridge and Dwyer....Finance committee Gutherie, Broad,Wells, Francis...amendment that [Finance] committee exist of whole of council was lost. Lighting laws committee general purposes committee.

April 13th 1896....from Annandale branch of Labour League enclosing copy of resolution passed at its last meeting with reference to White's creek.

cream rendered two story building with balcony Former Council Chambers, opened 1899. Annandale Neighbourhood Centre ca1980-ca2016 (turns 30). Now Annandale Community Centre.

Photos. by Stuart. North Sydney of 1-The Hunter-Baillie Memorial Church (PreBbyterian), Annandale. 2-Primitive Methodist Church, Annandale. 3.-Post Office, Camperdown. 4-Council Chambers, Annandale. 5-Kenilworth, Annandale; the house in which Sir Henry Parkes died. 6.-"The Abbey," a picturesque private residence, Annandale. 7.-Entrance to Sydney University. 8.-Post Office, Annandale. 9-Johnstone-street, Annandale. 10.-The Roman Catholic School, Missenden-road,'Camperdown, ll.-Public School, Camperdown. 1899 'Some Sydney Suburbs.', Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), 18 November, p. 33. , viewed 26 Nov 2019,

Fire Stations

building on streetAnnandale's first Firestation - 65 Johnston Street

Fire Brigade, Annandale, 1882: N12548 Medal

Minutes of Annandale Borough State Records NSW: March 14th 1898...from Alderman Taylor that polling for fire brigade board to be held on 22nd inst from 8am to 4pm....from Drumoyne council for support in having the causeway at Glebe Island widened to 66feet it was resolved to accede to the request...from water and sewerage board notifying the opening of various streets in the borough for purpose of laying water mains....Dwyer

Council has difficulty finding site for Fire station - 1914 'FIRE STATION FOR ANNANDALE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 16 January, p. 11, viewed 26 February, 2013,

red buildingAnnandale's second Firesation, Annandale Street (near corner with Piper St)

March 28, 1898....petition from Parramatta Road ratepayers presented by Alderman Cohen asking for the street to be watered receive and made an order of the day for the next meeting

[page]422 Ordinary Meeting August 15th 1898 (cont'd), Alderman Woods moved and Alderman Smith seconded: That it be referred to the Works Committee to consider the advisability of re-adjusting the numbers of the dwellings and business places in the Borough and the carrying out of the same at the earliest possible convenience. Carried

page of a book with handwriting[page] 524 Ordinary Meeting February 12th 1900...thirty days credit be given for the thirthieth day of September next. Carried....That the Municipalities of Camperdown, Leichhardt and Petersham be invited to join in a protest to the Railway Commissioners against the erection in Parramatta Road through this and the Municipalities named, of wood poles in respect of the electric trams and also against the fiing thereoff on the side paths.....The following were elected members of the Standing Committees named. Finance..Works & Sanitary....Lighting, By-laws, Garbage Destructor, Library...It was resolved that the Mayor be ex-officio member of all committees. This concluded the business of the meeting. Alen Taylor

February 17th 1896...From the public works department offering to pay one half of the ...& guttering path in front of new Post Office, the amount...

July 20th 1896..Report of a Committee of the Whole appointed to investighate the ...made by Alderman Horton on July 6th against the Inspector Nuisances in which the following resolutiosn were recommended to council for adoption...that the charges made against the are not proved and that he still retains the confidence of the ...That Mr Murdoch, Solicitor had no right to belied the the Police Court, Glebe in stating that which was not...that Council had suspended the Inspectory" Such being not ...ask him to withdraw the same or produce the letter to the, received and adopted.
....That in view of the near approach of the summer season and the unsanitary condition of the Borough, the Council wait upon the Government with a view to immediate steps being taken to have the Booth Street Waterhole filled up without further delay. The member for annandale to be asked to arrange the date and time. Carried...That the north end of Taylor Lane a gutter be cut down the face of the rock to connect with Booth Street gutter; also that steps be framed up lane from Booth Street that owners may have a right of way to the rear of their property from Booth Street. It was resolved to refer same to Works Committee....That the member for the District be written to asking him to endeavour to obtain the necessary permission from the Government to enable the residents of Annandale to utilise a portion of the reclaimed land in Johnston's Bay for recreative purposes. Carried...

December 20th 1897...That in the opinion of the Council the condition imposed by Government in connection with the construction of the Storm Water Channel requiring property owners to give up their land free of compensation is unjust, seeing that such owners will have to pay a Storm Water Rate after the Channel is constructed. That the above resolution be forwarded to the Member for the District requesting him to urge the Government to proceed with the Channel from Piper to Booth Streets as apeadily as possible and leave any claims to compensation to be dealt with afterwards...Carried...That Leichhardt Council be invited to confer with this Council with a view to approaching the Government respecting the completion of the Whites Creek Storm Water Channel. Carried

two 19th century minute booksMinutes of the Special Meeting of the Borough....August 7th 1900...The retiring mayor stated that he had great pleasure in informing Alderman Wells that he had been unanimously elected...

Road along the Tramlines

Ordinary Meeting 17th October 1904...That the Glebe Council be asked to cooperate with this Council in the deputation to the Hon. the Minister for public works requesting him to open a road for vehicular traffic along the ....trams-line from Johnston Street Annandale to Ross Stree Forest Lodge. ...requesting the road from Glebe Point to Annandale across the reclaimed land...

In 1905 the N.S.W. Freehold, Land, Building, and Investment Co. contributed £50 towards the roadway along the Balmain tram line (the Crescent), between - 1905 'ANNANDALE COUNCIL.', The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), 16 November, p. 3. (FIRST EDITION), viewed 11 Nov 2020,

Dealing with Garbage

Annandale Council decided to consult Glebe Council on composting household garbage to improve the soil in Federal Park. - 1905 'ANNANDALE COUNCIL.', The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), 16 November, p. 3. (FIRST EDITION), viewed 11 Nov 2020,

In 1906, the Annandale Borough strongly objected to the Glebe Borough's proposal to use household garbage to build a mound on which to plant trees in Federal Park. (1906 'DIVIDED AUTHORITY OVER FEDERAL PARK.', Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser (NSW : 1884 - 1907), 25 August, p. 4, viewed 10 December, 2013,

Incineration was on the mind of candidates in the 1901 Elections and before the end of the decade, Leichhardt and Annandale councils took out a loan for £3400 to construct an incinerator in Leichhardt's old quarry.- Da Cruz, Marghanita. Federation Annandale: A Short Walk. Australia, Marghanita da Cruz, 2012,

Annandale Building Regulations

In the Minutes Book June 1911 (Source: June 1911 Minutes Minute Books Annandale Borough State Records NSW NRS16797/1/4 - 4): Municipality of Annandale J Golden HINSBY Town Clerk Telephone 93 Newtown Council Meets Alternate Mondays. Building Regulations of the Council of the Municipality of Annandale Made in connection with Ordinance No. 70 under the Local Government ACT 1906. regs1911-Nos1-2, regs1911-Nos3-12, regs1911-Nos13-15, regs1911-Nos16-19

Annandale War Memorial

Page 482/3 of Minute Book of the Annandale Borough (1921). Item 16797/1/5 (5) State Records NSW NRS: Program for the Unveiling of the Annandale War Memorial 4 December 1921

Boy Scouts

Minutes 29th January 1923....From West Sydney District Council Boys Scout Association re Route March on Parammatta ROad on 13th April 1923 at 7.45am...From F Lamb asking the name of the Lane between Johnston Street and Trafalgar St and requesting...

1st Leichhardt and 1st Annandale Scout Troops on a Trek: January 1913 at Bombo Beach, N.S.W., South Coast: Photograph.

Rates and Leases by Council

5540...From the Presbyterian Church of Australia asking for a refund of part of the rates paid on the Hunter Baillie Manse Property. Moved by Alderman Johnston and Seconded...that correspondent be informed that the council is doubful of its grounds to make a refund at present but will be guided by the result of a legal test case which it is expected will be decided ...the end of the year. Carried 5541 Letter to the Melloco Bros..forwarding in duplicate for the Council's information the agreement for lease of part of Wigram Rd to Messrs Melocoo Bro Ltd. ...Moved by Alderman ....that the time for the commencement of the lease be the 8th October and authority be herby given for the Council's seal to be affixed carried.

Borough Elections

pale Green 2 story Victorian House with Lace BalconiesANNANDALE ELECTORATE. A Meeting of the residents of North annandale favourable to the canditure of Mr W. Pritchard was held last evening at Terrara, Collins Street Annandale.The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 5 June 1894 page 6

COHEN'S CANDIDATURE.The candidate addressed two meetings of Annandale electors last night-one at the corner of Rose and Annandale street, the other at the corner of Young and Collins Streets - 1898 'ANNANDALE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), 19 July, p. 6, viewed 9 April, 2011,

As the Annandale Council objected to the application of Edward Webster to extend his line of buses from Camperdown to Nelson and Collins streets, Annandale, the application was refused - "MEETINGS." The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954) 28 Mar 1895: 6. Web. 9 Apr 2011.

CR Winkworth, Alderman 1917 and 1933, Mayor 1933

Photograph of AE Packer. Mayor of Annandale 1920

Rates Counter Uncovered (February 2013)

cavity in wallDuring painting of the Annandale Chambers in February 2013, the hatch of the service counter was uncovered.

It was subsequently moved at the Leichhardt Council Heritage Advisory Committee (February 2013 Meeting) by Councillor Hannaford that the hatch should be conserved and not covered up. The motion was seconded by David Lawrence who added a plaque explaining the opening be put in place (ie rate collection etc).

Allen Taylor - Annandale's Second Mayor

There was a large gathering on Saturday afternoon at Annandale on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the new town hall for the borough. The ceremony was performod by the Mayoress (Mrs Allen Taylor)... The site, which is the most prominent portion of Annandale, in the main thoroughfare, Johnston Street, is in close proximity to the Hunter-Bailie Memorial Prebyterian Church. etched glass panel in double door
.. The Mayor ... said it was pleasing to see on such an important occasion men who were otherwise divided on political questions united in a common cause that marked au era of progress in their district. For his wife aud himself he could say truthfully that they were in true sympathy with everything that made for tho development and progress of the borough. He traced the progress of the borough for the past five years, and mentioned that he was glad they were not going to erect a palatial structure that would plunge the borough into debt that they might not bo able to extricate themselves from that was not the intention of the aldermen Their idea was to erect a building that would take tho form of council-chambers and other accessories and later on they could add to it the additional feature of a town hall, where demonstrations of a political and social character might adequately take place..." - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Monday 29 May 1899, p. 3, viewed 2 March, 2011,

TAYLOR, Sir ALLEN ARTHUR (1864-1940)
He felt sufficiently secure in business by 1895 to stand for the Borough Council of Annandale, where he lived, an inner western suburb of Sydney at the centre of the timber-milling and shipping trade."

Front: Edward VII and Alexandra
Crowned 26 June 1902
Back: Edward VII King and Emperor Accession 22.1.1901 Coronation 26.6.1902
God Save the King
Borough of Annandale Celebration

Medal - Coronation of King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra Commemorative, Specimen Strike, Borough of Annandale, New South Wales, Australia, 1902 - Source: Museum Victoria. The medal is 27x39mm and weighs8.81g. It is made of guilted bronze and has retained it shine when viewed in July 2012.

The Museum of Victoria manage the adjoining World Heritage Listed Exhibition Buildings, where the first Federal Parliament was opened in the presence of the yet to be crowned King

Alderman Allen Taylor and Mrs. Taylor, of Annandale, who have been on an extended visit to England, returned yesterday, and received a hearty welcome home from a large number of friends and acquaintances, During tho afternoon a tribute of respect was paid to Mr and Mrs. Taylor by the children attending tho Annandale Superior Public School They proceeded in a body to Mr. Taylor's residence, in Collins street, Annandale, and congratulations were extended to Mr and Mrs Taylor on their safe return. Last night Alderman Taylor attended a meeting of tho Annandale Council and was publicly welcomed by the Mayor (Alderman W. Wells)." - The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 9 October 1902

Taylors home and the Taylors in 1890s Annandale

An alderman on the Sydney Municipal Council, he represented Pyrmont Ward (1902-12) and Bourke Ward (1915-24). Persuading parliament to grant the council additional powers of resumption and borrowing money, as lord mayor in 1905-06 and 1909-12 Taylor embarked on a vigorous programme of civic improvement. -

As a member of the Sydney City Council Electricity Committee, on 22nd December 1902 (page 22 Minutes of Electric Lighting Committee), Alderman Allen Taylor moved:-"That tenders be invited for excavation of rockfor the foundations of the Electric Lighting Station with provision in the contract for a minimum wage." The motion was carried.
Alderman Evan Jones, subsequently moved an amendment, "that the work be proceeded with day labour". The amendment was lost lost (9 to 1) Access to the Minutes of the Electric Lighting Committee (1900-1942 in 20 volumes). Courtesy Sydney City Archives

book cover showing Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House"The Council's Amendment Bill, however was assented to on 9 december 1905, in part due to the entreaties of Lord Mayor Allen Taylor,a 'self-made' man who , it was though, would not allow his mid to run wild with notions of municipal socialism." - page 32, the Accidental City

"With about £40,000 in hand, the Sydney Dreadnought committee finds itself in a quandary".. - 1912 'DEFENCE. NAVAL COLLEGE.', The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956), 18 March, p. 6, viewed 25 March, 2013,

"In 1903, the new Commonwealth of Australia agreed to pay £200,000 per year towards the expenses of the Imperial Squadron in the Pacific, but had no special naval vessels of its own. When in 1909 Germany's aggressive naval building program threatened Britain's naval supremacy, the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Sir Allen Taylor, convened a meeting in the Sydney Town Hall to establish a fund to purchase a Dreadnought (battleship) for presentation to Great Britain."..The Dreadnought Scheme

During 1912, Allen Taylor and other aldermen, supported conservative Lord Mayor George Clarke's attempt to rescind a 1908 resolution and increase the maximum height of buildings from 150 to 200 feet. - page 41 the Accidental City

large bronze plaque on an ofice wall'Improvement' and 'beautification' were seen to be central to human and environmental efficiency and thus to material progress. Lord Mayor Allen Taylor, a timber merchant and ship-owner, embaked ruthlessly on 'civic improvement until his retirement in 1912' Taylor was to inform his fellow aldermen in a minute of 1906, that even parks should be maintained at 'the highest stated of efficiency' Parks were not only 'the lungs of the city' and a manifestation of civic pride and worth, they were morally and mentally uplifting and thus reacted on human efficency." - page 34, the Accidental City

In 1917, at the request of the Lord Mayor Meagher, Alderman Taylor MLC chaired the NSW section of the first Australian Town Planning conference in Adelaide. Walter Burley Griffin argued at the conference for planning for economy in its broadest sense and opted for direct, more aggressive intervention in the moulding of the physical enviroment. He indicated the strong desire of planning lobbyists to identify their discipline with sound business practice as well as the scientific method, which was also bing applied in the factory, through Taylorism, and in the home, through the soon-to-blossom domestic science movemement...a system of trial and error - experiments and progressive accomplishments' - pages 45-48 the Accidental City

Politically conservative, Taylor joined the Citizens Reform Association which broke Labor's domination of the City Council in 1921. Allen Taylor was clearly concerned with national efficiency. But he was far more interested in demolishing what he believed to be uneconomic slum areas, in building factories and warehouses in the City and in improving urban transport facilities than with housing displaced people - page 41, the Accidental City

There was a mystery surrounding Allen Taylor's change of name. Allen's mother remarried and the family changed their name from Bate to Taylor Adele Elliot married Allen Bate in Annandale in 1886...more

And listening to The History Listen on 26 september 2023, one of the episodes of The Buried Tea Chests By Annika Blau, mentioned Allen Taylor had a part in the story. Allen Taylor was credited with giving Oscar Blau a helping hand to get back into the world of business after WW1, when Blau was imprisoned for continuing to import 4711 perfume from Germany...
Episode 1
Episode 2 Last updated 26 September 2023.