Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998
Aboriginal Australia | 1770-1823 | 1823-1876 | 1876-1889 | 1890-1900 | 1900-1915 | 1916-1930 | 1931-1938 | 1939-1945 | 1945-1955 | 1956-1969 | 1970-1998 | 1998-2007 | 2008-2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | What's on | Blog | Instagram | Places | People | Events |
Annandale Borough/Municipality (1894-1949) | Changes to Boundary | 1936 Boundary Change | 2003 Boundary Change | 2011 NSW Election | 2012 Council Elections | 2013 Federal Election | 2015 NSW Election | 2016 Federal Election | 2017 Inner West Council Election
Progressive Quota: 1481
Voter Turnout: 69.88%
Informal Rate: 7.80%
GNS 2,3322,568 1.571.73 43.36%
ALP 1,4811,659 1.001.12 28.01%
LP 1,5891,695 1.071.14 28.62%
... (viewed 12.10pm 10 Sep2012)
Progressive Quota: 4917
Voter Turnout: 53.92%
Informal Rate: 10.47%
Group A --- 465548 0.11 1.11%
Group B GNS 4,5994,747 0.97 9.65%
Group C ASP 1,5321,616 10.33 3.29%
Group D ALP 5,5745,852 31.19 11.90%
Group E CMI 22,07723,143 4.71 47.07%
Group F LP 8,4128,684 1.77 17.66%
Group G LS 3,7953,977 0.81 8.09%
Group H -- 524584 0.12 1.19%
Ungrouped-- 16 0.00 0.03%... (viewed 12.15pm 10 Sep 2012)
VITHOULKAS Angela LS 5,192 9.74%
STARDUST Zahra ASP 1,782 3.34%
MOORE Clover CMI 27,492 51.55%
MANDLA Edward LP 8,428 15.80%
DOHERTY Denis 436 0.82%
DOUTNEY Irene GNS 3,519 6.60%
SCOTT Linda ALP 5,484 10.28%
COULTON Dixie IND 993 1.86%... (viewed 12.25 10 Sep 2012)
Election was held on Saturday 8 September....Annandale Public School and Annandale North will be polling places.
"At the close of voting at 6.00pm on election day, election officials in the polling places will count the following ballot papers ...ANIMATION: What happens in a Polling Place on Election Night?" 26 Aug 2012)
Annandale Precinct Committee Meeting
Council Election, Annandale Precinct Meeting
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre (79 Johnston Street)
7-9pm Monday 6th August 2012
for Gadigal/Annandale-Leichhardt Ward
Candidates will speak and then answer brief questions, in the run up to the local government elections in September.
Your chance to ask about issues, intentions and policies for our local area.
Daniel Kogoy & Neerav Bhatt (The Greens) and Linda Kelly, Mark Hebblewhite & Leon Fry-Kontaxis (Labor), and Vera Hannaford & Tony Speranza (Liberal) have accepted (to date). All candidates are invited. (Source Email Precinct Sec 23/07/12 19:17)
you are invited to attend a Meet the Candidates session on Tuesday 21st August from 7pm till 9pm, prior to the upcoming City of Sydney Mayoral elections. Glebe Public School, 9-25 Derwent Street (enter through Derwent Street)....more
The City of Sydney and Leichhardt Municipal Council boundary runs through Annandale. Check your council at
More about voting, including early, braille, postal voting at:
There are four wards in the Leichhardt Local Government area. Three Councillors will be elected to represent each ward. Annandale falls in the Gadigal/Annandale-Leichhardt Ward ...more
The City of Sydney is represented by a popularly elected Lord Mayor and ten Councillors. All Councillors are elected by voters to represent the entire local government area as the City is not divided into wards...more
Coming Soon! - Nominations close Wednesday, 8 August...more
"The following registered parties are able to use the entitlements resulting from registration for the Local Government Elections 2012:"...more
"All Australian citizens, who are 18 years or older, must be enrolled at their residential address and vote at Local Government elections"...more
"As required by the Local Government Act 1993, each council’s general manager prepares and certifies the non-residential rolls."...more
Inclusion on the Leichhardt Council non-resident elector roll applications must be received by 6.00pm on Monday 30 July 2012more
Council of the City of Sydney – Preparation of the Non-residential Rolls...more