Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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NSW Election 2015 Saturday 28 March 2015

NSW 2015 Election posterNSW 2015 Election posterNSW 2015 Election posterNSW 2015 Election posterNSW 2015 Election posterNSW 2015 Election posterNSW 2015 Election poster

NSW 2015 Election flyer NSW 2015 Election flyer NSW 2015 Election flyer NSW 2015 Election flyer NSW 2015 Election flyer NSW 2015 Election flyer

NSW Coat of Arms: "Orta recens quam pura nites" which, in English, means "Newly risen, how brightly you shine"...more

Greens MP re-elected with 37.29% of the primary vote

@GreensJamieP spinning the chocolate wheel at Annandale Public School. #nswpol #balmain

— Inner West Courier (@InnerWestNews) March 28, 2015

Greens MP Jamie Parker, won 37.29% of the primary vote, with Verity Firth (Labor)32.17% and Lyndon Gannon the liberal candidate in third place on 24.87%. Fogarty, cyclist party got 1.98%, Nielsen, Animal Justice got 1.82%, Brown, NLT 1.07%, Avasalu and CDP 0.80%...more

Wealthy residents of Annandale’s Greens vote in NSW state election a bit rich
Miles Godfrey, Geoff Chambers & Leigh van den Broeke, The Daily Telegraph, March 31, 2015 12:00AM

Candidates for the Seat of Balmain in the Legislative Assembly

There are seven candidates

Candidates for he NSW Legislative Council

There are over 300 candidates in 24 groups and 17 who are ungrouped standing for 42 seats...more

"The Legislative Council is the Upper House of the NSW Parliament. It is often called the ‘House of Review’ because of its role in scrutinising Government legislation, and holding the Government to account"...more

Polling Places

Voting before election day:23 Balmain Road, Leichhardt; St Barnabas Church, Broadway, Ultimo; and Sydney Town Hall..Pre-Poll & Postal

Election Day: 8.00am to 6.00pm. Annandale Public School & Annandale North Public School, Johnston Street.more

Check your Enrollment

"The 2013 Redistribution comes into effect for the State Election 2015, your enrolled district may have changed...Check your enrolment

Meet the candidates night
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre (79 Johnston Street Annandale)
7pm Monday 2nd March 2015

The NSW election is on 28 March 2015. Nominations for candidates close on 12th March. Confirmed attendees:
Jamie Parker MP (The Greens), Verity Firth (Labor) and Lyndon Gannon (Liberal)

NSW 2015 Election posterNSW 2015 Election flyer People and Posters People and Posters People and Posters