Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998
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Annangrove Chimneys just visible behind the Shopfronts at 245 Parramatta Road (cnr of Macquarie Street), Annandale. 31 Jan 2014
Earliest map showing Annangrove as a "New Brick Cottage" is Peter Reynolds Collection : Manuscript Map of South Annandale.
The 1843 map of the Johnston Estate shows a "brick cottage" on "high road" (Parramatta Road), another "cottage" and a "cottage and offices".
A rectangle appears at the location on the Parramatta Road on a circa 1890 map. The L shape footprint of the Annangrove Cottage is clearly shown on another ca 1890 map which matches Stanley Jevons' 1850s photograph.
In 2014, Rhett Lindsay pointed that Annangrove cottage may still be standing behind the facade of the buildings at the corner of Macquarie Street and [245] Parramatta Road and the distinctive chimneys and A Frame roof can be identified in the Satellite image of the site.
"MR. JAMES BRADLEY'S Boarding School Establishment, (removed to Annan Grove, opposite to the northern side of Petersham Race-course, Parramatta-road) is now open for the reception of boarders, either annually, quarterly, or monthly, on moderate terms.
The locality of this seminary, only three miles from the centro of Sydney, with other advantages, must recommend it as a salubrious and convenient situation for an educational establishment.
Those parents and guardians desirous of seeing their children or wards frequently, or wishing them to dine at home in the city or Sundays or holidays, will find Annan Grove of easy access, and generally suitable to their purpose, embracing comfortable treatment, in pure air, extensive grounds for recreation, with
the benefit of a sound mercantile, mathematical, and English education, at moderate charges.
Dinner boarders and quarterly day pupils admitted.
All fees payable in advance or by an ap- proved bill.
Terms and futther particulars may be ob- tained at Annan Grove, near Annandale, are by letter, pre-paid, addressed to Mr. James Bradley, Post Office, Sydney. 869" - 1850 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 7 January, p. 3, viewed 31 October, 2014,
THIS Seminary, conducted by Mr. Bradley, a Teacher of considerable experience, will re-open on the 1st of July, for the reception of Boarders and Day Pupil Accommodation having been provided for additional Boarders, a limited number will be admitted on moderate terms, and every requi- site attention paid to their hoalth, their comforts, and literary attainments.
The system of instruction embraces every branch of a sound, useful, and polite English education, with classical learning by compe- tent teachers, if required.
The salubrious locality of this establishment, in the vicinity of Sydney, must recommend it to parent and guardian, desirous of seeing their children or wards frequently at a trifling expense, or of enjoying their company in the family circle on Sundays or holidays.
Terms of admission and other particulars may be ascertained on application personally, or by letter, post paid, addressed to the Principal, at his residence, through the Post Office, Sydney." [in same column: SYDNEY ROAD TRUST. ROAD METAL.TENDERS are requited by Tuesday,the 25th instant, at two P.M., for the performance of the following works: 1st. The delivery, at per ton, of about 100O tons of Whinstone Road Metal, on that por- tion of the Parramatta Road situate between Annandale Gate and Olivet's Wool-pack Inn, to be broken so as to pass in every way through a ring of two inches ia diameter.1850 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 24 June, p. 1, viewed 31 October, 2014,
NEW INSOLVENT Jan. 21.-James Bradley, of Annan Grove, Parramatta Road, near Sydney, schoolmaster. Debts, £261 3s. 9d. Assets-personal property, £12; outstanding debts (exclusive of £418 5s. lOd. bad or doubtful), £70 6s. 2d. Balance deficiency, £178 17s. 7d. Mr. George King, official* assignee.1850 'INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS.', The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), 26 January, p. 2, viewed 13 March, 2015,
Mr Bradley School: York-street, Sydney, Feb. a. 1830. Mercantile and Mathematical ACADEMY, CONDUCTED BY MR. BRADLEY. SF HE CHRISTMAS Vacation at this j Establishment will terminate on the 5th January, on which day the pupils are to resume their attendance. Mr. Bradley's system of education em braces those branches which experience proves to be inclispensible in a Mercan tile Country. The pupils being w 11 grounded in the rudiments of spelling, reading, Writing, and arithmetic, are instructed in English grammar, elocution, history, book-keep ing, mensuration, geography, the use Qof the globes, land surveying, navigation, astronomy, &c. in accordance with the taste and views of the parents; and youths designated for the mechanic arts, or for agricultural, commercial, or naval pursuits, are prepared in a comparatively short period, to enter upon any of these professicns, withont studying a profound course of mathematics. Mr. Bradley will be happy to afford pri vate instruction to adults, and teach them to detect solecisms in composition, and to write English grammatically; while in experienced mariners willreceive lectures on the globes and nautical astronomy, and be taught those principles on which the theories of navigation and of astrono my depend. Mr. Bradley's residence beingcapacious and adapted for all the purposes of a commodious Boarding-school (to which it was many y.ars appropriated by the Rev. Dr. Halloran), he proposes to admit a few parloui boarders for one year cer tain, on moderate terms. Day Scholars admitted at £2, £2 10s. or £3 sterling per quarter, accordingto the number of studies pursued; and one month's previous notice of the intended removal of a pupil, will be required, or a quarter's charge. luanter-streat, Jan. ?1, 1830 1830 'Advertising.', The Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838), 17 February, p. 4 Edition: AFTERNOON, viewed 13 March, 2015,
PARRAMATTA ACADEMY. MR. BRADLEY has the pleasure to announce, that the Christmas recess at this Mercantile Establishment, will terminate on the 22nd January, when a few additional Boarders, may be accommo- dated on the following terms, including Washing and Education. Pupils under 8 years of age, £25 per annum. above 8, and under 10, 28 above 10 and under 12, 30 above12, . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Drawing, Music, and Dancing (if required) by professional teachers, will be extra charged. 1838 'Advertising.', The Colonist (Sydney, NSW : 1835 - 1840), 20 January, p. 1, viewed 13 March, 2015,
"Annangrove Cottage on the Parramatta Road, Petersham from the back garden" is amongst the photographs on page WM Jevon's Album, in the Rylands Collection, University of Manchester.
Before leaving Sydney, Jevons produced a social map. Back in England, jevons went on to design a "logical piano" (a mechanical computer) and to write
William Stanley Jevons was appointed as an assayer to the new Sydney Mint. In 1854 he left Britain for Sydney. with photos (viewed 23 February 2012)
William Stanley Jevons came to live at Annangrove, with his fellow Assayer (Mr Miller) and Mrs Miller, from April 1855 until 9th March 1857, when they all moved to a cottage in Double Bay.
While at Annangrove on the Parramatta Road, Petersham, Jevons kept a diary and wrote letters to his sisters, brother and father in England. Jevons also photographed " photogra Anangrove Cottage, Petersham on the Parramatta Road from the back garden".
In his letters, Jevons described the house, his room as well as his walks from the Cottage, to work at the Mint via dusty Parramatta Road and through the woods at the back of the house. Jevons also described a walk across Parramatta Road, where he came upon the new Railway. Jevons also accompanied Robert Hunt, the first Clerk to the Mint, on photographic trips around the harbour. They photographed Willougby Falls and Hunt later returned and took a stereoscopic photograph. They also photographed the reck of the Dunbar and the Lane Cove River. More on Hunt at and
"Mr. Jevons now went to live at Petersham with his co-assayer, Mr. Miller. From here, In order to reach the mint, he walked along the Parramatta-road, whtch he described as "dusty or muddy, straight, and going through the hills by cuttings. It is crowded in the day time with herds of cattle and sheep, bullock teams, drays going up the country, mail coaches, omnibuses, diggers on horse-back, etc."
A little later, however, he writes: "I found a delightful way to the town through woods and dales instead of along a dusty road. I start off in the wood at our backdoor and walk through close, tall, gum trees and over picturesque rocks for a full mile, when I came to a stream, an Inlet of the harbour;
this is crossed by a bridge formed of a large gum tree which has been blown down and fallen across it, a long row of bullocks' skulls being laid in the mud as stepping stones on one side; then another mile through bush land and trees brings me within a few hundred yards of the omnibus stand at the end of the town." - 1929 'SYDNEY IN 1858.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 6 November, p. 16. , viewed 03 Mar 2017,
In November 1855, Jevons wrote from Petersham:"The Mint goes on swimmingly now, 20,000oz being an ordinary week's recèipt. Nevertheless I cannot say we are overworked, for we get to do the assays very quickly, and often do not work longer than from 10 to 8. Still, when you add in everything that I have to do, it does not turn out to be a very easy life.
On the whole, however, I may say that we are getting on at Petersham better than ever we did before/and there is nothing like an active life to be pleasant." - (LETTERS AND JOURNALS of W. STANLEY JEVONS. Edited by his wife. Macmillan and Co.,London.) - 1886 'THE ROYAL SOCIETY.—ANNUAL ADDRESS.', Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), 24 July, p. 28, viewed 31 January, 2012,
Marghanita da Cruz will present a virtual tour of 1850s and 1950s Annandale. In the 1850s, a new Train line passed through the Annandale Estate and William Stanley Jevons came to live at Annangrove Cottage on the Parramatta Road.
Jevons left us descriptions of Annangrove and his walks home to the new Royal Mint where he worked as an Assayer.
Horse Drawn, Steam and electric Trams have all transported passengers along Parramatta Road until the 1950s.
This virtual tour will form the basis of Marghanita's seventh book in a series which presents Annandale's History as Short Walks.
There will be an opportunity to inspect the historic cottage and nearby sites.
In one letter Jevons described the wreck of the Dunbar. He returned to London via America. - 1886 'THE TANTALUS ROUND TABLE.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 23 November, p. 2, viewed 31 January, 2012,
While in Sydney, Jevons photographed the harbour, plants and his associates Mrs T.; an unidentified aborigine man and lady on a horse; W. & S.T (Willy and Sarah Tricket, son and niece of Joseph Trickett of the Sydney Royal Mint); J.N. and family (Joseph Newton); Mrs M. (Alicia Miller);S.P. - WM Jevons Album, Rylands Collection, University of Manchester.
Two assayers were appointed to the mint, each with their own office and the right to undertake assays for banks or for private persons. Jevons and his colleague rented a two room cottage at Church Hill, where Jevons set up his scientific apparatus. At the end of April 1855, he moved in with Mr and Mrs Miller first at Annangrove Cottage, Petersham and then with them into their new home in Double Bay.
From Annangrove Cottage, he wrote regularly to his father, brother and sisters. In May 1855, he wrote to his sister Lucy, that it was four miles to his office. Despite walking an average of six of the eight miles, he was still often ready to cut firewood in the evenings.
On the 1st July 1855, Jevons wrote to his sister Henrietta from Annangrove Cottage: "I will now tell you a little about the house I am living in here. It is a low neatly-built Australian-shaped house; the little dining-room is comfortable, and looks on to the road; the drawing-room is a fine room of three windows, comfortably and handsomely furnished, and which would be admired as a good room anywhere. My little room is awkwardly shaped and placed, but being now furnished according to my own ideas of comfort, convenience, and elegance, I am thoroughly satisfied with it At one end is the harmonium, always open and ready for an occasional tune; the bookcase is a really handsome one, with glass doors, standing on a chiffonier containing a large drawer and fine cupboard to hold large books, and other things."
"It is easier to plan than to perform things, but, of course, when the work of the mint becomes easy and regular I shall begin to think of long walks, collecting Australian plants, etc. Returning to home matters, however pleasant life here may become, one does not look upon it for one moment but as temporary. Everybody talks of home, even, it is said, those who have been born here; but whatever other people do, home, you may depend upon it, I shall come in due time. These thoughts occur to me now more especially because last Wednesday or Thursday was the first anniversary of the day on which I left home. If other years pass as quickly as this seems to have done, and they [52] will no doubt pass quicker, the time will not seem so far distant."
"By the by, very fortunately, the day before yesterday I found a delightful way to the town through woods and dales instead of along a dusty road. I start off in the wood at our back door, and walk through close tall gum-trees and over picturesque rocks for a full mile, when I come to a stream, an inlet of the harbour; this is crossed by a bridge formed of a large gum-tree which has been blown down and fallen across it, a long row of bullocks' skulls being laid in the mud as stepping-stones on one side: the view here along the stream is also quite pretty, at least to Australian eyes. Then another mile through bush land and trees brings me within a few hundred yards of the omnibus stand at the end of the town."- LETTERS AND JOURNAL OF W. STANLEY JEVONS. - William Stanley Jevons, Letters and Journal [1886] (viewed 3 Sep 2016)
In 1858 Jevons described Camperdown and the clay deposits of the area. He also described the social status of the housing and residents of the sydney surburbs in his Social Map of Sydney.
"Mr. Stanley Jevons, son of Mr. Thomas Jevons, of Liverpool, has been appointed assayer of tho Royal Mint of Sydney, Australia. The salary is upwards of £500 a year. Mr. Stanley Jevons is grandson, by the mother's side, of Roscoe." 1853 'No title', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 21 December, p. 5. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
"APPOINTMENTS. ..Captain Edward Wolstenholme "Ward, Royal Engineers, to be Deputy Master of the Royal Mint, and Chief Officer of the Branch of the Royal Mint, at Sydney ; and that the Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury have been pleased to make the following appointments in the Branch of the Royal Mint at Sydney, viz. :— Charles Elonis, Esq., to be Superintendent of the Bullion Office ; Joseph Trickett, Esq , to be Superintendent of the Coining Department; Robert Huat, Esq., to be First Clerk in the Bullion Office ; Elliott Knipe, Esq., to be Registrar and Accountant ; and Messrs. Francis Bowyer Miller and William Stanley Jevons to be Assayers." - 1854 'COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 8 November, p. 8. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
Telescope owned by William Stanley Jevons, 1850 - 1855 -
"ON A SUN-GAUGE, OR NEW ACTINOMETER. BY MR. W. S. JEVONS. The subjoined paper, treating of a subject" 1857 'ON A SUN-GAUGE, OR NEW ACTINOMETER.', Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), 11 September, p. 2. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
William Stanley Jevons - 'Remarks upon the Social Map of Sydney, 1858', bound with 3 maps, 1854-1859
"The paper "On Clouds," delivered by Mr. Jevons, before the members of the Philosophical Society, with experimental illustrations, will be read with great pleasure by scientific persons." 1858 'WEST CAMDEN ELECTION.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 25 January, p. 5. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
"TEMPERATURE OF AIR IN AUSTRALIA. Rain in Australia. History of the Floods and Droughts of New South Wales. Periodicity of Floods and Droughts Water Course of Australia The Barometer See Mr. Jevons's paperin WAUGIH'S AUSTRALIAN ALMtANACO , 2408" - 1859 'Advertising', The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848 - 1859), 5 March, p. 3. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
"Mr. Jevons' list shows that from 1789 to 1799 was a dry period ; from that to 1821 was, in the main, a wet period, though four dry years intervened ; from 1821 to 1838, was a dry period, though in five of the years there was a flood; and from that time to the present has been mainly wet, though six of the years have been marked by droughts. There is nothing however, in the table to furnish any positive indication as to the future. There may be another cycle of dry years in store, but we are not in a position to predict anything. Meteorology has not yet attained the dignity of the sister science of astronomy." 1859 'THE CLIMATE OF AUSTRALIA.', The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), 11 February, p. 3. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
"By cable this, week we, learn of the accidental, death of Professor Jevons, a gentleman formerly connected with the Sydney Mint, and pretty well known in this city..." 1882 'PROFESSOR JEVONS.', Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), 19 August, p. 15. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
"He also wrote a work on the coal question, at a time when the possible exhaustion of the coal mines was attracting much attention in England." 1882 'DEATH OF PROFESSOR JEVONS.', The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 17 August, p. 9. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
"Jevons wrote the industrial prosperity of Great Britain had for some years been increasing by leaps and bounds, and his fear was that if the same rate of progress were maintained a life-time would sec the exhaustion of the coal-fields, or such a rise in the price of the commodity due to the difficulties of mining at vast, depths as would render it impossible for English manufacturers to compete successfully in neutral markets." 1898 'JEVONS'S COAL QUESTION.', The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), 26 January, p. 4. , viewed 11 Oct 2016,
STOLEN or Strayed, from Annan Grove, Petersham, on the evening of Thursday, the 5th instant, a large, well bred red and white Milch COW. If stolen, a reward of-£2 will be paid on recovery of the cow and conviction of the thief; and if strayed, ten Shillings will be paid on her delivery to Mrs. MOSMAN, at Petersham. - 1865 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 7 October, p. 12, viewed 23 January, 2012,
There is a description of Annan Grove as "a one acre property on the Northern side of Parramatta Road" and an associated photograph on pg 160 of Marine officer, convict wife.
£1 Reward - LOST from Annan Grove, Petersham Red Kangaroo DOG AT Mosman, Petersham - 1865 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 21 June, p. 16, viewed 23 January, 2012,
On the 18th instant, at Annan Grove Cottage, Petersham, EMILY MARIA MOSMAN, of diphtheria, aged 7 and a half years. - 1867 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 20 July, p. 1, viewed 23 January, 2012,
FUNERAL.-The Friends of the late Mr. ARCHIBALD MOSMAN are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of his late deceased daughter, EMILY MARIA ; to move from Annan Grove Cottage, Petersham, TOMORROW (Sunday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock precisily. 1867 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 20 July, p. 12, viewed 23 January, 2012,
Births....On the 21st Instant, at Annan Grove, Petersham, the wife of AH Palmer of Herston, Brisbane, a son. 1868 'Family Notices.', Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), 24 April, p. 1, viewed 23 January, 2012,
An 1872 proposal to relocate the local Post Office, to the Leichhardt Municipality, met opposition from H Mosman of Annan Grove...more
Deaths...DEANE.-May 12, at Annan Grove, Annandale, Mabel, infant daughter of Robert and Henrietta Deane, aged 8 months. - 1876 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 15 May, p. 1, viewed 23 January, 2012,
Wanted, a light, hooded, Buggy SOCIABLE, in good order. Apply, by post stating lowest price, to Robert Deane, Annan Grove, Petersham. 1876 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 12 January, p. 3, viewed 23 January, 2012,
Wanted in September, a detached House about 10 rooms, with garden &c. Apply stating ent [sic] or price to Robert Deane, Annan Grove, Petersham - 1878 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 22 June, p. 12, viewed 23 January, 2012,
ANNAN GROVE, North Annandale.-Now vacant, 11 rooms, kitchen, servant's rooms, &c ; stables, every con- venience, garden, orchard, paddocks, plenty of water. Apply to the Overseer ; or 204. Pitt-street. - 1879 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 13 February, p. 10, viewed 31 October, 2014,
Deaths. BAKER.-July 18, at Annan Grove, Petersham, near Sydney, Bernice Byron, the wife of the Hon. E. A. Baker, M.P., aged 54 years. - 1879 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 22 July, p. 1, viewed 23 January, 2012,
ANNAN GROVE, North Annandale-Now vacant 11 room's, kitchen, servant's rooms, &c , stables, every convenience, garden, orchard, paddocks, plenty of water. Apply to the Overseer, 201, Pitt Street 1879 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 15 February, p. 16, viewed 23 January, 2012,
"ANNAN GROVE. North Annandale-Largo COTTAGE, 10 rooms, kitchen, wash-house, garden, paddock, Ac , £100 per annum Also, Cottage 4 rooms, kitchen, &.c , 10s 6d per week Apply to Overseer. or H Weynton, 25b, Pitt-Street" - 1880 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 9 March, p. 10, viewed 31 October, 2014,
"HARDIE and GORMAN will sell, BY ORDER of THE DIRECTORS, ON THE GROUND, during the month of SEPTEMBER, SEVERAL SECTIONS, situate between ANNAN GROVE, on tho PARRAMATTA ROAD, and the residence of Captain ARGUIMBAU [Annandale Cottage cnr of Albion and Annandale Sts]. Lithographs in course of preparation." - 1880 'Advertising.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 24 July, p. 14, viewed 31 October, 2014,
THE FRIENDS of the late Mr. WILLIAM FRED- RICK AUGUSTUS McINTOSH are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral; to move from the residence of his brother-in-law, T. S. Hutchinson, Annan Grove, Parramatta-road, Leichhardt, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for Petersham Station, thence to Necropolis. Charles Boots, undertaker.
THE FRIENDS of Mrs. MARY McINTOSH are re- spectfully invited to attend the Funeral of her late beloved SON, William Fredrick A.; to move from the residence of his brother-in-law, T. S. Hutchinson, Annan Grove, Parramatta-road, Leichhardt, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for Petersham Station, thence to Necropolis. C. Boots, undertaker.
THE FRIENDS of Messrs. HAMILTON, S.,JOSEPH, THOMAS, and WILLIAM HUTCHINSON are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of WILLIAM FREDRICK A. McINTOSH; to move from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. T. S. Hutchinson, of Annan Grove, Parramatta- road, Leich't, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 2, for Nec'polis.
THE FRIENDS of Mr. T. S. HUTCHINSON are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late beloved BROTHER-IN-LAW, Mr. William Fredrick A. McIntosh; to move from his residence, Annan Grove, Parramatta-road, Leich- hardt, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 2, for Petersham Station, thence to Necropolis. CHARLES BOOTS, Undertaker. " - 1885 'Family Notices.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 23 July, p. 12, viewed 31 October, 2014,
Appears on 1890s Sales Plan
"C CLIFTON WILSON Optician 245 Parramatta Road Annandale 17/10/11 WILSON, Henry Clifton; WILSON, Charles Clifton- 21004 [2/8542]" - Firms Registered in Annandale (1903-1922) - List of Firms registered under Firms Act, 1902. Source: State Records NSW,
Marghanita da Cruz will present a virtual tour of 1850s and 1950s Annandale. In the 1850s, a new Train line passed through the Annandale Estate and William Stanley Jevons came to live at Annangrove Cottage on the Parramatta Road.
Jevons left us descriptions of Annangrove and his walks home to the new Royal Mint where he worked as an Assayer.
Horse Drawn, Steam and electric Trams have all transported passengers along Parramatta Road until the 1950s.
This virtual tour will form the basis of Marghanita's seventh book in a series which presents Annandale's History as Short Walks.
There will be an opportunity to inspect the historic cottage and nearby sites.
In March 2016, Artist Jonathon Hardy and his partner Amanda Robb set up Tetch Gallery at Annangrove. The Gallery hosted History week in September 2016. Annangrove Cottage was featured in the exhibition Land Grant to Urban Village which was on display for the week and in a talk about the Anecdotal History of Annandale by Marghanita da Cruz.
This page last updated: 12 July 2017.