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NSW Christmas Bush (Ceratopetalum gummiferum)
The NSW Christmas Bush's white flowers bloom in October. By Christmas the flowers are gone but the red sepals remain and have earnt the small tree its name Christmas Bush.
Ceratopetalum gummiferum (NSW Christmas Bush)
White Flowers 3 October 2008
Red Sepals 17 December 2012
Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz
Bursaria spinosa subsp. spinosa (Native Blackthorn, Sweet Bursaria, Christmas Bush),
Annandale, 1 January 2018, Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz
Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Blueberry Ash)
Annandale, 2 November 2009
Photo: Marghanita da Cruz
Acianthus (Flannel Flowers)
16 October 2008
Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz
Crinum pendunculatum Johnston's Creek, Annandale 12 November 2009 Photograph: Marghanita da Cruz
Philotheca (formerly Eriostemon) 22nd August 2009 Photo:MdaCruz
Leionema dentatum (formerly Phelbalium dentatum)
Correa alba Rozelle Bay Foreshore, July 2009 Photo: Marghanita da Cruz
Hakea sericea 22 August 2009 Photo:MdaCruz
Hakea teretifolia Flower (see seed pod) 9 November 2006, Photo: Marghanita da Cruz
Grevillea parviflora 1 October 2008
Photographer: Viki Alonso
Grevillea parviflora or linearfolia
Lane Cove Golf Course
20 September 2009
Photo: Marghanita da Cruz
There is also a pink form