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Gymnopilus junonius (identified by Graham Patterson a Volunteer at Fungimap) growing at base of Lophostemon confertus (Queensland Brush Box) in North Avenue, Leichhardt
Photo Marghanita da Cruz, 12 Jul 2016.
See also: Photo 1; Photo 2
Gymnopilus junonius at the Base of Blue Gum, June 30, 2018
Gymnopilus junonius at the base of a large blue gum in Taylor Street Annandale. The fruiting bodies lasted about a week.
Fungi growing on Dead Sydney Wattle (Acacia longifolia) Stump (7 October 2008)
Fungi growing on Dead Wattle Stump (7 October 2008)
Fungi after rain on 14 October 2008
Possibly a Jelly fungi or Wood-ear
Nursery | Trees > 5m | Trees < 5m | 0.5 - 2m | Grasses | Climbers | Herbs | Estuarine | Ferns | Fungi | Wattle | Seed Pods | Yellow Flowers | Green Flowers | Blue & Purple Flowers | White Flowers | Pink Flowers | Bunya Nuts | Lilipillis | August | September | October | Banksia marginata | Trees | Weeds | circa 1800 | References
Wood Fungi | Australian Fungi Website | Common Australian Fungi - a bushwalkers guide | Role of Fungi
The aseroe rubra commonly known as the anemone stinkhorn and sea anemone fungus, is recognizable for its foul odour and anemone shape. It resembles a red star-shaped structure covered in brownish slime on a white stalk attracting flies, which spread its spores. - more at Wikipedia
Bright Yellow Fungi
24 February 2005
"Mycologist Dr Tom May looked at the photos on your website. He identified the little yellow one (24/2/2005) as Leucocoprinus birnbaumii." - (18 Jan 2016)
Opened overnight and turned pale yellow
25 Februrary 2005.
Fungi brackets breaking down dead melaleuca branch - 14 October 2008
Lichen growing on a melaleuca (Tea Tree/Bottlebrush) branch which blew down in a storm in August 2012 - Photograph Marghnanita da Cruz 3 September 2012
White fungi breaking down wood, Garden Annandale, Photograph Marghanita da Cruz 3 September 2012
Pale Brown Puffy Fungi growing in Leaf Litter
7 October 2008
"The puffball is not Pisolithus" - Mycologist Dr Tom May, (18 Jan 2016)
Pale Brown Puffy Fungi growing in Leaf Litter
7 October 2008
Possibly a Gasteromycetes Pisolithus
White Fungi, Annandale
18 April 2009
These are possibly Coprinus disseminatus
Mycologist Dr Tom May "agrees with the identification of Coprinus disseminatus (18/4/2009)" - (18 Jan 2016)
Fungi growing on a living Melaleuca tree
18 April 2009
Possibly a Jelly fungi or Wood-ear