Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

Public Transport Trip Planner

Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Local Provenance Plants

Nursery | Trees > 5m | Trees < 5m | 0.5 - 2m | Grasses | Climbers | Herbs | Estuarine | Ferns | Fungi | Wattle | Seed Pods | Yellow Flowers | Green Flowers | Blue & Purple Flowers | White Flowers | Pink Flowers | Bunya Nuts | Lilipillis | August | September | October | Banksia marginata | Trees | Weeds | circa 1800 | References

Local Provenance Plants yellow flowers

yellow flower with green serated leafGoodenia ovata in Federal Park, Photo Marghanita da Cruz 21 May 2016

vine with clusters of yellow trumpet flowers growing on wire fence.
Pandorea pandorana 1 October 2008
Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz

yellow pea flower with red centre - elongate heart shaped leathery leaves
Platylobium formosum
Handsom Flat-pea
Lane Cove Golf Course
20 September 2009
Photo: Marghanita da Cruz