Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

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Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

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Westgate Shop Keepers Association

Parramatta Road (Johnstone Street, Annandale to Taverner's Hill)

"'A RUN ALONG PARRAMATTA ROAD A Glimpse of Annandale, Leichhardt and Petersham
(By V. L. H. COGHLAN.)
Back in the distant mists of 1788, heavily-laden bullock waggons wended their way from Sydney Cove waterfront to the settlement at Parramatta. In those days, only grim gum trees lined, the rut fashioned route to the provisional capi tal, and there was no sign of habitation between the termini. ..As a business centre the growth of Parramatta-road has been little short of wonderful. Right from Johnston-street to the top of Taverner's Hill there is a double line of up-to-date shops where only a' few years ago virgin bush and a riotous confusion of undergrowth met the eye. For miles along each side of the thoroughfare lines of streets and houses are to be seen flanking the slopes of the rises, and an air of general prosperity surmounts the whole. Business Expansion...." 1922 'SYDNEY'S MUNICIPAL GROWTH.', Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), 9 July, p. 10, viewed 24 December, 2013,

Post Office

The Westgate Post Office opened in 1927 but was turned into appartments c2011...more.

The Westgate LPO is at 203 Parramatta Road ..more

Failure of wood blocks (1926)

Reconstruction of Parramatta Road(1927)

Flood Lighting

Aid to Public Safety.
GOVERNMENT ACTION.The Minister for Works and Local Government (Mr. Spooner) said, in a speech lost night, that the Government was co-operating with the Standards Association In the investigation of improved street lighting to increase public safety. He officially switched on a footpath flood-lighting scheme in the newly-named shopping centre of Westgate.
Mr. Spooner said that officers of his department had found that this new installation along Parramatta Road from Johnston-street, Annandale, to the top of Taverner's Hill-was the most extensive and powerful uniform intensive pavement lighting scheme in Australia, and possibly in the southern hemisphere. It was more than a mile in length, and contained 460 300-watt lamps, of 5OO candle power, 16 feet apart, The scheme would cost £2500 a year. The Government, Mr. Spooner added, was vitally Interested In electricity, and was sparing no efforts to co-ordinate, develop, and cheapen supplies. Ten thousand people were present at the ceremony, and afterwards inspected the special window displays. Several bands par- aded the floodlit area." - 1936 'BETTER LIGHTING.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 24 July, p. 11, viewed 11 March, 2015,

1936 Westgate Wedding

1.scenes of a wedding
2.scenes of a wedding
3.scenes of a wedding
4.scenes of a wedding
5.scenes of a wedding
6.scenes of a wedding
7.scenes of a wedding
8.scenes of a wedding
9.scenes of a wedding
10. scenes of a wedding
11.scenes of a wedding
12.scenes of a wedding

Photographs from Hood Collection part I : Sydney streets, buildings, people, activities and events, ca. 1925-1957 of Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales. Articles about Westgate Wedding and Carnival on Trove

1936: 'Minister Says Poverty No Bar To Married Happiness.'

"It is not a gamble on getting work, but a spiritual affinity which makes the parties take the step. Poverty should be no hindrance to marriage, and certainly no barrier to happiness. Westgate shopkeepers could easily have chosen parties of affluence, but, actuated by sincere humanitarian motives, chose those who were most needy. The youthfulness of the parties is no reason for postponing a marriage. Some of the happiest marriages I have ever known were those of minors. No matter what any of us may say. and in spite of our best intentions, nobody can make absolute rules for happy marriages. Luck may enter into it, but good management also plays a very large part. The Leichhardt couple, doubtless, have as good a chance as any two people whose wedding is a full dress parade in the noblest of cathedrals. One cannot help feeling that, whether a wedding is frills or minos frills, money or minus money, thc most important thing of all is a spirit of comradeship" -1936 'Minister Says Poverty No Bar To Married Happiness.', The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), 1 August, p. 19, viewed 11 March, 2015,

"The public wedding was part of the week's carnival, organised by the Parramatta-road Shopkeepers' Association, to celebrate the switching on of a footpath floodlighting scheme In the newly named shopping centre of Westgate, which extends along Parramatta-road from Johnston Street, Annandale to the top of Taverner's Hill." - 1936 'SHOPPING CARNIVAL.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 29 July, p. 13, viewed 10 March, 2015,

"The Rev. J. Faulkner, of Leichhardt Presbyterian Church, will conduct the ceremouy. and Miss Mena Palmer and Mr. Thomas Sidler, who are unemployed., will be married in the Dispensary Hall [Leichhardt Council 50th Anniversary, 1871 - 1921: Leichhardt and Petersham United Friendly Societies' Dispensary, Parramatta Road.]. Parramatta Road, at 3 pm. ou July 28. The ceremony will be a feature of the carnival of the Parramatta Road Shop keepers' Association in connection with the new suburb, Westgate, and the switching on of the floodlighting system along Parramatta-road. Although it will be a public wedding in a hall, said Mr. Faulkner, recently, it will be just as sacred as if performed in a church. Mr. Sidler, who has been out of work for 18 month, has been asked by a broadcasting station to call regarding a position on its staff." [Article seems to be confused about location of Westgate] 1936 'VICTORIA'S FIRST OPEN-AIR WEDDING.', Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 - 1956), 25 July, p. 4, viewed 11 March, 2015,

Climax to Sydney Carnival
Twentynine men and 2271 women filled the Strand Theatre, Leichhardt (Sydney) to witness the wedding of 22 year old Miss Mena Plmer to Mr Thomas Fidler, 23.
The public wedding (reports the " Sydney Morning Herald ") was port of the week's carnival, organised by the Parramatta Rood (Shopkeepers' Association, to celebrate the switching on of a foot path flood lighting scheme in the newly named shopping centre of Westgate which extends along Parramatta Road from Johnstone Street, Annandale, to the top of Taverner's Hill.
The bride, who was attende by two bridesmaids, o in blue, and two little flower girls in pink, was given aay bu Mr EC Single.
Thc Rev, J. Faulkner, of Leichhardt Presbyterian Church, who performed tho ceremony, told the audience that he did not a«k the bride to promise to obey her husband, because he felt, that if he did, he should also ask the groom to give thc same promise. He wanted both to feel that they were starting off on level terms.
£200 IN GIFTS.
After thc ceremony the couple were driven through the Westgate shopping centre, where from over 100 shops they received wedding présents to the value of over £200. A truck following their car was well laden, the gifts" ranging from groceries to furniture. Tho wedding ring and bridal array were also gifts.
Thousands of people who had waited outside theatre thronged the footpaths as the gift collecting procession moved from shop to shop, and a large squad of police had considerable difficulty in controlling the crowd, which could not be kept off the roadway.
The bridegroom, who has been unemployed for a long time said he hopes that the publicity would assist him to find a job had not been realised." - 1936 'WEDDING IN THEATRE.', Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), 21 August, p. 3, viewed 11 March, 2015,

Ball, [Leichhardt and Petersham United Friendly Societies'] Dispensary Hall

"BALL ARRANGED BY THREE MUNICIPALITIES One of the events in connection with the floodlighting of Westgate shopping area, at Parramatta-road. 'Leichhardt, which will be officially switched, on at the end of July, will be the combined ball organised by Petersham, Leichhardt, and Annandale municipal councils. The ball will be held on July 29, at David Jones'. The Mayoress of Petersham, Mrs. J. A. Stewart is president of the committee; the Mayoress of Annandale, Mrs. T. W. Marshall, and the Mayoress of Leichhardt, Miss E. Bowmaker, are made vice-presidents. Mrs W. Johnston and Mrs. J. Cobournc are associate honorary secretaries; and Miss A. Cordwell, honorary treasurer. The next meeting of the committee will be held at the Dispensary Hall, Parramatta-road, on July 2. at 8 pm." 1936 'BALL ARRANGED BY.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 25 June, p. 19, viewed 11 March, 2015,

Basketball and Rollerscating at the Rollerdrome

"ENTHUSIASTS are taking their roller skates from cupboard shelves and dusting and greasing them in anticipation of a bumper season. Mr. A. G. Harper, president of the N.S.W. - Roller Skating Club, announces that many novelties are to be biaugurated tills year, and he confidently antici pates that the sport will reach a level unequalled since pre-war years. The season will be launched at the West gate Rollerdrome, Parramatta-road, next Wednesday." 1938 'Advertising.', Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), 20 February, p. 33, viewed 11 March, 2015,

Basket ball was also played at the rolerdrome

Italian Fruitshop

Ferro Annandale Fruitshop, 145 Westgate Shopping Centre, Parramatta Rd

Annandale Fruit Shop 243 Parramatta Road

Paul's Fruit Shops (1) and (2) at 151 & 189A Parramatta Road

Saffioti Annandale Fruitshop 175 Parramatta Rd


Considerable damage ins done by fire at Leon Wittenberg's grocery at 207 Parramatta road Annandale early yesterday morning, The building is two storied with a seven roomed dwelling above. The shop and con tents were damaged by fire Stanmore Leichhardt and Annandale brifades attended under District Officer McLaughlin - 1930 'FIRES IN THE SUBURBS.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 4 August, p. 10, viewed 13 March, 2015,

Relics of Annandale

Many people will be surprised to learn that there still stands In the suburb of Sydney called Annandale, or, more strictly speaking, in the area known as South Annandale, a building that once formed part of the famous home of one of Australia's most famous historical characters, Colonel George Johnston...1934 'RELICS OF ANNANDALE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 5 July, p. 8, viewed 13 March, 2015,

Leichhardt: Nos. 329 to 333 Parramatta-road, on corner of Hay-street, three brick shops.
Annandale: No. 189 and 189a Parramatta-road, few doors from Young-street, two brick shops and dwellings.
Leichhardt: Parramntta-rood, large brick premises, formerly used as skating rink, also laundry attached.
Leichhardt: Nos. 481 and 483 Parramatta-road, opposite Palace-street, two business sites in shopping area...1930 'REAL ESTATE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 20 September, p. 11, viewed 13 March, 2015,

This page last Updated: 13 March 2015.