Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998
LED vs Other Forms of Lighting | LED Lighting Trials | Leichhardt Council May 2011 LED Lighting Report | Domestic Use of LED Lighting | LED and Solar | Annandale Pilots | LMC Report on Annandale Neighbourhood Centre (Nov 2011) | LED vs T8 vs T5 Fluorescents
"The big challenge Leichhardt Council faces is the escalating costs combined with a limited ability raise funds. These include rising electricity costs and increases to the fire levy." - 2011/12 Budget Reflects Community Priorities
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre as demonstration site for Energy efficient Lighting....more
That Council adopt the minutes of the Climate Change Taskforce
meeting held on 7 December 2011 with the accompanying
recommendations as listed below;That Council adopt the minutes of the Climate Change Taskforce
meeting held on 7 December 2011 with the accompanying
recommendations as listed below;
...Item 9
Energy Savings Initiatives Annandale Neighbourhood Centre
Officer Recommendation
That the committee notes and supports the energy savings actions for
the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre.
Recommended Arnerich/Da Cruz
1. That a report be brought back to the committee on how the
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre could be used as a
demonstration site for energy efficient lighting technologies.
2. That the Summary/Conclusions (point 5 4th paragraph) of the report be amended...Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 13th day of December,2011 and presented for confirmation this 28th day of February, 2012. ( viewed 29 Feb 2012)
Report to December 2011 Climate Change Taskforce Meeting
October 2011 Council Meeting:" 1. Light switch labelling, time clock controls for boiling water units,
equipment consolidation, after hours energy consumption
investigations, occupancy sensors, daylight sensors, time clock
controls, DHW unit replacement lighting replacements (LEDS,T5
fluorescents) and lighting circuit rewiring.
2. That Council bring a report to the next Climate Change Meeting on
including or not including street lighting (which council has no
operational control over)
3. That council investigate and bring a report to the next Climate
Change Taskforce meeting on the installation of solar PV systems
at the Catherine Street Depot, Balmain Library and Balmain Depot.
That as part of the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre upgrade
Council investigate replacing the centre’s lighting with LED or other
suitably energy efficient and long life lighting. That a report on
these investigations be brought to the next Climate Change
Taskforce Meeting.October%202011%20Minutes.pdf
At the Leichhardt Council Climate Change Taskforce meeting on June 1, it was proposed to Pilot LED Lighting along the new Johnston Creek Cycle Path and Footpath in Smith Hogan and Spindlers Park, Annandale. There was support for the Pilot, at the Annandale Precinct meeting on June 6, with a request for Active Lighting - for safety and security. This parkland is a nocturnal native animal habit, revegetated by the Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery, in which unnecessary lighting would be undesirable. In August 2011, following further investigation, a report recommended to the Climate Change Committee, that "active LED lighting is incorporated into the Johnston's Creek Pedestrian and Cycle Path Project"
There are other potential pilot sites including:
The Preliminary Assessment of Opportunities for LED Lighting in Leichhardt Council available below, was published as Item 10 of the CLIMATE CHANGE TASKFORCE AGENDA – JUNE 2011 in PDF at Climate Change June 2011 Agenda (597.19kB). The report does not cover the internal use of LED Lighting within Council Properties. The report also makes a claim that LED Lighting cannot be implemented without changes to lighting design. However, the market is currently (June 2011) being offered LED Direct Replacements.
It would be fitting, to mark the centenary of Sydney's electric street light pilot, in the Glebe, with the introduction of LED Lighting into the Municipality.
DATE: 25 July 2011
ORGANISATIONAL IMPLICATIONSTo be determined at project design
Financial Implications:Nil
Policy Implications: Accessibility
Strategic Plan Objective: A sustainable environment, Sustainable Services and Assets
Staffing Implications:Nil
Other Implications:Nil
1. Purpose of Report
To recommend that an active LED lighting system be incorporated into the
Johnston’s Creek Pedestrian and Cycle Path Project.
2. Recommendations
1. That active LED lighting is incorporated into the Johnston’s Creek
Pedestrian and Cycle Path Project.
2. That Council delegate authority to the Director Infrastructure and Service
Delivery to negotiate the preferred lighting outcome with City of Sydney
3. Background
Council at its meeting held 28 June 2011 resolved (C286/11) as follows:
1. That Council implement the lighting component of the Johnston’s Creek
separated cycle and pedestrian paths project and if there is a budget shortfall,
funding be identified in the 2010/11 4th quarter budget and carryover review.
2. That the lighting installation be sympathetic to the native wildlife along the
corridor and priority be given to the installation of active LED lighting.
4. Report
Active LED lighting
The benefits of active LED lighting were reported to the Climate Change Taskforce
Committee in June 2011. Active lighting systems deliver light only when it is needed.
These systems include a motion detector, which is connected to the lanterns and ‘sense’
when the spaces are active and automatically provide higher or lower levels of light as
In addition to the benefits of saving energy, the systems may be designed in such a way that:
Johnston’s Creek Cycleway Spindlers Reserve
The consultancy, Lighting, Art and Science were engaged to prepare a report on the
lighting options available for the cycleway using LED lights in comparison with the more
traditional source of metal halide. A copy of the report is attached (refer Attachment 1).
In relation to the impact of lighting on native wildlife, as part of the Johnston’s Creek
cycleway project, the City of Sydney Council commissioned a report on fauna from the
Australian Museum. This report concludes that with respect to the impact of the lighting:
"Given that the Grey headed Flying-fox currently forages throughout Bicentennial Park, it
is considered that the lights proposed would be unlikely to substantially alter the foraging
behaviour of this species in the locality." And "The proposed development is not likely to
have a significant impact on local nocturnal fauna, such as the Common Brushtail
Possum, although some disturbance may occur as a result of additional lighting and
increased human activity at night."
Table 1 shows the estimated relative fitting costs and quantities for the different options,
as chosen by the consultant, and ranks them by cost. Table 2 compares the Life cycle
costing and energy used through life and ranks them from the lowest to the highest in
each case....
DATE: 26 MAY 2011
Financial Implications: Nil
Policy Implications: Nil at this stage
Strategic Plan Objective: Community Well-being, Accessibility, Place Where
We Live & Work, Sustainable Development
Staffing Implications: Nil
Notifications: NA
Other Implications: Nil
To inform the Climate Change Task Force committee about LED technologies, LED trials and a preliminary assessment of opportunities to install LED Lighting in the Leichhardt LGA.
In the 6th of April Climate Change Task Force Committee meeting it was resolved that:
That a report be brought to the next Climate Change Taskforce Meeting regarding possibilities for the installation of LEDs, and updates on other trials and options for LEDs on Council properties, street lighting and in our parks.
In response to the resolution this report has been written.
LED Lighting is a relatively new energy efficient method of lighting that can potentially save greenhouse gas emissions from energy use after installation. Many successful trials have been carried out world wide with some foreign Councils now implementing for specific situations. It should be noted that the legislation in regards to street lighting in Australia differs markedly from European and North American legislation. This is not to say that LED Lighting should not be trialled or implemented, but a careful assessment and consideration needs to be made before making LED Lighting common practice.
After having read mixed reports on the validity and need for trials in Australia, a discussion with the City of Sydney cleared up many perceived challenges in regards to LED Lighting. Problems in regards to Australian Standards, lighting levels and community concerns can be overcome if the correct tender is written that prescribes what Australian Standards and legislation the lighting has to conform to.
However, a barrier for implementing LED street lighting is that Leichhardt Council does not own the grid or light poles. Currently, Ausgrid (formerly known as Energy Australia) owns the infrastructure and light poles, whilst Leichhardt Council pays the electricity bill.
The City of Sydney has undertaken a trial project with LED street lighting and their trial was carried out on the light poles owned by the City of Sydney.
In order to progress with the implementation of LED street lighting, it is recommended it be undertaken through the SSROC street lighting improvement project to overcome administrative barriers. An LED street lighting trial with SSROC and Ausgrid is upcoming, and Leichhardt Council has indicated that it is interested in being included in this trial.
What does become clear is that a careful approach must be taken when deciding to undertake an LED trial. It is important that manufacturers of LED systems that have experience with the type of area being lit are chosen, to ensure that the trials are designed properly and according to specification. Simply replacing existing light bulbs with LED technology will not result in the desired outcomes - it requires re-designing the layout of the lighting fixtures (an expensive proposition).
Having taken the previous into consideration, three options, including two locations, could be considered for (active) LED Lighting when investigating best lighting options within the Leichhardt LGA:
At these locations, potential emission reductions can be combined with additional environmental benefits, such as less light pollution and visibility to the community. Last updated 9 December 2012.