Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998
Nursery | Trees > 5m | Trees < 5m | 0.5 - 2m | Grasses | Climbers | Herbs | Estuarine | Ferns | Fungi | Wattle | Seed Pods | Yellow Flowers | Green Flowers | Blue & Purple Flowers | White Flowers | Pink Flowers | Bunya Nuts | Lilipillis | August | September | October | Banksia marginata | Trees | Weeds | circa 1800 | References
The Rozelle Bay Community Native nursery operated in
Chapman Road, Rozelle Bay (Annandale) from the mid 1990s. On the
29 August 2012, Mayor Rochelle Porteus joined volunteers and staff from Leichhardt Council, for a soft opening of the
new Nursery in Wisdom Street, Annandale
The nursery is currently located at the end of Chapman Rd. Enter Chapman Road from the roundabout at intersection of Nelson St and the Crescent and it is just past the self storage. The nursery has operated here since the mid 1990s but hopes to eventually move to a permanent home in Wisdom Street Annandale....
Final touches to the Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery Wisdom Street, Annandale, 24 August 2012. The eve of the 2012 Footprints EcoFestival.
According to the carpenter, working on the site on Sat 25 Aug 2012, the ironbark timber used in the Nursery came from the old Pyrmont bridge, purchased from the RTA, for a very fitting home! This timber, could once have been growing in the ironbark and turpentine forests that covered Annandale
1 June 2012, 2 Blokes erecting a Timber Frame
20th March 2012 - two blokes were on the site working on concrete brick wall
16 March 2012 - Construction Begins.
December 2011 - Work Begins!!!
Work on Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery Site in Wisdom Street has finally started, with demolition and excavation, for remediation. Photo Marghanita da Cruz 6 December 2011
Daniel Kogoy (8 September 2011)The latest update from council at last night's Environment and Rec is that demolition of Nissan Hut will be completed by the end of this calender year and completion of the new nursery will be early in the new year.
Nissen Hut, Wisdom St Annandale. 25 April 2009. Photograph Marghanita da Cruz
The "Nissen Hut" was invented and built as housing for troops in WW1. It's semicircular, corrugated iron shape deflected shrapnel and bomb blast, making it a perfect bomb
6. Relocation of the Rozelle Bay nursery to Wisdom St land. What progress and timing? Has the Dept of Planning and Infrastructure transferred the land to council; when was this? How much funding is allocated?
Council again experienced some delays in obtaining a sign-off from the Department of Planning but the Department has now advised Council's Manager Property and Commercial Services that these are now resolved.
The Remediation Action Plan for 22 Wisdom Street is one that was commissioned by the Department of Planning. The Agreement between the Department and Council says that Council has to remediate the site in accordance with that RAP and then obtain a Site Audit Certificate that the site is suitable for use as a public park etc. Council's Property Manager negotiated to include in the agreement a proviso that if remediation in accordance with that RAP would not be enough to get that Site Audit Certificate, then the RAP is to be amended or extended accordingly. It is obviously better to find out up front if the work to be done will be enough to get the Site Audit Certificate, rather than do the work and then find out it is not enough. Therefore, the Site Auditor was appointed and has reviewed the RAP and identified some additional matters that need to be attended to in order to ensure that the Site Audit Certificate will be for use as a public park and not some lesser use such as industrial. The Site Auditor's advice has been returned to the firm which prepared the RAP. It is also proposed that that firm will be the environmental consultants during the remediation work and then provide the Validation Report to the Site Auditor. (I should add that the Site Auditor must be a different person / firm from the ones who prepare the RAP and the Validation Report.) These dealings with the various environmental consultants did take time, but as stated above, it is better, faster and cheaper in the long run to have this input from the Site Auditor now to ensure the correct work will be done, rather than do work which may turn out to be insufficient and more work then having to be done.
Council can now seek prices for the demolition and remediation of the site. As the estimated cost for the works is under the statutory limit for tendering, Council can obtain prices via the three quotations method. Both Council and a representative from the Department of Planning will be be on the assessment committee to choose the contractor for these works. Anticipated cost of these works is $90 - $100k, paid by the Dept Planning
Suitably qualified firms will be sent the works package, specifications and a copy of the latest RAP as the basis on which to base their price and on which the assessment will be made. These documents will be distributed next week. Council would have liked to have had this part of the process already completed however modifications to the RAP set the manner in which the works are undertaken and it would not have been possible for the chosen firms to provide accurate costing without the final work method being agreed upon.
Once the prices are received and the firm chosen demolition and remediation can be undertaken and the building works commenced. Quotations for some of the key components to the project such as the irrigation have already been obtained and over the next couple of weeks a programme for the building will be formulated and timetable developed for this facet of the project. Council has allocated $178,000 for construction of the new nursery
Due to the delays in obtaining the final RAP, it is unlikely that the project will be completed by Xmas however a substantial amount of the project should be well underway by then. Once I have the full project mapped out I will provide an update to Council and the community including the Rozelle Bay Community Nursery group and the other bushcare volunteers
Giant Banksia Flowers (possibly Banksia aspleniifolia (now B. oblongifolia)) small shrub, across from Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery Site, 22 Wisdom Street. Photo Marghanita da Cruz 6 December 2011
Question from Shirley, asking Planning Minister to sign off on Wisdom Street site (Recorded at Footprints Festival, 28 August 2011)
(acknowlegement from Minister's office 29 August 2011)
RE: Rozelle Bay Community Native [Plant] Nursery Site, Wisdom Street, Annandale
Email Acknowledgment
29/08/11 16:38
Thank you for your email.
The Minister appreciates your contacting him regarding this matter.
Please be assured that your correspondence has been referred to the appropriate staff member for all necessary action.
Yours sincerely,
Office of the Minister for Planning & Infrastructure
Minister assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW
This page last updated 25 October 2012