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6 October 2012 - 3 November 2012
Leichhardt Library, Italian Forum, Norton Street, Leichhardt
Library Hours: Mon-Fri:9.30am-8pm, Sat:9.30am-4pm, Sun:10am-4pm
Sale and Bump-Out 10am Saturday 3 November 2012
Eco-Annandale 2013 (The Carbon Cycle). Eco-Annandale 2012 (Energy) was the fifth Ecologically Sustainable Annandale Exhibition, the fourth at Leichhardt Library. See the catalogues for past Eco-Annandale exhibitions: 2011 (Water) | @Footprints 2010 (Biodiversity) | 2010(Biodiversity) | 2009 (Annandale's modern Ecosystem).
Annandale resident, Leichhardt Municipal Council and Annandale Borough Mayor John Young, introduced electricity to Australia, when he imported a generator to provide electric light to construct the Garden Palace for the Sydney International Exhibition of 1879.
The Beale Piano factory, in Annandale, had its own electricity generators, when Prime Minister Barton opened it in 1901.
In 1910, the Sydney City council extended its electricity network, beyond its boundaries to Annandale – providing street lighting, domestic and industrial electricity.
Around this time the Railways were also keen to build a power station expand the popular electric tram network, electrify the trains and build an underground. Electric Trams ran along the Crescent and across Johnston's Creek to Taylor Street, Annandale.
The White Bay Power station was commissioned in 1917 and decommissioned in 1984.
In June 1994 Leichhardt Council issued its Energy Efficient Housing Interim Development Control Plan No. 17 for all new houses and major renovations.
Working for Friends of the Earth, with Leichhardt Council Ted Floyd produced 5 Brochures providing advice on Home Insulation, Solar Hot Water, Windows and Ventilation, Passive Solar Design and Home Insulation For Residences in the Leichhardt Council Area.
On 15 June 1994, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the Sydney Electricity's lawyers had written to the Council warning them that they may not be authorised to make solar hot water systems mandatory and that they should amend their Plan accordingly.
In 2012, Sydney City Council installed a Wind Turbine at Mouth of Johnston's Creek, Glebe
Leichhardt Council recently installed Photovoltaic (PV) Panels on the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, next to a Solar Hot Water system, and a PV system at Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery.
Energy efficient, mercury free LED Lighting has also been installed in the Leichhardt Library and at the Annandale Neighbourhood Centre LED Lighting demonstration site. In August 2012, pedal powered cinema was demonstrated at the 2012 Footprints Festival
In addition to an extract from my book Federation Annandale, Eco-Annandale 2012 includes a wide varity of Works by 7 Artists. I invite you to visit and enjoy the exhibition at Leichhardt Library from 6 October 2012 to 3 November 2012
Marghanita da Cruz
27 September 2012
Telephone: 0414-869202
Email: marghanita@ramin.com.au or
Web: contact form
Johnstons Creek Shared Path and LED Lighting Upgrade Hogan, Smith and Spindlers Park, Annandale
Leichhardt Council, in conjunction with the City of Sydney, is upgrading the shared pedestrian and cycle path along Johnston's Canal.
The path forms and important linkage between Wigram Road and Bicentennail Park.
The path width will be upgraded to 5m and new active LED Lighting will be installed along the section between McMahon Bridge (adjacent to the end of Taylor Street) [Old Tram Line Bridge] continuning north through Hogan, Smith ad Spindlers Park to the underpass at The Crescent. The upgrade works are scheduled to ommence in August 2012 and be completed by November 2012. The estimated cost of work is $530,000.
For further information please contact Coucil's Project Engineer on 93679003. Leichhardt Municipal Council. - Photograph Marghanita da Cruz 27 September 2012"
"1. Purpose of Report To recommend that an active LED lighting system be incorporated into the Johnston’s Creek Pedestrian and Cycle Path Project."...CLIMATE CHANGE TASK FORCE MEETING Agenda Wednesday 3 August 2011
PV Panels at Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery open at Footprints ecoFestival 2012
ramin.com.au/annandale/eco-annandale-2012/index.shtml last updated 15 October 2012.